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Customers' reviews

Jamon Ciurana Bodega Gran Reserva Ham

Jamon Ciurana Bodega Gran Reserva Ham

Jamon Ciurana Bodega Gran Reserva Ham

Not available.
£188.387.25 to 8 kg jamones
Average rating:
47 reviews



August 26, 2023
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Mauro Mazza
Mauro Mazza
Ceriano Laghetto (mb)Italia

È da anni che mi servo da Ibergour,e non smetterò mai di servirmi,prodotti fantastici e a buon prezzo,oltre alla cortesia del personale

I have been serving at Ibergour for years, and I will never stop serving myself, fantastic products at a good price, as well as the courtesy of the staff

November 4, 2022
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Très satisfaiteVery satisfied

C'est la troisième fois que je commande ce jambon. Je n'ai jamais été déçue, c'est un très bon Serrano, ni trop sec, ni trop jeune, avec un très bon goût
Je recommande +++

This is the third time I've ordered this ham. I've never been disappointed, it's a very good Serrano, neither too dry nor too tender, with a very good taste I recommend

August 30, 2022
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Bretagne ( France)

Un immense plaisir que de déguster cet excellent jambon. Pas salé pas très gras, je vous recommande ce produit sans aucun problème. Rapidité d envoi et super emballage. Très heureux de ce choix. Muchas Gracias Ibergour

An immense pleasure to taste this excellent ham. Not salty not very greasy, I recommend this product without any problem. Fast shipping and great packaging. Very happy with this choice. Muchas Gracias Ibergour

March 26, 2022
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Une valeur sûreA safe bet

Ça fait 5 ou 6 fois que je commande des jambons chez Ibergour, et l'expérience client est la meilleure que j'ai jamais connue sur un site de vente en ligne : rapidité de livraison, emballage soigné, service client extrêmement réactif (merci Miguel), et quelle belle surprise de recevoir le mail d'envoi de la commande (un plaisir de le lire).
j'ai testé différents jambons sur ce site, mais ça fait 3 fois que je recommande celui-là, car le gout est excellent et le rapport qualité/prix au top. Pas gras, bien affiné, gouteux, rien à envier à d'autres jambons beaucoup plus chers.
Une valeur sûre quoi !

I've ordered hams from Ibergour for 5 or 6 times, and the customer experience is the best I've ever had on an online sales site: speed of delivery, careful packaging, extremely responsive customer service (thank you Miguel ), and what a nice surprise to receive the email sending the order (a pleasure to read it). I tested different hams on this site, but I've recommended this one for 3 times, because the taste is excellent and the price / quality ratio at the top. Not fatty, well ripened, tasty, nothing to envy of other much more expensive hams. A sure bet!

May 11, 2021
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Budapest, HU
average good

Its a very good everyday serrano ham. This is my 4th type of ham I ordered (salamantino cebo de campo ham, 5j iberico shoulder, duroc ham and this one). And this is the exact order of how they taste. Iberico shoulder is too dry for me, cebo de campo was the best for the price/quality. I wanted to try this ham, as this is the most cheaper. I'm not disappointed this is good ham but the next one will be a cebo de campo ham again because the iberico ham is too expensive for me.

May 25, 2020
Edouard Lozano
Boissy Saint Léger - France
la qualité, toujours la qualité!quality, always quality!

Habitué au Pata Negra, 'ai voulu changer et essayer le Serrano et je ne suis pas décu, celui ci est délicieux!
Bien sûr il ne faut pas comparer, ce sont deux produits différents mais ce Serrano n'a rien à voir avec ce que j'achète de temps en temps en grande distribution.Il est goutu et juste salé à point, c'est un régal.
Je ne vous parle pas de la logistique d'Ibergour toujours au top!!!

Accustomed to Pata Negra, 'wanted to change and try the Serrano and I'm not disappointed, this one is delicious! Of course you should not compare, these are two different products but this Serrano has nothing to do with what I buy from time to time in supermarkets. It is tasty and just salted to the point, it's a treat . I'm not talking about the logistics of Ibergour always on top !!!

