UK deliveries: 5-7 days, all customs expenses (~£21) are charged in advance (no extra payment upon receival)

Customers' reviews

Jamon 5J Cinco Jotas Ham

Pata negra
Jamon 5J Cinco Jotas Ham

Jamon 5J Cinco Jotas Ham

£483.497 to 8.5 kg jamones
Average rating:
223 reviews
Brescia, Italia
Ottima esperienzaGreat experience

La consegna è stata precisa e rapida, in constante aggiornamento step by step. Il Prodotto era ottimamente imballato e di assoluta qualità!

The delivery was precise and fast, constantly updated step by step. The Product was excellently packaged and of absolute quality!

December 29, 2024
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Andrea hyde
Manchester, UK
Stunning Jamon with excellent delivery service

We have been choosing 5J Jamon for some years and it never disappoints. The quality of this product is simply the best. Its description is excellent, and the flavour is just stunning. Melt in your mouth moment.
Ibergour, are a company that delivers excellent products, timely and with a first class communication. From the minute you order, and until it arrives on your door step, the communication is personal and relative.
I cannot recommend this company and the Jamon 5J enough.
Thank you once again.

December 28, 2024
13008 Marseille
Jambon IbergourIbergour Ham

Livré trés rapidement,désossé et en 4 morceaux comme prévu.Chair goûteuse et de bonne qualité. Donc, trés satisfaisant.
L'huile,donnée en cadeau, nous a semblé trop forte et n'est pas à notre goût.

Delivered very quickly, boned and in 4 pieces as expected. Tasty and good quality flesh. So, very satisfactory. The oil, given as a gift, seemed too strong and is not to our taste.

December 16, 2024
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trop sec et le moins bon des 3 déjà achetétoo dry and the worst of the 3 already purchased

C’est mon troisième ou quatrième jour acheté sur ce site.
Je n’ai jamais été déçu, sauf sur ce dernier qui est beaucoup trop sec et manque cruellement de goût.
Probablement le dernier que j’achète sur ce site.

This is my third or fourth day purchased from this site. I have never been disappointed, except for this last one which is much too dry and seriously lacks taste. Probably the last one I buy from this site.

December 8, 2024
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Best quality

Always top and consistent quality. Very good service. Fast delivery in perfect condition. Attention to detail. I am returning client for over 12 years now.

September 24, 2024
Un jamón excelenteAn excellent ham

Un placer degustar esta maravilla de producto , el servicio de entrega ha sido muy bueno y la calidad la esperada y deseada

A pleasure to taste this wonderful product, the delivery service has been very good and the quality was as expected and desired.

June 16, 2024
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www il Pata Negra ibergour :-)www the Pata Negra ibergour :-)

Ottima esperienza, simpatici, cordiali, affidabili, puntuali.
rispondono puntuali alle tue richieste, il prodotto che ricevi è esattamente quello che hai acquistato. ( banalità da non sottovalutare ) e soprattutto la mail di "iniziazione" è una chicca assoluta , che lascio scoprire ai prossimi acquirenti.
Grazie di tutto. Buon Lavoro

Excellent experience, nice, friendly, reliable, punctual. they respond promptly to your requests, the product you receive is exactly what you purchased. (trivia not to be underestimated) and above all the "initiation" email is an absolute gem, which I will leave to future buyers to discover. Thanks for everything. Good work

February 26, 2024
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great service and great products

delighted to provide a positive review. Have had this jamon before and always excellent. this suppliers attitude and approach has been outstanding, especially when encountering courier issues on delivery. well done

December 29, 2023
Superbo, eccezionale come anche il servizioSuperb, exceptional as is the service

Prosciutto ottimo. Servizio incredibile. Ho fatto un ordine e per sbaglio ho flaggato prosciutto disossato. Me ne sono accorto solo dopo avere fatto il pagamento. Ho scritto ina mail e nel giro di 30 minuti era tutto sistemato ed già stato fatto anche il riaccredito della differenza. Bravi!!!

Excellent ham. Incredible service. I placed an order and accidentally flagged boneless ham. I only noticed it after making the payment. I wrote an email and within 30 minutes everything was sorted out and the difference had already been credited. Well done!!!

December 9, 2023
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Bueno y perfectogood and perfect

Jamon de muy buen aspecto, y mejor calidad. No me ha decepcionado y espero seguir comprando otros jamones de esta misma casa.

Very good looking ham, and better quality. It has not disappointed me and I hope to continue buying other hams from this same house.

December 8, 2023
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Marco M.
Certaldo Firenze
Azienda molto seriaVery serious company

Sono anni che acquisto con regolarità, 2 Patanegra a stagione, mio prosciutto preferito, alterno spesso tra Joselito e 5 Jotas….entrambi ottimi prodotti…..
Devo però SEMPLICEMENTE ammettere che IBERGOUT è una Azienda Molto Seria Corretta…..e Puntuale …..
La consiglierei……
A presto

I have been purchasing regularly for years, 2 Patanegra per season, my favorite ham, I often alternate between Joselito and 5 Jotas... both excellent products... However, I must SIMPLY admit that IBERGOUT is a very serious, correct company... and punctual... I would recommend it... See you soon Marco

December 2, 2023
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Hemos comido mejoresWe have eaten better

A diferencia de los anteriores jamones que pedimos aquí en esta ocasión el jamón no ha sido el mejor q hemos probado un poco reseco y falto de gusto espero q el próximo mejore

Unlike the previous hams that we ordered here on this occasion, the ham has not been the best that we have tried, a little dry and lacking in taste, I hope that the next one will improve

November 30, 2023
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Il migliore in assoluto!The best ever!

Per noi il migliore in assoluto! Si scioglie in bocca e non è facile smettere di mangiarlo! Il top è 5 j, ma in realtà il Patanegra è il miglior prosciutto al mondo! Consigliamo Ibergrour

For us the best ever! It melts in your mouth and it's not easy to stop eating it! The top is 5 j, but in reality Patanegra is the best ham in the world! We recommend Ibergrour

September 7, 2023
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Éric Sellem
Éric Sellem
Lyon, France
Parfait, bravoPerfect, well done

Logistiquement parfait pour la livraison.
Du très grand bellota, onctueux, goûteux, avec ce qu’il faut de gras, ni trop, ni trop peu.
J’y reviendrai !

Logistically perfect for delivery. Very large bellota, unctuous, tasty, with just the right amount of fat, neither too much nor too little. I will come back!

August 7, 2023
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Reggio Emilia Italia
grazie Ibergourthank you Ibergour

Prosciutto ottimo ,servizio ottimo e attento ai desideri del cliente.
La consegna è stata velocissima e i prodotti sono arrivati integri.
L'assistenza online funziona bene e molto veloce .
Grazie ancora

Excellent ham, excellent service and attentive to the wishes of the customer. The delivery was very fast and the products arrived intact. The online assistance works well and very fast. Thanks again

March 10, 2023
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Perfetto come semprePerfect as always

Sono cliente ormai da 2 anni e come sempre, professionalità, puntualità della consegna e qualità del prodotto sono ineccepibili. Consigliatissimo a tutti per avere la stessa qualità di un pata negra come se foste in Spagna

I have been a customer for 2 years now and as always, professionalism, punctuality of delivery and product quality are impeccable. Highly recommended to everyone to have the same quality of a pata negra as if you were in Spain

December 12, 2022
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Al L
London, UK
Great jamon , great service

This is my third 5J jamon from Ibergour - the ham is amazing and the service is excellent. Always responsive and helpful. It’s more of a pain getting delivery from the EU post-Brexit, but it arrived ahead of schedule and it’s much cheaper than buying from the UK. Highly recommended!

November 24, 2022
Marco M.
Certaldo Fi Italy
Grazie mille IberGourThank you very much IberGour

Anche questa volta IberGour ci TOTALMENTE SODDISFATTO…….Patanegra Cinco Jotas strepitoso…..Olio Romero

Once again IberGour is TOTALLY SATISFIED …… .Patanegra Cinco Jotas amazing… .. Romero oil

February 13, 2022
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Meise, Belgium
For sure the best Pata Negra

Since October 2021 is this our 4th ham we ordered from Ibergour. As we choose to cut the ham ourselves, we order them always complete bone-in.
This time we chose the Pata Negra Cinco Jotas. For sure the best quality ham we ever tasted. Just very refined in taste, beautiful but not overly fused fat which results in a real delicious flavour.
So our next order will be this brand again.
If you take also in account the fast and accurate follow-up and order processing of Ibergour, you know your ham will arrive very quick in the next days.
Simply TOP!

February 11, 2022
Roma, Italia
Great Pata NegraGreat Pata Negra

Non è la prima volta che compro un Pata Negra.
Consiglio, sia ibergour per la professionalità che i loro prodotti.
Il prosciutto è arrivato nei tempi con confezione perfetta.
Ovviamente essendo un 5j la qualità non si discute.

It is not the first time that I have bought a Pata Negra. I recommend both ibergour for their professionalism and their products. The ham arrived on time with perfect packaging. Obviously, being a 5j, the quality is not disputed.

December 28, 2021
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esplosione di piacevoli saporiexplosion of pleasant flavors

Buongiorno. Ieri sera abbiamo finalmente aperto e degustato il prodotto da voi inviato nel caso specifico Cinco Jotas de bellota… che dire una esplosione di piacevoli sapori, è una qualità superba!! Inoltre il vostro servizio e la spedizione è stata di un livello professionale estremamente alto!! Che dire .. complimenti e spero presto
al prossimo acquisto!!

Good morning. Last night we finally opened and tasted the product you sent in the specific case Cinco Jotas de bellota… what about an explosion of pleasant flavors, it's a superb quality !! Plus your service and shipping was of an extremely high professional standard !! What can I say .. congratulations and I hope to see you soon for the next purchase !!

November 14, 2021
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Roma, Italia
La qualità sempre elevata.Always high quality.

Prosciutto sempre dal gusto intenso e dal sapore deciso.
Questa volta forse un po’ più stagionato lo ha reso un pizzico più sapido.

Prosciutto always with an intense flavor and strong flavor. This time perhaps a little more seasoned made it a pinch more savory.

September 11, 2021
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Outstanding Quality

This ham is very tender and full of flavours. Perfect ratio of meet and fat. Last time I ordered Jamon Joselito Gran Reserva Ham but this one taste better for me. My son (13) allows me to order only this one in the future.
And there is an excellent customer care. Miguel reminded me that I ordered in a different way last time. And he was right! I promised him something which I will keep if he contact me he know when. :)

June 29, 2021
Très bon mais...Very good but ...

Un jambon toujours aussi bon avec toujours le même défaut: vous ne laissez pas de gras de couverture ce qui en amoindrit le goût...

A ham that's still as good as ever with the same flaw: you don't leave any covering fat, which lessens the taste ...

June 18, 2021
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As expected, the Pata Negra was excellent. The next best thing to eating Pata Negra in Spain. And delivery was fast

April 19, 2021
Roma Italy
The best of the best

We are Italian and in Italy the food is very good....
The ham ibergour is the top of the top
Thank You

April 3, 2021
Cork, Ireland
A bit of heaven

Fantastic ham with that special flavor, delivered so quickly I was really impressed. The customer service team made me smile. Thanks so much I’ll be back again.

March 11, 2021
Ottimo il gustoGreat taste

Provarlo sporadicamente non serve per apprezzare un prosciutto iberico patanegra.
Il prosciutto acquistato l’ho apprezzato molto perché al palato ha un gusto eccezionale. Ricevuto in anticipo sulla data prevista, affettato a mano e impacchettato sottovuoto in pacchetti da circa 100 gr. Ma soprattutto le fettine sono separate da sottilissimi fogli tra uno strato e l’altro per non farle appiccicare.

Trying it sporadically does not help to appreciate a patanegra Iberian ham. I really appreciated the ham I bought because it has an exceptional taste on the palate. Received in advance of the expected date, sliced by hand and vacuum packed in packages of about 100 gr. But above all the slices are separated by very thin sheets between one layer and the other so as not to make them stick.

March 2, 2021
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Malgrat de Mar (barcelona)
Buen jamón de bellota 100% IbéricoGood acorn-fed 100% Iberian ham

El jamón cumple con todas nuestras previsiones y el envío ha sido en tiempo y forma muy correcto.
Sin duda volveremos a comprar de nuevo.

The ham complies with all our forecasts and the shipment has been on time and very correct. We will definitely buy again.

February 20, 2021
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Neil Carter
Neil Carter

I’ve bought this before but this ham is the best I’ve eaten. Good levels of fat in the meat making it taste amazing. Can’t fault the ham and the service from these guys.

January 2, 2021
Uli Moosmann
Uli Moosmann
Nürnberg, Deutschland
Weihnachtsschinken 2020 sehr gutChristmas ham 2020 very good

Auch in diesem Jahr war die Lieferung unseres jährlichen Weihnachtsschinkens pünktlich und die Qualität sehr gut.Preislich sicher kein Schnäppchen, aber reell. Die Ware kam in perfektem Zustand an. Ich gehe davon aus, dass wir auch in 2021 unseren Schinken wieder hier bestellen werden.

