UK deliveries: 5-7 days, all customs expenses (~£21) are charged in advance (no extra payment upon receival)

Customers' reviews

Jamon Altanza Cebo de Campo Ham

Jamon Altanza Cebo de Campo Ham

Jamon Altanza Cebo de Campo Ham

£280.647.5 to 8.5 kg jamones
Average rating:
85 reviews
Philippe DANG
Arcachon , France
Jamais déçuNever disappointed

Après avoir essayé plusieurs jambons ,je commande dorénavant exclusivement celui-ci. Excellent rapport qualité/prix , qualité toujours au rendez-vous

After having tried several hams, I now order this one exclusively. Excellent value for money, quality always at the rendezvous

February 10, 2022
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Danièle REVAH
Bruxelles, Belgique
Un bel équilibre des saveurs, délicieuxA nice balance of flavors, delicious

Ce n'est pas la première fois ni la dernière que nous choisissons ce jambon. Le bellota est le nec plus ultra, mais pas dans nos moyens. Ce cebo de campo offre un appréciable compromis, nous l'apprécions beaucoup.

This is not the first time nor the last that we have chosen this ham. The acorn-fed is the ultimate, but not within our means. This cebo de campo offers an appreciable compromise, we appreciate it very much.

November 13, 2021
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Fantastisch im GeschmackFantastic in taste

Der Schinken war fantastisch im Geschmack! Jeder Gast war mehr als zufrieden. Das war der erste bestellte Schinken und definitiv nicht der letzte! Note 1+

The ham was fantastic in taste! Every guest was more than satisfied. That was the first ham ordered and definitely not the last! Note 1

September 4, 2021
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Philippe DANG
Arcachon, France
Excellent !Excellent!

Cela fait plusieurs fois que je commande ce jambon. N'ai jamais été déçu,excellent rapport qualité/prix
Je tiens à féliciter la maison Ibergour pour son sérieux et remercie tout particulièrement Miguel

I have ordered this ham several times. Never been disappointed, excellent quality / price ratio I would like to congratulate the Ibergour house for its seriousness and especially thank Miguel

August 5, 2021
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Genau mein GeschmackExactly my taste

Ausgezeichneter Geschmack. Vor allem die Außenflanke weist ein sehr mildes, urfleischiges Aroma auf. Nussige Spuren unterstreichen die eingelagerten Fettpolster, Salz agiert nur im Hintergrund. Schade, daß die Innenflanke so mager ist aber das wird sich wohl auch in ferner Zukunft nicht anzüchten lassen. Im Vergleich zum Bellota finde ich Cebo wesentlich geschmackvoller. Das hat sich bereits bei meinen vorherigen Schinken abgezeichnet und sich wieder bestätigt.

Excellent taste. The outer flank in particular has a very mild, traditionally fleshy aroma. Nutty traces underline the stored fat deposits, salt only acts in the background. It is a shame that the inner flank is so thin, but it will probably not be possible to grow it in the distant future. Compared to the Bellota, I find Cebo much tastier. This has already become apparent with my previous hams and has been confirmed again.

April 10, 2021
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Ottimo come sempre , spedizione perfetta e coltello eccezionale inoltre il formaggio omaggio era ottimo.
Confezione , perfetta tempi di spedizione veloci tutto da assaggiare

Great as always, perfect shipping and great knife plus the complimentary cheese was great. Packaging, perfect fast shipping times all to taste

February 12, 2021
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Nicole Reix
Nicole Reix
Amiens, france

Commande reçue en quelques jours et jambon parfait : goûteux , peu salé, pas trop gras , un délice et toute la famille l a apprécié pour les fêtes. Merci +++

Order received in a few days and perfect ham: tasty, slightly salty, not too fatty, a delight and the whole family appreciated it for the holidays. Thank you

December 26, 2020
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Nürnberg, Deutschland
Hervorragend auch geschnittenExcellent cut too

Nachdem ich ihn letztes Jahr im Ganzen bestellt hatte, wollte ich diesmal die geschittene Variante ausprobieren und habe es nicht bereut. Perfekt geschnitten sehr gut verpackt ein Genuss. Durch die Packungsgröße perfekt zu dosieren.
Der Schinken selbst sehr aromatisch und zart perfekt für Bocadillas.
Das war den Aufpreis mehr als wert.

After ordering it as a whole last year, I wanted to try the sliced version this time and haven't regretted it. Perfectly cut, very well packaged, a pleasure. Can be dosed perfectly thanks to the pack size. The ham itself is very aromatic and tender, perfect for bocadillas. That was more than worth the extra charge.

December 11, 2020
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Guðmundur Ragnarsson
Guðmundur Ragnarsson
Again great ham

Delivered to the door, within 8 days in Denmark! Great service.
Ordered in November to be sure to get it before Christmas / New year.
Kept it hanging for a month in a room with 25 to 30% humidity, I Was worried about the dryness of the air in the room, but it turned out perfect when the ham was cut 5 weeks later.
Thank You

January 2, 2020
Sehr guter SchinkenVery good ham

Von der Bestellung bis zu Lieferung alles perfekt. Danke auch für die sehr amüsante Ankündigung der Lieferung. Der Schinken selbst ist hervorragend, sehr zart leicht marmoriert, den werden wir wieder kaufen.