December 15, 2019
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felice scopertahappy discovery

Con questo Serrano Bodega devo dire che ho fatto una bella scoperta. Cercavo un prosciutto da spendere il giusto e leggendo le recensioni ho deciso di provare questo. Ne sono rimasto contento. Un prosciutto equilibrato, ben stagionato, saporito e profumato, quasi dolce. Per la prima volta ho optato per il disossato in tre pezzi e posso garantire che ad Ibergur hanno fatto un bel lavoro con una resa ottima. Insomma non sarà certo paragonabile ad un Iberico di Bellota ma per chi non vuol spendere una cifra e cerca un prosciutto veramente buono, lo consiglio!

With this Serrano Bodega I have to say that I made a nice discovery. I was looking for a ham to spend the right and reading the reviews I decided to try this. I was happy. A balanced, well seasoned, tasty and fragrant ham, almost sweet. For the first time I opted for the boned in three pieces and I can guarantee that Ibergur did a good job with an excellent performance. In short, it will not be comparable to a Iberian Bellota but for those who do not want to spend a sum and look for a really good ham, I recommend it!

February 10, 2019
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muy bienmuy bien

buon prosciutto serrano, ne ho acquistati 5 che abbiamo regalato per natale a parenti ed amici e abbiamo fatto gran bella figura.

good ham serrano, I bought 5 that we gave to relatives and friends for Christmas and we made a good impression.

December 25, 2018
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Oleg Jurk
Oleg Jurk
Super Sache!Great thing!

Sehr professionell. Alles, was ich bestellt habe,hat meine Erwartungen erfüllt .
Ich kaufe normal nicht die teuerste Produkte , aber auch Schicken in der mittlere
Preisklasse jede Penny wert.

Very professional. Everything I ordered met my expectations. I usually do not buy the most expensive products, but also send in the middle price every penny worth.

June 7, 2018
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Slovakia and Ukraine
Iber gour is the best shop of Jamon in the world

Sorry for my bad english
I ordered in Iber Gour company 2 times
I try Jamon some times in different spanish
But more tasty jamon as Iber Gour i never tried
Taste is wonderfull. All our family and friends
Are very glad!!!
Thank u so much

March 5, 2018
Edouard Lozano
Boissy Saint Léger, France
pas déçu, bonne qualité produit et livraisonnot disappointed, good quality product and delivery

Ce n'est pas mon premier jambon chez Ibergour et je suis toujours autant satisfait du rapport qualité prix, sans parler de la logistique vraiment irréprochable.
C'est la première fois que je ne prends pas du Pata Negra, mais le Serrano est très bon, peut-être un peu moins sec mais un très bon goût et pas trop salé.
Je ne suis pas déçu et je ne compare pas à du Pata Negra car ce sont deux produits différents.
En tous cas, la famille se régale et cela confirme la qualité.

This is not my first ham at Ibergour and I am still satisfied with the value for money, not to mention the logistics really irreproachable. This is the first time I do not take Pata Negra, but Serrano is very good, maybe a little less dry but a very good taste and not too salty. I am not disappointed and I do not compare to Pata Negra because they are two different products. In any case, the family enjoys and this confirms the quality.

December 31, 2017
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Rimini, Italia

E' il primo acquisto che faccio da Ibergour. Mi attendevo un prosciutto ricco di sapore e unto al palato, ho scelto un prodotto medio e non di basso costo. Il prosciutto che è arrivato è di sapore mediocre e non giustifica i costi sostenuti per l'acquisto e la spedizione in Italia. E' un vero peccato, non effettuerò altri acquisti.

It is the first purchase I make from Ibergour. I was expecting a ham rich in flavor and greasy on the palate, I chose a medium and not low-cost product. The ham that has arrived is of mediocre taste and does not justify the costs incurred for the purchase and shipping in Italy. It's a pity, I will not make other purchases.

