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4-star reviews

Jamon Joselito Gran Reserva Ham

Jamon Joselito Gran Reserva Ham

Jamon Joselito Gran Reserva Ham

£492.526.5 to 9 kg jamones
Elias Scherer
Elias Scherer
Aromatisch sehr gut, Geschmack sehr gut aber etwas zu trocken.Aromatic very good, taste very good but a bit too dry.

Der Service war wie immer ausgezeichnet, aber das Essen war ein wenig trocken. Ansonsten
ist die Qualität spektakulär: Aroma und Geschmack sind unübertroffen!

The service was excellent as always, but the food was a little dry. Otherwise the quality is spectacular: aroma and taste are second to none!

December 18, 2023
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Lège déceptionSlight disappointment

Je commande des jambons régulièrement mais il se trouve que parfois il ne me conviennent pas le goût est très diffèrent d’un jambon à l’a Et je trouve que cela est inadmissible au vue de la qualité supposée

I order hams regularly but it turns out that sometimes they do not suit me the taste is very different from ham to a And I find this unacceptable in view of the supposed quality

December 13, 2020
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Pas au niveau attenduNot at the expected level

La réputation du Joselito et le prix qui en découle me semblent un peu usurpés.
Il est certes très bon mais je ne perçois pas la différence avec d'autres très bon bellota.Je reviendra au Montefrio Bio lors de ma prochaine commande. La découpe et la logistique sont impeccables comme d'habitude.

The reputation of Joselito and the price that results from it seem a little usurped. It is certainly very good but I do not perceive the difference with other very good bellota.Je will return to Montefrio Bio during my next order. Cutting and logistics are impeccable as usual.

May 28, 2019
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NO veo el mejor jamon del mundo!!I do not see the best ham in the world !!

Recibi muy rapido y bien presentado el producto...nada que objetar.
Al abrirlo...un aspecto impecable...algo menos de aspecto que los 8,5Kgms que compre.....y al probarlo...bueno,quizas ...muy bueno...pero en absoluto el mejor.He rpobado otras marcas que no solo igualan sino que mejoran a este y por precios en torno a 48 € kgm.
Satisfaccion a medias...un buen jamosn,pero NO EL MEJOR.

I received very fast and well presented product ... nothing to object. When opening it ... an impeccable aspect ... something less than the 8.5Kgms that I bought ..... and when trying ... well, maybe ... very good ... but not the best. I rpobado other brands that not only equal but improve this and for prices around 48 € kgm. Half-satisfaction ... a good jamosn, but NOT THE BEST.

July 27, 2017
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Not the best from Joselito

We have been buying Joselito for few years, this time is a grade below usual standard, more salty and harder than previois ones. Still a very good ham, cannot reach the level of excellent!

November 3, 2016
John Lee
John Lee
Hong Kong
Excellent service and follow-up service

Upon my enquiry about the tracking of my ham, I was informed that it was sent to a wrong country by the courier. A new one was immediately delivered to me the next day, to which I was very thankful.
About the Joselitos Grand Reserva Bellota, it was a bit too salty and not sweet enough than those Joselitos and other Extremadura Bellota that I had tried elsewhere before. It was still very nutty and succulent though.

June 8, 2013
grande qualità !!great quality!

Servizio impeccabile, sito molto chiaro, azienda molto seria e prodotto di grande qualità !!!! Lo consiglio vivamente ! Non delude assolutamente le aspettative !

Impeccable service, site very clear, very serious company and great quality product!! I highly recommend it! Absolutely does not disappoint the expectations!

January 14, 2013
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Pedro Cote
Pedro Cote
Puerto Real
Me parece buenoI feel good

Me parece bueno, de momento estoy consumiendo la parte de la babilla y cuando llegue a la masa, se lo diré.

I feel good, I am currently consuming part of the stifle and when you reach the ground, I will.

December 10, 2012
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Mario Tempesta
Mario Tempesta
Roma., Italia
Giudizio abbastanza positivoFindings of relatively positive

Gentili Signori. Il mio giudizio è "ottimo" circa la vostra organizzazione, serietà e puntualità. Circa il prodotto, in verità lo avevo trovato molto più buono tagliato di fresco. Non so se il prodotto "sottovuoto" possa avere alterato il gusto. Altra differenza che ho rilevato è nella stagionatura. Queste, al momento, le mie considerazioni. Cordiali saluti.