Everything is perfect, from order to delivery. Thanks also for the very amusing announcement of the delivery. The ham itself is excellent, very light marbled, we will buy again.

December 7, 2019
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Jean Louis
Jean Louis
Bonne qualitéGood quality

Délai de livraison respecté, très bien emballé et rapport qualité/prix correct. Je suis déjà client et je recommande ce site sérieux et professionnel.

Delivery time respected, very well packaged and quality / price ratio correct. I am already a customer and I recommend this serious and professional site.

July 14, 2019
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Qualité toujours au rendez vousQuality always at the rendezvous

Tous les ans j'achète un jambon Iberico, ce produit est de mon point de vue le meilleur rapport qualité/prix compte-tenu de mon budget.
Livraison dans les délais, tout est parfait.

Every year I buy a ham Iberico, this product is from my point of view the best quality / price given my budget. Delivery on time, everything is perfect.

July 1, 2019
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Carlos Ureña
Carlos Ureña
London, UK
As expected

It was a very good quality iberico. I bought it for a special occasion. Exactly what you expect for the price. Would buy it again.

February 7, 2019
Thanos Maragos
Thanos Maragos

The box came in my hands earlier that the expected date. I am happy to say that the quality of the ham was top! I also appreciated the quick delivery and the perfect package of it! I am looking forward to order again!

January 28, 2019
el segundothe second

el jamón bien, me gusto el primero que compre y he repetido.
lo que ha fallado ha sido la empresa de transporte, me llamo el repartidor para avisar que lo había dejado "en la tienda de la esquina", pero sin preguntar antes si queria que lo dejarán allí, lo habitual es que lo custodien en su centro de reparto y no que lo entregen a terceros.

Ham well, I liked the first one I bought and I repeated. what has failed has been the transport company, my dealer called to tell me that he had left it "in the corner store", but without asking before if he wanted to be left there, it is usual to keep him in his center of distribution and not that they deliver it to third parties.

January 25, 2019
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Paris, France
Un Régal !!!A delight !!!

deuxième commande passée chez Ibergour et toujours pas déçu! ce jambon pata negra est un pur régal pour le palais! Livraison rapide et produit très bien enveloppé!

second order placed at Ibergour and still not disappointed! this pata negra ham is a pure treat for the palate! Fast delivery and very well wrapped product!

December 31, 2018
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Excellent !!!Excellent !!!

Pour les amateurs de jambon exceptionnel et savoureux !!
Livraison extrêmement rapide et très bien conditionné.
Je recommande ibergour à 400%

For lovers of exceptional and tasty ham !! Extremely fast delivery and very well conditioned. I recommend ibergour at 400%

September 17, 2018
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Première commande sur le site délai annonce respecté, la qualité est là mes invités ont été ravis je referai sans hesitation le couteau est très utile le Tuto pour découper le jambon qui est sur le site est très bien fait

First order on the site deadline ad respected, the quality is there my guests were delighted I do it again without hesitation the knife is very useful the Tuto to cut the ham that is on the site is very well done

August 20, 2018
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Milano, Italia
Molto buono, molto particolareVery good, very special

Ho acquistato questo prosciutto dopo aver mangiato per un paio di mesi delle spalle 5J Cinco Jotas, arrivavo quindi dal "quasi top" (almeno dal mio punto di vista).
All'inizio ho fatto fatica, la carne è meno "morbida", più asciutta, il sapore diverso.
Poi, procedendo (sarà stato il palato che si è abituato, sarà che all'interno il prosciutto era più morbido), giunto a circa 2/3/4 centimetri dall'osso, questo prosciutto mi è "entrato dentro" e mi è piaciuto molto.
Quindi il sentimento è misto: inizio da "no!", poi un "sì!" convinto.
Aggiungo, per esperienza con le spalle (ne ho prese 3, una da 7, una da 9 e una da 10), che forse si è trattato del mio esemplare, intendo dire la secchezza della carne per i primi 4/5 centimetri di taglio.
Lo riproverò, giusto per capire (e comunque nella parte morbida era molto buono, per cui il rapporto qualità/prezzo comunque si salva).

I bought this ham after eating 5J Cinco Jotas for a couple of months, then I came from the "almost top" (at least from my point of view). At the beginning I struggled, the meat is less "soft", more dry, the taste different. Then, proceeding (it will be the palate that has become accustomed, it will be that inside the ham was softer), arrived about 2/3/4 centimeters from the bone, this ham has "entered me" and I liked it very. So the feeling is mixed: beginning with "no!", Then a "yes!" convinced. I add, from experience with the shoulders (I took 3, one from 7, one from 9 and one from 10), which maybe it was my sample, I mean the dryness of the meat for the first 4/5 cm of cutting . I will try again, just to understand (and in any case the soft part was very good, so the quality / price ratio is saved).

June 26, 2018
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Muy buenoVery good

Lo compramos cortado a máquina, en sobres al vacío.
Bien presentado, bien servido y muy bueno.
Cuando se acabe compraremos otro.

We buy it machine-cut, in vacuum envelopes. Well presented, well served and very good. When it's over we'll buy another one.

