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Customers' reviews

Jamon Altanza D.O. Jabugo Summum Ham

Pata negra
Jamon Altanza D.O. Jabugo Summum Ham

Jamon Altanza D.O. Jabugo Summum Ham

£422.447.25 to 9 kg jamones
Average rating:
34 reviews
Jamon altanza DO Jabugo summum realmente buenoJamon altanza DO Jabugo summum really good

Nos ha salido muy bueno. Cortado a mano, perfectamente envasado en paquetes de unos 100-200gr. Va a saber a poco

It turned out very good. Hand-cut, perfectly packaged in packages of about 100-200gr. It knows little

December 14, 2024
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Frederic en Ile de France
Très bon jambon à la hauteur des meilleursVery good ham, up to the best

C'est le 4e jambon que je commande chez Ibergour. La livraison est rapide comme d'habitude. Ce Jabugo est à la hauteur des grands jambons classiques que nous connaissons Joselito ou Cinquo Jotas. Nous l'avons commence par la babilla (sabot en bas) pour garder le meilleur pour les fêtes. Cette partie parfois sèche est ici succulente, avec des parfums et un goût affirmé de bellota, un vrai plaisir.
Je recommande sans hésitation.

This is the 4th ham I have ordered from Ibergour. Delivery is fast as usual. This Jabugo is up to the standard of the great classic hams we know, Joselito or Cinquo Jotas. We started it with the babilla (hoof at the bottom) to keep the best for the holidays. This sometimes dry part is succulent here, with aromas and a strong taste of bellota, a real pleasure. I recommend it without hesitation.

December 7, 2024
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Produit au top : du goût, du gras, des arômes hummmTop product: taste, fat, aromas, yum

Service client parfait et produit au même niveau!!
Pas facile de s y retrouver dans toute cette offre…
Je pense avoir trouvé ici un site assurant la qualité du produit. J y reviendrai

Perfect customer service and product at the same level!! Not easy to find your way around all this offer... I think I found a site here that ensures product quality. I'll come back

November 30, 2024
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Parma Italia
Ottimo prosciuttoExcellent ham

Compro periodicamente i prosciutti da Ibergour e sono molto soddisfatto del loro servizio.
Anche questo prosciutto è perfetto, non troppo grasso e di ottimo gusto.

I buy hams from Ibergour periodically and I am very satisfied with their service. This ham is also perfect, not too fat and has an excellent taste.

November 30, 2024
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Manaifiestamente mejorableClearly improvable

Es un jamón bastante normalito. Para ser de Jabugo y 100% ibérico, no tiene nada que ver con las marcas top de la D.O

It is a fairly average ham. For being from Jabugo and 100% Iberian, it has nothing to do with the top brands of the DO.

November 28, 2024
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Un vrai régalA real treat

Vraiment pas de différence de qualité avec un roselito ou 5J.,à mon goût personnel bien sûr ! Je recommande !!

Really no difference in quality with a roselito or 5J., for my personal taste of course! I recommend !!

December 2, 2023
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Hereford, UK
Life is too short to be without Jamon

It has become difficult in my part of the UK to find Jamon in any shop near me and I have been disappointed with packs bought online. So having previously ordered a paleta during lockdown and liking the quality, I decided to get myself a whole leg - machine sliced. I picked the Altanza D.O. Jubugo Summum and I am very happy. It is divine. The only problem is that it might not last as long as I hoped. We have been eating it every day since it arrived. The quality is very good. Some parts a little dry but the flavour is intense. When it is gone, I am sure I will order another one.

July 3, 2023
Reetaah de Braux
Reetaah de Braux
Paris and Singapour

bought a leg and I asked to be cut. The product arrived earlier than preview, it came,well packed in a very well wrapped paper box, in vacuum seal bags, at least 35 packets, and they even sent the cut bone for soupe, I am very impressed,
We opened 4 packs, we totally enjoyed them, great quality, Can"t ask for better.
Thank you, you made us happy, Bravo, I shall order gain in Marcha

December 19, 2022
Milano, Italia
Ottimo prodottoGreat product

Prodotto molto valido, magro, saporito e ad un ottimo prezzo.
Servizio di consegna ottimo.
È il secondo prodotto che compro e volevo provare una divers zona di produzione.