Dear Sirs. My opinion is "very good" about your organization, reliability and punctuality. On the product and in truth I had found much good freshly cut. I do not know if the product "vacuum" may have affected the taste. Another difference I found is in the seasoning. These, at the time, my considerations. Sincerely.

June 9, 2011
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guter schinkengood ham

wir haben den bellota für weihnachten gekauft.
die lieferung war wie angekündigt in einer woche da.
der rand ist leider etwas hart geraten.
aber geschmacklich ist er eine offenbarung.
werde wieder einen kaufen.
aber dieses mal eventuell den 5j probieren.

We bought the bellota for Christmas. the delivery was announced in a week there. the rand is unfortunately a little too hard. But taste is a revelation. will buy another one. But this time may try the 5-year old.

December 29, 2010
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Delicioso y muy jugosoDelicious and juicy

Es de los jamones mas buenos que comido nunca. El aroma y la untuosidad de la grasa es perfecta, cuando pones una fina lamina en la boca se desace y comprendes todo el trabajo de este jamon. Quizas la unica contra que tiene es el precio un poco excesivo, supongo por los premios conseguidos. Si la crisis nos deja disfrutar de muchos joselitos siempre tendré uno en casa.

Hams is more good than ever eaten. The aroma and smoothness of the grease is perfect when you put a thin sheet slowdown in the mouth and understand all the work of the ham. Perhaps the only drawback it has is the price a bit excessive, I guess for the prizes won. If the crisis leaves us to enjoy many joselito always have one at home.

December 13, 2010
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J'ai gouté du jambon 5j, du los pedroches, maldonado (épaule) mais de tous, celui là est très différent.
Très peu de veines de gras, un parfum très puissant, très peu salé et une couleur sombre.
Différent des autres mais possède son propre caractère, toutefois le prix est un peu repoussant, dommage sinon il serait parfait.

I tasted ham 5d, the Los Pedroches, maldonado (shoulder) all but this one is very different. Very little veins of fat, a flavor very powerful, very salty and dark color. Unlike other but has its own character, but the price is a bit repulsive, damage or it would be perfect.

July 19, 2010
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Dublin, Ireland
Money well spent

I have been buying from Ibergour for a few months now. Being on the Atkins diet for almost one year, Spanish ham is an ideal source of satisfaction without carbs. I have tried a few of the bellota hams offered and I must say that Joselito Gran Reserva remains my first choice. It melts in your mouth and its flavour is truly exceptional. Make sure that you unseal the bag and leave it out of the fridge (yet in a cool place) to breath for at least one hour, better half a day, before you eat it.

May 21, 2010
Fernando G.
Madrid, España
Buen sabor y en su punto de salGood taste and a pinch of salt

Uno de los mejores jamones que hemos comido, con muy buen sabor y en su punto de sal, ni demasiado duro ni demasiado tierno; por ponerle un pero, tenía exceso de tocino.

One of the best we have eaten ham, with very good taste and a pinch of salt, not too hard or too soft, for putting one but had excess bacon.

May 11, 2010
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Roberto O.
Roberto O.
Castellón, España
Excelentes, pero el precio es exageradoExcellent, but the price is exaggerated

Los tres jamones adquiridos han resultado excelentes, pero el precio resulta algo exagerado al compararlo con otras marcas de calidad similar.

The three hams have gained excellent results, but the price is somewhat exaggerated in comparison with other brands of similar quality.

May 11, 2010
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Isabel R.
Madrid, España
Algunas partes con mucho tocinoSome parts with much bacon

Muy bueno de sabor pero tenia algunas partes con mucho tocino y otras un poco secas, quiza no sepa cortarlo como un profesional. Pero pienso seguir comprando esos productos.

Very good flavor but had some parts very fat and sometimes a bit dry, perhaps does not know to cut like a pro. But I still buy these products.

March 10, 2010
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Norbert Meyer
München, Deutschland
Geschmack nicht so klar...Taste not so clear ...