This year, too, the delivery of our annual Christmas ham was on time and the quality was very good - certainly not a bargain in terms of price, but real. The goods arrived in perfect condition. I assume that we will order our ham here again in 2021.

January 1, 2021
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Stoke Poges
top tasty!

Great and fun communication and fabulous jamon! finger licking good! Family keep sneaking in to grab a slice! Knife and stand excellent too Christmas centre piece

December 18, 2020
muy buenovery good

Este jamon 5J es sabroso con un gran sabor....buen ibérico.
Es caro,pero es calidad.Tiene grasa pero es saludable en un jamón ibérico

This 5J ham is tasty with a great flavor .... good Iberian. It is expensive, but it is quality, it has fat but it is healthy in an Iberian ham

December 17, 2020
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Jaime cornwell
Jaime cornwell
Waltham abbey
Unbelievably good

One of the best if not the best Jamón I have tried, will definitely buy again. Maybe sliced though as I’m not the best of getting the optimum out of the leg of jamón

December 15, 2020
no es bellota 100x100not acorn 100x100

El verdadero jamón de bellota te deja como un pequeño sabor como amargo en la garganta despues de probarlo y este no lo hace, creo que no es bellota 100 x 100 y además tiene muchisimo tocino.

The real acorn-fed ham leaves a little bitter taste in your throat after tasting it and this one doesn't, I think it's not acorn 100 x 100 and it also has a lot of bacon.

December 4, 2020
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Sauerland,Deuts chland
Spanien in VollendungSpain to perfection

Leider geht Spanien zZt nicht.
Ein Schinken wie wir ihn aus Spanien kennen mit gutem Rotwein ..dann fehlt nur noch das Meeresrauschen....

Unfortunately, Spain is currently not going. A ham as we know it from Spain with good red wine ... then all that's missing is the sound of the sea ...

November 30, 2020
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Per la prima volta ho comprato un Jamon via internet e posso dire che sono rimasto sorpreso sia per la velocità di consegna sia per la bontà del prodotto scelto.

For the first time I bought a Jamon via the internet and I can say that I was surprised both for the speed of delivery and for the quality of the chosen product.

November 8, 2020
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Sofia, Bulgaria
Constant premium quality

The product is amazing, always in best condition, securely and fast delivered and quality never changes. I do recommend to all connoisseurs.

October 22, 2020
Daniel Torres
Daniel Torres
No defraudaDoes not disappoint

Como era de esperar, a la altura de su precio. Muy bueno y equilibrado. Lo recomiendo. En su punto de sal y muy bueno. El envio rapido y el servicio impecable.

As expected, it lived up to its price. Very good and balanced. I recommend it. At its point of salt and very good. Fast shipping and impeccable service.

June 1, 2020
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Simone Bagnoli
Simone Bagnoli
Pisa Italia

Ottimo prodotto e ottimo il servizio, sicuramente acquisterò di nuovo.
Gradito anche il regalo del porta prosciutto e del coltello ben affilato.

Excellent product and excellent service, I will definitely buy again. The gift of the ham holder and the well-sharpened knife is also appreciated.

February 27, 2020
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Ottimo prodotto e Servizio eccezionaleExcellent product and exceptional service

Complimenti per la qualità del Prosciutto, il migliore che ho acquistato finora, Servizio di consegna veloce e completo di tutti i dettagli per un utilizzo corretto, continuate così

Congratulations on the quality of the Ham, the best I have purchased so far, Fast and complete delivery service with all the details for correct use, keep it up

February 15, 2020
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Un 10 de jamón. Los precios están muy altos en general hace tiempo, pero pude aprovechar una oferta con significativo ahorro, sin duda ha merecido la pena

A 10 ham. Prices have been very high in general a long time ago, but I was able to take advantage of an offer with significant savings, it has certainly been worth it

February 10, 2020
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Perfetti sia il prosciutto che la consegnaBoth ham and delivery are perfect

Il prosciutto è arrivato in due giorni precisi. Ordinato il mercoledì e consegnato il venerdì.
è buonissimo e ottimo al taglio e per sapore.
Bravi !

The ham arrived in two specific days. Ordered on Wednesday and delivered on Friday. it is delicious and excellent in cut and flavor. Well done!

February 10, 2020
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Mönkemeyer, Franziska
Mönkemeyer, Franziska

Qualität, wie immer, ausgezeichnet. Wir haben schon mehrfach bei Ihnen geordert, waren und sind begeistert.( Ebenfalls unsere Gäste.) Im nächsten Jahr werden wir wieder bestellen. Danke!!!!!

Quality, as always, excellent. We have ordered from you several times, were and are thrilled (also our guests). We will order again next year. Thank you!!!!!

January 19, 2020
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Milano Italia
BuonissimoVery good

Mi sono fatto come regalo questo prosciutto.. iniziato qualche giorno prima di Natale e devo dire Buonissimo!
Ho provato altri prodotti ma questo li batte tutti.. saporito ma delicato allo stesso tempo! Complimenti!
Da ricomprare!
Consegna nei tempi previsti e imballo sempre perfetto.

I made this ham as a gift .. started a few days before Christmas and I have to say Buonissimo! I have tried other products but this one beats them all .. tasty but delicate at the same time! Congratulations! To buy back! Delivery on schedule and always perfect packaging. Thank you

December 26, 2019
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Al L
London, UK
5* for 5J

This is the second year that I have bought a 5J jamon from Ibergour and it has been an excellent experience all round. Extremely reliable, on-time delivery and they were very responsive and helpful with some delivery queries I had. The price was the best I found and the quality is exceptional. Do it!

December 20, 2019
David R
Worth Saving Up For

The 5C Cinco Jotas Bellota Pata Negra Ham is absolutely amazing! There are some very good Spanish hams around and some of the best ones have good flavour and some length to the flavour giving a very pleasant after tast. If you like that, then you need to save up some money to get 5C Cinco Jotas because the flavour of the ham is beautifully sweet but not too sweet to disguise the deep, fragrant taste of properly matured ham. AND, the flavour goes on and on and on and even seems to get better and fills every tastebud in the mouth. This ham is just sensational - a few wafer-thin slices of the meat, slightly marbled with the unctuous taste of the oils in the fat and I’m in heaven. A sip or two of a good Fino cleans the palate nicely for the next piece.
Thank you Ibergour for this wonderful ham feast. I have already started my saving scheme to order one for next year!

November 29, 2019
Freiburg, Deutschland
Soo... Gut !Soo ... good!

Perfekter Jamon Iberico de Bellota, zart auf der Zunge schmelzend mit dem Bellota typischen Geschmack, man kann nicht genug davon kriegen.

Perfect Jamon Iberico de Bellota, melting gently on the tongue with the typical Bellota flavor, you can not get enough of it.

November 16, 2019
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Jose Antonio
Jose Antonio
Muy buenoVery good

No es la primera vez que compro este tipo
De jamones y como siempre a sido un éxito , repetiré sin ninguna duda , el sabor , color y aroma no tiene comparación con otros jamones de más baja calidad.

It is not the first time I buy this type of hams and as always has been a success, I will repeat without any doubt, the taste, color and aroma has no comparison with other hams of lower quality.

June 2, 2019
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Véronique Depreux
Paris, France.
Notre préféré!Our favorite!

Plusieurs commandes au fil des ans chez Ibergour. Jamais le moindre incident.
Quand au jambon, notre choix s'est désormais arrêté sur le 5j, plusieurs fois commandé sous forme d'épaule et de jambon.
Gras comme il faut, long en bouche, presque confit, nous en sommes fan, et le recommanderons,dans tous les sens du terme,sans hésiter.
Ceux avec qui nous le partageons, amis où famille, concluent comme nous que ce jambon est le plus intéressant.

Several orders over the years at Ibergour. Never the slightest incident. When ham, our choice has now stopped on the 5j, several times ordered in the form of shoulder and ham. Fat as it should be, long in the mouth, almost candied, we are a fan of it, and will recommend it, in every sense of the word, without hesitation. Those with whom we share it, friends or family, conclude as we do that this ham is the most interesting.

December 27, 2018
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Michael Albers
Michael Albers
Going Österreich
jamon Iberico de Balottajamon Iberico de Balotta

Serrano Schinken 5J Cinco Jotas “Jamon Iberico de Bellota” Pata Negra (Hinterschinken
Top Lieferung....Top Qualität
bereits mehrfach bestellt und immer zufrieden.

Serrano Ham 5J Cinco Jotas "Jamon Iberico de Bellota" Pata Negra (Ham top delivery .... Top quality already ordered several times and always satisfied.

December 17, 2018
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Andrea hyde
Manchester UK
the perfect christmas

Yet again i have purchased a 5J Cinco Jotas jamon, and yet agagin it has not let me down.
This for me is the best Jamon on the market. the quick delivery only means you get to start to eat it earlier. Great service and a fantastic jamon.

December 11, 2018
Siegfried Holweg
Wolfsburg, Deutschland
Jamon iberico de Bellota Cinco JotasJamon iberico de Bellota Cinco Jotas

Habe mir erstmals den Cinco Jotas gegönnt.
Ich wollte ihn einfach mal probieren, damit ich mir ein eigenes Urteil bilden konnte.
Schnelle Lieferung, sehr professionelle Verpackung und sehr gute Qualität!

I have the first time the Cinco Jotas indulged. I just wanted to give it a try, so I could form my own opinion. Fast delivery, very professional packaging and very good quality!

December 11, 2018
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Guitard Francoise
Guitard Francoise
Vaucluse France
Jambon tranche machineHam slice machine

C’est la première fois que nous achetons un jambon tranché à la machine. Le goût est excellent,et pour nousc’est Plus pratique pour la dégustation et chaque sachet sous vide permet de déguster la bonne quantité,quand on le désire et les tranches sont bien fines. Je commanderai encore le même jambon tranche à la machine.

This is the first time we have bought a sliced ​​ham. The taste is excellent, and for us it is More convenient for the tasting and each vacuum bag can taste the right amount, when desired and the slices are fine. I will still order the same ham slice to the machine.

November 8, 2018
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Netro (Biella) , Italia
Ancora un bellota pata negraAnother bellota pata negra

Non so più che aggettivi usare per indicare la squisitezza di questo prosciutto che come al solito riempie la mia casa e le mie papille di aromi indescrivibili. Continuo ad alternare prosciutto e spalla x coglierne in pieno le essenze.

I no longer know what adjectives to use to indicate the exquisiteness of this ham which, as usual, fills my house and my taste buds with indescribable aromas. I continue to alternate ham and shoulder to fully grasp the essences.

October 8, 2018
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Mário Mendes
Mário Mendes
Porto, Portugal
Apreciador pela primeira vezAppreciator for the first time

Já comi uma grande parte do presunto (enfim, também ofereci um pouco) e devo confessar que é muito bom. No entanto acho que tem um pouco de gordura a mais.
Parabéns!!!Gostei, igualmente, da oferta do suporte e da faca. Obrigado.
Mário Mendes

I have already eaten a large portion of the ham (finally, I also offered a little) and I must confess that it is very good. However I think it has a little extra fat. Congratulations !!! I also liked the offer of the stand and the knife. Thank you. Mário Mendes

June 15, 2018
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Jacques Brancourt
Jacques Brancourt
Rieupeyroux, Frace

Ce jambon est une merveille. Ibergour permet de choisir le poids, la coupe, des emballages de 100 g qui permettent de conserver ce jambon dans des conditions optimales.
Sans aucun doute je renouvellerai cette expérience

This ham is a marvel. Ibergour allows you to choose the weight, the cut, packs of 100 g which allow to keep this ham in optimal conditions. Without a doubt I will renew this experience

June 10, 2018
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Si la promotion était attirante, le jambon en lui même'est révélé extra gras et la viande très sèche.
Au final pas d'économie et une qualité médiocre pour un jambon réputé excellent.

While the promotion was appealing, the ham itself was found to be extra fatty and the meat very dry. In the end, no savings and mediocre quality for a ham deemed excellent.

March 1, 2018
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Tempi di consegna rispettati in pieno e prosciutto perfetto ed eccellente . Molto bene. Senz’altro
Ordinerò ancora. Il prosciutto è davvero speciale

Delivery times respected in full and perfect and excellent ham. Very well. I will certainly order again. The ham is really special

February 9, 2018
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Chris Herbert
Chris Herbert
Decent ham

I have bought this ham twice this year. The first ham was exceptional and the best we have had. The second not so much, it doesn't have the incredible depth of flavour as the first and there is a lot more fat in it. Not so much that I would consider a return but certainly enough to stop me re-ordering a third ham, especially when considered with the lack of consistency of flavour between the two. Don't get me wrong the second ham is good but the first was truly exceptional and worth every penny.

December 11, 2017
Eccica suarella
L’excellence du jambonThe excellence of ham

Rien a dire . Offert pour les fêtes de fin d’année, c’est un régal addictif !le meilleur jambon du monde mérite bien ce titre. Quand au site Ibergour , très sérieux et ultra recommande ! A l’année prochaine si Dieu veut!

Nothing to say . Offered for the holiday season, it's an addictive treat - the best ham in the world deserves this title. When at the site Ibergour, very serious and ultra fast. I recommend ! See you next year, God willing!