June 17, 2018
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Pas mal, assez gras et pas assez secNot bad, fat enough and not dry enough

Un bon jambon,bon goût et belle couleur foncée mais beaucoup de gras et pas assez sec. Peut-être un manque des sel. Je prendrai un autre type la prochaine fois.

A good ham, good taste and nice dark color but a lot of fat and not enough dry. Maybe a lack of salt. I will take another style next time.

May 13, 2018
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Carlos Castillo
Carlos Castillo
Cebo?... Seguro?Cebo? ... Sure?

No soy de comprar muchos jamones al año, a lo sumo uno o dos, por lo que suelo ir a darme un homenaje con un buen bellota pero esta vez me deje llevar por las opiniones que este jamon tenia y probarlo. Un triunfo. Un veteado de grasa y un sabor que no esperas en un jamon de cebo. Más que decente, yo creo que es el mejor cebo que he probado. Muy recomendado por calidad vs precio.
Sobre ibergour... trato, profesionalidad y precios brillantes. Yo ya no busco más. Quieres un jamon... ibergour

I am not buying many hams a year, at most one or two, so I usually go to pay homage with a good acorn but this time I get carried away by the opinions that this ham had and try it. A triumph. A grain of fat and a flavor that you do not expect in a bacon ham. More than decent, I think it's the best bait I've tasted. Highly recommended for quality vs. price. About ibergour ... treatment, professionalism and brilliant prices. I do not look for more. You want a ham ... ibergour

May 10, 2018
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Netro/Milano - Italia
bene qualità/prezzoGood quality / price

Ho voluto provare un cebo di campo. Buono ma non paragonabile al prosciutto di bellota che avevo comperato la volta precedente e che ricompererò la prossima volta.

I wanted to try a field cow. Good but not comparable to the ham of bellota I had bought the previous time and I will recomend the next time.

August 15, 2017
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Edouard Lozano
Boissy Saint Léger, France
Excellent au goût mais beaucoup de grasExcellent taste but a lot of fat

Après une épaule 5 jotas d'excellente qualité achetée l'année dernière, j'ai choisi cette fois de prendre un jambon pour la quantité.
Au niveau du gout, c'est un peu différent mais également très bon.
Ce que je reproche un peu c'est la quantité de gras très importante mais indispensable à la qualité du produit. En définitive, toute la famille se régale.
Je pense que la prochaine fois je prendrai un Serrano pour faire la différence.
En ce qui concerne la logistique, comme pour ma première commande tout était impeccable tant au niveau du délai que des conditions de livraison.

After a shoulder 5 jotas excellent bought last year I chose this time to make a ham for the amount. In terms of taste, it's a bit different but also very good. My criticism is some amount of fat very important but essential for product quality. Ultimately, the whole family feasts. I think next time I will take a Serrano to make a difference. Regarding logistics, as my first order so everything was spotless at the time that the delivery terms.

December 16, 2016
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excellent rapport qualité/prixexcellent quality / price

Ce n'est pas le haut de gamme mais c'est un excellent jambon. Le meilleur que j'ai mangé dans cette gamme de prix. A acheter les yeux fermés.

It's not upscale but it is an excellent ham. The best I've eaten in this price range. A buy eyes closed.

December 11, 2016
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Ottimo prosciutto per qualità/prezzoGreat ham for quality / price

Prodotto molto buono, soprattutto per la relazione qualità/prezzo. Ottimo anche per chi vuole avvicinarsi al mondo dei prosciutti iberici, non ha la qualità eccezionale (e nemmeno il prezzo...) di un bellota ma è decisamente una spanna superiore a un prociutto di cebo. Ottimo il servizio di taglio e confezionamento sotto vuoto, peccato solo che le buste non vengano etichettate una ad una.

very good product, especially for the price / quality ratio. Also great for those who want to approach the world of Iberian hams, it has the exceptional quality (and even the price ...) of an acorn but it's definitely a notch higher than a prociutto of cebo. Excellent cutting service and packaging under vacuum, just wish the envelopes are not labeled one by one.

November 8, 2016
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Sarah Degiovani-Pasquier
Sarah Degiovani-Pasquier
Un délicedelicious

J'ai acheté ce jambon pour un long week end en famille et nous nous sommes régalés !
Merci également pour les délais et les tarifs de livraison qui défient toute concurrence.
Au plaisir d'acheter à nouveau chez vous !

I bought this ham for a long weekend with family and we loved it! also thank you for the time and delivery rates are unbeatable. Hope to buy again from you!

August 10, 2016
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Plasencia, Cáceres
Jamón de Jabugo de Cebo de CampoJabugo Cebo de Campo Cuyar

Es un jamón muy rico, está en su punto de curación y tiene un sabor maravilloso.
Un diez.

It is a very rich ham, is at the point of healing and has a wonderful flavor. A ten.

April 30, 2016
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Todo absolutamente corecto.All absolutely correct.

He recivido exactamente el producto que estaba esperando.
Embalado de manera muy corecta.
Comprare mas en esta tienda.
Muy recomendable.

I received exactly the product I was expecting. Very properly packed. I will buy more in this store. Highly recommended.