Geschmack nicht so klar definiert meiner Meinung etwas nach Waldpilzen.

Taste is not as clearly defined in my opinion a little to wild mushrooms.

December 14, 2009
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Henri E.
Henri E.
Bagneux, France
Que le cochon soit avec vousThat pig is with you

Mon avis : très bon jambon, que je n'ai pas encore terminé. le conditionnement sous vide est idéal pour mon type de consommation. Une fois ouvert, le produit se conserve parfaitement et évolue agréablement. Ayant bientôt terminé mon jambon, je compte commander une nouvelle fois chez Ibergour, en changeant toutefois de jambon, afin d'élargir mon horizon jambonnesque. Les délais de livraison sont agréablement courts. Des idées de recettes seraient toutefois bienvenues, notamment sur l'utilisation (et les proportions) des tronçons d'os joints à la commande. Que le cochon soit avec vous.

My opinion: very good ham, I have not finished yet. vacuum packaging is ideal for my type of consumption. Once opened, the product is preserved perfectly, and is agreeably. Having finished my ham soon, I intend to order again at Ibergour however, by changing ham, to broaden my horizon jambonnesque. Delivery times are pleasantly short. The recipe ideas are welcome, however, including the use (and proportions) of sections of bone attached to the command. That pig is with you.

November 18, 2009
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Francesco B.
Assago, Italia
Elevati livelli di qualita'High levels of quality '

Ho apprezzato il livello di servizio prestato direi impeccabile cosa che succede raramente con acquisti su internet; pertanto tutti i miei complimenti. Per quanto riguarda la qualita' del prosciutto acquistato devo dire che mi aspettavo qulcosina in piu' anche se comunque posso dire che siamo su elevati livelli di qualita'. Direi in sintesi molto bene nel complesso

I appreciate the impeccable level of service I would say something that rarely happens with shopping on the Internet, so all my compliments. Regarding the quality 'of the ham purchased must say I expected more in qulcosina' although I still say we are on high quality '. I would say very good overall summary

October 12, 2009
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Vicente P.
Vicente P.
Gata de Gorgos, España
Muy bien envasadoVery well packaged

El producto que les compre estaba muy bien envasado y por lo tanto en perfectas condiciones para su consumo y el sabor inigualable.

The product I bought was very well packaged and therefore in perfect condition for consumption and the incomparable taste.

August 13, 2009
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Jesús A.
Markina-Xemein, Bizkaia
No se debe vender loncheado a máquinaDo not sell slicing machine

Siendo el producto que es, le puesto un 4, simplemente, por la manipulacion. Un jamón como el de Joselito no se debe vender loncheado a máquina, sino cortado a mano. Por esa razón no he vuelto otro pedido del producto. De todas formas, creo que teneis buen género en general.

As the product is, I put a 4, simply by the manipulation. A ham like Joselito not be sold slicing machine, but hand cut. For that reason I have not seen another order of the product. Anyway, I think you have good gender in general.

July 22, 2009
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Patrick B.
Patrick B.
Narbonne, France
Douceur exceptionnelleExceptional Softness

Grande souplesse mise en gout d une douceur exceptionnelle.

Flexibility in implementation of an exceptionally mild taste.

June 19, 2009
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José B.
José B.
Les Louveries, France
Il n'a rien à voir avec le jambon de serrano classiqueIt has nothing to do with serrano ham classic

Le jambon Joselito "gran reserva" Bellota" est un produit d'une grande finesse, d'une saveur élégante et persistante en bouche qui a fait l'unanimité autour de la table. Il n'a rien à voir avec le jambon de serrano classique et si je ne lui ai pas mis la note maximale c'est simplement parce que certaines tranches des cinq sachets étaient un peu trop grasses.

Ham Joselito gran reserva "Bellota" is a product of great finesse, elegant and persistent flavors on the palate which is unanimity around the table. It has nothing to do with Serrano ham classic and if I did not put him full marks simply because certain segments of the five bags were a little too fat.

May 29, 2009
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Irene H.
Aarhus, Denmark
Bellota is the best

very fine and wonderful flavours too. I have always thought that Parma ham is wonderful. It still is, but Bellota is the best.

January 29, 2009