December 3, 2017
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Gnam gnamYum Yum

Spedizione rapida. Imballaggio ok. Gustoso, morbido, veramente scioglie in bocca. Piace a tutta la famiglia. tutti prodotti ibergour ottimi

Fast delivery. Packaging ok. Tasty, soft, truly exceptional.It melts in your mouth. Like all the family. all excellent ibergour products

December 2, 2017
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Geburtstagsgeschenkbirthday present

Alle Jahre wieder gönne ich mir diese wunderbare Spezialität, es gibt für mich keinen besseren Schinken als den 5J aus der Gegend von Huelva

Every year I treat myself to this wonderful specialty, for me there is no better ham than the 5J from the area of ​​Huelva

November 18, 2017
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Purer GenussPure enjoyment

Schon zum 5. mal haben wir uns den kulinarischen Genuss gegönnt. Ein Traum von einem Schinken. Dieses mal habe ich ihn aufschneiden und einschweißen lassen. Damit kann man den Schinken auch gut an Freunde und Geschäftspartner verschenken und ihn auch ohne Verlust einige Wochen im Kühlschrank lagern.
Immer wieder gerne, wenn es der Geldbeutel erlaubt, gönnen wir uns das.

For the 5th time we have enjoyed the culinary pleasure. A dream of a ham. This time I've cut it open and sealed it in. This can also be used to give the ham well to friends and business partners and store it in the refrigerator for a few weeks without any loss. Always gladly, if the money bag permits, we treat ourselves.

September 18, 2017
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Good but not so good such the last time.

Good but not so good such the last time. Next time will try another one. Anyway you are the best guys.
Thank you!

August 14, 2017
una favolaa fairy tale

Nel passato ho comperato prosciutti di Parma. Buoni ma cercavo di meglio. Poi ho deciso di provare l'iberico. Ho cominciato con una spalla 5J anche per ragioni di budget. Buonissima ma tanto osso. A questo punto mi sono detto: seguiamo il vecchio detto di mia nonna : chi più spende meno spende. E con questo prosciutto ho toccato la vetta paradisiaca. Sapori incomparabili, profumi afrodisiaci !!!

In the past I bought hams from Parma. Good but I was looking for better. Then I decided to try the Iberian. I started with a 5J shoulder also for budget reasons. Very happy but so much bone. At this point I said: we follow the old saying of my grandmother: whoever spends less spends. And with this ham I touched the summit of heaven. Unmatched flavors, aphrodisiac scents !!!

July 3, 2017
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Cuneo, Italia
il top dei pata negraThe top of the pata negra

Complimenti all' Ibergour per la solita puntualità e cortesia. La selezione dei prosciutti è ai massimi livelli. Ho fatto diversi acquisti e non ho mai trovato un prosciutto che non fosse di ottima qualità. Questo però è il top dei belota. Complimenti a 5J e a Ibergour.

Congratulations to Ibergour for the usual punctuality and courtesy. The selection of hams is at the highest level. I made several purchases and I never found a ham that was not of good quality. This is, however, the top of all. Congratulations to 5J and Ibergour.

May 24, 2017
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Prosciutto meravigliosowonderful ham

Sono molto soddisfatto dell'acquisto. Da ripetere. La consegna è stata rapida. Imballo impeccabile. Questo prosciutto si scioglie in bocca. Oserei dire un'esperienza mistica.

I am very happy with the purchase. To repeat. The delivery was quick. impeccable packaging. This ham melts in your mouth. I dare say mystical experience.

March 18, 2017
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Padova, Italia
Veramente eccellentereally excellent

Veramente un ottimo prosciutto. Non è stata certo una sorpresa, visto che parte della famiglia è spagnola e quindi conosciamo tutti bene questo prodotto, essendo lì di casa. Però ci risulta più pratico servirci di Ibergour. Il cui servizio è veramente professionale. Consigliato certamente. Raccomandiamo a chi legge di impratichirsi sul TAGLIO del prosciutto stesso, molto importante per la resa finale e per sfruttarlo a fondo. Per noi non è stato un problema per ovvie ragioni, ma la cosa va sottolineata. Ottimo peraltro il materiale illustrativo a corredo, fatto benissimo. Superbo l'imballaggio con cui ci è arrivato (assai migliore di quanto in passato ci approntarono direttamente in Spagna presso un grossista locale!).

A really good ham. It was hardly a surprise, given that the family is Spanish and so everyone knows, this product, being there at home. But there will be more practical to serve IberGour. Whose service is really professional. Certainly recommended. We recommend the reader to become familiar on Ham CUTTING same, very important for the final result and to exploit it fully. For us it was not an issue for obvious reasons, but the thing must be emphasized. However great the accompanying artwork, done very well. Superb packaging with which we arrived (much better than in the past they prepared us directly to Spain at a local wholesaler!).

March 12, 2017
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È' un pata negra di eccellente qualità ; con un imballo veramente fatto a regola d'arte .questo tipo di servizio veloce ed efficiente completa la qualità del prodotto !!!

It is a pata negra of excellent quality; with a packaging really done in a workmanlike manner. This type of fast and efficient service completes the product quality !!!

February 9, 2017
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Dr. Klaus Vornberger
Hersbruck, Germany
very goodvery good

Wieder ein außergewöhnlich guter Schinken, jamon de bellota 5J,bereits der zweite von Ich bin sehr zufieden.

Again an exceptionally good ham, jamon de bellota 5J, already the second of I'm very satisfied.

January 28, 2017
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Roberto Guiati
S.pietro in casale Bologna
Prodotto e servizio ottimiProduct and service

Abbiamo assaggiato il prosciutto in compagnia di amici molto preparati in tema di enogastronomia, ed il giudizio è stato unanime e concorde circa l'ottima qualità del prodotto. Il servizio impeccabile

We tasted the ham in the company of friends very well prepared on the subject of food and wine, and judgment was unanimous and about the excellent quality of the product. The impeccable service

January 20, 2017
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Norbert Meyer
München, Deutschland
Teuer aber gutExpensive but good

Schinken mit fantastischen Aroma. Der zergeht einem auf der Zunge. Selbst das Fette Fleisch verhält sich so. Würde ich jederzeit wieder kaufen.

Ham with fantastic flavor. The melts on the tongue a. Even the meat fats behave like that. Would I buy again at any time.

January 13, 2017
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Lasne Belgique
Le meilleur jambonThe best ham

C'est excellent et très addictif. On ne peut s'arrêter d'en manger. Régalez vous. Le service rapide de livraison est fiable.

This is excellent and very addictive. One can not stop eating. Treat yourself. The rapid delivery service is reliable.

January 1, 2017
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Ottimo prodotto veramente da intenditori con una stagionatura perfetta un sapore intenso e persistente
il servizio di ibergour è efficacissimo il prezzo adeguato per un prodotto di eccellenza come il cinco jotas, buon appetito.

Really good product for connoisseurs with a perfect seasoning an intense and persistent taste the IberGour service is effective the appropriate price for a product of excellence as the cinco jotas, good appetite.

December 19, 2016
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Tempi di consegna buoni. Forse inserire del ghiaccio sintetico nella
confezione sarebbe utile. Mi è arrivato molto "sudato" ed è molto, ma molto
unto, tanto che prima di affettarlo bisogna tamponarlo ripetutamente con
della carta assorbente. E' comunque un buon prodotto: stagionato,morbido,
saporito, forse troppo magro, un filo di grasso in più non guasterebbe.
Non consigliabile a chi predilige prosciutti dal sapore molto delicato.
Secondo i miei gusti lo ritengo un buon prodotto, non entusiasmante, che vale comunque la pena di provare.
Ribadisco soddisfatto, senza lode.

Times of good delivery. Perhaps insert the synthetic ice in the package would be helpful. I received much "sweat" and is very, very greasy, so much so that before slicing must repeatedly tamponarlo with paper towels. It is still a good product: seasoned, soft, tasty, perhaps too thin, a little fat more would not hurt. not recommended to those who prefer ham very delicate taste. According to my tastes I consider it a good product, not exciting, it's still worth a try. I repeat satisfied, without praise.

December 16, 2016
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Harald Herter
Harald Herter
Jamón de Jabugo 5J Cinco Jotas Bellota Pata NegraJamón de Jabugo 5J Cinco Jotas Bellota Pata Negra

Sehr einfache Bestellung und Bezahlung mit PayPal.
Schneller Versand mit Benachrichtigung per mail.
Die Qualität ist müßte mit 6 Sternen zu bewerten sein :-)
Ich habe hier schon das zweite mal bestellt und wurde nicht enttäuscht.

Very simple ordering and paying with PayPal. Fast shipping with be notified by mail. The quality should be valued at 6 stars :-) I already have the second ordered here once and was not disappointed.

December 9, 2016
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Manchester UK

2nd time buying this product. Excellent quality-will buy again A family favourite. Lasts well in fridge. Very good delivery. Well packed

October 29, 2016
Favoloso (a parte il corriere...).Fabulous (apart from the courier ...).

Il prosciutto che ho acquistato, Jabudo 5J Cinco Jotas Bellota è davvero fantastico.
Purtroppo il corriere prescelto ha ritardato troppo la consegna è quindi è arrivato "sudato" e con la confezione sporca.
Ma questa NON è davvero responsabilità del produttore del prosciutto che, come detto, è davvero eccellente.

The ham that I purchased, Jabudo 5J Cinco Jotas Bellota is really fantastic. Unfortunately the chosen courier delivery is delayed too then came "sweaty" and the dirty package. But this is NOT really the responsibility of the ham producer, as mentioned, is really excellent.

October 14, 2016
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Frankfurt, Germany
Great as usual!

Great product, quick delivery times, uncomplicated communication! Have ordered the 5J couple of times. Always stable quality for a fair price. Can recommend both the product and the shop. A pity, that they do not offer other Spain products any more.

October 3, 2016
Sofia, Bulgaria
Very good products!

We are a regular customer. All goods are of high quality and shipping is always accurate. The product arrives in very good condition.

September 26, 2016
Juan Francisco Bellon Verdu
Juan Francisco Bellon Verdu
Linares, Jaen. España
El mejorThe best

Compro siempre en el mismo lugar. Normalmente me gusta escoger por mi mismo, pero he probado ya varias veces aquí, y la verdad es que ya les tengo plena confianza. Es la segunda ves que pido el 5J, la vez anterior fue realmente una delicia al paladar, pero en esta ocasión se ha superado... Desconozco el motivo, pero creo haber poder degustado uno de los mejores jamones de mi vida. Atentos, rápidos y eficaces. Mis recomendaciones 100% positivas. Comprar aquí es ir a la segura. Muchas gracias.

I always buy on the spot. I usually like to choose for myself, but I've tried several times here, and the truth is that I have their full confidence. It's the second look that I ask the 5J, the last time was truly a delight to the palate, but this time has passed ... I do not know why, but I think I can tasted one of the best hams in my life. Attentive, fast and effective. My recommendations 100% positive. Shopping here is to play it safe. Thank you very much.

June 19, 2016
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Roma, Italia
acquisto molto soddisfacentevery satisfying shopping

acquisto veramente molto soddisfacente, completamente conforme a quanto descritto; tempi di consegna rispettati ; pacco arrivato in perfette condizioni.
ed infine qualità del prosciutto, affettato a mano, eccellente.

really very satisfying shopping, fully complies with the instructions; Delivery times respected; pack arrived in perfect condition. and finally the ham quality, hand-sliced, excellent.

June 4, 2016
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Ed C
Ed C
London, UK
Excellent jamon and service

Ordered a 7kg ham which arrived at my home in England very promptly. As in past experience, the Cinco Jotas has met and exceeded expectations with a sublime and beautiful flavour and just the right proportion of fat vs meat...highly recommended!

April 22, 2016
Un très bon jambon avec le serviceA very good ham with service

C'est la deuxième fois que je commande un jambon Jabugo 5J 100% iberico.
Le traitement de la commande jusqu'à la livraison est rapide (commande le jeudi matin, livraison lundi) et suivi comme d'habitude.
Mais surtout le jambon est à la hauteur des meilleurs Jabugo que j'ai goûtés. Le parfum qui se développe dans la cuisine est unique comme la dégustation.
Avec la confiance de la garantie que j'ai eu l'occasion de tester pour de vrai et qui me rassure avant "d'investir" plusieurs centaines d'euros dans un jambon.

This is the second time I order a ham Jabugo 5J 100% iberico. The treatment of the order to delivery is fast (order on Thursday morning delivery Monday) and follow as usual. But especially the ham is up to the best Jabugo I had. The perfume that develops in the kitchen is unique as the tasting. With the confidence of the warranty I had the opportunity to test for real and that reassures me before "investing" several hundred euros in a ham.

March 17, 2016
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Ricardo Vargas
Ricardo Vargas
Copenhagen, Denmark

Perfect jam. The quality of the product is amazing and the storage and shipping conditions were fantastic. Very happy to discover Ibergour as a supplier for my beloved Bellota ham.

