UK deliveries: 5-7 days, all customs expenses (~£21) are charged in advance (no extra payment upon receival)

Customers' reviews

Jamon Peñajamon Bodega Ham

Jamon Peñajamon Bodega Ham

Jamon Peñajamon Bodega Ham

Not available.
£156.467.5 to 8.25 kg jamones
Average rating:
121 reviews
Top serviceTop service

Grazie . Arrivato il vostro eccezionale prodotto come sempre prima qualità e consegna precisa
Consiglio molto all'acquisto.un sapore unico quello della bottega peñajamon de Teruel .

Thank you . Your exceptional product has arrived, as always, top quality and precise delivery. I highly recommend the purchase. A unique flavor from the Peñajamon de Teruel shop.

June 30, 2024
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excellents jambon et un suivi d'expédition irréprochable. Je suis client depuis de nombreuses années et je n'ai jamais été déçu

excellent ham and impeccable shipping tracking. I have been a customer for many years and have never been disappointed.

December 22, 2023
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Horst Bayer
Horst Bayer
Saarbrücken Deutschland
Beste Qualität aus meinem Lieblingsurlaubsland SpanienBest quality from my favorite holiday destination Spain

Mit jedem Stück Jamon erinnere ich mich an schöne Urlaubswochen in Andalusien. Ich werde den Schinken in meinem gesamten Bekanntenkreis weiterempfehlen.

With every piece of Jamon I remember beautiful vacation weeks in Andalusia. I will recommend the ham to my entire circle of friends.

November 21, 2022
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Erster Versuch - TopFirst try - great

Das war unser erster Serrano Schinken am Stück. Die Bestellung war einfach, die Versandbestätigung der Hit, die Lieferung wie angegeben(sogar etwas schneller).
Der Schinken selbst Top! Für eine Woche immer frisch vom Stück geschnitten, jetzt noch Reste im Kühlschrank. Immer noch Lecker!
Vielen Dank!

That was our first Serrano ham in a row. Ordering was easy, the shipping confirmation was a hit, the delivery was as advertised (even a little faster). The ham itself is great! Always freshly cut from the piece for a week, now leftovers in the refrigerator. Still delicious! Thanks very much!

January 2, 2022
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Commande pour les fêtesOrder for the holidays

Site sérieux et le jambon pas mal et pas du tout déçue, à recommander vivement :-) c'est pas le meilleur mais rapport qualité prix ça reste un bon choix et de plus il n'est pas trop gras. Le seul bémol reste les frais de livraison qui sont trop élevés à mon avis.

Serious site and the ham not bad and not at all disappointed, highly recommend :-) it's not the best but value for money it's still a good choice and moreover it is not too fatty. The only downside remains the delivery costs which are too high in my opinion.

January 2, 2022
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Ivan Horvat
Ivan Horvat
Cork , Ireland

I really satisfied with this jamón and with the service of ibergour! Exceeded my expectation. I will definitely order again.

December 30, 2021
Gian Mario
Gian Mario

E' la seconda volta che acquisto prosciutto tagliato a fette e messo sottovuoto, ottimo il prodotto così come ottimo il confezionamento e la tempistica di spedizione. Super professionali.

It is the second time that I have bought sliced and vacuum packed ham, the product is excellent as well as the packaging and shipping times are excellent. Super professional.

December 18, 2021
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premier achat / testfirst purchase / test

La viande est bonne mais j'ai des difficultés à la couper en jolies tranches meme avec le couteau spécial (la faute à ma méconnaissance en matiere de découpe de jambons) l'emballage était parfait

The meat is good but I have difficulty cutting it into nice slices even with the special knife (the fault of my lack of knowledge about cutting hams) the packaging was perfect

December 13, 2021
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Christian Riera
Christian Riera
Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Perfect, like every time. Been ordering for a while now and it’s a treat every time. Quick turn around, quality packacing.
Moltes gràcies

April 23, 2021
Second time we bought it

This serrano is good. Service, delivery and packaging was excellent. Fast delivery and inside a vacuum bag, so it keep all its flavour. I recommend this Serrano.