December 8, 2017
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lyon france
un peu cher quand memea little expensive when even

sur un jambon de 7.5 kg
reste que 4 kg une fois coupé en tranches par ibergour
je trouve ca un peu cher

on a ham of 7.5 kg remains that 4 kg once sliced ​​by ibergour I find it a little expensive

September 30, 2017
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José Carneiro
José Carneiro
Porto / Portugal
muito bomvery good

Como sempre, o produto é muito bom, na relação preço / qualidade.
A entrega é rápida e eficaz.
O funcionamento global da empresa, continua muito eficiente.

As always, the product is very good, in the price / quality ratio. Delivery is fast and efficient. The overall operation of the company remains very efficient.

May 22, 2017
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Rapidi e precisiQuick and accurate

Trovo ottima sempre la vostra qualità e mi complimento per il servizio per la rapidità nella consegna (soli due giorni dall'ordine effettuato).

I always find your quality very good and I compliment the service for quick delivery (only two days after order).

May 18, 2017
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diego savorani
diego savorani
Buon sapore anche se una parte è un po duraGood taste even if one part is a bit tough

Buon sapore anche se una parte risulta un po dura.consegna perfetta e rapida. Ho apprezzato il regalo del coltello e del piedistallo.

Good taste even if one piece is a bit tough. Perfect and quick delivery. I enjoyed the gift of knife and pedestal.

May 8, 2017
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nell'imbarazzo della scelta mi affido un' al prezzo un po' alle opinioni, ordinato di venerdì pomeriggio il martedì era già a casa mia. Il prodotto è di qualità sorprendente, gustoso con la giusta sapidità e perfetta stagionatura. da quando è in casa non passa un solo giorno che una fetta non venga gustata. Di sicuro sarà il primo di una infinità serie. Complimenti

the embarrassment of the choice I rely a 'priced a bit' opinions, ordered on Friday afternoon on Tuesday was already at my house. The product is of amazing quality, tasty with just the right flavor and perfect seasoning. since he is at home it does not pass a single day that a slice is not enjoyed. For sure it will be the first in a series infinity. Compliments

March 28, 2017
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Pierre Tiozzo
Pierre Tiozzo
Bordeaux France
Exellent Grand RéservaExellent Grand Reserva

Je suis un amateur de jambons ,j'en consomme en moyenne 5 par ans ,c'est le premier que je prends chez Ibergour ,rapidité de livraison, emballage parfait,
qualité très satisfaisante , je suis prêt à renouveler l'expérience .

I am an amateur ham I consume on average by 5 years, this is the first that I take at IberGour, speed of delivery, packaging perfect, very satisfactory, I am ready to repeat the experience.

February 23, 2017
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Ottimo!!Great !!

Ottimo tutto,
Prosciutto consegna e accessori
Ma sopratutto ... consiglio il prosciutto.
Il tutto consegnato con sacco per la conservazione.
Veramente consigliato

Great everything, Ham delivery and accessories ... But especially recommend the ham. All delivered with bag for storage. really recommended

January 15, 2017
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Haute Savoie. France

Je l,ai acheté désossé en deux morceau très bien pas beaucoup de graisse et d,un goût Exellent sur que j,en rachèterai merci

I bought two boneless piece very well not a lot of fat and a taste Exellent on that I thank you redeem

December 31, 2016
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Frank Valencia
Frank Valencia
Gran Reserva Ciurana Serrano Ham

Product arrived promptly and the ham was very nice. Surprised as to how efficient the service was and the fine condition of the ham.

December 30, 2016
Fantastico e qualita superioreFantastic and very good quality

Ho appena acquistato questa delizia, davvero ottimo anche se un pó asciutto, ma di gran qualità.
sto per fare il mio prossimo acquisto.

I just bought this delight, really good even if a little bit dry, but of great quality. I will do my next purchase.

November 14, 2016
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Ricardo Brieva Romero
Málaga, España

Este producto a pesar de ser jamón blanco tiene muy buena calidad.Buena curación, de tocino lo justo.
Creo que seguiré comprando este estupendo jamón.