March 27, 2016
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Very good jamon

This is a very good jamon de cebo. For me, the first time online buyer it was a bit too much fat ( the yellow , external fat) and too much waste during carving, but enjoyed it a lot and the bones are excellent to add to bean stew. Very sweet meat....

May 24, 2015
Fernando Fernandes
Viana do CAstelo, Portugal
Já comi melhor desta marcaJá comi melhor brand desta

Compro deste jamon há já alguns anos e, normalmente. é de muita qualidade. No entanto a qualidade não é sempre uniforme. Alguns estão demasiado secos, ou pouco curados e portanto com falta de sal. O último que comprei estava pouco curado e com falta de sal. Mas continuarei a comprar!

Buy this jamon few years ago and normally is very Quality. If however the qualidade is not always uniform. Some are too dry or slightly cured and therefore with no salt. The last thing I bought was slightly seasoned and lack of salt. But I will continue buying!

April 23, 2015
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pola de laviana

Un autentico acierto, lo recomiendo, algo exquisito...una curacion perfecta y un sabor de primera, sin nada malo que decir

A real success, I recommend it, something exquisite ... a perfect healing and a taste of first, nothing bad to say

December 10, 2014
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Raffaele pisano
Raffaele pisano
Buono il prosciutto ottimo ibergourGood ham excellent IberGour

Il prosciutto è davvero buono ovviamente non paragonabile ad un bellota (soprattutto per il sapore del grasso). Ibergour invece è impeccabile, celere e preciso nella consegna, credo di ricomprare su questo sito soprattutto se troverò un bellota in offerta

The ham is really good obviously not comparable to a bellota (especially for the taste of fat). IberGour instead is impeccable, fast and accurate delivery, I think to buy back on this site especially if I find an acorn on offer

December 1, 2014
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Fremragende indslag til festenExcellent feature at the party

Det er jo bare lidt mere end almindeligt blæret at kunne præsentere en sortfodsskinke på holder til sin søns konfirmation. Og så smager den jo godt:-)

It's just a little more than plain blistered to present a black foot ham on rack for his son's confirmation. And then taste it very well :-)

May 16, 2014
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milano italia

di sapore delicato,carne morbida, il grasso si scioglieva in bocca, grande godimento.
ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. consiglio di provarlo.
spedizione perfetta e velocissima.

delicate flavor, tender meat, the fat melted in the mouth, great enjoyment. excellent value for money. recommend you try it. perfect and fast shipping.

December 28, 2013
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Sehr gutVery well

Wir haben gemerkt, wie wenig in diesem Fall 100g sind und werden das nächste Mal mehrere Packungen von diesem Hinterschinken bestellen. Die Qualität überzeugt jeden Kenner und Genießer.

We have noticed how little in this case are 100g and the next time to order several packs of this ham. The quality convinces each connoisseurs.

December 5, 2013
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Huelva ham

Years ago I was around Huelva a lot because I was going in and out from Portugal and I remember I was perplexed about local ham products.
Energetically Huelva is not the town I like most. I prefer Merida, Siviglia and their countryside offers. Food! Wow, this Cebo Ham is tasty indeed, I find it has a taste of wilderness that is rare, it is not right to try to compare it to Italian products as it gives a completely different taste, an approach to gourmet delicatessen and it is not delicate at all. It jumps in the mouth and I enjoy it. ! When I started to taste this ham I felt I had to find a home made bread (Spelt sour doe is one of the best) wine? red and usually mind goes to Tignanello but the very secret of this product like most Spanish hams is the fat around it. It is essential and not for weak personalities because these people think that fat food is no good for health and heart and other silly symphonies.

December 5, 2013
Cavergno Ticino

Quasi come tornare a casa, consegna merce molto veloce! Prezzi giusti qualità buona. Servizio clientela rapido ed efficace, alla prossima!

Almost like coming home, delivery goods very fast! Fair prices, good quality. Service customers quickly and effectively, the next one!

October 5, 2013
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Good pata negra!

From the ibericos de cebo that I have tried, this one certainly deserves a top 3 placing.

May 26, 2013
Varese, Italia
ottimo prosciuttodelicious ham

Buonissimo! Dolce e saporito nello stesso tempo, il prosciutto patanegra provato in italia non ha nulla a che vedere con il vostro.

Yummy! Sweet and tasty at the same time, the ham patanegra tried in Italy has nothing to do with yours.

April 20, 2013
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March 25, 2013
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Gerard van den Eynden
Gerard van den Eynden
zeer geslaagd, meteen in Spaanse sferen!very successful, immediately in Spanish atmosphere!

Behalve de snelle levering en de gratis kaas plus olijfolie beviel ons vooral de kwaliteit van het vlees. Je kunt dit ook in de Utrechtse straat krijgen maar die is toch minder goed. Achterin de auto naar een verjaardag is altijd een succes. Iedereen wil zelf snijden!

Besides the fast delivery and free cheese plus olive suited us especially the quality of the meat. You can also get the Utrecht street but is still less. Back of the car to a birthday is always a success. Everyone wants to cut!