December 24, 2020
L'Aquila, Italia
Prodotto di qualitàQuality product

L'ultimo prosciutto acquistato da Ibergour è davvero favoloso, ottima stagionatura, dolce al punto giusto e grasso in quantità ideale. Il gusto poi è davvero sorprendente. Non è il primo prodotto che acquisto, ma questo è davvero molto gustoso, penso che il prossimo prosciutto che acquisterò sarà un altro jamon serrano di Teruel Peñajamón. Complimenti davvero a Ibergour, che ha estrema cura dei propri prodotti e così mostra di rispettare al massimo i propri clienti, il tutto unito a un prezzo davvero onesto.

The latest ham purchased from Ibergour is truly fabulous, excellent seasoning, sweet at the right point and fat in ideal quantities. The taste is really surprising. It is not the first product I buy, but this is really very tasty, I think the next ham I will buy will be another Serrano ham from Teruel Peñajamón. Congratulations indeed to Ibergour, who takes extreme care of their products and thus shows to respect their customers as much as possible, all combined with a truly honest price.

October 15, 2020
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Jean Mi
Bon produitGood product

C'est une très Belle pièce, un délicieux jambon,
Le rapport qualité prix est convenable
La Livraison est assez rapide.

It is a very beautiful piece, a delicious ham, The value for money is decent The delivery is quite fast.

September 17, 2020
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Région Parisienne, France
Excellente découverteExcellent discovery

Habitué à déguster et acheter les jambons de Teruel lors de mes séjours en Espagne, c'est la première fois que je commande par internet un jambon. Pas évident de trouver le site qui vous donnera confiance et le bon rapport qualité/prix. Après moult hésitations, je me décide de commander un jambon par Ibergour, et franchement vous n'êtes pas déçus.
Jambon reçu 3 jours après la validation de la commande, bien emballé et protégé pour le transport dans sa boite.
Moment de vérité lors de la dégustation, le jambon est bien marbré, il n' a pas de partie sèche et dure. le gras est bien blanc. Nous avons retrouvé le gout caractéristique du Teruel, un jambon doux, fondant et pas salé, pour nous, un délice.
La découpe s'est faite sans problème Ibergour fourni un document d'aide à la découpe, bien utile pour les novices. (j'ai pris l'option couteau gratuit : très bien)
Un coup de chapeau au service après vente, pour leur humour dans la commande, un peu déroutant au début mais à prendre au second degré, et ça fait du bien! continuez !
Au prochain jambon !

Used to tasting and buying Teruel hams during my stays in Spain, this is the first time that I have ordered ham online. It's not easy to find the site that will give you confidence and good value for money. After much hesitation, I decided to order a ham by Ibergour, and frankly you are not disappointed. Ham received 3 days after validation of the order, well packaged and protected for transport in its box. Moment of truth during the tasting, the ham is well marbled, it does not have a dry and hard part. the fat is very white. We found the characteristic taste of Teruel, a soft ham, melting and not salty, for us, a delight. The cutting was done without problem Ibergour provided a cutting aid document, very useful for novices. (I took the free knife option: very good) A tip of the hat to the after-sales service, for their humor in the order, a little confusing at first but to be taken secondarily, and that feels good! keep going! To the next ham!

September 12, 2020
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Neuvy sur Barangeon, France
très satisfaitvery satisfied

Livraison rapide. Emballage adapté.
Servi lors d'un mariage le jambon a fait sensation. Il n'est vraiment pas trop salé.
Je repasserai commande

Quick delivery. Suitable packaging. Served at a wedding, the ham caused a sensation. It really isn't too salty. I will order again Excellent

August 11, 2020
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très savoureuxvery tasty

Très bon jambon, persillé et parfumé. Livraison rapide et soignée. Entreprise sérieuse avec un humour réjouissant ! Je recommande chaudement.

Very good ham, parsley and flavored. Fast delivery and careful. Serious company with a cheerful humor! I highly recommend.

