Jamon 5J Cinco Jotas Ham
Livré trés rapidement,désossé et en 4 morceaux comme prévu.Chair goûteuse et de bonne qualité. Donc, trés satisfaisant.
L'huile,donnée en cadeau, nous a semblé trop forte et n'est pas à notre goût.
Delivered very quickly, boned and in 4 pieces as expected. Tasty and good quality flesh. So, very satisfactory. The oil, given as a gift, seemed too strong and is not to our taste.
Prosciutto sempre dal gusto intenso e dal sapore deciso.
Questa volta forse un po’ più stagionato lo ha reso un pizzico più sapido.
Prosciutto always with an intense flavor and strong flavor. This time perhaps a little more seasoned made it a pinch more savory.
Provarlo sporadicamente non serve per apprezzare un prosciutto iberico patanegra.
Il prosciutto acquistato l’ho apprezzato molto perché al palato ha un gusto eccezionale. Ricevuto in anticipo sulla data prevista, affettato a mano e impacchettato sottovuoto in pacchetti da circa 100 gr. Ma soprattutto le fettine sono separate da sottilissimi fogli tra uno strato e l’altro per non farle appiccicare.
Trying it sporadically does not help to appreciate a patanegra Iberian ham. I really appreciated the ham I bought because it has an exceptional taste on the palate. Received in advance of the expected date, sliced by hand and vacuum packed in packages of about 100 gr. But above all the slices are separated by very thin sheets between one layer and the other so as not to make them stick.
I have bought this ham twice this year. The first ham was exceptional and the best we have had. The second not so much, it doesn't have the incredible depth of flavour as the first and there is a lot more fat in it. Not so much that I would consider a return but certainly enough to stop me re-ordering a third ham, especially when considered with the lack of consistency of flavour between the two. Don't get me wrong the second ham is good but the first was truly exceptional and worth every penny.
Good but not so good such the last time. Next time will try another one. Anyway you are the best guys.
Thank you!
Tempi di consegna buoni. Forse inserire del ghiaccio sintetico nella
confezione sarebbe utile. Mi è arrivato molto "sudato" ed è molto, ma molto
unto, tanto che prima di affettarlo bisogna tamponarlo ripetutamente con
della carta assorbente. E' comunque un buon prodotto: stagionato,morbido,
saporito, forse troppo magro, un filo di grasso in più non guasterebbe.
Non consigliabile a chi predilige prosciutti dal sapore molto delicato.
Secondo i miei gusti lo ritengo un buon prodotto, non entusiasmante, che vale comunque la pena di provare.
Ribadisco soddisfatto, senza lode.
Times of good delivery. Perhaps insert the synthetic ice in the package would be helpful. I received much "sweat" and is very, very greasy, so much so that before slicing must repeatedly tamponarlo with paper towels. It is still a good product: seasoned, soft, tasty, perhaps too thin, a little fat more would not hurt. not recommended to those who prefer ham very delicate taste. According to my tastes I consider it a good product, not exciting, it's still worth a try. I repeat satisfied, without praise.
Spedizione veloce e accurata
Il prodotto era ben presentato e conservato
Seguendo le istruzioni abbiamo gustato
Un ottimo "bellota"
Shipping fast and accurate The product was well presented and maintained following the instructions we enjoyed a great "bellota"
Che buono il giambone Cinco Jotas! I love this one.
I better write it in English, I prefer this ham far better than the Italian Parma classic because its taste is wild, is not salty it is incredibly flavoured, it is a feast!
It is fantastic with figs and with Italian sparkling wine. Put it together with home grown salad and Parma cheese few Sardinian artichokes and lunch is done! It is advisable not eat it too often and change with less tasty products to appreciate its flavour. Having bought Guijuelo together in the same order I prefer this one because although strong and full of flavour it has something unique that I can't explain, there are no words rather than say it is the best so far.
I would not buy it again in summer because it suffers heat and although it has been delivered in clever vacuum packages it still suffers summer weather.