March 17, 2013
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Paolo Torri
Paolo Torri
Montefiascone (VT)
Sono molto soddisfattoI am very satisfied

Acquisto azzeccato in pieno, il prosciutto ha pienamente soddisfatto le aspettative ed è stato consumato tutto durante una festa. Tutti i commensali hanno espresso i propri complimenti. Esperienza da ripetere senza dubbio! Giusta quantità di grasso e stagionatura perfetta! Non potevo chiedere di meglio!

Apt purchase in full, the ham has fully met expectations and was entirely consumed during a party. All guests have expressed their compliments. Experience to be repeated without a doubt! Right amount of fat and seasoning perfect! I could not ask for more!

February 11, 2013
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Buen jamónBuen jamón

Livraison rapide, bon rapport qualité-prix, c'est la première fois que nous commandons et nous n'avons pas été déçus .

Fast delivery, good value for money, this is the first time we order and we were not disappointed.

December 30, 2012
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Holm Meister
Plön, Deutschland
Hohe QualitätHigh Quality

Diesen aufgeschnittenen Hinterschinken werden wir auf jeden Fall wieder bestellen. Absolut empfehlenswert! Wir freuen uns auch immer wieder über die schnelle Lieferung!

This cut ham we will definitely order again. Highly Recommended! We are also constantly on the speedy delivery!

December 20, 2012
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Servizio di consegna efficientissimo con informazioni dettagliate del movimento del pacco. Prosciutto ottimo, rapporto grasso/magro ottimo,perfetta stagionatura e sapore delizioso, i clienti del mio ristorante sono statici che soddisfatti.grazie!

Efficient service delivery with detailed information of the movement of the package. Excellent ham, ratio fat / lean great, perfect seasoning and taste delicious, the customers of my restaurant are static soddisfatti.grazie!

October 8, 2012
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Excellent produitExcellent product

Je connais bien le village de Jabugo lors de mes visites en Andalousie et c'est la bas que j’achète habituellement mes jambons. J'ai essayé Ibergour car j'ai pas eu le temps cette année d'aller en Espagne et j'ai commandé le Jabugo AOC Huelva. Reçu trés rapidement et bien emballé, le gout est le meme que les Jambons achetés sur place, pas de doute, on est bien sur la meme qualité. Excellent gout, trés bon produit et trés bon rapport qualité/prix. Je recommande ce produit.

Hello, I know the village Jabugo during my visits in Andalusia and it is there that I usually buy my hams. I tried Ibergour because I did not have time this year to go to Spain and I ordered the AOC Jabugo Huelva. Received very quickly and well packed, the taste is the same as the Hams purchased locally, no doubt, is of the same quality. Excellent taste, very good product and very good price / quality ratio. I recommend this product.

September 17, 2012
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Très satisfaite, très bon achat...goût fabuleuxVery satisfied, very good buy ... fabulous taste

Très satisfaite, très bon achat...goût fabuleux...service apres vente ibergour au top car petit souci à la livraison...Je recommande ce jambon

Very satisfied, very good buy ... fabulous taste ... after sale service ibergour to top concern for small to delivery ... I recommend this ham

August 10, 2012
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Davvero ottimoReally good

Davvero un ottimo prodotto, gustosissimo e grasso il giusto. Fette divise singolarmente e quindi ben presentato. Consigliato per tutti i palati

Really a great product, very tasty and the right fat. Divided into slices and then individually well presented. Recommended for all tastes

August 4, 2012
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Druzeta Roberto
Aurisina, Italia
Buono. Un ottimo prosciuttoGood. A good ham

Si, i prosciuti interi senza alcun dubio molto meglio che i disosati, Racomando.
In ottima confezione. stagionattura al punto giusto.

Yes, whole hams without doubt much better than the boneless, recommend. In an excellent package. seasoned to perfection.

May 21, 2012
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Druzeta Roberto
Aurisina, Italia
Piccolo, a pezzi minimiSmall, fragmented minimum

Penso sia un mini prosciutto con qualita non conforme la prezzo. I tre pezzi sono cosi sminuzziti che non si puo tagliare una fatta normale.

I think it's a mini ham comply with quality not the price. The three pieces are so sminuzziti that you can not cut a made plain.

May 21, 2012
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Very pleased with this product. The delivery, quality and taste was perfect and the stand snd knife an added extra. Will be ordering again.

March 27, 2012
Demasiado CamaraToo Camera

Pues nada, este jamon bajo mi punto de vista me a llegado con demasiado camara, hay jamones de cebo mucho mas sabrosos que este y por menos dinero.

Nothing, this ham in my point of view to come with me too camera, hams bait is much more tasty than this and for less money.

February 11, 2012
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meg staight
meg staight
jabugo "cebo" ham

First time we used IBERGOUR didnt really have much idea what to order,
the descriptions and photo's were good, chose the Jabugo ham, and could'nt be more pleased, the product is excellent, lovely flavour. The stand and carving knife make the job of slicing easy, also the short vid on carving helps too. We will use the Ibergour again as product and service extremely good

December 13, 2011
Another quality ham

Just started to enjoy this Jambon and again it is a fantastic quality product with a really great flavour
will be ordering again very soon

November 4, 2011
Antonio S.
Lodi Italia
Ottimo prosciuttoExcellent ham

Ottimo prosciutto, dal gusto delicato e persistente al palato, è la prima volta che lo provo e devo dire che mi ha soddosfatto, lo consiglio.