June 30, 2020
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Esther Ballesteros
Esther Ballesteros
Une excellente surpriseAn excellent surprise

N'ayant pas pu voyager en Espagne à Pâques à cause du covid je me suis retrouvée avec les réserves de produits espagnols épuisées et avec une envie de jamón terrible. J'ai donc, après avoir beaucoup hésité,commandé un jamón par internet chez ibergour poussée par les bons commentaires. Je ne suis absolument pas déçue. Le jambon est arrivé parfaitement emballé très rapidement, le rapport qualité prix est vraiment bon et bien qu'à l'ouverture il paraissait un peu fade dès le lendemain on a pu apprécier son goût et toute le famille s'est régalée. Je pense en recommander car je suis vraiment satisfaite tant du produit comme des échanges avec l'entreprise!
PS le courrier de confirmation de la commande a été un moment de pur bonheur en cette période de confinement morose

Not having been able to travel to Spain at Easter because of the covid I found myself with the reserves of Spanish products exhausted and with a terrible desire for jamón. So, after much hesitation, I ordered a jamón on the internet from ibergour, driven by the good comments. I am absolutely not disappointed. The ham arrived perfectly packaged very quickly, the value for money is really good and although at the opening it seemed a bit bland the next day we could appreciate its taste and the whole family enjoyed it. I think I recommend it because I am really satisfied with both the product and the exchanges with the company! PS the order confirmation letter was a moment of pure happiness in this period of gloomy confinement

May 30, 2020
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Cuneo, Italia
Buon prosciuttoGood ham

Il prosciutto é arrivato in tempi brevi, é molto buono ed é stato disossato a regola d'arte, la piccola cifra spesa in piú é di certo giustificabile.

The ham arrived quickly, it is very good and has been boned in a workmanlike manner, the small amount spent more is certainly justifiable.

May 9, 2020
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ohne bellota läufts auchwithout bellota it works too

Sehr guter Geschmack, leicht marmoriert und vom Salz gut abgestimmt. Vom Besten was ich in der "nicht bellota" Kategorie probiert habe.

Very good taste, slightly marbled and well coordinated with the salt. The best of what I tried in the "not bellota" category.

April 18, 2020
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Mr morel
Mr morel
Lyon France
satisfait de la qualité du produitsatisfied with product quality

Bonjour nous sommes satisfait de la qualité du produit qui correspond à nos attentes
Le délai de livraison est assez rapide le seul bémol est que le colis qui contiens le jambon avait été ouvert au deux extrémités heureusement le jambon et son support était intact

Hello we are satisfied with the quality of the product which corresponds to our expectations The delivery time is quite fast the only downside is that the package containing the ham had been opened at both ends fortunately the ham and its support was intact

March 14, 2020
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conforme alle aspettativein accordance with expectations

prosciutto con stagionatura basica 16/18 mesi buono, packaging perfetto, consegna veloce, supporto in legno robusto e facile da montare, coltello in dotazione perfetto.

ham with basic maturation 16/18 months good, perfect packaging, fast delivery, sturdy and easy to assemble wooden support, perfect knife supplied.

February 25, 2020
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Vuelta al ruedoVuelta al ruedo

Sehr Gut !!
Ihr habt den Alpujarras Schinken platt gemacht. Und das ist nicht ohne.
Saludos y hasta pronto...

Very good !! You broke the Alpujarras ham. And that is not without.
Saludos y hasta pronto...

December 21, 2019
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Alison Riches
Alison Riches
Gullane Scotland

Since returning from living in Spain for 16 years we missed our regular meals of Serrano. We have purchased online from other outlets but have found this shoulder of Serrano from Terrell, a place well known for its ham, to be moist and most flavoursome. Would most certainly purchase this product again

October 18, 2019
Viel FettA lot of fat

Geschmacklich gut aber auffallend viel Fett. Effektiv ist die Fleisch ausbeute für den Preis zu niedrig. Werde nicht noch mal bestellen.

Good in taste but noticeably high in fat. Effectively, the meat yield is too low for the price. Will not order again.

January 1, 2019
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This item contained a minimum of fat resulting in a lot of meat and the flavour was superb. It also arrived very quickly

December 30, 2018
Good value

Good basic ham, delivery is extremely fast, I have bought a lot of hams in various qualities from Ibergour, never disappointing.

December 28, 2018
Split, Croatia
Fast delivery

Fast delivery to Croatia. Ordered 21.11 and delivered 27.11. Excellent ham with great transport packing. Free Stand and knife included. Recommended purchase.

December 7, 2018
Virginia del Gallo
Virginia del Gallo
Non all'altezza delle recensioni lette!Not up to the read reviews!