January 16, 2016
non smetterei mai di mangiarloI would never stop eating

ho acquistato online il prosciutto non troppo sicura della possibile qualita' del prodotto, ma devo ricredermi completamente: il prosciutto e' buonissimo, perfetta stagionatura e conservazione! tra i piu buoni mangiati. ho acquistato diverse volte il cinco Jotas da un salumiere di fiducia ma non c'e' nessuna differenza e il prezzo e' decisamente piu' conveniente. ripetero' l'acquisto!

I purchased online ham not too sure of the quality of the product can, but I changed my mind completely: ham and 'delicious, perfect seasoning and conservation! among the most good eaten. I bought several times the cinco Jotas by a trusted delicatessen but there is no difference and the price and definitely more convenient. Repeat purchase!

January 11, 2016
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Gilbert C

Jambon commandé pour les fêtes de fin d'année.
Livraison ultra rapide.
Jambon très savoureux,excellente texture,séchage impeccable.
Deuxième commande chez ibergour,toujours aussi bon.
On recommandera.

Ham ordered for the Christmas and New Year holidays. Ultra fast delivery. Ham very tasty, excellent texture, perfect drying. Second order at IberGour, always good. Be recommended.

January 3, 2016
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Namur Belgique
Excellent produitExcellent product

Entièrement satisfait sur la qualité de ce jambon
Le problème c'est qu'après une semaine il ne nous en reste déjà plus!
Un grand merci à IberGour pour la qualité du service

Completely satisfied about the quality of this ham The problem is that after a week it remains us already! A big thank you to IberGour for service quality

January 2, 2016
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Bordeaux, France
Jabugo Cinco Jotas BellotaCinco Jotas Jabugo Bellota

Première commande chez Ibergour ce Noël et vraiment pas déçu !!
Très bonne logistique, rapide et efficace. Quelques jours ont suffit. Jambon commandé 5J Cinco Jotas Bellota désossé. Reçu parfaitement selon la commande, emballé en 3 morceaux avec en plus une 4eme poche sous vide avec des morceaux d'os pour les bouillons... Seul micro bémol, il manquait la petite étiquette qui présentait le jambon, celle que l'on trouve sur le haut la patte d'un jambon entier ... Le côté désossé est vraiment pratique car la découpe du jambon est facilitée et on dispose de davantage de temps pour le déguster (sous vide, environ 6 mois). Nous avons dégusté un premier morceau et ce Bellota est vraiment au delà de ce que nous attendions ; un gôut puissant et subtil à la fois, une très grande longueur, une viande trés tendre et fondante ! Tout à fait remarquable. Vraiment un très grand Bellota.
Je recommande vraiment Ibergour pour sont site, sa logistique et la qualité des produits vendus !!

First order with IberGour this Christmas and really disappointed !! Very good logistics, fast and efficient. A few days were enough. Ham 5J Cinco Jotas Bellota ordered boneless. Well received as ordered, packed into 3 pieces plus a 4th handheld vacuum with pieces of bone broths for micro ... Only downside was missing the small label which featured ham, one found the tab on the top of an entire boneless ham ... The next is really convenient because cutting the ham is easier and has more time to enjoy the (vacuum, approximately six months). We enjoyed a first piece and Bellota is really beyond what we expected; gôut a powerful and subtle at the same time, a very large length, a very soft and tender meat! Quite remarkable. Really a great Bellota. I really recommend are IberGour for site logistics and quality of products sold !!

December 28, 2015
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Ottimo prodotto e rapidità di servizio. Consigliatissiomo!!!Excellent product and quick service. Highly recommended !!!

La qualità del prosciutto è veramente ottima. Soldi ben spesi, ottimo sevizio di consgna, estrema rapidità e assistenza al cliente molto efficiente.

The quality of the ham is really good. Money well spent, great sevizio delivery, customer service very quickly and very efficiently. Highly recommended !!!

December 21, 2015
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Prodotto eccellente, di altissima qualità per chi apprezza il genere. Ben conservato è imballato.. complimenti per serietà e per il servizio

Excellent product of the highest quality for those who appreciate the genre. Well preserved is packed .. congratulations for their professionalism and for the service

December 1, 2015
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Dr. Klaus Vornberger
91217 Hersbruck
Das Non Plus Ultra des SchinkensThe ne plus ultra of the ham

Sehr guter Service, heil angekommen, der beste Schinken der Welt, Jamon de Jabuco Bellota 5J erfreut uns nun täglich.

Very good service, arrived safely, the best ham in the world, Jamon de Bellota 5J Jabuco delights us now daily.

November 16, 2015
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Rudy Temelkoff
Rudy Temelkoff
Completely satisfied by the service and the quality of the product

Great service, fast delivery which is faster this year than the year before, and a great quality product. I will definately order again

November 12, 2015
Andrew Bailey
Andrew Bailey
Olney, UK

My fifth order to Ibergour, their service has always been superb, and the products are also excellent, definitely recommend. 5 Jotas this time, I believe it is the favourite from the examples I have tried.

November 9, 2015
smooth & tasty

this is a lovely ham-smooth & tasty-REMINDS ME OF THE BEST IBERICO I HAD IN sPAIN- I will buy again

August 28, 2015
Guido Gilardi
Guido Gilardi
costoso ma ottimoexpensive but good

lo ricomprerò per la sua qualità e lo consiglierò agli amici, anche se costoso
Buono il rapporto prezzo qualità. Qualche difficoltà nell'acquisto on line

will buy for its quality and recommend it to friends, although expensive Good value for money. Some difficulties in buying online

August 8, 2015
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Marco B
bordeaux (Fce)
toujours et encore excellentstill getting great

une nouvelle fois, ce jambon est excellent. Une telle régularité dans le produit est rare. (1 à 2 pièces commandées par an depuis plusieurs années). cette commande était destinée à accompagner une dégustation dans un cadre professionnel d'un grand vin de Saint-Estephe. le résultat a été particulièrement apprécié. arômes, textures, accord avec le vin, tout a été pour ma part, parfait. (y compris la livraison express.....)
à recommander les yeux fermés. un réel plaisir à faire partager.

again, this ham is excellent. Such regularity in the product is rare. (1 to 2 parts ordered per year for several years). This command was designed to accompany a tasting in a professional setting of a great wine of Saint-Estephe. the result was particularly appreciated. aromas, textures, with this wine, everything was for me, perfect. (Including express delivery .....) to recommend their eyes closed. a real pleasure to share.

June 22, 2015
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Günther Oehler
74372 Sersheim
5 J - Jamon Iberico de Bellota5 J - Jamon Iberico de Bellota

Jamón de Jabugo 5J Cinco Jotas Bellota ist immer ein absoluter Hochgenuss.
Schlicht und ergreifend einer besten, wenn nicht der Beste Bellota !
Bei Ibergour am Montag bestellt und am Mittwoch erhalten.
Besser geht´s fast nicht.

Jamón de Jabugo 5J Cinco Jotas Bellota is always an absolute delight. Quite simply one the best if not the best Bellota! In Ibergour ordered on Monday and received on Wednesday. Good as it gets almost.

April 26, 2015
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Roberto Guiati
Bologna Italia
ottimo prodottogood product

Il prodotto è risultato davvero ottimo al pari dei prosciutti gustati in Spagna.
Desidero anche complimentarmi per l'ottimo servizio fornito molto preciso e puntuale.
Buon proseguimento di settimana

The product was really good like the ham tasted in Spain. I also wish to commend the great service provided very precise and accurate. Enjoy the rest of the week

February 2, 2015
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Modena Italia

Spedizione veloce e accurata
Il prodotto era ben presentato e conservato
Seguendo le istruzioni abbiamo gustato
Un ottimo "bellota"

Shipping fast and accurate The product was well presented and maintained following the instructions we enjoyed a great "bellota"

January 18, 2015
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Un grand jambon et un service client remarquableA large ham and outstanding customer service

J'ai commandé ce jambon pour le reveillon 2014.
La première pièce reçue dans un délai de 48h était décevante du point de vue gustatif. J'ai expliqué la situation à Ibergour et j'ai envoyé des photos du jambon entamé. Ibergour a tout de suite identifié le problème (certes rare mais possible).
Immédiatement à son initiative Ibergour m'a envoyé un autre jambon sans discuter tandis que le retour du premier était organisé à ses frais.
J'ai reçu le deuxième jambon en 48h pour en profiter pour le réveillon.
La deuxième pièce est remarquable et tout à fait à la hauteur de mes différentes expériences de jamon iberico de bellota 100%: un régal que j'ai pu faire découvrir à la famille.
L'engagement de qualité et de satisfaction a été tenu par Ibergour à 100%.
Je resterai fidèle à Ibergour pour mes prochains achats.
Frédéric en Ile de France.

I ordered the ham for eve 2014. The first piece received in a period of 48 hours was disappointing the taste point of view. I explained the situation to IberGour and I sent pictures of the ham started. IberGour immediately identified the problem (admittedly rare but possible). Immediately to his initiative IberGour sent me another ham without question while the return of the first was organized at his expense. I received the second ham 48h to enjoy for Christmas Eve. The second room is remarkable and quite up to my different experiences of jamon iberico de bellota 100%: a treat as I could discover the family. The commitment to quality and satisfaction was held by 100% IberGour. I will remain faithful to IberGour for my next purchases. Frédéric Ile de France.

January 8, 2015
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Molto buono!Very good!

Secondo me vale quello che spendi! Costo molto ma è il vero Jamon Bellota. Una volta all'anno si deve fare questa goduria

To me that is what you spend! Cost much but is the true Jamon Bellota. Once a year you have to make this pleasure

January 2, 2015
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Diese Schinken haben eine exzellente Qualität. Das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis ist angemessen. Die Abwicklung des Kaufes war völlig unproblematisch ebenso wie der Versand aus Barcelona.

These hams have excellent quality. The price-performance ratio is appropriate. The settlement of the purchase was never a problem as well as the delivery of Barcelona.

December 28, 2014
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comme d'habitude usual .....

Chacun d es jambon acheté chez Ibergourd, est parfait.
Le 5J est vraiment exceptionnel, texture, arôme,saveur tout est parfait.

Each of ham are purchased from Ibergourd is perfect. The 5D is really exceptional, texture, flavor, taste everything is perfect. Thank you.

December 24, 2014
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cagliari Italia
Esperienza non buonaExperience is not good

ho acquistato 13 confezioni di prosciutto a fette. Erano tutte della parte iniziale del prosciutto, con caratteristiche organolettiche non soddisfacenti per gusto e consistenza. Costo spropositato con quelle caratteristiche

I bought 13 packs of sliced ​​ham. They were all of the initial part of the ham, with organoleptic unsatisfactory for taste and texture. Enormous cost with those characteristics

November 29, 2014
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Mark Sheppard
Mark Sheppard
Tamworth England
Beautiful Ham

wonderful intensely flavoured ham, just as I remember from my visit to Spain. I will certainly be back for more.

October 17, 2014
Un peu cher mais excellentA little pricey but excellent

Un peu cher mais excellent, s'ils pouvaient baisser leurs prix;
Les délais de livraison ont été respectés.
Si les prix baissent, je recommanderai.

A little pricey but great if they could lower their prices; Delivery times were met. If prices fall, I recommend it.

October 13, 2014
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João Marques
João Marques
I had already eat betterI had already eat better

Não é nem de longe o melhor que comi. Nem parece Jabugo.E um pouco seco.Não vou repetir.

It is not by far the best I've ever eaten. Neither seems Jabugo. And a little dry. I will not repeat.

August 4, 2014
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Très bienWell

Très bon produit, le jambon est délicieux et un service après vente remarquable, je recommande ! Un vrai régal

Very good product, the ham is delicious and remarkable after sales service, I recommend! A real treat

June 23, 2014
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super serviciosuper service

Muy bueno, Miquel se ha ocupado muy bien de nosotros, el producto es excelente. Llego el día que queríamos. Gracias

Very good, Miquel has done very well for us, the product is excellent. Came the day we wanted. Thanks

June 6, 2014
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Lyon (France)
très staisfait qualité et livraisonvery staisfait quality and delivery

J'ai enchanté tout le monde avec ce jambon !
Super qualité, et pas de problème pour la livraison, en seulement 2 ou 3 jours.
je vous conseille ce site !

I delighted everyone with this ham! Super quality and no problem for delivery in just 2 or 3 days. I recommend this site!

May 14, 2014
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ottimo prodottoexcellent product

Tutto perfetto, come da descrizione sia del prodotto sia dell'imballaggio e la spedizione! Il gusto delicato e l'armonia di sapore che si crea al palato continuando ad assaggiarlo fa di questo prosciutto un prodotto eccellente!

Everything perfect, as described both the product and the packaging and shipping! The delicate taste and harmony of flavor on the palate that is created by continuing to taste ham makes this an excellent product!

April 21, 2014
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Dr H
Dr H
Excellent ham as always.

Exactly the same as previous 5J hams bought, always reliable and good quality taste and curing. Better than more expensive options in my opinion and far superior to similar or cheaper alternatives. At time of this review Ibergour are the most dependable and competitively priced for this product.