Good ham, delicate flavor and lingering on the palate, is the first time I tried it and I must say that I was soddosfatto, recommend it.

March 14, 2011
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Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgique
Première expérience concluante.First successful experiment.

Excellent service, Jambon livré en 72 heures, bravo!
qualités du jambon:
- peu salé
- texture onctueuse
- saveur douce, goût de noisette
- séchage parfait
- entame du jambon un peu trop persillée, mais le gras est de très bonne qualité
conclusion: achat à conseiller sans réserve. Pour ma part j'essaierai sans doute un "recebo" voire un "bellota" la prochaine fois

Excellent service, Ham delivered in 72 hours, bravo! ham qualities: - slightly salty - creamy texture - sweet, nutty flavor - perfect drying - starts a little too ham with parsley, but the fat is very good conclusion to advise purchase unconditionally. For my part I will try probably a "recebo" or a "Bellota" next time

February 23, 2011
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jambon cebocebo ham

Bon produit. Goût très bon pour un cebo mais un peu sec sur les côtés, donc pas mal de pertes ! Il est vrai qu'il ne faisait que 5.5 kg. La prochaine fois je reprends un recebo et plus lourd pour être tranquille.

Good product. Taste very good for a cebo but a little dry on the sides, so a lot of losses! It is true that it was only 5.5 kg. Next time I take a recebo and heavier to be quiet.

February 19, 2011
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Enghien les Bains,France
Un régalA treat

Dommage qu'il n'y en est pas plus! Un peu trop de gras à mon goût mais certainement normal!
Livraison très efficace.

Too bad there is no more! A little too fatty for my taste but definitely normal! Very efficient delivery. Thank you!

February 12, 2011
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calidad precio biengood money

Calidad / precio bien. Servicio rápido. Pago fácil y seguro con paypal. Buena atención on-line y protección de devolución. Muy atentos.

Money well. Fast service. Easy and secure payment with paypal. Good care and protection on-line return. Very attentive.

February 4, 2011
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Paris, France

Nous avons commandé 2 kilos de ce jambon qui était simplement délicieux et de qualité égale. Depuis je n'ai cessé de le recommander à toutes les personnes intéressées.

We ordered 2 pounds of ham that was simply delicious and of equal quality. Since I have stopped recommending it to anyone interested.

January 27, 2011
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S. Maria Capua V.
Ottimo rapporto prezzo/qualita'!Excellent price / quality '!

Ho ordinato un cesto natalizio ,il prosciutto era ottimo per il rapporto prezzo/qualita',il formaggio non era da meno e i vini lo stesso,nel complesso tutto buono!!!!!

I ordered a basket of Christmas, the ham was good for the price / quality ', the cheese and wine was less the same, overall all good !!!!!

January 19, 2011
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Bouches du Rhône, France
excellent produitexcellent product

Je suis venu par hasard sur votre site et je ne le regrette pas.
Suivi de la commande très sérieux, livraison rapide et jambon de grande qualité !!

I came by chance upon your site and I do not regret it. Order Status serious, fast delivery and high quality ham! Bravo

January 10, 2011
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Un produit vraiment fantastique. Un régal pour le palais.
Ce qui n'enlève rien à la qualité et au plaisir des autres produits de la gamme des jambons de la maison Ibergour.
A noter également, 5 étoiles, pour le service et les contacts lors de petits soucis liés au transporteur des colis.
Maison à recommander pour son sérieux et la qualité des ses produits.

A really fantastic. A treat for the palate. This does not detract from the quality and enjoyment of other products in the range of hams Ibergour home. Note also, 5 stars for the service and contacts at little worries related to the carrier packages. House to recommend for its reliability and quality of its products.

January 4, 2011
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papy chef
papy chef
Nievre 58430 France
jambon "huelva" recu comme cadeau a Noeljambon "Huelva" comme cadeau Noel recovery

Ma fille m'a offert ce jambon a Noel. Je le découvre pour la 1ere fois. Je peux dire qu'il est tres mauvais!...La viande est extra sèche,(mal seché ou seché trop longtemps) fibreuse,gras rance ,gout tres vieux avec un leger gouter d'eau de javel,texture pratiquement rebutante, a deconseiller totalement .En plus dur comme de la pierre et pratiquement indésosable...Je suis tres déçu de ce cadeau que je ne recommanderai a personne!..Si je le compare a un jambon basque(truie de montagne race"pie noire" ) sensiblement au meme prix/kg,c'est le "jour et la nuit... Ref:10082001

Ma fille m'a offert ce Noel jambon. Je le découvrir pour la 1ere fois. Je peux dire qu'il est tres mauvais! ... La viande sèche est extra (bad sech sech ou trop longtemps) fibreuse gras rance, gout three Gouter leger avec vieux d'eau de Javel, texture pratiquement rebutante to deconseiller totalement. In plus dur comme la pierre et ... Je suis pratiquement undesirable three Déçu de ce cadeau que je ne recommanderai a personne! je .. If you compare a Basque jambon (truie de montagne race pie noire) sensiblement au meme prix / kg, c'est le "jour et la nuit ... Ref: 10082001

January 4, 2011
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villanueva julio
villanueva julio
coueron(loire atlantique)
quel gout,ce jambon!...What flavor, this ham! ...

ce jambon a vraiment un gout extraordinaire,avec une tres bonne longueur en bouche.
c'est la première fois que je m'offais un produit de cette qualité et je dois dire que je regrette de ne l'avoir pas fait avant.c'est un régal de tous les jour de couper quelques fines tranches et de les déguster avec un verre de vin rouge avant chaque repas,en famille ou avec des amis qui eux aussi prennent un réel plaisir gustatif.
beaucoup de sérieux et de professionalisme dans le traitement de ma commande et dans la livr aison.
bravo et merci.