Grande delusione.
Dopo aver acquistato altri prosciutti spagnoli, abbiamo deciso di acquistarne uno più economico. La sceta è caduta su questo Jamon Serrano Teruel Penajamon, viste le ottime recensioni anche di persone che a prima vista sembravano competenti. Purtroppo il prosciutto non ha un buon sapore, anche se si presenta molto bene.
La parte più vicina all'esterno era decisamente cattiva, con un retrogusto di esaltatore di sapidità, andando avanti il sapore è migliorato, ma la consistenza ha mostrato una stagionatura non all'altezza delle aspettative, decisamente un prosciutto troppo fresco.
Sicuramente un acquisto da non ripetere.

Big disappointment. After buying other Spanish hams, we decided to buy a cheaper one. The scion fell on this Jamon Serrano Teruel Penajamon, given the excellent reviews of people who at first sight seemed competent. Unfortunately, the ham does not taste good, even if it looks very good. The part nearer to the outside was decidedly bad, with an aftertaste of flavor enhancer, going forward the taste improved, but the consistency showed a seasoning not up to expectations, definitely a ham too fresh. Definitely a purchase not to be repeated.

October 22, 2018
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Adolfo Lazzaroni
Adolfo Lazzaroni
Abbiategrasso, Italia
Un buon prodotto con un giusto prezzoA good product with a fair price

La mia valutazione è senza dubbio positiva soprattutto se si tiene conto del rapporto qualità-prezzo. Anche per quanto riguarda la spedizione ho avuto la piacevole sorpresa di riceverlo in anticipo rispetto alla data prevista della consegna.

My assessment is certainly positive, especially considering the quality-price ratio. Also regarding the shipment I had the pleasant surprise to receive it in advance of the expected delivery date.

October 16, 2018
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André Silva
André Silva
Preço Justo

For the price its a very good ham (unsalted and good cure).
Fast delivery and all in good conditions.
It's to continue choose Ibergour.

October 15, 2018
Alistair Marshall
Alistair Marshall
Wellington UK

This ham is exactly what I expected wonderful flavour and texture at a reasonable price making it an excellent everyday ham

October 1, 2018
qualité régulière sans surpriseregular quality without surprises

un bon jambon qui mériterait un peu plus de séchage pour passer dans la catégorie très bon

a good ham that deserves a little more drying to pass in the category very good

September 27, 2018
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Ribaute France

Ce jambon que nous avons acheté chez vous est parfait dans le goût dans la qualité.
un régal je conseille vivement .
Livraison rapide emballage très bien.

This ham we bought from you is perfect in taste in quality. a treat I highly recommend. Fast delivery packaging very well.

June 10, 2018
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LIVRAISON RAPIDE.tres bien emballe.
on peut le recommander a des amis.
nous avons l intention de passer une nouvelle commande tres prochainement.

QUICK DELIVERY.very well packaged. GOOD QUALITY PRICE. we can recommend it to friends. we intend to place a new order very soon.

May 14, 2018
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gilberto de angelis
Rocca di Papa
Prima volta serranoFirst time serrano

Prosciutto buono buon prezzo voluto provare dato che prova gia di paleta negra ibergou.non ha sensori di pata negra però soddisfa palato morbido e non salato.

Good price good ham wanted to try as it already tastes of paleta negra has no pata negra sensors but satisfies soft and unsalted palate.

March 22, 2018
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Diego Salvadori
Diego Salvadori
Come da aspettativaAs expected

Buono, ben confezionato. Consegna veloce.
Non ho molta esperienza in prosciutti interi, ma è andato tutto come attese.
Grazie e
Alla prossima

Good, well packaged. Fast delivery. I do not have much experience in whole hams, but it all went as expected. Thanks and see you next time

February 19, 2018
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David Buszard
Manchester, UK
Another good ham

This is the second time I've ordered a Penajamon Serrano Ham and so far it has been better than the first in that there was very little wastage in the opening trimming. The flavour is also excellent and it is nice and moist.

December 4, 2017
L Farrugia
L Farrugia
Leeds, UK
jamon de teruel

Its a large Jamon de Teruel, from a company you can trust,at a respectable value. Excellent customer service and greatly sourced spanish products.This Jamon has been purchased for the Christmas season and already loving the quality and taste of this duroc serrano ham. Its marbly and nice saltiness balance, with right fat to ham ratios. Only criticism is the stand and knife are probably average, but cannot complain give its thrown in for free. Delivery service was a great standard and efficient. Thank you,I will be back for more.