Very good product, lean, tasty and at a great price. Excellent delivery service. It is the second product I buy and I wanted to try a different production area.

October 27, 2022
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Salzburg, Österreich
sehr gut, typisches Jabugo Aroma, dtadelloser Lieferzustand, dekorativer Schinkenhalter etc.very good, typical Jabugo aroma, perfect delivery condition, decorative ham holder etc.

Sehr gute Qualität, typisches Jabugo Aroma, tadelloser Lieferzustand, pünktliche Lieferung, Schinkenhalter präzise ausgeführt und dekorativ. Bin sehr zufrieden.

Very good quality, typical Jabugo aroma, impeccable delivery condition, punctual delivery, ham holder made precisely and decoratively. I am very pleased.

June 20, 2022
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Meise, Belgium
Delicious jamon pata negra

Our 2nd ham we ordered in a timeframe of 5 weeks. Great taste, perfect service and delivery. Ibergour knows how to satisfy their clients with best quality and adequate service. Thanks!

November 15, 2021
Marc Beltrando
Marc Beltrando
La réunion
Jambon pata negra de Jabugo Altanza, ibérique de bellota AOCPata negra ham from Jabugo Altanza, acorn-fed Iberian AOC

Voici mes commentaires :
Produits excellent!
Présentation parfaite!
Prestations irréprochables!
Encore merci pour le cadeaux.
Nous sommes très heureux d'avoir commander ce produit.
Bonne continuation.

Here are my comments: Excellent products! Perfect presentation! Impeccable services! Thank you again for the gifts. We are very happy to have ordered this product. Good continuation.

October 29, 2021
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Lucio zuin
Lucio zuin
Prosciutto spagnolo festa italianaSpanish ham Italian feast

Ordinato un prosciutto tagliato mi è arrivato nei tempi previsti tagliato perfettamente soddisfatto al 100%. azienda seria precisa niente da dire soddisfatto

Ordered a sliced ham I arrived on schedule cut perfectly satisfied 100%. serious company specifies nothing to say satisfied

October 9, 2021
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Remience Pierre-François
Remience Pierre-François
Arlon Belgique
Jabugo pata negraJabugo pata negra

Un jambon suave, plein de goût, waouw tjrs aussi délicieux ;)
Service rapide, emballage parfait, je recommande sans aucune hésitation

A smooth ham, full of taste, wow always so delicious;) Quick service, perfect packaging, I recommend without any hesitation

October 8, 2021
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Produit conforme et excellent expédition rapide et bonne communication.
Prestation toujours constante en terme de qualité depuis toutes ces années où je suis cliente.

Compliant product and excellent fast shipping and good communication. Always constant service in terms of quality for all these years when I have been a client.

December 6, 2020
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Filipe Da Silva Carvalho
Filipe Da Silva Carvalho
good, but expected it to be better

Last time I ordered the "cebo de campo" from Jabugo Altanza, and this time I took the "bellota" one.
They are from the same brand. So I expected to get a much better jamon.
I'm a little disappointed, as I don't see much of a difference in appearance and in taste.
Next time I will go for the "cebo de campo" again, as it is much cheaper and as good in quality as the so called "bellota".

July 2, 2020
Grande finesse de goutGreat delicacy of taste

Excellent produit. Grande finesse de gout avec des notes de noisettes. Délai de livraison d'une semaine, avec Week end au milieu, ce serait bien de pouvoir se faire livrer en colis-relais.

Excellent product. Great delicacy of taste with hints of hazelnuts. Delivery time of one week, with Week end in the middle, it would be nice to be delivered in parcel-relay.

November 5, 2019
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Ivo F
Ivo F
Wien, Österreich
Qualität stimmt.Quality is right.

Sehr gute Qualität. Meine Erwartungen wurden vollständig erfüllt.
Handgeschnitten und Verpackungen in kleine Portionen ist bestens geeignet für unterschiedlichste Verwendung und Anlässen.

Very good quality. My expectations were completely fulfilled. Hand-cut and packaged in small portions is ideal for a wide variety of uses and occasions.

January 17, 2019
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Primo acquisto di jamonFirst purchase of jamon

Ottimo sotto ogni punto di vista: tempi di consegna, imballo, stagionatura, quantità di scarto del prosciutto, gusto, rapporto qualità prezzo, ecc. Sicuramente un acquisto da ripetere!

