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Customers' reviews

Jamon D.O. Guijuelo Ham

Jamon D.O. Guijuelo Ham

Jamon D.O. Guijuelo Ham

Not available.
£402.837.5 to 8.5 kg jamones
Average rating:
35 reviews
West Sussex

Recibí este jamón dentro de una semana lo cual no estuvo nada mal, considerando el daño que el puñetero Brexit nos causo en Inglaterra, pero en fin a lo mas importante el jamón me prometí que no lo empezaría hasta un par de días antes de Navidad pero la tentación fue muy grande y no la pude resistir! Que sabor y color tiene esta fabuloso como todos los productos que he comprado a Ibergour. Otra vez gracias a Miquel por el excelente servicio que me ha dado . Repetiré y sin duda ninguna recomiendo a Ibergour por calidad precio y servicio. Feliz Navidada todos!!

I received this ham within a week which wasn't bad at all, considering the damage that the bloody Brexit caused us in England, but in the end the most important thing is the ham, I promised myself that I wouldn't start it until a couple of days before Christmas but The temptation was very great and I couldn't resist it! What a fabulous flavor and color it has, like all the products I have bought from Ibergour. Thanks again to Miquel for the excellent service he has given me. I will repeat and without a doubt I recommend Ibergour for quality, price and service. Merry Christmas to all!!

December 9, 2023
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Bonjour ,
C'est la première fois que j'achète un jambon via votre site.
La lettre d'envoi m'a vraiment fait rire aux éclats....
Quelques jours après ,j'ai reçu un beau grand paquet . J'ai enfin découvert le bijoux.
Le Soir même,j'ai goûté ce produit.
C'était un délice...
Maintenant,je dois vous laisser,car j'ai invité ma famille à manger.
Ils sont 10. Vous imaginez le nombre de coupes que je vais devoir faire.
Continuez comme ça .
Ça change et c'est Super.
A bientôt

Hello, This is the first time that I have bought a ham via your site. The mailing letter really made me laugh out loud.... A few days later, I received a nice big package. I finally discovered jewelry. The same evening, I tasted this product. It was a delight... Now, I must leave you, because I invited my family to eat. They are 10. You can imagine the number of cuts I will have to make. Continue like that . It's changing and it's great. See you soon

February 13, 2022
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Pedro A.
Pedro A.
Munich, Alemania
Muy rico!Very tasty!

Lo compramos hace una semana. Llego rapido y bien empaquetado. Muy rico!

We bought it a week ago. I arrive quickly and well packaged. Delicious! We will repeat.

January 24, 2022
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Frankfurt, Deutschland
Super Schinken.Great ham.

Wir hatten viel Freude mit diesem Schinken. Super Qualität. Geschmack noch besser als in Erinnerung. Sehr schönes Stück.

We had a lot of fun with this ham. Great quality. Taste even better than remembered. Very nice piece.

January 2, 2021
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Roland Liemberger
Roland Liemberger
Pressbaum, Österreich
Exzellenter Jamon!Excellent Jamon!

Der Jamon Iberico de Bellota war exzellent - genau so wie erhofft. Das Service und der Support von ibergour war auch 1A.

The Jamon Iberico de Bellota was excellent - exactly as hoped. The service and support from ibergour was also top notch.

December 30, 2020
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Boris Liedtke
Boris Liedtke

Super productos ! SIEMPRE es una allegria comprar y Consumer de Ibergour. Que seleccion mas incredible de jamones de Alta cualidad.

Super products! It is ALWAYS a joy to buy and Consume Ibergour. What an incredible selection of high quality hams.

September 20, 2020
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Andrea Biason
Andrea Biason
Pensaba mejorI thought better

Esperaba algo mejor, faltaba personalidad. Muy bien el corte, el aspecto, no tan bien el gusto, esperaba mas. No se si volveremos a repetir.

I was hoping for better, lacking personality. Very good cut, appearance, not so good taste, I expected more. I do not know if we will repeat.

July 3, 2016
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Michel Pinot
Michel Pinot
Aix en Provence
Au top de la découpeAt the top of the cut

J'ai choisi de faire entièrement pré trancher mon jambon (avec un peu d'inquiétude néanmoins sur le résultat car c'était une première) Le résultat est spectaculaire: finesse des tranches, séparations de chaque tranche, sachets adaptés à une consommation pour 2 personnes: un travail de pro que je recommande vraiment

I chose to completely pre cut my ham (with some concern however about the result because it was a first) The result is spectacular: fine slices, each slice separations, sachets suitable for consumption for 2 people: a working pro I would definitely recommend

June 13, 2016
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Marie M.
Parfait sur tous les pointsPerfect on all points

Livraison rapide et colis en parfait état. Emballage de qualité. Découpe au couteau parfaite (bravo !). Mise en sachets sous vide impeccable. Taille des sachets idéale. Enfin, jambon excellent, un vrai bellota comme on aime. Je recommanderai assurément. Merci Ibergour.