December 3, 2017
vienne, france
tres satisfaitvery satisfied

tres satisfait de la qualité de ce produit, ainsi que de l emballage tres performant, et de la rapidité de livraison. franchement un excellent service. a consommer sans moderation

very satisfied with the quality of this product, as well as the very efficient packaging, and the speed of delivery. frankly an excellent service. To consume without moderation

September 7, 2017
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Oscar Bravo.
Oscar Bravo.
Düsseldorf, Deutschland.
Super Lecker!!!Delicious!!!

Meine Familie und ich leben jetzt in Deutschland und es ist der gute Schinken und mehr immer noch unwiderstehlich, wenn er Ibergour gehört. Er ist am reichsten und von Angebot geben sie dir den "Jamonero" und das Messer.
Ich hoffe darauf, wieder mehr Bestellungen zu machen.

My family and I now live in Germany and it is the good ham and still more irresistible when he belongs to Ibergour. He is the richest and offer you the "Jamonero" and the knife. I hope to make more orders again.

August 3, 2017
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Roy T.
Roy T.
London, UK
A great party piece

My wife and I were holding a joint 70th Birthday party in our garden in North London, UK. I wanted to offer something different, something special to our guests. I ordered a Penajamon Serrano Ham from Teruel from ibergour. I placed my order online late on Thursday night, it was dispatched on the Friday and arrived, just as their website claimed, on the following Wednesday. It was very well packaged and came with a free stand and knife and easy to follow illustrations demonstrating the cutting technique. The ham proved to be a great hit with our friends and family. It was moist and delicious, and easily provided almost 40 generous portions. That's pretty good value. We're still carving and enjoying it a week later! Both the service and the product were very good, and I have no hesitation in recommending the company and their delicious hams.

June 24, 2017
Reggio Emilia
bravi commerciantiGood traders

consiglio questa azienda,e meglio il nostro prosciutto italiano per i miei gusti,ma il venditore e molto professionale e serio.

I would recommend this company, and better our Italian ham for my liking, but the seller is very professional and serious.

May 11, 2017
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Ho acquistato un prosciutto con osso,stagionatura ottima profumi molto intensi
l ho inserito nel menù ed è molto apprezzato dalla clientela rapporto qualità prezzo ottimo,servizio di spedizione veloce ,avevo già provato altri serrano in Spagna ma devo dire che intero questo è un ottimo prosciutto!!

I purchased a ham bone, excellent seasoning very strong scents. I entered into the menu and is highly regarded by customers value great price, fast shipping service, I had already tried other serrano in Spain but I have to say that all this is a great ham !!

April 23, 2017
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Egbert Arnold
Egbert Arnold
Berlin/ Hamburg

Leckerer Schinken, der alles hält, was er verspricht. Werde gern wieder darauf zurück kommen. Die Adresse ist nur zu empfehlen

Yummy ham, holding everything it promises. Will like to come back to it. The address is only recommended

February 4, 2017
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Giuseppe Rossano
Giuseppe Rossano
Italia Sorrento

ottimo prosciutto per qualità/prezzo sono soddisfatto dell'acquisto e lo consiglio vivamente agli estimatori del prodotto che è comunque il migliore del mondo

good ham for quality / price are happy with the purchase and would recommend the product admirers which is still the best in the world

February 3, 2017
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excellent value

this is the second time I have bought this ham, excellent value, you simply can't go wrong with this one.

December 31, 2016
tres bon mais...very good but ...

Une fois de plus, très bon jambon et délais de livraison parfait.
Par contre une fois le jambon entamé, il est très "mou" vais attendre avant de reconsommer, qu il sèche...

Again, very good ham and perfect delivery deadlines. By cons once begun ham, it is very "soft" .. I'll wait before reconsommer, that it dries ...