This product despite being white ham has very good quality. Good healing, just enough bacon. I think I'll buy this wonderful ham.

October 29, 2016
Review translated by Google - Browse the original text in spanish
ottimo prodottogreat product

Il prodotto è ottimo , I tempi di spedizione eccellenti , il coltello annesso è stato affilato , così com'è arrivato non tagliava molto bene , ma non si può pretendere di più credo .CONSIGLIATISSIMO !!!!!

The product is great, the excellent shipment, adjoining knife was sharp, as it came not very well cut, but you can not ask for more I guess. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED !!!!!

June 18, 2016
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Paris, France

Qualité irréprochable pour ce produit. Celui ci était parfaitement emballé et l'envoi a été très rapide. Je suis très satisfaite de cette commande.

Perfect quality product. This one was perfectly packed and shipping was very fast. I am very happy with this order.

January 4, 2016
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A very good ham for the price. Beautiful color and nutty taste. Arrived as always in a couple of days, perfectly packed. Thanks.

January 2, 2016
Alberto Tumiatti
Lago Maggiore
Ritengo Un Buon ProsciuutoI A Good Prosciuuto

Indubbiamente è all'altezza della sua fama. Considero che dietro a tutto questo vi siano persone molto attente e scrupolose, nel allevare questi suini di particolare intensità produttiva. Ovvio quindi che la qualità dell'animale sia particolarmente ottima al mio palato.
Congratulazioni in tutto e per tutto e per l'amore che date per il vostro non facile lavoro. Auguri di un felice 2016

Certainly it lives up to its reputation. I consider that behind all this there are people who are passionate and scrupulous in breeding these pigs particular production intensity. Therefore obvious that the quality of the animal is especially good to my palate. Congratulations in all respects, and for the love you give to your difficult work. Wishes for a happy 2016

December 28, 2015
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Sapri, Italia

Rapporto qualità-prezzo indescrivibile, Spedizione Rapidissima, Prosciutto Serrano più unico che raro, si scioglieva in bocca!
Tagliere e coltello in omaggi, sono stati utili ed efficienti.
Ringrazio IberGour per questo prodotto fenomenale

Value for money indescribable, Very fast shipping, Serrano Ham quite unique, it melted in your mouth! Cutting board and knife in gifts, they were helpful and efficient. IberGour thank for this phenomenal product

June 28, 2015
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Dirt cheap for an everyday jamon

This is a very good jamon for an every day sandwich. Not salty, a very good for children who usually don't fancy salty jams. Excellent value for money.

May 24, 2015
Lyon, France
Déçu du produitDisappointed Product

J'apprécie le site qui est fiable et sérieux mais je suis déçu de ce Serrano, il est très nerveux, peut être pas de chance mais bon ... Du coup ce jambon est décevant.

I enjoy the site that is reliable and serious but I am disappointed that Serrano, who was very nervous, may be out of luck but ... So this ham is disappointing.

May 23, 2015
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la parte inferiore è troppo seccathe lower part is too dry

il sapore è buono, ma la parte inferiore, pur molto magra, è troppo secca e di sapore poco accettabile, e spesso bisogna gettarla

the taste is good, but the bottom, although very thin, it is too dry and little flavor acceptable, and often have to throw

April 26, 2015
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Caserta, Italia
ottima scoperta, qualità/prezzo interessantissimagreat find, quality / price very interesting

Prima esperienza con un serrano Riserva e devo dire che sono rimasto piacevolmente sorpeso, per una cifra pari se non leggermente inferiore ad un prosciutto di buona qualità italiano a mio modesto avviso è un prosciutto superiore. Lo scarto a differenza degli iberici è bassissimo, ovviamente non arriviamo neanche lontanamente ai livelli di sapore di un bellota ma parliamo anche di cifre molto più basse: nella sua fascia di prezzo è ottimo. Acquisto da ripetere, consigliato.