April 7, 2014
Gonzalez, Antonio
Gonzalez, Antonio
Tavaux, France
Jamon mal cortado y con exceso de tocinoJamon badly cut and excess bacon

No lo volveré a comprar. El sabor tampoco es espectacular, ni característico del jamón ibérico. Ciertamente decepcionante, teniendo en cuenta el precio que tiene.

Do not buy it again. The taste is not great, nor characteristic of Iberian ham. Certainly disappointing considering the price it has.

January 25, 2014
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St Maur des Fosses

Arrivé en deux jours, mi décembre, parfaitement emballé. Et surtout, un vrai 5J, délicieux, goût de noisette, absolument rien à redire. Le prix est élevé, mais similaire à celui d'un supermarché espagnol.

Arrived in two days in mid-December, perfectly packaged. And most importantly, a real 5J, delicious, nutty, absolutely no complaints. The price is high, but similar to a Spanish supermarket.

December 25, 2013
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Great Bellota Ham

I have been using ibergour for a few years now to purchase our hams and have to say that this latest Jamon is the best yet. excellent. On;ly problem is that its so good it might well have all disappeared before christmas.

December 19, 2013
Le goutThe taste

Je n'ai pas retrouvé le gout de noisette qui correspond au BELLOTA BELLOTA de plus je le préfère tranché main.

I did not find the taste of hazelnut which corresponds to BELLOTA BELLOTA more I prefer sliced ​​hand.

November 29, 2013
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Lo mejorBEST

Maravillosa atención, despacho rápido, perfecto.
El producto ni se diga, el mejor del mundo. Lo recomiendo siempre, qué pena estar tan lejos. Gracias.


November 8, 2013
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ph montillet
ph montillet
jambon de jabugoham jabugo

très bon service
bonne livraison
bon produit
seul point faible : le tarif du produit et les frais de port

Very good service, good delivery and good product. Only weak point: the price of the product and shipping

November 7, 2013
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prosciutto Jabugo a fetteJabugo ham sliced

Il prodotto è ottimo e ha il solo inconveniente della sottigliezza delle fette che, se non si fa attenzione nel togliere il film di plastica, finiscono per rompersi.

The product is great and the only drawback of the wafer thinness, if you are not careful when removing the plastic film, they end up breaking.

October 28, 2013
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Wales (UK)
5j cinco jotas jabugo bellota

Che buono il giambone Cinco Jotas! I love this one.
I better write it in English, I prefer this ham far better than the Italian Parma classic because its taste is wild, is not salty it is incredibly flavoured, it is a feast!
It is fantastic with figs and with Italian sparkling wine. Put it together with home grown salad and Parma cheese few Sardinian artichokes and lunch is done! It is advisable not eat it too often and change with less tasty products to appreciate its flavour. Having bought Guijuelo together in the same order I prefer this one because although strong and full of flavour it has something unique that I can't explain, there are no words rather than say it is the best so far.
I would not buy it again in summer because it suffers heat and although it has been delivered in clever vacuum packages it still suffers summer weather.
Delivery was excellent just a few days from order as received.

August 2, 2013
lliça de vall ( Barcelona)
Calidad a su justo precioQuality at a fair price

La relación calidad/precio del jamón de jabugo 5 jotas Bellota es excepcional. Ya he comprado varios y todos han respondido a lo esperado. He mirado el mismo jamón en tiendas especializadas y existe una diferencia considerable. Tambien tengo que hacer mención a los diferentes servicios que te ofrecen desde ibergour, transporte, forma de pago y regalos. Son muy comodos y se adaptan a las diferentes necesidades de las personas que disponemos de poco tiempo para ir de compras.

The quality / price of Iberian ham 5 jacks Acorn is exceptional. I've bought several and all have responded as expected. I have looked the same ham in specialty stores and there is a considerable difference. Also I have to make mention of the different services we offer from IberGour, transportation, payment and gifts. They are very comfortable and adapt to the different needs of people who have little time for shopping.

July 19, 2013
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Maria Alvarez
Maria Alvarez
Roma Italy
excelente 5Jotasexcellent 5Jotas

Encargamos un jamón de bellota 5J en ibergour para enviarlo a una celebración familiar en Italia.
Todo fue perfecto!!!
La calidad del jamón inmejorable. Llegó perfectamente empaquetado y con el correspondiente jamonero y cuchillo.
El precio mas que razonable comparado con el mismo producto en otras webs similares.
El plazo de entrega fue mínimo, al tercer día ya estaba en Roma; ademas pudimos hacer el seguimiento online del trayecto en todo momento.
La comunicación (telefonica y por mail) con ibergour fue siempre fluida y muy profesional.
Por todo esto no dudo en repetir la experiencia y aconsejar ibergour.

We commissioned a ham bellota 5J in IberGour to send to a family celebration in Italy. Everything was perfect! The superb quality of the ham. It came perfectly packaged and corresponding ham and knife. The price more than reasonable compared to the same product in other similar sites. The delivery time was less than three days I was in Rome, also were able to follow the journey online at all times. Communication (telephone and mail) with IberGour was always smooth and very professional. For all this do not hesitate to repeat the experience and advise IberGour.

July 14, 2013
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Chris van Dyke
Chris van Dyke
Yorkshire, UK
Expensive but worth it.

We have had a number of holidays in Spain and have always brought jamon home with us, although it doesn't last too long! More recently we have ordered our ham online and this one (and the previous one) from Ibergour. This is an excellent ham and clearly better than most others we have tried. Indeed we have resolved to purchase similar hams in future as the flavour and quality are simply very very good.

May 29, 2013
Lecker, einfach ein GenussDelicious, just a delight

Wir sind immer wieder begeistert von diesem Schinken. Auf jeder Party als Fingerfoot ein Genuß und wird gerne an genommen.

We are always excited about this ham. On each party as Fingerfoot a pleasure and is often taken to.

May 10, 2013
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Prodotto eccezionaleExceptional product

Si'indubbiasmente questo prosciutto è sempre ai massimi livelli del gusto e della qualità! Lo conoscevo già per averlo mangiato in Spagna. Ho però un appunto da fare al riguardo, il prosciutto finchè non è tagliato fuori dal corpo rimane chiaro di colore ma poi dopo essere stato tagliato a fette e confezionato diventa più scuro. La cosa positiva è che il sapore rimane sempre ottimo!

Yes, indeed, this ham is always at the highest level of taste and quality! I already knew him to have eaten in Spain. But I have a note to do about it, until the ham is cut off from the body is light in color but then after being sliced ​​and packaged it becomes darker. The good thing is that the taste is always great!

February 17, 2013
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WONDERFUL something that seems impossible did it in 24 hours, thanks for your disposal. CONGRATULATIONS, will recommend MUCH. BESIDES THE GOOD IS DELICIOUS.

January 21, 2013
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W. Bopp
Kassel Deutschland
guter Schinken zu akzeptablen Preisgood ham at an acceptable price

Ist schon das zweite Produkt , das ich bei Ibergour kaufe, Qualität 1a , Lieferung schnell, in diesem Fall auch an eine Adresse in Portugal, Bestellung und Zahlung über I pad schwierig, hier klappt der Einkaufskorb nicht, wie am Rechner mit Windows System. Aber wurde per Telefon sauber erledigt.
Immer wieder. Auf jeden Fall einfacher als direkt in Jabugo zu kaufen, die melden sich auf keine mail :-)

Already the second product that I buy at Ibergour, 1a quality, delivery is fast, in this case, to an address in Portugal, ordering and payment over I pad difficult here works the basket not know how on computers with Windows system. But was done cleanly by phone. Again and again. Definitely easier than to buy directly in Jabugo that register on any mail :-)

January 17, 2013
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Andrea Delucca
San Lazzaro di Savena - Bologna - Italia
Un sogno da veri gourmet!A dream to be true gourmet!

Siamo ai limiti del paradiso dei sensi: gusto, profumo, aroma e raffinatezza ai massimi livelli ti regalano (beh, non in senso strettamente economico, certo....)un'esperienza difficiell da non ripetere. Curatissima la confezione, con fette separate una per una e molto comodo il sotto vuoto. Che dire? Chi non lo prova non potrà facilmente comprendere. Auguri!

We are on the edge of paradise of the senses: taste, smell, flavor and refinement at the highest level they give you (well, not in the strict economic sense, of course ....) difficiell an experience not to be repeated. Curatissima the pack, with a separate slices for a very comfortable and the vacuum. What can I say? Who does not prove it can not easily understand. Greetings!

January 8, 2013
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Sempre un ottimo acquistoAlways a good buy

Il 5J e' sempre è comunque un ottimo acquisto, domani sera, ultimo giorno dell'anno lo gusterò insieme ai miei migliori amici.

The 5J is always still a good buy, tomorrow night, the last day of the year it will taste with my best friends.

December 30, 2012
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marco selvaggini
marco selvaggini
chi lo prova non lo molla piùthose who feel it would not give more

Eccezionale,meravigliosamente buono
Lo riprenderò dopo aver divorato questo
La curiosità mi spinge anche nel
Voler provare il joselito gran riserva

Exceptional, wonderfully good I will take up after devouring this Curiosity pushes me even Wanting to try joselito large COUNCIL reserves the j5

December 24, 2012
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Philip Schoenthal
Philip Schoenthal
Wien, Österreich
Best of jamon - servicio de pata negra!Best of jamon - servicio de pata negra!

wie immer sehr guter Schinken - perfekter Versand und Service - konkurrenzfähiger (aber hoher) Preis - gute Auswahl an spanischen Schinken

as always, very good ham - perfect shipping and service - Competitive (but high) price - good selection of Spanish ham

December 1, 2012
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J Ibanez-Martin
J Ibanez-Martin
Very Good

Bought it at the discounted price doubly good. My first and definetely not my last.
Thanks, Shame you don't sell more products.

September 18, 2012
Andrew Hawkes
Cambridge UK
Worth every penny I hope.

Have ordered another this year for this coming Christmas. If it is as good as the last, I will be well pleased. I have it hung up in a cool room and it will be superb by the end of the year. I have bought hams in Spain from supermarkets much cheaper than these but they are no where near the quality.

September 17, 2012
Beautiful Jamon, super fast delivery

I confirmed the order on Monday, and it was here for lunch on Thursday.
The Jamonero Jamotec Giratorio Hogar is supurb, really great value.

September 17, 2012
France, Boulogne Billancourt
Tres bon ProduitVery good product

Jambon savoureux, tres bon produit. Le sechage n'etait cependant pas parfait et peu homogene.
Malgré tout, je renouvelleraispecialement lors d'operations de promotion qui mettent le produit a un prix raisonnable.

Tasty ham, very good product. Drying was not perfect, however, and little homogeneous. Nevertheless, I renouvelleraispecialement during operations which put the promotional product at a reasonable price.

September 16, 2012
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RIEDISHEIM (Alsace) France

Excellent, magnifique rien à redire.
Gouteux +++, excellent; et surtout pas de sel en exedent; je me régale, un peu cher quand m^me, sans la réduc je crois pas l'avoir acquis, bien ke.

Excellent, great no complaints. Tasty, excellent, and especially not in distances exceeding salt, I enjoy a little expensive when m ^ me, but I do not think the reduction to have acquired, but ke.

September 15, 2012
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Worth buying

This is the first time I've tried the brand. Taste was very good. Product was sliced very thin. I prefer my jamon hand sliced and a little thicker as I had in Spain. Product was very oily, which I am not used to. When removing the jamon from the packaging my hands were covered in oil. But the taste was great! I would buy again if I can get it sliced thicker.

September 11, 2012
Salzburg, Österreich
Super lecker, schnelle LieferungSuper tasty, quick delivery

Top Qualität! Schinken zergeht auf der Zunge. Leicht nussigen einzigartigen Geschmack. Bestelle sicher wieder den Jamon de Jabugo 5J Cinco Jotas Bellota!

Top quality! Ham melts in the mouth. Slightly nutty flavor unique. Order safely back to the Jamon de Bellota Jabugo 5J Cinco Jotas!

July 18, 2012
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erstklassige Qualität, beste Organisationfirst-class quality, best organization

Von der Bestellung an hat die Auslieferung nur eine Woche gedauert. Das ist eine ausge-
zeichnete Leistung.
Die Qualität der Ware ist einfach umwerfend, nach bisherigen anderen Erfahrungen kann ich
nur meine Anerkennung aussprechen. Meine schinkenbegeisterten Freunde haben dem uneinge-
schränkt zugestimmt. Es war bestimmt nicht meine letzte Bestellung!

From ordering to delivery took only one week. This is a full-recorded performance. The quality of the product is simply amazing, after previous other experiences I can only express my appreciation. My ham friends have the enthusiastic approval without restrictions. It was certainly not my last order!

July 14, 2012
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Julien C.
Julien C.
Bruxelles - Belgique

La réputation du Cinco Jotas n'étant plus à faire, j'ai acheté en toute confiance et je n'ai pas été déçu!!!
Superbe qualité, livraison très rapide, entreprise très sérieuse, à recommander!
A quand un système de fidélité pour récompenser les clients fidèles et importants?
Glissez-nous des surprises dans les colis: une petite soubressade à découvrir par exemple... et je serai un client comblé...
Bonne continuation à IBERGOUR!!!
Le Joselito est arrivé ce matin et j'ai hâte de le découvrir... en tout cas à l'aspect il est déjà magnifique aussi!!!