Fast delivery and package in perfect condition. quality packaging. Perfect cutting knife (bravo!). Bagged in impeccable empty. Ideal size bags. Finally, ham excellent, a real acorn as we like. I certainly recommend. IberGour thank you.

June 13, 2016
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Bueno con matices, tiene todo un lado, el derecho, duro, cuando lo cortas y lo corto en lonchas finas, no se deshace en la boca, como creo que debería ser,lo tienes que morder y partirlo con los dientes, el sabor muy bueno.
Un saludo.

Well nuances, has a whole side, hard right, when you cut it and cut it into thin slices, no melts in your mouth, as I think it should be, you have to bite and break it with his teeth, very good taste . A greeting.

June 13, 2016
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excellent, convenient, practical

Well cut, good tasting and correctly packaged - product can be kept for several months which is the advantage over purchasing a whole leg - of course the latter is preferable if it is consumed rapidly.

April 12, 2015
London, UK
excellent jamon

It is so good I keep coming back for more! Excellent quality jamon and excellent value. It just keeps getting better and better

March 29, 2015
Buonissimo...Yummy ...

Ho comprato su questo sito diversi tipi di prosciutti, cercando di cogliere le differenze tra quelli più noti e costosi e quelli caratterizzati da un costo più abbordabile.
Questo, arrivato per altro con una rapidità pazzesca, non sfigura affatto. Neppure con prodotti molto più costosi.
Spettacolare davvero.

I bought on this site different types of hams, trying to understand the differences between the most famous and expensive and those characterized by a more affordable cost. This, come to another with a speed crazy, looks good at all. Even with much more expensive products. Really spectacular.

March 16, 2015
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Peter Müller
Jena , Deutschland
Wie gewohnt: sehr gutAs usual: very good

Wie schon gewohnt:exakte Abwicklung,gute Qualität der Ware...mehr braucht's nicht.
Wir haben seit geraumer Zeit volles Vertrauen in die Equipe der Firma.
Bemerkenswert auch die einzigartige Website mit allen Erklärungen bezüglich der Diversität der Ware. Wir bleiben treue Kunden !

As usual: precise handling, good quality of the product ... more does not need it. We have for some time every confidence in the team of the company. Also noteworthy is the unique website with full explanations regarding the diversity of the goods. We remain loyal customers!

March 15, 2015
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ottimovery well

molto contenti dell'acquisto. Consegna rapidissima la vigilia di Natale. Confezionamento e imballo di altissimo livello, il prosciutto è gustosissimo. Da ricomprare, magari in un formato un po' più grande ;-) - 6,5 kg finiscono subito

very happy with purchase. Rapid delivery on Christmas Eve. Packaging and packaging of the highest level, the ham is delicious. To buy back, maybe in a format a little 'bigger;-) - 6.5 kg finish first

January 4, 2015
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Pierluigi Pomante
Ciampino Italia
Seis Estrellas.Seis Stars.

Il miglior Bellota de nuestra vida . Talmente buono che a mangiarlo con il pane sembra di rovinarne il sapore. Nettamente superiore a prosciutti molto più famosi che abbiamo comprato in passato ( Joselito, Sanchez Romero, Carrasco ) . All' inizio YO y mi Esposa eravamo indecisi se fosse migliore del Covap Alta Expresion che tanto ci era piaciuto lo scorso inverno . Ahora arrivati a meta' prosciutto ce ne siamo innamorati . 5 Estrellas il Covap 6 Estrellas il D.O Guijuelo. Grazie ad Ibergour per averlo messo in offerta . Sperando che ad Ottobre ripetano lo sconto rinnoviamo i complimenti ad Ibergour. Come al solito consegna perfetta ed ottimi prodotti.

The best Bellota de nuestra vida. So good to eat it with the bread that seem to ruin the flavor. Significantly higher than hams much more famous that we bought in the past (Joselito Sanchez Romero, Carrasco). All 'beginning YO y mi Esposa we were undecided if it was better than Covap Alta Expresion that we liked so much last winter. Ahora arrived in the middle 'ham we love it. 5 Stars 6 Stars on the Covap Guijuelo. Thanks to IberGour to have it put on offer. Hoping to October repeated the discount renew complimented IberGour. As usual perfect delivery and excellent products.