Excellent from every point of view: delivery time, packaging, maturing, amount of ham waste, taste, value for money, etc. Definitely a purchase to be repeated!

December 30, 2017
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petite déceptiondisappointment

produit livré dans les temps sans problème et bien conditionné. Le jambon est d'excellente qualité mais un peu trop gras .

product delivered on time without problems and good conditioning. The ham is excellent but a little too fat.

May 1, 2016
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Il massimoThe maximum

Eccellente prosciutto, molto dolce, raffinato, ottimo al palato, gusto delicato, stagionatura perfetta. Spedizione velocissima,Ibergour non tradisce. Da provare consigliatissimo

Excellent ham, very sweet, refined, great on the palate, delicate flavor, perfect seasoning. Shipping fast, IberGour not betray. Try recommended

November 8, 2014
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Deuxième commande passée chez Ibergour rapide et efficace comme la première.
Ce second Jambon est d'une très grande qualité, gouteux à souhait et très peu gras.
Etonnement, les premières tranches ont un gout de fumé, ce petit gout disparait ensuite après quelques jours.
Ce n'est ensuite que pur bonheur !
C'est pour le moment notre préféré après avoir essayé :
- Jabugo Sanchez Romero Carvajal : Bon mais sans plus
- Covap Alta Expression Bellota : Très bon mais aussi très gras (manque peut-être d'affinage ?)

Second order placed with fast and efficient IberGour like the first. Ham is the second of a very high quality, tasty and very little desire to fat. Surprisingly, the first tranches have a taste of smoked, this little taste then disappears after a few days. It was only then that pure happiness! This is currently our favorite after trying - Jabugo Sanchez Romero Carvajal: Good but not great - Covap Alta Expression Bellota: Very good but also very fat (perhaps lacks refining?)

August 25, 2014
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Uno de los mejores jamones que he probado , la primera vez que pedia que me fuera enviado deshuesado, y un verdadero acierto, lo pedi para una fiesta y me llego muy bien embalado y a tiempo: el servicio al consumidor ideal y el producto de muy buena calidad .no me queda duda de que volvere a usar esta compania y sus jamones. Superecomendable.

One of the best ham I've ever had, the first time I ordered I was sent boning, and a real success. I ordered it for a party and I arrived very well packed and on time: the ideal consumer service and high quality product. I have no doubt they will use this company and its hams. Superecomendable.

March 23, 2014
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Fabuleux goût de noisette hyper marquéFabulous taste of hazelnut marked hyper

C'est vraiment un très bon produit avec un goût de noisette très prononcé, voir surprenant, peut être un peu trop a mon goût.
Les tranches sont extrêmement fine.Le Jabugo c'est le top du Jambon Viva Espana !!

It really is a great product with a very pronounced nutty, see surprising, maybe a little too much to my taste. The slices are very thin. The Jabugo is the top of the ham. Viva España!

April 23, 2013
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Gino Lattanzi
Gino Lattanzi
Kiev Ucraina
Servizio impeccabileImpeccable service

Sono molto soddisfatto!!!!
Questo e' il mio terzo ordine, e fino adesso nulla da dire sulla qualita' e sull'elaborazione dell'ordine.
Bravi e complimenti!!!

I am very satisfied!! That 's my third order, and until now nothing to say about the quality' and the development of the order. Well done and congratulations!

March 11, 2013
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Anthony TAYLOR
Anthony TAYLOR
Isle sur la Sorgue

J'ai une préférence pour le jambon entier mais malgré tous les efforts possible, pas moyen de reproduire la finesse de la coupe d'Ibergour. La saveur puissante de cette qualité fait que les tranches fines permettent de profiter au maximum de cette saveur incomparable sans s'en lasser.
La petite feuille de papier entre les tranches permets de placer les tranches directement sur une grande assiette pour une présentation presque professionnelle.
Plus cher au kilo mais un côté pratique indéniable.
Les paquets de 100gr sous vide permettent aussi d'en avoir sous la main a tout moment et d'en sortir que lorsqu'on le souhaite.
Je recommende fortement.
Anthony Taylor
Isle sur la Sorgue