The reputation of Cinco Jotas no longer to do, I bought with confidence and I have not been disappointed! Superb quality, very fast delivery, very serious business, to recommend! When will a loyalty system to reward loyal customers and important? Slide us some surprises in the package: a small example soubressade to discover ... I am a customer and filled ... Good luck to IBERGOUR! The Joselito arrived this morning and I'm anxious to find out ... in any case to look gorgeous as it is already!

April 12, 2012
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gallais michel
gallais michel
france merignac
deception trop gras et trop secdeception too fatty and too dry

dommage apres une premiere commande extra qualité et saveur
ce dernier ahat tres mauvais sec et l'interieur du gras sans saveur
nos amis habitués al jamon"jabugo" sont aussi tres deçus
con este jamon hay que cocinar un cocido
quisas esta un fallo pero,una pela es una pela
atentamente michel gallais de boisdet

damage after a first order extra quality and flavor it FFP very bad dry inside the bold flavor without our friends used al jamon "jabugo" are also very disappointed with this ham must be cooked a stew perhaps this failure, but a dash is peeling Michael Gallais carefully Boisdet

March 25, 2012
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Michele Arboco
Michele Arboco
Livorno italia

Veramente come mangiarlo in Spagna appena tagliato, prodotto indubbiamente originale, sapore e profumo inconfondibili .... consegna puntuale, ottimo il confezionamento. Lo consiglio, insieme all'ottimo formaggio.

Really like eating in Spain just cut, undoubtedly produced the original, unmistakable flavor and aroma .... timely delivery, excellent packaging. The Board, together with the excellent cheese.

February 10, 2012
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Giuseppe Cercone
Giuseppe Cercone
Sulmona (AQ)
a proposito di Jabuco 5J Bellota.....about Jabuco 5J ham .....

Non è la prima volta che acquisto prosciutti spagnoli; devo fare i miei complimenti al produttore per l'eccellente stagionatura e conservazione.

It is not the first time I buy Spanish hams, and I must make my compliments to the manufacturer for the excellent seasoning and preservation.

January 13, 2012
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jamnon buenojamnon good

Nuestro primer pedido en IberGour a sido este jamon esta bueno, esperaba un poquito mas para el precio que tiene, pero el jamon como ya dicho esta bueno por que probando jamonnes de otros sitios y este es el mejor que eh probado por ahora jejeje
lo recomiendo si lo teneis que comprar ha el soporte del jamonero esta muy bien tambien, lo unico que falla es el cuchillo un poco.....
la entrega muy bien la pagina muy correcta eso si no lo puedo negar

Our first order has been IberGour this ham is good, wait a little longer for the money you have, but the ham as the testing is good because jamonnes from other sites and this is the best proven by now eh hehehe recommend if you have to buy has the support of the ham is nice too, the only thing that fails is the knife a little ..... delivery very good right page so if I can not deny greetings

December 22, 2011
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Commentaire sur Ramon Cinco Jotas " Bellota"Comment on Cinco Jotas Jamon "Bellota"

Excellent produit, les tranches demanderaient à être coupées plus épaisse, mais cela est un excellent produit. A commander sans attendre.

Excellent product, the slices would need to be cut thicker, but this is an excellent product. To be ordered immediately.
thank you

December 10, 2011
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Por fin he disfrutado con el jamón.Finally I enjoyed the ham.

Desde que me instale en Barcelona , he buscado buen jamón , he pagado precios altísimos que no correspondian a la calidad del producto , aqui se lleva mucho venderlo deshuesado y cortado a lonchas de máquina , y si alguien tiene una pata colgando , suele estar seca por falta de venta.
El jamón enviado por Vds. dejado el tiempo suficiente a temperatura ambiente , recobra todos los aromas , gusto , texturas , grasa y sabor que tanto he buscado . Ahora soy feliz .

Since I moved to Barcelona, ​​I looked good ham, I paid very high prices that did not correspond to the quality of the product takes a lot to sell here boneless slices cut machine, and if anyone has a leg hanging, usually dried lack of sales.
The ham sent by you enough time left at room temperature, it recovers all the aromas, taste, texture, fat and flavor that I have been looking for. Now I'm happy.

December 1, 2011
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Reggio Emilia

Ottimo prodotto consegna celere.
Disossato perde di fascino ma non di qualità.
Il prossimo acquisto sarà sicuramente l'intero.
Sempre su ibergour.

Excellent product fast delivery. Boneless loses appeal but not quality. The next purchase will definitely be the entire Also on Iberia g

November 18, 2011
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italia reggio emilia
jamon ottimogood jamon

Bravi ,
servizio molto efficace e rapido.
Il prodotto è molto buono e stagionato bene.
La confezione è curata e adeguata allo splendido prodotto che ho acquistato

Good, service very efficient and rapid. The product is very good and seasoned well. The package is accurate and adequate to the wonderful product I bought Thank

September 19, 2011
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Londres (UK) y Sevilla (España)
Excelente jamón, aunque el precio resta atractivo al conjuntoExcellent ham, although the price remains attractive to all

Sin lugar a dudas, un excelente jamón. Desafortunadamente, el desorbitado precio lastra bastante. Se pueden encontrar productos de similares características en lo referente a la calidad, pero a un precio mucho más competitivo.

Undoubtedly, a great ham. Unfortunately, the exorbitant price lastra enough. You can find products of similar characteristics in terms of quality but at a much more competitive.

September 12, 2011
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Sanchi Eraldo
Sanchi Eraldo
ottima sceltagood choice

E' il mio primo acquisto sia di Jamon Iberico che con Ibergour. Ottimo il sapore e la stagionatura; sollecita la consegna e il confezionament. Questa volta ho acquistato il prodotto disossato, la prossima volta provero' quello intero.

It 'is my first purchase of that with Ibergour Jamon Iberico. Excellent flavor and seasoning, and urges delivery and confezionament. This time I bought the product boned, next time I'll try 'the whole one.

August 15, 2011
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Oxford United Kingdom
Super 5 Jotas Super Ibergour!!!!

Superb Ham!!! I'm spanish and in 35 years i have never taste a ham like a 5 Jotas....also Ibergour are great to recomend a ham depending on your needs and very helpfull!!! I will use them again Thanks
Compre este jamon a mediados de julio porque queria celebrar el cumpleanyos de un amigo en agosto, siguiendo la recomendacion del personal del chat de Ibergour. El jamon llego a la semana, en perfectas condiciones con el cuchillo y el jamonero. Lo he encentado hoy dia 10 de agosto y nos ha salido buenisimo. Las vetas de grasa son deliciosas y el sabor es magnifico. Todos mis amigos ingleses estan encantados. Recomiendpo este jamon (compre el mas grande 8.5 kilos) por su sabor y recomiendo Ibergour por su profesionalidad y eficiencia. Muchas gracias y muchas veces!!!

August 10, 2011

preso 3 volte, ed una volta lo ho preso disossato, che forse è la cosa migliore per chi non lo consuma tutti i gg, anche se il taglio a mano e a fattine piccole è una altra cosa che tagliato a macchina.
Comunque servito su pane sporcato di pomodoro fresco condito solo con poco olio e sale lo porta quasi alla perfezione.
A tutti gli amanti dei prosciutti suggerisco anche prosciutti friulani (Sauris), sloveni o a chi piace un prosciutto più salato anche un buon prosciutto di cinta, la cosa importante è il produttore (possibilmente non industriale se Italiano), l'origine (il suino deve nascere e crescere sempre presso l'allevamento che poi lo lavorerà) e il modo di allevamento del suino (al brado con ghiande e frutta ma assolutamente non in zootecnia e con mangini secchi).

taken 3 times, and once I took the bone, which is perhaps the best thing for those who do not consume all day, even if the hand-cut and fattine little else that is a cut in the machine. However, served on bread smeared with fresh tomato seasoned only with a little oil and salt leads him almost to perfection. To all lovers of hams hams also suggest Friulian (Sauris), Slovenian People who like a ham or a good ham saltier boundary, the important thing is the producer (though possibly non-industrial Italian), the source (the pigs must born and grow at the farm who then will work) and the method of raising the pig (the acorns and wild fruit, but absolutely not in animal husbandry and Mangini dry).

August 8, 2011
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France et Bali
Le meilleur !!!The best!

Tout d'abord merci à Ibergour. Le jambon fut livré dans les temps prévu.
Certes le prix est un peu élevé. Mais quel régal. A mon avis c'est le meilleur jambon cru au monde. Excellentissime !! A manger en très fines tranches voir en copeaux, sans pain, sans beurre. Il se suffit à lui même. Pour moi réellement un moment d'extase culinaire. D'ailleurs je ne peux plus manger aucun autre jambon. Même pas un San Daniel, insipide à côté de ce Bellota. A consommer sans modération.

First of all thank you to Ibergour. The ham was delivered in the time allotted. While the price is a bit high. But what a treat. In my opinion this is the best ham in the world. Most excellent! A food into very fine slices see chips, without bread, without butter. It stands on its own. For me a real moment of ecstasy processor. Besides, I can not eat any other Ham. Not even a San Daniel, tasteless compared to what Bellota. To consume without moderation.

July 12, 2011
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Luis León
Jamón impresionantemente buenoHam impressively good

Me enviaron el jamón directamente a Suecia, para mi boda, en menos de una semana desde que hice el pedido. El jamón no ha decepcionado a nadie (que es lo que yo pretendía), ni a españoles ni a suecos, es más, para muchos el mejor jamón que han probado en su vida. Excelente relación calidad-precio. Ni mucha grasa ni poca, a medida que se acerca al hueso el jamón era más seco, pero no demasiado, en su punto y sabrosísimo. Antes de hacer el pedido pedí consejo a Ibergur, y acertaron. Creo que un 5J es una garantía de éxito y sobre todo para este tipo de eventos.
Muchas gracias!

They sent me the ham directly to Sweden for my wedding in less than a week since I ordered. Ham has not disappointed anyone (which is what I wanted), or Spanish or Swedish, it is for many the best ham you have ever tasted. Excellent value. Neither high-fat or low, as it approaches the ham bone was dry but not too much, just right and very tasty. Before ordering Ibergur asked for advice, and matched. I think a 5J is a guarantee of success and especially for these events. Thank you very much!

July 4, 2011
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georgina olavarrieta
georgina olavarrieta
escelentes jamonesexcellent hams

unos jamones de escandalo son buenisimos
el cinco jotas es comer un verdadero jamon
probarlo solo con el sabor puede convencer

hams scandal about five jacks are great to eat a real ham flavor with only the test can convince

July 4, 2011
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Qualité constanteConsistent quality

Je vous commande tous ans depuis 2004 un jambon Jabugo 5J Bellota.
J'apprécie ce produit pour sa saveur trés agréable, sa finesse, son coté racé et délicat tout en étant puissant,ce qui développe une longueur en bouche remarquable.
Autre intéret de ce met, sa qualité constante et réguliére qui, je crois, me permettrait lors d'une dégustation à l'aveugle, de reconnaitre ce jambon.
jc larbre

I command you all years since 2004 Bellota ham Jabugo 5J. I appreciate this product for its taste very pleasant, its delicacy, its racy side and delicate yet powerful, which develops a remarkably long finish. Other places of interest, consistent quality and regular, which I think would allow me in a blind tasting, to recognize this ham. jc Larbre

June 10, 2011
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Fado AbendFado evening

Ein sehr guter Schinken.
Zusammen mit ein paar Oliven, etwas Käse und Brot sowie einem guten Rotwein habe ich den Schinken zusammen mit guten Freunden und Fado-Musik am Abend meines Geburtstags genossen.
Insgesamt ein gelungener Abend, an desse Gelingen der Schinken einen wesentlichen Anteil hatte.

A very good ham. Together with a few olives, some cheese and bread and good red wine I have enjoyed the ham together with good friends and fado music in the evening of my birthday. All in all a successful evening, at the success of the ham was an essential part.

April 27, 2011
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bien mais pas transcendantgood but not transcendent

C'est bon, mais plus de 50€ pour trois sachets ça n'est pas donné , ou pas assez "jouissif" pour ce prix dans tous les cas. Maintenant peut-être faudrait-il le gouter sur un jambon entier ? On aurait pu penser que ce qui est présenté comme best seller eut été plus qualitatif...
Envoi rapide en revanche, mais transporteur et colis venu de Barcelone, même si ça n'est pas exprès, c'est peu écologique...

It's good, but over 50 € for three bags it is not given, or not quite "enjoyable" for this price in all cases. Now maybe he should taste it on a whole ham? One would think that what is presented as a best seller would have been more qualitative ... Fast shipping, however, but carrier and package came from Barcelona, ​​even if it is not explicit, it is little green ...

April 4, 2011
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Andrew Hawkes
Cambridge, UK
Looks great

Ham arrived well packed and in excellent condition. Cannot comment on flavour as will not be eating it until later in the year. Having bought these hams in Spain before this one looks as good if not better than those I have brought back by car. The company was helpful and responded to questions by return. I took the free olive oil instead of the knife and stand. Delicious. Only complaint is that it cost more than listed because of the exchange costs. The company should arrange for credit card facilities in the UK rather than simply in Spain. That way the cost would be as stated on the site.