August 7, 2013
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je suis embarrasséI'm embarrassed

Car je n'ai pas encore attaqué ce beau jambon. Il est pendu dans ma maison au frais (entre 16 et 21°)
Je pense en profiter dès cette automne.
J'achète régulièrement des jambons chez IBERGOUR, et ceux que je prèfère sont les jambon de 3 a4 ans( 5J)
A bientot, le laisir de me régaler avec un prochain Jambon.

Because I have not attacked this beautiful ham. It is hanging in my home cool (between 16 and 21 °) I think benefit from this fall. I regularly buy hams in IBERGOUR, and those are my favorite ham a4 3 years (5J) A soon, the laisir to regale me with a ham next. D. GAUTIER

August 1, 2013
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SIRVEN jean michel
SIRVEN jean michel
NARBONNE france 11100
appreciation sur le produit commandéappreciation of the ordered product

j'ai commandé et reçu deux jambons AOC guijuelo bellota que j'ai gouté et que je trouve excelents j'avais deja eu le plaisir d'acheter des produits ibergour que j'ai toujours trouve tres bons

I ordered and received two AOC guijuelo bellota hams that I tasted and I find excelents I had already had the pleasure of buying products ibergour I always found very good

July 31, 2013
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Southampton, UK
Good ham

This was my first purchase of both ready sliced ham and the D.O. Guijuelo Bellota ham.
The good: The flavour of the ham is good, it's got the right balance of sweet and salty, really good marbling and a nice flavour to the fat. I'd certainly buy this D.O. Guijuelo again.
The bad: I felt the ham would have been much better hand sliced. It was too thin and even and affected the overall texture. I also had a problem in that they were delivered to England during our short but powerful summer, unfortunately all of the fat melted and has affected the overall quality a bit. It's still nice, but would have been nicer.
Service as always was good.
In short, I recommend the ham but would suggest going for a whole ham.

July 30, 2013
Guijuelo Bellota

It's as good as they say. Recommended. Buy it!
And now I must add another ten words to make up twenty .............

July 29, 2013
Excellenter SchinkenExcelent ham

Wie gewohnt habe ich ibergour vertraut und wurde wieder nicht enttäuscht:
Wahnsinniges Aroma, sehr konzentriert, sollte man sehr, sehr dünn schneiden und hat trotzdem den vollen Genuss.
Sehr zufrieden und neugierig auf den nächsten.
Mehr gibt es nicht zu sagen.

As usual, I was not familiar ibergour and again disappointed: Insane aroma, very focused, you should very very thin cut, and still has the full enjoyment. Very happy and curious about the next one. There is nothing more to say.

July 28, 2013
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Mike Thorne
Mike Thorne
Bristol UK
Stunning Ham.. best in a long time

Quite sweaty on arrival and a bit over fat on the surface (which of course you pay for in weight) but once through that the ham is absolutely beautiful. Best I have tasted in very many a year, here in the UK and in Spain. Nutty, sweet, melting, delicate but meaningful. Excellent value over the big brands against which it generally holds its own (5 Jotas, Joselito) and decent service too from Ibergour.
No hesitations recommending this.

December 7, 2012

Compra : jamon D.O. Guijuelo deshuesado.
Excelente relacion calidad / precio. Un buen equilibrio entre salado y dulce con el sabor tipico de Guijuelo.

Purchase: Guijuelo ham boning. Excellent quality / price ratio. A good balance between salty and sweet flavor typical of Guijuelo.

October 22, 2012
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Don Elliott
Don Elliott
London, UK
Not the best we have had from Ibergour...

We have had several different Bellota hams from Ibergour in the past unfortunately this one D.O. Guijuelo Bellota Ham is very marbled and the cure is inconsistent across the ham. The inner side is nicely crystallised with a rich colour we expect from Bellota ham while the outer side is still quite milky and under cured. We have been eating the ham for a week now and hoping it dries out over the next few days.
We prefered the Jamón ibérico de bellota 5J Cinco Jotas we previously have had from Ibergour...... We would not buy this particular brand form Ibergour again the value for money isnt there ......