Delivery was excellent just a few days from order as received.
Veramente come mangiarlo in Spagna appena tagliato, prodotto indubbiamente originale, sapore e profumo inconfondibili .... consegna puntuale, ottimo il confezionamento. Lo consiglio, insieme all'ottimo formaggio.
Really like eating in Spain just cut, undoubtedly produced the original, unmistakable flavor and aroma .... timely delivery, excellent packaging. The Board, together with the excellent cheese.
Nuestro primer pedido en IberGour a sido este jamon esta bueno, esperaba un poquito mas para el precio que tiene, pero el jamon como ya dicho esta bueno por que probando jamonnes de otros sitios y este es el mejor que eh probado por ahora jejeje
lo recomiendo si lo teneis que comprar ha el soporte del jamonero esta muy bien tambien, lo unico que falla es el cuchillo un poco.....
la entrega muy bien la pagina muy correcta eso si no lo puedo negar
Our first order has been IberGour this ham is good, wait a little longer for the money you have, but the ham as the testing is good because jamonnes from other sites and this is the best proven by now eh hehehe recommend if you have to buy has the support of the ham is nice too, the only thing that fails is the knife a little ..... delivery very good right page so if I can not deny greetings
Ottimo prodotto consegna celere.
Disossato perde di fascino ma non di qualità.
Il prossimo acquisto sarà sicuramente l'intero.
Sempre su ibergour.
Excellent product fast delivery. Boneless loses appeal but not quality. The next purchase will definitely be the entire Also on Iberia g
Sin lugar a dudas, un excelente jamón. Desafortunadamente, el desorbitado precio lastra bastante. Se pueden encontrar productos de similares características en lo referente a la calidad, pero a un precio mucho más competitivo.
Undoubtedly, a great ham. Unfortunately, the exorbitant price lastra enough. You can find products of similar characteristics in terms of quality but at a much more competitive.
unos jamones de escandalo son buenisimos
el cinco jotas es comer un verdadero jamon
probarlo solo con el sabor puede convencer
hams scandal about five jacks are great to eat a real ham flavor with only the test can convince
Je vous commande tous ans depuis 2004 un jambon Jabugo 5J Bellota.
J'apprécie ce produit pour sa saveur trés agréable, sa finesse, son coté racé et délicat tout en étant puissant,ce qui développe une longueur en bouche remarquable.
Autre intéret de ce met, sa qualité constante et réguliére qui, je crois, me permettrait lors d'une dégustation à l'aveugle, de reconnaitre ce jambon.
jc larbre
I command you all years since 2004 Bellota ham Jabugo 5J. I appreciate this product for its taste very pleasant, its delicacy, its racy side and delicate yet powerful, which develops a remarkably long finish. Other places of interest, consistent quality and regular, which I think would allow me in a blind tasting, to recognize this ham. jc Larbre
Ham arrived well packed and in excellent condition. Cannot comment on flavour as will not be eating it until later in the year. Having bought these hams in Spain before this one looks as good if not better than those I have brought back by car. The company was helpful and responded to questions by return. I took the free olive oil instead of the knife and stand. Delicious. Only complaint is that it cost more than listed because of the exchange costs. The company should arrange for credit card facilities in the UK rather than simply in Spain. That way the cost would be as stated on the site.
J'ai trouvé ce jambon un peu sec sur sa partie interne et donc un peu de déchets à la découpe.
Bon produit néanmoins.
Il prodotto non è male, visto il prezzo però mi aspettavo qualcosa di super e invece risulta un pò duro e una volta pulito rimane ben poco, comunque si può provare.
The product is not bad, considering the price but I was expecting something super and instead it becomes a little harder and a little remains after cleaning, however you can try.
Il Jabugo 5J Cinco Jotas "Bellotta" e' stato il secondo prosciutto che ho acquistato da voi. Il primo era il il Gran reserva Joselito. Il Bellotta a differenza del 1° e' risultato piu' asciutto ,con piu' grasso ,ma con un sapore molto piu' intenso ,quasi vicino al sapore di selvaggina. Sono 2 prosciutti differenti ,ma sinceramente la prossima volta riproverei di nuovo il 1°.