March 18, 2011
gluck Francois
gluck Francois
Le Vésinet
un peu sec

J'ai trouvé ce jambon un peu sec sur sa partie interne et donc un peu de déchets à la découpe.
Bon produit néanmoins.

February 23, 2011
Sehr guter SchinkenVery good ham

ich habe diesen Schinken im Jänner 2011 gekauft und schon 3 Tage später erhalten.
Vom Geschmak finde ich ihn besser als den Grand Reserve den ich im Dezember gekauft habe.
Er hat zwar relativ viel Fett welches entfernt werden musste, aber geschmacklich eine Sensation.
Great ham, i think one of the best i ever had.
for my opinion, it´s better than the grand reserve.

I bought this ham in January 2011 and already received 3 days later. Of personal taste, I find it better than the Grand Reserve I bought in December. Although he has quite a lot of fat which had to be removed, but the taste is a sensation. Great ham, i think one of the best i ever had.

February 8, 2011
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antonio a.
castelnuovo Rangone

Il prodotto non è male, visto il prezzo però mi aspettavo qualcosa di super e invece risulta un pò duro e una volta pulito rimane ben poco, comunque si può provare.

The product is not bad, considering the price but I was expecting something super and instead it becomes a little harder and a little remains after cleaning, however you can try.

February 4, 2011
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V Philippe
V Philippe

Que dire de plus que je suis fan de ce Jambon.
Livraison dans les temps.
Goût parfait.
Un peu, non beaucoup trop cher.

What's more I'm a fan of this ham. On Time Delivery. Perfect taste. A little, not too expensive.

January 27, 2011
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P. Casuso
P. Casuso
Guarnizo (Cantabria)
desequilibrado, seco, mal curadounbalanced, dry, poorly cured

Demasiado tocino y muy poco jamón y, el jamón seco, sin grasa. Comenzo siendo sumamente seco y duro para pasar, al darle la vuelta, a semiblando. Considero que estaba mal curado y, me atreveria a decir que ni tan siquiera era-a pesar de indicarlo su etiqueta- un cino jotas de bellota. Me vuelvo al Joselito.

Too little bacon and ham, dried ham, fat. Began to be extremely dry and hard to pass, to turn around, a semi-soft. I believe it was wrong to cure and, I dare say that was not even indicate, despite its label, an acorn-ish jacks. I turn to Joselito.

January 21, 2011
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Una piacevole scopertaA pleasant surprise

Il Jabugo 5J Cinco Jotas "Bellotta" e' stato il secondo prosciutto che ho acquistato da voi. Il primo era il il Gran reserva Joselito. Il Bellotta a differenza del 1° e' risultato piu' asciutto ,con piu' grasso ,ma con un sapore molto piu' intenso ,quasi vicino al sapore di selvaggina. Sono 2 prosciutti differenti ,ma sinceramente la prossima volta riproverei di nuovo il 1°.

The Jabugo 5J Cinco Jotas "Bellotta 'and' ham was the second that I bought from you. The first was the Joselito Gran Reserva. The Bellotta unlike 1 and 'more results' dry, with more 'fat, but tastes much more' intense, almost close to the taste of game. 2 hams are different, but honestly next time try it again on 1.

January 15, 2011
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Alberto Subia
Alberto Subia
Mal curadoCuring Bad

El jamon 5J que comimos estas navidades empezo estando seco, y continuo así hasta darle la vuelta. En la maza pasaba del seco al blando, por lo que creo que estaba mal curado. El gusto era bueno, pero ni comparacion con el Joselito que comimos el año pasado. No vuelvo a comprar 5J.

The jamon 5J we ate this Christmas began to be dry, and continued so until turning. In the club went from dry to soft, so I think it was wrong cure. The taste was good but no comparison with Joselito we ate last year. 'm Not going to buy 5J.

January 8, 2011
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porras alain
draguignan FRance
un jambon de gourmets.gourmet ham.

Beaucoup de goût et de saveurs dans cet excellent produit.Peut-être faudrait-il regretter que la part du lard soit un peu trop importante.Le producteur aurait intérêt à laisser ses "cochons" vagabonder un peu plus.
Comme à l'accoutumée la livraison a été digne d'éloges avec en plus gratuitement de quoi découper de belles tranches succulentes.
C'est un peu cher(la concurrence ne fait pas mieux)mais le plaisir et la qualité se payent toujours.

Great taste and flavors in this well-being produit.Peut should we regret that the share of the bacon is a little too importante.Le producer would do well to leave his "pigs" wander a little more. As usual delivery was commendable plus free enough to cut slices of succulent. It's a bit pricey (the competition is not better) but the pleasure and the quality is still paying.

January 3, 2011
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Jamon cortado muy bien y con un sabor excelente, con su justa grasa. Entregado muy rapidamente. El envasado es perfecto.

Ham cut very well and tastes great, with just fat. Delivered very quickly. The packaging is perfect.

January 1, 2011
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Gilbert C
JAMBON SUCCULENT...Succulent ham ...

Jambon 5J d'excellente qualité gustative, envoi rapide ,nous sommes très satisfaits de notre commande
Experience à renouveler... malgré le prix élevé de ce Jabugo

5J ham excellent eating quality, fast shipment, we are very pleased to renew our command Experience ... despite the high price of this Jabugo

December 30, 2010
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5J tiene una calidad excepcional,5J is of exceptional quality,

Fue perfecto, y lo recomiendo a cualquier persona que quiera adquirir este producto, tanto en calidad del producto, como en el servicio ofrecido.
Cuando probe 5 jotas ya no como otro jamon que no sea este o superior.

It was perfect, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to purchase this product, both in product quality, and the service offered. When probe 5 jacks and not as another ham than this or above.

December 30, 2010
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Paul Piriou
Paul Piriou
Concarneau, France
encore un excellent jambonstill an excellent ham

Même pré-tranché, le jambon est toujours aussi extraordinaire, mais il ne faut pas oublier de le laisser respirer au moins 30 minutes à l'air afin d'en profiter totalement. La quantité de "gras blanc" est modérée.
Les délais de livraisons sont respectés.
la question est maintenant : "que vais-je trouver comme excuse pour en acheter encore ?"

Even pre-sliced ham is still extraordinary, but do not forget to let him breathe at least 30 minutes in air in order to fully enjoy. The amount of "rich white" is moderate. Delivery times are respected. the question now is: "what will I find an excuse to buy yet?"

December 25, 2010
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Gerry Cesari
Brescia, Italia
jamon fantasticofantastic jamon

Ho acquistato per la prima volta da voi questo prosciutto e devo dire che è assolutamente buonissimo, pensavo che mangiandolo in Spagna fosse più buono ed invece l'ho trovato fantastico, anche la consegna è stata rapida e perfetta. Complimenti

For the first time I purchased from you and I must say that this ham is absolutely delicious, I thought that by eating in Spain was more good and instead I found it amazing, also the delivery was fast and perfect. Compliments

December 10, 2010
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Copenhagen, Denmark
A lot of money? sure, and worth it!

5j cost a lot of money and it's worth every cent for the experience of the world's best ham. And think about this: Quality is remembered long time after price is forgotten

December 9, 2010
Cairo, Egipto

Excelente producto, muy bien cortado y envasado. Empaquetado y entrega en el tiempo establecido. Excelente relacion calidad - servicio - precio.

Excellent product, very well cut and packaged. Packaging and delivery on time. Excellent value - service - price.

November 25, 2010
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paolo l.
prova comparativacomparison test

succede che compri un prosciutto ed una spalla allora la sfida tra quale dei due sia piu' buono e' veramente difficile. +++++
paolo ottimi entrambi
leonardo di una spanna vince la spalla

it happens that you buy a ham and shoulder, then the challenge of which one is more 'good,' really hard. +++++ Excellent both leonardo paul wins the shoulder of a span

November 22, 2010
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Ravenna - Italy
Ottima alternativa al JoselitoGreat alternative to Joselito

Anche se il mio preferito rimane il Joselito, devo dire che il 5J e' sicuramente un ottima alternativa, la mia impressione personale e' che sia un po' piu' dolce e leggermente meno stagionato. Complimenti al produttore.

Even though my favorite remains the Joselito, 5J, and I must say that 's definitely a good alternative, my personal impression, and' it's a little 'more' sweet and slightly less seasoned. Congratulations to the producer.

November 18, 2010
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sanchez romero y carbajal

señores he cortado jamones durante dieciseis años y les digo una cosa este jamon le falta mucho para ser un buen jamon.Primero su poca cantidad de grasa hace de este jamon un peligro para cualquier casa,porque en 10 dias esta seco.para un negocio inclusive es muy dificil cortar porque su parte delgada o bola chica esta muy dura en muchisimos jamones su crianza es explendida y es una pena criar cerdos de muchisima calidad para que la fabricacion y elaboracion dejen tanto que desear.Yo recomiendo el D.O.DEHESA DE EXTREMADURA sus cerdos no son tan buenos como estos pero su elaboracion o frabricacion de los mismos es escelente.SALUDOS

November 9, 2010
Ray A.
just this once

I enjoy my regular shipments of 5J. However, this time I cannot believe the amount of fat. I am surprised since this never happened before. And it was a large order.
Nevertheless, I will try again. But with a smaller order...

September 6, 2010
A Coruña
Es un placer para el paladar, exquisito.It is a pleasure for the palate, delicious.

Al jamón que es un placer saborearlo, no se le puede pedir más, lo único "malo", es el precio. No se puede degustar tantas veces como uno quisiera, como mucho, una o dos veces al mes, somos 8 de familia.

The ham is a pleasure to taste it, you can not ask for more, the only "bad", is the price. You can not enjoy as many times as you wanted, at most, once or twice a month, we are 8 family.

August 30, 2010
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Marco B
la perfectionperfection

la perfection dans la logistique: délais entièrement respectés. tracabilité de la livraison
la perfection dans le produit: le jamon bellota 5J reçu correspond parfaitement à nos attentes. c'est exceptionnel.

perfection in logistics: time fully respected. traceability of supply perfection in the product: Acorn jamon 5J received corresponds perfectly to our expectations. is exceptional. perfect .....!!!

August 30, 2010
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mucha grasa y muy salado

Estaba muy saldo y malo, no vuelvo a comprar en la vida, valla multa que me han hechado con el jamoncito, malisimo y no lo recomeniendo, para lo que vale me voy al chino a comer.

August 9, 2010
the best

Of all the options I fid this one the best. It is necessary to keep the ham outside the fridge and the bag and let it air for one full day at least. Amazing taste.

July 21, 2010
jan van der waal
jan van der waal

Very fast delivery of a very tasty ham.I am still enjoying it.

July 19, 2010
Ian W
Ian W

Excellent quality & taste. Keeps very fresh in the vacuum packs. A good way to ensure it doesn't dry out and loose its nutty flavour.

June 6, 2010
muy muy buenovery very good

todo estaba muy muy buena, el servicio muy amable y rapido (comprabamos el lunes y el viernes estaba aqui en alemania), y la calidad del jamon ***** gracias!!! cuando acabará el jamon compramos otro aqui, seguro

everything was very very good, friendly service and fast (we would buy on Monday and Friday was here in Germany), and the quality of ham ***** thanks! when it will finish the ham buy another here, safe

May 25, 2010
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A. Jimenez
A. Jimenez
Villiers sur Marne - France

Incontestablement c'est un bon produit qui a du goût mais à notre avis celui que l'on a reçu manque de persillage.
Nous aurions aimé savoir quelle est la durée de maturation du produit livré ainsi que son millésime.

Unquestionably it is a good product that has a taste but we think the one we received a lack of marbling. We would like to know how long its ripening delivered and its vintage.

May 24, 2010
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x i miei 50 anni!xi my 50 years!

grande festa attorno ad un grande prodotto,apprezzato da tutti e giunto a destinazione con puntualità.. competitivo anche il prezzo. bravi!

big party around a great product, appreciated by all and reached its destination on time .. competitive in price. good!

May 18, 2010
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Nati J.
Nati J.
Torrevieja, Spain

El pasado mes de agosto realicé un pedido de una pata de jamón 5J a través de Ibergourj. Al principio un poco insegura por ser la primera vez que realizada un pedido para hacer un regalo a otro país pero después de la llamada de la persona a la que se lo regalé más tranquila y sumamente contenta por dos motivos. El primero por la rapidez y la buena gestión del envío del pedido. He de decir que la entrega coincidió con una semana festiva en Italia, por lo que se alargó un poco más de lo previsto; pero repito, siendo informada puntualmente de lo que sucedía. En segundo y último lugar por la calidad del jamón, pues se han convertido en consumidores fanáticos del jamón de bellota que desconocían, no sólo la familia agraciada sino los amigos que pudieron degustar el jamón.
Espero haya ayudado a aquellos que tienen dudas como las tenía yo en su momento.
Nati J.