August 11, 2012
Loco Motoristo
Guter SchinkenGood ham

Guter Schinken , meine erste Bestellung dieses Hinterschinken
Super Qualitaet, guter Geschmack
Super Ablauf , hat alles wunderbar geklappt werde gerne wieder bei Ibergour bestellen

Good ham, my first order of this ham super quality, good taste super sequence has everything worked out perfectly'll be glad to order again at Ibergour

August 7, 2012
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Jamon veramente speciale. Dolce e saporito. Si scioglie in bocca.
Complimenti: molto pratica la confezione da 100 grammi.
Ottima confezione e puntualità della spedizione.

Jamon really special. Sweet and tasty. Melts in your mouth. Congratulations on the very practical package of 100 grams. Excellent packaging and timely shipment.

August 3, 2012
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Alfredo Campanini
Alfredo Campanini
Parma - Italy
Muy buenoVery good

No es la primera vez que compra un jamón español, a nosotros ya nuestros amigos como miltissimo, a pesar de que son de Parma.

Not for the first time you buy a Spanish ham, us and our friends as miltissimo, despite being in Parma.

February 18, 2012
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Luis G.
Alfaz del Pi

La pena del jamòn es que se desperdicia mucho por la grasa, pero tambien ello es un aliciente porque sin ella no tiene el mismo sabor, en general el producto es bueno y el servicio rápido y eficaz
No será el último que compre

The ham is worth the wasted much fat, but it is also an encouragement because without it tastes the same, the overall product is good and fast and efficient service will not be the last to buy

November 14, 2010
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Stanislas de Caumont
Stanislas de Caumont

Chaque été je commande un jambon pata negra sur Ibergour et je ne suis jamais déçu. Avec celui-ci, je suis une nouvelle fois ravi. Cela fait maintenant 2 semaines qu'il est "ouvert" et il reste très onctueux, très frais, très goûteux.
Ibergour est un site très efficace: prix raisonable et délai de livraison rapide.

Every summer I ordered a ham pata negra on Ibergour and I'm never disappointed. With it, I'm once again delighted. It's been two weeks he is "open" and it is very creamy, very fresh, very tasty. Ibergour site is very effective and reasonable price quick delivery time.

August 2, 2010
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Luis M.
Luis M.
Alella, Barcelona
Muy buen productoVery good product

Muy buen producto pero un poco costoso si no fuera tan caro y la calidad fuera la misma compraria mas amenudo

Very good product but a little expensive if it were not so expensive and the quality was the same compraria oftener

April 30, 2010
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Marie M.
Montauban, France
Doux, parfumé, onctueux, délicatSweet, fragrant, creamy, delicate

Un très bon jambon qui a toutes les qualités que l'on attend d'un Guijuelo AOC Bellota. Doux, parfumé, onctueux, délicat. Très bon rapport qualité/prix. Une valeur sûre.

A very good ham that has all the qualities one expects from an AOC Guijuelo Bellota. Sweet, fragrant, creamy, delicate. Very good value for money. A safe bet.

April 14, 2010
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Frédéric T.
Paris, France
Le meilleur rapport qualité/prixThe best value for money

Certainement le meilleur rapport qualité/prix de toutes les bellota essayés.

Definitely the best value for money of all Acorn tested.

December 16, 2009
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Bin M.
Paris, France
Ce jambon est …This ham is ...

Ce jambon est encore meilleur pour le goût, mais il y a toujours une partie (plus petite) qui est désséchée et que l'on ne peut pas manger.

This ham is still better for the taste, but there are still some (smaller) that is dried out and that we can not eat.

December 12, 2009
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Brumath, France
Belle odeur de noisetteNice smell nutty

beau produit à la texture onctueuse, une belle odeur de noisette qui s'en dégage, la couleur est naturelle et plus ou moins soutenu en fonction des endroits du jambon. Le fait de l'avoir Choisi à 8 kg, il était un peu gras (dommage). Note: 4.5/5

beautiful product to smooth texture, a nice nutty smell that comes out, the color is natural and more or less sustained function of the locations of the ham. The fact of having Chosen to 8 kg, it was a little fat (pity). Rating: 4.5 / 5

December 3, 2009
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José Antonio M.
Cunit, España
El jamón es bueno...The ham is good ...

El jamón es bueno, pero quizá encuentres otro de estas características por el país a diferencia del queso Boffard Gran Reserva, que sobre todo en Catalunya no es nada fácil encontrarlo.

The ham is good, but perhaps find another of its kind in the country unlike the cheese Boffard Gran Reserva, above all in Catalonia is not easy to find.

November 23, 2009
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