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Customers' reviews

Jamon García Moreno Bellota Ham

Average rating:
13 reviews
Thomas Ruge
Thomas Ruge
München, Deutschland

Der Schinken ist eine absolute Sensation...der Beste, den ich jemals hatte!
Der Versand war schnell, die Verpackung perfekt und das beigelegte Messer unglaublich scharf!
Und die Benachrichtigung über den Versand so lustig, daß wir uns komplett weggeschmissen haben...
Vielen Dank und gerne wieder !

The ham is an absolute sensation ... the best I've ever had! It was shipped quickly, the packaging was perfect and the knife that was included was incredibly sharp! And the notification about the shipment was so funny that we threw ourselves away completely ... Thank you and gladly again!

December 27, 2020
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Bra Cuneo Italia
tra i migliori patanegraamong the best patanegra

La qualità del prodotto è ai massimi livelli. Il gusto è al top come deve essere un vero pata negra. Veramente eccellente. Bravo Garcia Moreno. Servizio ibergour sempre impeccabile, consegnato in anticipo. Bravi.

The quality of the product is at the highest levels. The taste is at the top as a real pata negra should be. Really excellent. Bravo Garcia Moreno. Always impeccable ibergour service, delivered in advance. Well done.

December 7, 2020
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Roma Italia
Garcia MorenoGarcia Moreno

Buon prosciutto ma mi aspettavo di più dal punto di vista aromatico.
Molto il grasso rispetto al peso.Credo ci sia molta differenza con i top joselito.

Good ham but I expected more from an aromatic point of view. A lot of fat compared to weight I think there is a lot of difference with the Joselito tops

November 23, 2020
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Letztes Jahr hab ich einen etwas anderen Schinken bestellt, 38-40 Monate gereift. Diesmal ist er zwischen 48 und 50 Monate gereift. Überrascht hat mich der doch deutliche Geschmacksunterschied. Noch nussiger und das Fett leicht süßlich und auf der Zunge zart schmelzend. Himmlisch!

Last year I ordered a slightly different ham, aged for 38-40 months. This time it has matured between 48 and 50 months. I was surprised by the significant difference in taste. Even more nutty and the fat is slightly sweet and melts gently on the tongue. Heavenly!

November 21, 2020
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Toller "Jamon Iberico de Bellota"Great "Jamon Iberico de Bellota"

Super Geschnmack, sehr schöner Schinken. Würde ich beim nächsten mal sofort wieder kaufen.
Auch eine perfekte Lieferung!!!

Great taste, very nice ham. I would buy it again next time. Also a perfect delivery !!!

November 20, 2020
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omegna (lago d' orta)

Premetto che non sono un grande esperto ma tra tutti i bellota mangiati, questo e sicuramente uno dei più ben marezzati. Cosa che gli attribuisce tenerezza anche delle parti rosse.
Il grasso è parimenti delizioso. Tenerissimo. Parte dolce ma diventano immediatamente prevalenti i caratteristici gusti da "cantina", decisi e inebrianti.
Lo ricomprerei sicuramente.

I state that I am not a great expert but among all the bellota eaten, this is certainly one of the most well marbled. Which also gives it tenderness of the red parts. Fat is equally delicious. Very tender. It starts out sweet but the characteristic "cellar" tastes immediately prevail, decisive and intoxicating. I would definitely buy it back.

September 21, 2020
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Francesco A.
Qualità ai massimi livelliQuality at the highest levels

Qualità indiscutibile, il prodotto rappresenta l’eccellenza tanto quanto la lavorazione di ibergour avendo ordinato il prosciutto già tagliato. Difficile ora pensare di tornare a mangiare il solito prosciutto. Questo è il mio secondo Ordine ma credo proprio che ce ne saranno altri. Grazie

Indisputable quality, the product represents excellence as much as the processing of ibergour having ordered the prosciutto already cut. It's hard now to think about going back to eating the usual ham. This is my second Order but I really believe there will be others. Thank you

August 16, 2020
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Demasiado salado.Too salty.

No está mal, porque es muy difícil que sea malo para un jamón de 400€. Pero demasiado caro por la calidad recibida. Hay mejores jamones por ese precio.

It is not bad, because it is very difficult for it to be bad for a € 400 ham. But too expensive for the quality received. There are better hams for that price.

August 7, 2020
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Gubel Michel
Gubel Michel
Anvers , Belgique
Le meilleur essayé à ce jourThe best tried to date

Je commande un jambon différent tous les 3 à 4 mois depuis deux ans. Celui-ci est le meilleur à mon goût. J'y reviendrais!

I have ordered a different ham every 3-4 months for the past two years. This one is the best for my taste. I would stay there again!

August 3, 2020
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Patrick B
Patrick B
Hampshire UK
Great service - gorgeous Jamon!

This sliced jamon is so delicious and convenient. Tip - bring to room temperature before separating and it is a lot easier!

May 30, 2020
Jambon pata negra García Moreno, ibérique de bellotaGarcía Moreno pata negra ham, bellota iberian

Excellent jambon de tres bonne qualite
juste sale comme il faut ni trop ni trop peu
(j'ai commande le jambon decoupe en 4 morceaux)

Excellent ham of very good quality just dirty as it should be neither too much nor too little (I ordered the ham cut into 4 pieces)

May 23, 2020
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Paul R
My 3rd ham from you

I have now bought 3 hams from you during the lockdown - 2 for me and the family, here, and one as a present for a friend. The quality is excellent. Miguel and the team are always really helpful and friendly in advising the best option for what we want . You keep us informed at every stage. The delivery process is efficient and fast.
We will definitely buy another one in the months ahead.
Perfect as a mid morning snack, even better with cheese and bread at lunch, best with a lovely red wine in the evening.
Stay well

May 8, 2020
Véronique Depreux
Paris, France

Je commandais régulièrement du jambon 5J Cinco Jotas. Quelquefois j'ai tenté d'autres jambons pour toujours revenir vers mon choix de référence.
Sauf cette fois ci: je viens de découvrir le meilleur jambon que j'ai jamais mangé.
Long en bouche, confit, goût de noisette. salage délicat, bon gras équilibré, moelleux et puissant...une merveille!
Les amis avec qui je l'ai partagé vienne d'en commander un, conquis par la qualité exceptionnelle de ce produit.
J'en recommanderai avec enthousiasme.

I regularly ordered 5J Cinco Jotas ham. Sometimes I tried other hams to always go back to my reference choice. Except this time: I just discovered the best ham I have ever eaten. Long finish, candied, nutty flavor. delicate salting, good balanced fat, soft and powerful ... a marvel! The friends with whom I shared it just ordered one, conquered by the exceptional quality of this product. I will recommend it with enthusiasm.

March 5, 2020
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