First experience with a serrano reserve and I must say I was pleasantly sorpeso, a figure equal to or slightly lower than a good quality ham Italian in my humble opinion is a ham higher. The gap unlike the Iberian is very low, of course we do not get anywhere near the levels of flavor of an acorn but we also talk about figures much lower: in its price range is excellent. Purchase from repeat, recommended.

December 27, 2014
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ParfaitPitch perfect

Le jambon est arrivé rapidement et le goût est parfait. Après avoir gouté plusieurs jambon celui-ci m'a satisfait d'un point de vu goût , il n'est pas trop salé et d'une texture agréable en bouche. Je conseil cet achat.

Ham arrived quickly and the taste is perfect. After several ham tasted it I was satisfied with a taste point of view, it is not too salty and a pleasant mouthfeel. I recommend this purchase.

July 5, 2014
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Michael Hope-Stone
Langford, Biggleswade, England
Nicer than expexted ham

We have previously bought our ham on the bone. But this Christmas I though we should try a boneless one. I had some doubts over how the taste would compare. Well I am happily surprised because the taste is just as good. You also have the advantage that there is considerably less fat, and cutting is easier. If you are lucky to have a large slicer, as I have, you can control your slices perfectly. Although cutting a ham on the bone is perhaps more fun etc. this boneless farm is easier and there is less waste. Quality and taste very very good.

January 15, 2014
molto buono!!very good!

ottimo sito dove acquistare. Rapida la spedizione e il prosciutto buona qualità prezzo. Sicuramente comprero ancora ma vorrei andare su un pata negra.

great site where you can buy. Fast shipping and good quality ham price. Definitely will buy again but would like to go on a pata negra.

December 28, 2013
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Livraison trés rapide Jambon excellent

Very fast delivery great Ham

December 9, 2013
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Fécamp, France
un bon jambon espagnolgood Spanish ham

livraison rapide,c'est la 2ème fois que j'ai acheté ce jambon,pas déçu.
Mais cette fois ci le jambon est un peu trop salé.

fast delivery, this is the second time I bought this ham, not disappointed. But this time the ham is too salty.

September 28, 2013
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Luigi Faralli
Luigi Faralli
Corsica, Francia
Finisce troppo presto!!It ends too soon!

Ho avuto problemi con la consegna, troppo calore durante il trasporto, ma dopo una settimana all'aria il prosciutto ha ripreso le sue caratteristiche originali. Molto buono, si mangia con piacere a tutte le ore, lo faccio assaggiare agli amici e tutti hanno giudizi positivi.
Sicuramente lo ricomprerò.

I had problems with the delivery, too much heat during transport, but after a week to air the ham has resumed its original features. Very good, we eat with pleasure at all hours, I do try to friends and they all have positive reviews. Surely you will buy.

September 19, 2013
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buon prodottogood product

Consegna rapida e puntuale prosciutto buono,genuino, gustoso, grasso saporito, appena secco vicino l'osso, scarto non eccessivo, nel complesso ottimo rapporto qualita' prezzo si consigla per serate tra amici da preferire pezzatura + grande

Fast and timely delivery ham good, genuine, tasty, tasty fat, just near the bone dry, do not waste too much, overall very good value 'price, we recommend you to get together with friends to prefer large size

July 5, 2013
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Michael Hope-Stone
Langford, Bedfordshire, England
Reserva Ciurana Ham

The ham is excellent and I will order another one in future. Your service is excellent I am impressed. Keep it up.

May 19, 2013
Werner Schlender
Werner Schlender
47495 Rheinberg Deutschland
hervoragend Sehr guthervoragend Very good

1 A Abwicklung 1 A Qulität 1 A zuverlässig 1 A Preis-Leistungsverhälnis 1 A zufrieden. Hier bestellen wir jetzt immer.Wir kauften Reserva Serrano Schinken, der unseren Geschmack getroffen hat.

1 A 1 A settlement Qulität 1 A 1 A reliable price-performance ratio was 1 A satisfied. We always order now. We bought Reserva Serrano ham that has taken our tastes.