This ham was really a special taste, with very good length. this is the first time I m'offais a product of this quality and I must say that I regret not having done avant.c is a treat all day to cut some thin slices and eat them with a glass of red wine before each meal with family or friends who also take a gustatory pleasure. seriousness and professionalism in processing my order and in the ed supply. Congratulations and thank you. J. Villanueva

January 3, 2011
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D.O. Huelva Selección Jabugo "Cebo" Ham

I ordered this ham just before Christmas and it arrived on time with a free holder and carving knife. This entry level ham has a very good taste and is of excellent quality. I will definitely use this company again.

January 1, 2011
giovanni sasso
giovanni sasso
ostuni (br) Italia
qualità prezzo caradear money

Il prodotto costa troppo in proporzione alla qualità.Ho assaggiato prosciutti migliori,con meno grasso ad un prezzo molto inferiore.Per quando riguarda il supporto,è fasullo,le viti girano a vuoto e non riescono a mantenere il prosciutto.

The product costs too much in proportion to qualità.Ho ham tasted better with less fat at a very inferiore.Per when it concerns the support, is bogus, the bolts spin freely and are unable to keep the ham.

January 1, 2011
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Brian Hammond
Brian Hammond

The Ham came very quickly after I ordered it. The taste is exquisite. Coming with a complimentery Knife and Stand is a bonus. When we've finished this one we will definately be ordering more from this company.

December 20, 2010
ernesto aebli
ernesto aebli
piedimonte matese - CE

Ottimo prodotto, anzi direi che a breve dovremo riacquistarlo, in quanto nel giro di una settimana è stato
fatto fuori.
Ottimo anche il servizio rapido ed efficiente.
veramente complimenti.
approfitto anche per farvi gli auguri di buon natale.
ci sentiamo in queste feste.

Excellent product, I would say that shortly we will have to repurchase it, because in a week was made out. Excellent service quickly and efficiently. really compliments. also take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas. we feel these holidays. thanks

December 20, 2010
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Carlos Alejaldre
Aix en Provence,13100
vraiment autentiquereally autentic

C'est un trés bon jambon "de Jabugo"avec une trés bonne qualite en relation avec le prix.
Muy bueno¡

It is a very good ham "Jabugo" with a very good quality in relation to the price. Muy bueno ¡

December 6, 2010
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Jose Maitilasso
Pombia (NO)
50 persone in torno a un JamonI get 50 people in a Jamon

50 persone intorno a un prosciutto, che mangiavano è no la smettevano più, è durato 4 ore, per i miei 50 anni o fatto una grandiosa figura, grazie ancora per l'ottimo prodotto

50 people around a ham, who stopped eating is not the most, lasted 4 hours, in my 50 years and made a great figure, thanks again for the great product

November 24, 2010
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non male, ma c'e di meglio....not bad, but it gets better ....



November 23, 2010
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italia s.salvatore telesino(bn)
buon prodotto e tempi di consegna precisigood product and accurate delivery


HAM good that has met expectations DELIVERY on time. Regain 'ALSO A PRODUCT OF SOME QUALITY' Superior

November 22, 2010
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cordier gilles
cordier gilles
st didier
sachets 100g100g bags

bonjour,sur les deux sachets commandés un était très très bon,mais le de deuxième était un peu sec mais aussi bon.
Si je viens à gagner je prendrai un jambon pour faire goûter aux chasseurs de sanglier,et après dégustation il pourrai y avoir des commandes merci et a b ientot

hello, on the two bags ordered one was very very good, but the second was a little dry but good. If I come to win I'll take a ham to taste the wild boar hunters, and after tasting it could occur thank you and commands ab ientot

November 10, 2010
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savina solari
chiavari, genova , italia
buono. .con alcune avvertenzegood. . With a few caveats

sulle singole buste non è precisato che il prodotto va lasciato a riposae circa mezz'ora, dopo l'apertura,affinchè riacquisti un buon sapore,il primo assaggio quindi è stato influenzato da questa mia mancanza. La seconda volta, lasciando riposare le singole fette su un piatto a temperatura ambiente, l'impressione è stata molto migliore: un gusto pieno e corposo, anche se con qualche filo di grasso e qualche punto fibroso di troppo: prodotto da provare!!

on each envelope is not clear that the product should be left rested about half an hour after opening, so that repurchases taste good, then the first taste was influenced by my absence. The second time, leaving the rest individual slices on a plate at room temperature, the impression was much better: a rich and intense taste, albeit with a few blades of fat and fibrous some point too much product to try!

