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Customers' reviews

Jamon Selección 1880 Serón Ham

Jamon Selección 1880 Serón Ham

Jamon Selección 1880 Serón Ham

Not available.
£143.486.75 to 8.5 kg jamones
Average rating:
14 reviews
Maria Colombo
Maria Colombo
Mainz, Deutschland
Ein Genuss...A pleasure...

Der zweite Schinken, den wir bestellt haben... Dieses Mal ein Hinterschinken und der schmeckt wirklich sehr sehr lecker! Es wird ganz sicher nicht der letzte Schinken sein, den wir bei gekauft haben. Auch die Abwicklung ist perfekt - ganz lustig die Versandbenachrichtigung!!! Wir haben sehr gelacht. Vielen Dank!

The second ham we ordered... This time a ham and it tastes really delicious! It will definitely not be the last ham we bought from The handling is also perfect - the shipping notification is really funny! We laughed a lot. Thanks very much!

January 9, 2023
Review translated by Google - Browse the original text in german
Great for a money

Bought it sliced. Lasted us through the winter, great quality for a money! Will definitely buy again and recommend anyone who wants a quality ham on a budget.

March 27, 2021
Great expectations

We were happy to receive the ham just before Christmas and Brexit. Super taste and quality. Good job and our children love it too. Success.

December 31, 2020

Everything they said it would be. Excellent service. Great communication. Absolutely no hassle. Great range of products. Will buy from here again.

May 13, 2020
prodotto e servizio ottimiexcellent product and service

IL servizio di ibergour è eccellente. Spedizione rapida, imballaggio del prosciutto molto protettivo. Abbiamo seguito le istruzioni video per il taglio, molto chiare.
IL prosciutto jamon serrano di ibergour è stato apprezzato da tutti.

The ibergour service is excellent. Fast shipping, very protective ham packaging. We followed the video instructions for cutting, very clear. Ibergour jamon serrano ham has been appreciated by everyone.

July 20, 2019
Review translated by Google - Browse the original text in italian
Très bienVery well

Excellent produit . Très bon rapport qualité prix. Emballage soigné et jambon emballé sous vide. Le support et de bonne qualité

Excellent product. Very good value for money. Neat packaging and ham packaged under vacuum. Support and good quality

March 14, 2019
Review translated by Google - Browse the original text in french
samuele picchi
samuele picchi
buono e gustosogood and tasty

Emozionanre tagliare un prosciutto spagnolo.prosciutto buono e gustoso niente a che vedere con il prosciutto italiano .sapore intenso e duraturo

Have the excitement to cut a Spanish ham.ham good and tasty nothing to do with Italian ham .intense and lasting flavor

October 18, 2017
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pescara , italia
non una cosa specialenot a special thing

speravo qualcosa di speciale, ma si è rivelato una cosa quasi insapore, poco stagionato, piuttosto fresco e poco saporoso, non ha il classico sapore e gusto di un prosciutto tipico della zona

I was hoping for something special, but it turned out to be almost tasteless, slightly weathered, pretty cool and not very tasty, it does not have the classic flavor and taste of a typical local ham

January 13, 2017
Review translated by Google - Browse the original text in italian
Sassari Italia
Nelle aspettativein expectations

Prosciutto tutto sommato gustoso, giusto rapporto qualità prezzo .
Ho acquistato il prodotto disossato e diviso in quattro parti sottovuoto,
purtroppo ho dovuto gettare le ossa perchè la confezione è arrivata forata e le ossa erano ormai andate a male. Situazione quasi simile per le confezioni di due parti di prosciutto che avevano perso "parzialmente" il vuoto e ho dovuto riconfezionarle a casa . Consiglierei maggiore attenzione nel confezionamento. Ottima e puntuale la consegna.

Ham after all tasty, fair value for money. I bought the product boned and divided into four parts vacuum, unfortunately I had to throw the bones because the packaging is perforated arrived and bones were now gone bad. almost similar situation to the packs of two pieces of ham that had lost "partially" the void and I had riconfezionarle home. I recommend more attention in the packaging. Excellent and timely delivery.

December 30, 2016
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chris woodcock
chris woodcock
aylesbury uk
Serrano ham

In the future I will buy pata negra ham and pay the extra.

July 31, 2015
un prosciutto sublimea sublime ham

Un prosciutto sublime che consiglio a tutti di acquistare.
Ha un sapore particolare, buonissimo, è piaciuto a tutta la mia
famiglia e ai miei amici.

A ham sublime that I recommend to everyone to buy. It has a special flavor, very good, I liked to all my family and my friends.

May 25, 2015
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bruneau  j
bruneau j
le chene vert france
sévère mais justetough but fair

Le produit est bon
Le service est pas mal
Ibergour est mauvais
Leur radinerie est très bonne
je suis très mauvais

The product is good the service is not bad is bad IberGour Their stinginess is very good I am very bad

January 29, 2015
Review translated by Google - Browse the original text in french
Prima volta e non sarà l ultima.First time and will not be the last.

Con molte riserve ho acquistato il prosciutto. Non ho esperienza nel campo ma ho apprezzato la qualità . Comodissimo l attrezzo in regalo per affettare il prosciutto.

With many reservations I bought the ham. I have no experience in the field but I appreciated the quality. Convenient tool in the gift to slice the ham.

December 14, 2014
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marco martinengo
marco martinengo
qualità e gustoquality and taste

E' un buon prodotto, di gusto apprezzabile, anche se nella parte dove non c'è grazzo tende a seccarsi.Comunque si puo' rimediare coprendolo con un panno bagnato nel vino bianco

It 'a good product, taste appreciable, although in the part where there tends to grazzo seccarsi.Comunque you can' fix by covering it with a cloth soaked in white wine

August 16, 2014
Review translated by Google - Browse the original text in italian