December 12, 2016
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franck nicolle
Vittel, France
meilleur qualité prix jambonbest value ham

Nous avons testés au restaurant, depuis 7 ans, environ une quinzaine de jambons & épaules, bellota sur l'os, serrano duroc sans l'os, bellota tranché, serrano sur l'os. (Et pour les produits italiens ou français, San daniele 30 mesi, Parme 36 mesi, noir de Bigorre, Bayonne sur l'os, culatello di Zibello).
le produit en question présente le meilleur rapport qualité parmi tous les produits testés. Il est très parfumé, intense en saveur, doux à la découpe et pas cher du tout. De manière générale les jambons et épaules sur l'os offrent le meilleur gout par rapport aux produits découpés en tranches ou en blocs (deux fois meilleurs). En bellota les produits les plus appréciés sont ceux de la finca montefrio en 1, en 2 les produits de la COVAP, en serrano, le jambon de Teruel nous semble le meilleur.
Franck Nicolle, chef à l'Appart. Vittel.

We tested the restaurant for 7 years, about a dozen hams & shoulders Bellota on the bone, serrano duroc without bone, sliced ​​bellota serrano on bone. (And for the Italian and French products, San daniele 30 mesi, Parma 36 mesi, black Bigorre, Bayonne on the bone, culatello di Zibello). the product in question has the best quality among all the products tested. It is very fragrant, intense flavor, sweet to the cutting and not expensive at all. Generally hams and shoulders on the bone provide the best taste compared to products cut into slices or blocks (two best times). Bellota in the most popular products are those of the finca montefrio in 1, 2 in the products of COVAP in serrano ham from Teruel seems the best. Franck Nicolle, head to the Appart. Vittel.

December 10, 2016
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Sergio Catani
Sergio Catani
buon prodottogood product

Il prosciutto è di buona qualita' e stagionatura.Penso però che la prossima volta mi orienterò su quello disossato perché lo scarto mi è sembrato eccessivo.
Comunque il prodotto e' di buona qualita' e penso che continuerò a prenderlo.

The ham is good quality 'and stagionatura.Penso however, that the next time orienterò boned me on that because the difference it seemed excessive. However, the product and 'good quality' and I think I will continue to take it.

November 30, 2016
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Lamy Philippe
Lamy Philippe
Haute-Savoie, France
Très bon achatVery good buy

Produit de qualité. Je l'ai commandé coupé en 4 parts : chacune est emballé sous vide, découennée. Travail soigné. A recommander !!!

Quality product. I ordered it cut into 4 parts: each is vacuum packed, rind. Neat work. To recommend !!!

November 28, 2016
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Ch Cleret
Guildford UK
Excellent product

This is one of the best Serrano hams I have bought from ibergour. It arrived deboned and perfectly wrapped. I let it "stabilise" and tried it a couple of days after delivery.
The taste is very good, and the fat itself is delicately flavored. The texture is smooth and not overdry, which makes for lovely thin slices with a good bread.
Overall an excellent product.

November 3, 2016
munoz lobol emilio
munoz lobol emilio
Stuttgart deutschland

Sencillamente buenisimo
Seguire comprandolo sin descartar la posibilidad de probar otras de las
variadas ofertas de ibergour que son verdaderamente tentadoras

Simply great. I will continue buying it without ruling out the possibility of trying other of the various deals that are truly tempting IberGour.

November 1, 2016
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Prima delusione IbergourFirst disappointment IberGour

È la settima volta che compro un prosciutto iberico ma questo non sembrava un prosciutto spagnolo, questa marca di serrano ha un sapore generico poco stagionato

It is the seventh time I buy an Iberian ham but this did not seem a Spanish ham, this brand of serrano has matured a little generic flavor

August 21, 2016
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Me parece un jamón extraordonario, tiene un sabor intenso, su tocino es buenísimo.De verdad que me ha sorpendido su extraordinaria calidad.Con toda seguridad que lo seguiré adquiriendo.

I think a extraordonario ham, has an intense flavor, bacon is great. It really has sorpendido me extraordinary quality. Surely it continue acquired.

August 15, 2016
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Ramón Fito Tello
Ramón Fito Tello
Igualada (Barcelona)
Es jamon de TeruelIt is jamon of Teruel

En casa nos encanta el jamón de Teruel y nos gusta comprarlo entero. Este nos da la oportunidad de comprarlo loncheado y envasado al vacío que se conserva perfectamente. Lo congelamos y lo vamos descongelando a medida que lo vamos a consumir. Perfecto !!!