Last August I made an order of a leg of ham through Ibergourj 5J. At first a little unsure because it was the first time I made a request to make a gift to other countries but after the call from the person who gave him more relaxed and extremely happy for two reasons. The first for the speed and sound management of the goods are shipped. I must say that the delivery coincided with a festive week in Italy, so that lasted a little longer than expected, but again, being promptly informed of what was happening. Secondly and lastly the quality of the ham, because consumers have become cured ham fans who did not know, not only graceful but family friends who could taste the ham. I hope has helped those who have had doubts as me at the time. Nati J.

May 13, 2010
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Mike H.
Mike H.
Hope Valley, England
There are few very special flavours …

There are few very special flavours in this world that are totally recognisable and unique. My short list would include Bananas, Asparagus Clams and Jabugo Ham.

May 11, 2010
Venerque france
C'est une drogue!!!It is a drug!

J'ai reçu mon jambon dans les temps. Gustativement c'est une merveille un plaisir intense pour les papilles à chaque bouchées, Le seul inconvénient c'est que quand on y goute on ne peut plus s'arreter.
Certe un peu honéreux mais je ne regrette absolument pas cet achat.

I got my ham in time. Taste is a wonderful intense pleasure for the taste of each bite, the only drawback is that when you drop you can not stop. Certe Honer but I just does not regret the purchase.

May 11, 2010
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jose antonio
Manacor, Baleares
Su olor y el paladar es impresionanteIts smell and taste is awesome

Este jamon se lo aconsejo a todos aquellos que dicen haber comido alguna vez en su vida un pata negra para que vea la gran diferencia que hay el jamon 5 jotas supera a todos con creces. Tanto su sabor como su olor y el paladar es impresionante, SE LO REGALE A MI MUJER DESPUES DE TENER MI HIJITA Y FUE MEJOR QUE EL TIPICO RAMO DE FLORES.

This ham is what I advise all those who say they have ever eaten in your life a black paw to see the great difference there is the ham 5 Jacks beats all by far. Both taste and smell and the taste is awesome, I gave it to TAKE MY WIFE AFTER my daughter and was better than the typical bouquet of flowers.

April 26, 2010
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Ricardo F.
Ricardo F.
Copenhague, Dinamarca
Se deshace en el paladarMelts in the mouth

El jamon casi se deshace en el paladar de lo sabroso que es. La poca elegancia del envase al vacio contrasta con la calidad del producto. Comprare mas sin duda.

The ham almost melts on the palate as it is tasty. The low vacuum container elegance contrasts with product quality. Will buy more no doubt.

March 17, 2010
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Roger B.
Chapaize, France
Il était presque parfaitIt was almost perfect

Pas mal manque peut etre de maturité ?

A lot can be lack of maturity?

February 22, 2010
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Emilio P.
Emilio P.
Madrid, España
No es equitativo el coste que supone al tocino que traeInequitable cost of bringing the bacon

Del servicio de Ibergur, atención, prontitud en entrega todo correcto. Respecto al Jamón, tanto mi familia como yo esperamos otra cosa, al principio exquisito, a medida de que se avanzaba en el corte, nos defraudó debido a la gran cantidad de tocino acumulado en el mismo. No es equitativo el coste que supone al tocino que trae.

Ibergur service, attention, readiness to surrender all right. With regard to Ham, my family and I hope nothing else, at first exquisite as they advanced on the court let us down because of the large amount of fat accumulated in it. Inequitable cost of bringing the bacon.

December 24, 2009
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Roger B.
Chapaize, France
Pas assez secToo dry

Le jambon désossé 5j jotas n’etais pas assez sec ou manquais de materité.

The ham bone was not enough 5d jotas dry or lacked Materita.

December 21, 2009
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Myriam M.
Castellón, España
Equilibrio entre jamón y grasaHam and fat balance

Nuestro primer pedido en IberGour y el mejor jamón que hemos probado hasta ahora: sabor y equilibrio perfecto entre jamón y grasa, con una textura suave y jugosa. Desaparecía del plato con la misma velocidad con la que se cortaba, un jamón delicioso en todos los sentidos.

Our first order in IberGour and the best ham we've tested so far: perfect balance between flavor and fat ham, with a smooth texture and juicy. Disappearing from the plate with the same speed with which it was cut, a delicious ham in every way.

December 21, 2009
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Gérard B.
Gérard B.
Aix-en-Provence, France
Moelleux et bien parfuméMoist, well-flavored

L'emballage très bien et la qualité du jambon était parfaite, très moelleux -bien qu'il eut pu l'être un peu plus- et bien parfumé. La livraison a été ponctuelle et conforme à mes attentes.

Packaging very good and the quality of the ham was perfect, very soft, although he had been able to be a little more, well-flavored. The delivery was punctual and consistent with my expectations.

December 17, 2009
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Jonathan S.
Jonathan S.
Terrassa, Barcelona
Siempre se puede mejorarYou can always improve

Siempre se puede mejorar, pero en realidad muy pero que muy buena nota, en todo. Gracias por todo y en adelante, seguire con Ustedes por la excelente calidad de sus productos.

You can always improve, but actually very, very good note, everything. Thanks for everything and beyond, will remain with you for the excellent quality of its products.

November 27, 2009
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Guadalupe B.
París, Francia
Billete de entrada a otra dimensionEntrance ticket to another dimension

Algun descuidado podria pensar que tiene en sus manos un Jamon envasado al vacio sin saber que lo que posee este sobre es el billete de entrada a otra dimension. Sublime.

Neglected some might think that you are holding a vacuum packed ham without knowing what has this on is the ticket to another dimension. Sublime.

October 23, 2009
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Guadalupe B.
París, Francia
El cuchillo que a cortado estas lonjas de Jamon...The knife that cut these slices of ham ...

El cuchillo que a cortado estas lonjas de Jamon debe ser expuesto en el Museo del Prado. Y Jabugo, claro esta, debe ser proclamado Patrimonio de la Humanidad.

The knife that cut these slices of ham must be exhibited at the Museo del Prado. Jabugo And, of course, must be proclaimed World Heritage Site.

October 23, 2009
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Vincent C.
Vincent C.
Ambonnay, France
Délicieux mais légèrement trop secDelicious, but slightly too dry

Le jambon est délicieux mais légèrement trop sec donc une partie n'etait plus mangeable.

The ham is delicious but slightly too dry therefore part was no longer edible.

October 8, 2009
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Giuseppe U.
Giuseppe U.
Rivas Vaciamadrid, España

La verdad es que estoy decepcionado, pensaba que un jamón de esta calidad y de este precio fuera algo superior a cualquier jamón serrano normalito, me equivoque.

The truth is that I am disappointed, I thought that a ham of this quality and this price was slightly higher than any normalito ham, I'm wrong.

October 6, 2009
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Chelo A.
Pozuelo de Alarcón, España
Cócktel de la boda de mi hijoCocktail wedding of my son

Compré sus productos para el cócktel de la celebración de la boda de mi hijo, y tanto el jamón Cinco Jotas como el queso Manchego, según los invitados quedaron encantados. Muy bueno el jamón, y muy especial el queso.

I bought their products for the cocktail of the wedding celebration of my son, and both ham Five Jacks and Manchego cheese, as the guests were delighted. Very good ham and cheese special.

September 23, 2009
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Benno L.
Thionville, France
Le gout incomparable justifie la dépenseThe incomparable taste justifies the expense

Le Jambon retenu était de très grande taille, de gout raffiné et pas trop gras, il a eu un grand succès. En général, sa taille un peu trop grande reste un problème pour une famille de taille moyen (4 personnes). Mais le gout incomparable justifie la dépense.

The ham was chosen very large size, refined taste and not too fatty, it was a great success. In general, its size a bit too big still a problem for a family of average size (4 persons). But the incomparable taste justifies the expense.

September 12, 2009
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Luis G.
Alfaz del Pi, Alicante

En mi opinión es perfecto. Los productos recibidos por medio de IberGour tanto el jamon 5J y el Joselito han sido excelentes, el producto ha sido inmejorable y el servicio rápido y eficaz.

In my opinion is perfect. The products received through both IberGour 5J and Joselito ham has been excellent, the product has been excellent and the service fast and efficient.

September 11, 2009
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Frédéric T.
Paris, France

Valeur sûre mais un peu cher.

Good value, but a bit expensive.

September 2, 2009
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Michaël D.
Montmorency, France
Parfum puissantStrong fragrance

Très bel aspect, parfum puissant, belle longueur en bouche avec une dominante de viande grillée et une note finale d'amande.

Very beautiful appearance, strong fragrance, good length, with a predominance of grilled meat and a final score of almond.

August 17, 2009
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Pablo R.
Harmondsworth, Reino Unido
No hay mejor embajadorThere is no better ambassador

En mi opinión el Jamón 5J Cinco Jotas Jabugo Bellota es el sabor de mi patria. No hay mejor embajador.

In my opinion, Five Jacks Jabugo 5J Ham Ham is the taste of my homeland. There is no better ambassador.

June 18, 2009
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Marta F.
Perignat-Les-Sarlieve, France
C'est une valeur sûreIt's a safe bet

C'est une valeur sûre on ne peut pas être déçu jambon excellent jambon pas trop gras pas trop sale.

It's a safe bet you can not be disappointed excellent ham ham not too fat not too dirty.

June 15, 2009
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Melchor R.
Melchor R.
Vitoria, Álava

Fue perfecto, y lo recomiendo a cualquier persona que quiera adquirir este producto, tanto en calidad del producto, como en el servicio ofrecido.

It was perfect, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to purchase this product, both in product quality, and the service offered.

May 13, 2009
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Giovanna A.
Sarzana, Italia
In altro sito l'ho trovato miglioreOn another site I found it better

Non era un prosciutto 5Jotas perfetto in altro sito l'ho trovato migliore.

It was not a ham 5Jotas perfect on another site I found better.

April 8, 2009
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Daniel B.
Hannover, Germany
Cut to perfection

Fantastic ham, with a traditional feel and taste. Cut to perfection, it is well cured, dark colored and moist despite being more cured. Definitely the benchmark for the more aged hams.

March 4, 2009
Irene H.
Aarhus, Denmark
Taste and flavour is fantastic

I think that the slices are just a bit too thick, not easy to form the slices f. inst. around something.But the taste and flavour is fantastic.

January 29, 2009
Francesco T.
Francesco T.
Torino, Italia
Si fanno apprezzareWe do appreciate

Sono prodotti eccellenti che si fanno apprezzare in ogni occasione .in particolare loro sapore trova il favore di tutti gli invitati.

They are excellent products that are appreciated in every occasion. In particular find their taste for all the guests.

January 13, 2009
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Pedro R.
Madrid, España
Ya no como otro jamonNot as another ham

Tengo cuarenta y seis años y la verdad que llevo comiendo jamon desde hace mucho tiempo, pero cuando probe 5 jotas ya no como otro jamon que no sea este o superior.

I have forty-six and the truth I've been eating ham for a long time, but when probe 5 jacks and not as another ham than this or above.

October 30, 2008
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Pedro R.
Madrid, España
Sabe a gloria despues de una dura etapaIt taste delicious after a tough stage

Soy deportista aventurero. Maratones de superviencia en sahara corriendo por las arenas, subir al campamento base del everest, inumerables viajes por el mundo corriendo y bicicleta y casi siempre viene conmigo el jamon loncheado, que sabe a gloria despues de una dura etapa.

I'm adventurous athlete. Superwind in sahara marathon running in the sand, climb the Everest base camp, countless trips around the world running and biking and almost always comes with me slicing the ham that tastes of glory after a tough stage.

October 30, 2008
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Esperanza G.
Sutton, Inglaterra
Muy buenoVery good

Excelente jamon pero al acercarse al hueso tendía a estar un poco seco y duro. En cualquier caso, muy bueno.

Excellent ham but closer to the bone tended to be a bit dry and hard. In any event, very good.

October 15, 2008
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Marcos A. G.
Marcos A. G.
Lorca, España
Repetiremos la experienciaRepeat the experience

El 5J es el primer jamón que he comprado de pata negra .El resultado excelente, muy bueno, superior, cuando pueda permitírmelo repetiremos la experiencia.

The 5J is the first I bought ham pata negra. The result was excellent, very good, superior, when you can afford it again.

December 13, 2007
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Antonio T.
Antonio T.
Alaior, Menorca
Un poquito caroA little expensive

En mi opinión, creo que es uno de los mejores jamones españoles, sin embargo un poquito caro.

In my opinion, it is one of the best Spanish ham, but a little expensive.

November 13, 2007
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Elena M.
Elena M.
Barcelona, España
5J tiene una calidad excepcional5J is an exceptional quality

El jamón de 5J tiene una calidad excepcional, merece la pena gastarse un poco más de dinero y disfrutar del sabor de un buen jamón. Lo pedimos para un regalo de un cliente américano y quedo encantado y quedamos muy bien.

5J ham is exceptional quality, it is worth spending a little more money and enjoy the taste of a good ham. We ask for a gift to an American customer and I am delighted and we were very good.

October 15, 2007
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Irvin L.
Irvin L.
Teddington, England
It's worth the price

This is one of the best Serrano Ham I have ever eaten. Although it's expensive but it's worth the price I paid for it.

July 25, 2007