I have a preference for whole ham but despite all efforts, no way to reproduce the sharpness of the cutting Ibergour. The powerful flavor of this quality is that thin slices can make the most of this unique flavor without getting tired. The small piece of paper between the slices allows to place the slices directly on a large plate for a presentation almost professional. More expensive per kilo but a practical undeniable. Packets of 100g vacuum also allow to have on hand at any time and leave only when desired. I highly recommend. Anthony Taylor Isle sur la Sorgue

July 5, 2012
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Precio/Calida regular- MaloPrice / Calida regular-Malo

Por el precio esperaba mejor calidad.Independientemente de la gran cantidad de grasa que tenia, el sabor es de un jamón más bien normal con sabor poco intenso. Su precio sería para mí de unos 100-150 euros maximos, la mitad de lo que realmente pagé por él.Curiosamente encontré encontré página en internet de jamones de aparentemente la misma calida y procedencia(la misma sierra, bodegas ect...pero con un precio más real a lo que su calidad ofrece.
No lo recomiendo para el que tenga conocimiento delo que es un buen jamon y mucho menos por ese precio.En definitiva me quedo bastante desepcionado.Un saludo.

For the price I expected better calidad.Independientemente the large amount of fat he had, the taste is rather normal ham-flavored little intense. Its price would be for me a few maxima 100-150 euros, half of what I found really él.Curiosamente page by page in Internet I found ham warm and apparently the same origin (the same range, ect ... but with wineries a real price so the quality offered.
Not recommended for having knowledge model is a good ham and much less that I was quite precio.En desepcionado.Un final salute.

December 18, 2011
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A CONSOMMER SANS MODERATION...To consume without moderation ...

Une fois de plus, la qualité exceptionnelle de vos jambons a fait des heureux en éveillant leurs papilles !
Et c'est sans compter la relation client toujours aussi professionnelle et efficace des interlocuteurs de votre société.
Ne changez rien !
Merci pour le plaisir gustatif que vous nous offrez depuis de nombreuses années.

Once again, the exceptional quality of your hams made happy by awakening their taste buds! Not to mention customer relationship always professional and efficient partners in your company. Do not change anything! Thank you for the great taste that you give us for many years.

November 3, 2011
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Satisfied customer

I have purchased Bellota hams from IberGour for a couple of years now, most recently twice a year. Always easy and you receive your purchase as promised and always within a few days. The most recent, Guijuelo Bellota ham, was very good as were three other brands tried. The dark almost translucent ham is tasty and richly flavoured, the fat soft and characteristic.
Another point was, that this last time i needed help from IberGour regarding the delivery. I got an immediate response to my Email and in a very short time all issues were sorted out to my full satisfaction.
Excellent products, excellent service

February 17, 2011
Paris, France
Très bon produitVery good product

Jambon tout à fait excellent, semblable, voire meilleur que celui goûté plusieurs fois dans des restaurants en Espagne. Service Ibergour absolument remarquable avec une livraison d'Espagne en France en 48 heures sans aucun problème.
Site et produit hautement recommendables.

Ham quite excellent, similar or even better than that tasted several times in restaurants in Spain. Ibergour absolutely outstanding service with a delivery from Spain to France in 48 hours without any problem. Site and produces highly recommendable.

February 9, 2011
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Un jamón excepcionalAn exceptional ham

Impresionante. De los mejores jamones que he comido. En su punto de grasa y de sal. Delicioso. Una auténtica golosina.

Awesome. The best ham I've ever eaten. At its fat and salt. Delicious. A real treat.

December 31, 2010
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Edoardo Famularo
Edoardo Famularo
isola di Pantelleria trapani SICILIA
ottimo !!excellent!

gustato con amici aperitivo fantasticoooo
venditori seri e competenti spedizione e confezione ottimi ,credo che ci risentiremo presto
i miei amici saranno vostri amici.

enjoyed with friends drink sellers fantasticoooo serious and competent shipping and great packaging, I think you again soon my friends are your friends. HOLA!

November 14, 2010
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Heidi L.
Oslo, Norway
Please open a branch in my country...

Lovely ham, just perfect. The ham is juicy, easy to carve, and the taste is superb. My family and I will certainly buy from you again.

September 2, 2010
Massimo P.
Ferrara, Italia
Un pò troppo di grasseA little too fat

buon prodotto. ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo. Confezioni con fette con un pò troppo di grasse.

good product. excellent value for money. Packs slices with a little too fat.

April 15, 2010
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