100% Duroc
Cured 16 months min.
Hams and shoulders are not packed in individual cartons. We place all the items you purchase in the smallest possible number of cartons to save on shipping costs. If you prefer having them packed in a different way, email us at info@ibergour.com indicating how many hams/shoulders you want, where you want them shipped and how you want them packed. We will calculate the additional cost of shipping according to your indications.
We ship the whole ham wrapped in grease-free paper and an outside cloth wrapper, all encased in a plastic bag for maximum hygiene. When you receive it, take it out of the bag and remove all the wrapping. You can keep it hung by the string at room temperature for up to 6 months before starting it. Once cutting has started, consume it in 1-2 months.
We remove the rind and the bone, cutting it into as many parts as you wish, and vacuum wrap each piece separately. We leave only the edible fat (ready to slice and serve).
We slice your entire ham and wrap the slices in 100-gram vacuum packs, separating them with plastic strips for easier serving.
We can slice the ham by machine (+£30.11) or with a knife (+£64.89).
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Jambon Duroc très persillé, manque un peu d'intensité, mais c'est normal, c'est pas un pata negra.
Very marbled Duroc ham, lacking a little intensity, but that's normal, it's not a pata negra.
La chair est bien persillée, et son goût est bien au dessus d'un serrano
Affinage de 18 mois fait dans les règles de l'art
C'est un avis très objectif, j'ai travaillé 15 ans pour les meilleurs salaisonniers français, espagnols et italiens, en tant que maître trancheur (cortador), et ai eu au moins 5000 jambons sous mes couteaux
Aussi, le jambon est arrivé en 3 jours après la commande dans un emballage pro de pro
Merci Ibergour
The flesh is well marbled, and its taste is well above that of a Serrano. 18 months of maturation done according to the rules of the art. This is a very objective opinion, I worked for 15 years for the best French, Spanish and Italian curers, as a master slicer (cortador), and had at least 5000 hams under my knives. Also, the ham arrived in 3 days after ordering in professional packaging. Thank you Ibergour
Es un jamón de primera, muy tierno y sabroso, sin excederse en salado. Aguanta mucho tiempo sin perder calidad ni sabor.
Lo hemos comprado varias veces ya, y seguiremos comprándolo. Nos encanta.
Además, tanto embalaje como transporte, de máxima calidad y confianza.
It is a top quality ham, very tender and tasty, without being overly salty. It lasts a long time without losing quality or flavour. We have bought it several times now, and we will continue to buy it. We love it. In addition, both packaging and transport are of the highest quality and reliability.
La verdad que he comprado unas cuantas veces este jamón y me ha salido excelente. Pero tengo que decir que está vez el jamón está un poco seco y su tocino es un poco amarillento, no es como otras veces que era más rosáceo. Está vez está demasiado curado. Estoy un poco disgustado porque está vez a sido más caro y peor. Recomiendo que lo compréis porque pienso que una vez no me justifica las anteriores. Su atención es muy buena, transporte y embalaje muy bien.
The truth is that I have bought this ham several times and it has been excellent. But I have to say that this time the ham is a little dry and its bacon is a little yellowish, it is not like other times when it was more pinkish. This time it is too cured. I am a little upset because this time it has been more expensive and worse. I recommend that you buy it because I think that one time does not justify the previous ones. Their service is very good, transport and packaging very good.
Muy buena calidad
Llevo varios años encargando jamones y paletas y este es realmente bueno.
Bien adobado y muy sabroso
Very good quality. I have been ordering hams and shoulders for several years and this one is really good. Well marinated and very tasty
We ship to all countries in the European Union, United Kingdom, Isle of Man and Monaco.
Standard Shipping | £20.70 | To be delivered between Tuesday, April 08 and Thursday, April 10 (possibly before but we can’t guarantee it)* |
* These dates are valid if you do not request any handling. If you request any additional service (boning, slicing, etc.), add 2 working days.
The slicing of a ham with a knife is part of the genuine, quality Iberico ham tasting experience. It is a simple process too, with the right equipment. Nevertheless, certain safety measures should be observed.
Specialists in online sales
More than 30,000 clients throughout Europe
Direct selling from Spain, at spanish prices
Delivery in 5-7 days
Payment by credit card, PayPal or bank transfer