The Jabugo 5J Cinco Jotas "Bellotta 'and' ham was the second that I bought from you. The first was the Joselito Gran Reserva. The Bellotta unlike 1 and 'more results' dry, with more 'fat, but tastes much more' intense, almost close to the taste of game. 2 hams are different, but honestly next time try it again on 1.
Beaucoup de goût et de saveurs dans cet excellent produit.Peut-être faudrait-il regretter que la part du lard soit un peu trop importante.Le producteur aurait intérêt à laisser ses "cochons" vagabonder un peu plus.
Comme à l'accoutumée la livraison a été digne d'éloges avec en plus gratuitement de quoi découper de belles tranches succulentes.
C'est un peu cher(la concurrence ne fait pas mieux)mais le plaisir et la qualité se payent toujours.
Great taste and flavors in this well-being produit.Peut should we regret that the share of the bacon is a little too importante.Le producer would do well to leave his "pigs" wander a little more. As usual delivery was commendable plus free enough to cut slices of succulent. It's a bit pricey (the competition is not better) but the pleasure and the quality is still paying.
succede che compri un prosciutto ed una spalla allora la sfida tra quale dei due sia piu' buono e' veramente difficile. +++++
paolo ottimi entrambi
leonardo di una spanna vince la spalla
it happens that you buy a ham and shoulder, then the challenge of which one is more 'good,' really hard. +++++ Excellent both leonardo paul wins the shoulder of a span
Very fast delivery of a very tasty ham.I am still enjoying it.
Incontestablement c'est un bon produit qui a du goût mais à notre avis celui que l'on a reçu manque de persillage.
Nous aurions aimé savoir quelle est la durée de maturation du produit livré ainsi que son millésime.
Unquestionably it is a good product that has a taste but we think the one we received a lack of marbling. We would like to know how long its ripening delivered and its vintage.
Pas mal manque peut etre de maturité ?
A lot can be lack of maturity?
L'emballage très bien et la qualité du jambon était parfaite, très moelleux -bien qu'il eut pu l'être un peu plus- et bien parfumé. La livraison a été ponctuelle et conforme à mes attentes.
Packaging very good and the quality of the ham was perfect, very soft, although he had been able to be a little more, well-flavored. The delivery was punctual and consistent with my expectations.
Le jambon est délicieux mais légèrement trop sec donc une partie n'etait plus mangeable.
The ham is delicious but slightly too dry therefore part was no longer edible.
Le Jambon retenu était de très grande taille, de gout raffiné et pas trop gras, il a eu un grand succès. En général, sa taille un peu trop grande reste un problème pour une famille de taille moyen (4 personnes). Mais le gout incomparable justifie la dépense.
The ham was chosen very large size, refined taste and not too fatty, it was a great success. In general, its size a bit too big still a problem for a family of average size (4 persons). But the incomparable taste justifies the expense.
Valeur sûre mais un peu cher.
Good value, but a bit expensive.
Très bel aspect, parfum puissant, belle longueur en bouche avec une dominante de viande grillée et une note finale d'amande.
Very beautiful appearance, strong fragrance, good length, with a predominance of grilled meat and a final score of almond.
C'est une valeur sûre on ne peut pas être déçu jambon excellent jambon pas trop gras pas trop sale.
It's a safe bet you can not be disappointed excellent ham ham not too fat not too dirty.
Non era un prosciutto 5Jotas perfetto in altro sito l'ho trovato migliore.
It was not a ham 5Jotas perfect on another site I found better.
I think that the slices are just a bit too thick, not easy to form the slices f. inst. around something.But the taste and flavour is fantastic.
Excelente jamon pero al acercarse al hueso tendía a estar un poco seco y duro. En cualquier caso, muy bueno.
Excellent ham but closer to the bone tended to be a bit dry and hard. In any event, very good.