November 6, 2010
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Ciampino (Roma)
grande prosciuttobig ham

complimenti per tutto... spedizione, tempidi consegna e prodoto di assoluta qualità
sono curioso di confrontarlo con la spalla!!
Un pezzo di Spagna sulla tavola delle eccellenze italiane

congratulations for all ... postage, delivery and tempidi product of the highest quality I'm curious to compare it with the shoulder! A piece of Spain on the board of Italian excellence

October 11, 2010
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Andrea C.
Andrea C.
Tutto perfettoEverything perfect

Tempistiche trasporto perfette, ottima organizzazione. Comprato prodotto simile da un grossista locale riscontro l'acquisto fatto presso la vs azienda come vantaggioso e di alta qualità.

Transportation perfect timing, excellent organization. Like product bought by a local wholesaler reflected the purchase made at the company vs. how beneficial and of high quality.

October 11, 2010
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Michael Davids
Michael Davids
Liverpool, UK
Excellent Company and Products

Don't usually post reviews- just a quick note to say I'm very happy with service provided by this company.
Got an expensive paletta last year. Arrived on time, delicious.The ham holder and knife was a lovely touch- you do need one.
Ordered a 'cebo' ham a few days ago. Arrived today with beautiful olive oil- can't wait to get stuck in for a few weeks of Spanish feasting!

October 2, 2010
uwe schwarz
uwe schwarz
termeno italia
prodotto ottimo e consegna veloceexcellent product and fast delivery

il prosciutto è una favola! l'unico problema è tagliare fette fini e lineari ma forse con il tempo e tanto esercizio riuscirò

ham is a fairy tale! the only problem is to cut thin slices and linear but perhaps with time and exercise time succeed

September 11, 2010
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luca mignanti
savona Italia
prodotto ottimoexcellent product

come al solito la spedizione è stata puntuale ed efficiente. Prodotto di qualità ottima con un rapporto qualità prezzo davvero straordinario da tenere in considerazione. Anche i miei amici sono rimasti soddisfatti. A presto

As usual the shipment was timely and efficient. Quality product with excellent value for money really extraordinary to consider. Even my friends are impressed. Soon

September 11, 2010
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quality and service from ibergour

we ordered the leg of ham and it arrived quite quickly
the addition of the holder and the specialist knife was an excellent touch and made life very easy to carve the ham in the correct way
the ham itself is excellent even tho we did not buy the most expensive ham
all the questions regarding storeage and carving have been answered expertly
and the pictures of the carving of the ham makes it very easy to obtain excellent results

August 31, 2010
luca pintus
luca pintus
bogliasco genova italy
prosciuttto fantasticoprosciuttto fantastic

buongiorno e voi e grazie per la puntualita' della spedizione .
iol prosciutto e veramente unico , da buon italiano ero un po' scettico , ma la quqlita' del prodotto e veramente unica.
il ricordo che riaffiora alla memoria e un sapore antico di un tempo lontano, mi ricordo che il paese di origine di mia madre l'appenino campano zona alto sannio ,in cui i maiali venivano allevati solamente con prodotti naturali,e quindi fuori da ogni legge di mercato, ovviamente erano una cosa unica. il vostro prosciutto me lo ha' ricordato.
un saluto e a presto per un nuovo ordine.
un ultima cosa volevo sapere ma se questo e fantastico il bellota come e'?

hello and thank you for punctuality 'shipping. iol ham and unique, like a good Italian I was a bit' skeptical, but quqlita 'and truly unique product. resurfaces the memory to memory and a taste of old time away, I remember that my mother's country of origin of the Apennine high Sannio Campania region, where pigs were bred with only natural products, and therefore beyond any law of the market, obviously had something unique. your ham it to me 'recalled. greetings and soon a new order. one last thing I wanted to know but if this is fantastic as the Ham and'?

August 15, 2010
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Miramon patrik
Miramon patrik
Ancizan 65440 pyrennees hautes
Le vrai goût de l Espagne!The true taste of Spain!

Très satisfait de la prestation ibergour. Le délai de livraison respecte et surtout un goût inimitable! Je ne peux m empêcher de couper tout les jours qqs copeaux de ce jambon exceptionnel que je pose sur une tranche de pain de campagne dorer sur la plancha et que je frotte avec une demi tomate et arroser d' unfilet d' huile d' olive.... C com ça que je l apprécie le plus...
Bon appétit a tous les gourmets!!!!!

Very satisfied with the performance ibergour. The delivery time respects and especially a unique taste! M I can prevent cutting chips every day qqs this exceptional ham I put on a slice of bread until golden on the griddle and I rubbed with a tomato half and sprinkle with unfilet of olive oil. ... C understand why I appreciate the most ... Bon Appetite gourmets !!!!!

August 8, 2010
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Bretagne , France
Miam MiamYum Yum

Je ne suis pas un grand spécialiste mais après mettre battu un peu avec la découpe, j'avoue que la dégustation vaut bien la "Galère" de la coupe.
J'en redemande.

I'm not a great expert, but after putting a bit lost with the cutting, I admit that the taste is well worth the "galley" of the cut. I ask for more.

July 11, 2010
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