February 26, 2013
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l'abbiamo gia' finitoWe've already 'done

devo dire che mi sono trovato veramente bene sia x l'efficenza nel servizio di spedizione che nella qualita' del prodotto infatti come dicevo sopra il prosciutto è quasi finito tra bocche di casa ed amici buongustai.vorrei qualche vostra buona offerta x un prosciutto magari di qualita' diversa o superiore rimanendo in una buona fascia di sto'facendo una bella pubblicita'con i miei amici cercando magari la prossima volta di fare un ordine piu' ampio.sperando in una vostra rispota allettante vi porgo i miei saluti

I must say that I was really good x is the efficiency in service delivery and in quality 'of the product in fact as I said above, the ham is almost done between the mouths of the house and some of your friends buongustai.vorrei good offer a ham maybe x quality 'or different than staying in a good range sto'facendo a nice looking pubblicita'con my friends, maybe next time to order more' ampio.sperando in your rispota attractive I offer you my greetings

February 24, 2013
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Ottimo,niente di particolare,solo vicino all'osso rimane piuttosto duro.Il sapore e' comunque droga per il mio palato.Saluti.

Very good, nothing special, just near the bone remains rather duro.Il flavor and 'drugs still for my palato.Saluti.

February 24, 2013
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ventimiglia (im) italia
mia modesta opinionemy humble opinion

spett.le. certamente più che buono, se non si pretende troppo dal prodotto confermo la mia oppinione.
prosiutto abbastanza stagionato, se lo si vuole più saporito -sapore più forte, quasi di rancido, come si può annusare dai prosciutti appesi nei negozi o bar in Spagna- spendete di più. per una rimpatriata con gli amici farete certamente ottima figura, come ho fatto io. probabilmente ci sarà una prossima volta e cercherò un prodotto con caratteristiche più prestigiose. il mio approccio era una prova, tanto per provare a me stesso se ricordavo qualche cosa del vecchio mestiere -banconiere di salumeria- poi per vedere la resa del prodotto, direi buona sul peso totale uno scarto del 45% circa come prevedevo e comunque + o - come un San Daniele italiano, visto il gambetto intero con piedino. sapore abbastanza intenso e di gusto gradevole, buono, prosciutto sul dolce non salato. tutto sommato sono più che soddisfatto dell'acquisto, e per la serità di spedizione consegna ecc. direi ottimo. per il supporto ed il coltello lascio altra oppinione come da richiesta. ringrazio e saluto. ermanno

esteemed. certainly more than good, if not demanding too much from the product confirm my oppinion. prosiutto seasoned enough, if you want more flavor-stronger flavor, almost rancid, as you can smell the hams hanging in shops or bars in Spain-spend more. for a reunion with friends you'll certainly very good shape, as I did. likely there will be a next time and try a product with the most prestigious. my approach was a test, just to prove to myself if I remembered something of the old trade-banconiere delicatessen-then to see the performance of the product, I would say good on the total weight of a deviation of about 45% as I expected and anyway, or - as a San Daniele Italian, since the whole gambit with foot. quite intense flavor and good taste, good, ham on sweet unsalted. all in all I am more than satisfied with the purchase, and the Serita Shipping delivery times. I would say excellent. for the support and the knife leave other oppinion as requested. Thank you and goodbye. ermanno

January 25, 2013
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London, UK
Very good products

Very good products, fast delivery and 100% satisfied. The ham is delicious and the package containing the tools is very good

December 20, 2012
Hoesinghausen 4
Toller Artikel, schneller Versand, gerne wieder!Great item, fast delivery, happy again!

Habe den Artikel online gefunden und direkt bestellt, schnelle und transparente Abwicklung des gesamten Geschaefts.
Kann den Verkaeufer anderen Kunden empfehlen.

've Found the item online and order directly, fast and transparent management of the entire on business. Can recommend the seller to other customers.

November 22, 2012
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