At home we love the ham of Teruel and we like to buy it whole. This gives us the opportunity to buy sliced ​​and vacuum packed perfectly preserved. We freeze it and we defrosted as we will consume. Perfect !!!

May 28, 2016
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Iasi, Romania
Interesting experience, looking good, good taste

Tasty experience, good taste, fun trying to have a good cut.
You should take into consideration to have a large enough space with 18-22C for preservation.
The fridge is not a real good idea.

May 16, 2016
Pierfilippo Fazio
Pierfilippo Fazio
Francavilla al Mare, Italia
E' veramente buono!Its really good!

E' la seconda volta che prendo questo prosciutto, dissossato e tagliato al coltello.Stagionatura e sapore ottimi.
Altri due li ho regalati,un successone:))...

It is the second time that I take this ham, boned and cut with a knife. Seasoning and taste great. I gave them two more, a hit:))...

May 8, 2016
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Gangolf Kriechbaum
Super PreisleistungsverhältnisSuper value for money

Ausgezeichnete Qualität zu akzeptablen Preis.
Sehr guter nussiger Geschmack und verhältnismäßig geringer Fettanteil machen diesen Schinken zu einem sehr guten Kauf

Excellent quality at a reasonable price. Very good nutty flavor and relatively low fat content make this ham at a very good purchase

May 5, 2016
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Jacques MOREAU
Jacques MOREAU
Saint Maur sur Indre, France
Jambon goûteuxtasty ham

Jambon très "goûteux" et parfumé. La livraison a été très rapide et le produit correspond en tous points à notre attente.
Bravo Ibergour!

Ham very "tasty" and fragrant. The delivery was very fast and the product meets all of our expectations. IberGour congratulations!

February 22, 2016
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Sallie 0
Mesnil le Roi, France
Sans surpriseWithout surprise

Le Jambon Serrano de Teruel Peñajamon est arrivé rapidement (moins d'une semaine), enveloppé dans de multiple feuilles de papier, un filets de maintien, un sac textile puis sous plastique le tout dans une boîte de carton contenant également le support à jambon et le couteau (cadeau de la maison) pour réaliser des tranches fines.
Pour la logistique, la poste a prévenu de l'arrivé du paquet pour que nous en prenions livraison. Il eut été plus pratique de le recevoir à domicile car l'ensemble est assez lourd (env. 10kg) mais ceci n'est pas un raté d'Ibergour mais plutôt du service de la poste française. Si dans votre région la poste ne livre plus ou mal il vaut mieux prévoir... Par ailleurs, il ne faut pas imaginer de pouvoir consommer le jambon sans un bon support pour le découper sans se blesser.
A la dégustation c'est un délice.

Serrano ham from Teruel Peñajamon arrived quickly (within a week), wrapped in multiple sheets of paper, a retaining net, a textile bag then in plastic all in a cardboard box also containing the ham holder and the knife (gift of the house) to make thin slices. For logistics, mail warned of the arrival of the package for us to take delivery. It would have been more practical to receive it at home because the whole is quite heavy (approx. 10kg), but this is not a failure of IberGour but rather the French postal service. If in your area the mail does not deliver more or bad it is better to ... Moreover, do not imagine you can eat ham without good support for cutting without injury. A tasting is a delight.

January 2, 2016
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Carlos Calvo Gabiña
Carlos Calvo Gabiña

Compre un jamón denominación de origen Teruel, la verdad que en un principio con miedo puesto que es la primera vez que compró aquí. El jamón es muy bueno, el transporte fue como me indicaron (lo compre un lunes noche y me llegó un jueves), han ganado un cliente.
Feliz Año Nuevo !!

Buy a ham designation of origin Teruel, the truth at first with fear because it is the first time you bought here. The ham is very good, transportation was as I said (I bought a Monday night and I arrived on a Thursday), they have won a customer. Happy New Year !!

December 27, 2015
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Varese Italia
buona qualitàgood quality

abbiamo preso un Serrano di Teruel.Arrivato anche in anticipo con imballo molto ben fatto. Non l'abbiamo ancora finito ma mi è sembrato molto buono. il coltello in omaggio taglia poco

we took a Serrano Teruel.Arrivato in advance with packaging very well done. We have not finished yet but I thought it was very good. the knife cuts little tribute

December 24, 2015
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Marc Maurer
Un bon jambon !A good ham!

Ai testé "un patte blanche " pour changer un peu..., bien coté chez Ibergour + de 50 commentaires "bon" ! , je fais confiance..., le jambon est arrivé entier désossé ! prêt à couper..., 5 morceaux coupés par mes soins et mis sous vide ! impec ! petite dégustation : encore un peu jeune..., il demande un séjour au froid afin que sa viande bien rouge se raffermisse toute seule ..., bon goût de velours , bien fondante , peu de graisse centrale , uniquement en périphérie , il me faudra piquer le truc encore souvent au frigo afin d'affiner mon commentaire...celui ci étant encore "un peu jeune " ! mais ce jambon est prometteur !

I tested a "credentials" for a change ... although listed at IberGour 50 reviews "good"! I trust ... the whole boneless ham arrived! ... ready to cut, cut pieces 5 by me and evacuated! impeccable! small tasting: ... still a bit young, he requested a stay cold so that its good red meat be healed alone ..., tasteful velvet, well melting, few central fat, only peripherally, I will prick the tip often still in the fridge to refine my review ... this one is still "too young"! but ham is promising!

November 6, 2015
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la motte 83920
trop jeunetoo young

Pas assez affiné, manque de gout,je connais ce jambon depuis ma tendre enfance en espagne ,je suis deçu a Terruel les amants sont pourtant biens conservés!

Not refined enough, lack of taste, I know that since my childhood ham in Spain, I was disappointed Terruel lovers are nevertheless preserved property!

November 1, 2015
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Oxford, UK
Wedding ham

We ordered the ham as an after-dinner course at our wedding. Luckily, there was a Spanish guy in the restaurant who knew how to cut it properly, otherwise we would've struggled on the night!
Within the ham, there are parts that are more aged with very good flavour, and other parts that are 'younger' and less flavourful. All in all the ham was wonderful for the price we paid. Next time, I would go for a more aged jamon.
Communication, delivery and packaging outstanding! Very happy :)

September 4, 2015
Lisa Davis
Thame, UK

I ordered this ham for a large party we had and my husband couldn't carve it fast enough! It not only looked good on the table it tasted delicious too. It keeps well so we are still enjoying what wasn't eaten on the day. I would thoroughly recommend this to anyone who enjoys good quality Serrano Ham -Excellent value for money.

July 14, 2015
Good quality

Second time I buy this Jamon (the biggest size), and the quality is good. Service is perfect (time, package, comunication).

June 30, 2015

Pas assez d'argent pour investir dans une patte bellota je me suis orienté vers ce jambon pas cher et grande surprise celui est tres bon je le recommande pr les petits budget.

Not enough money to invest in a leg bellota I turned to this cheap and great surprise that ham is very good I recommend pr small budget.

June 3, 2015
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Dan Mogensen
Dan Mogensen
Vildbjerg, Denmark
Fast and delicious

We ordered the ham for a special dinner in our wineclub, it was for the great taste but also to impress- both goals were achived.
The ham tastes really good and we have used it as the center of a tapas menu, but also in warm dishes to get the flavor.
The order was placed on a sunday and we paid a little extra to receive the parcel quicker and it arrive fast and in time for our event.

May 11, 2015
Dublin, Ireland
Serrano Ham from Teruel

Tasty, timely and as described. Good, fair eCommerce. For that price it's a decent product. Most likely I will order again.

April 30, 2015
Schnelle Lieferung; Schinken sehr lecker!Fast Delivery; Ham delicious!

Super Schinken - sehr lecker. Dieser Schinken war unsere erste Bestellung bei Ibergour. Schönes Erlebnis den Schinken selbst aufzuschneiden! Wir werden sicherlich wieder bestellen!

Super ham - delicious. This ham was our first order with Ibergour. Nice experience to cut the ham itself! We will definitely order again!

April 21, 2015
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Sebastian Goddard
Sebastian Goddard
Bungay, Suffolk, UK

I'm so glad I found this company!!!
I'm using this for everything from aperitifs to my pack up lunch!!!
Will reorder again for sure.
Happy Days :)

April 4, 2015
Alberto Tumiatti
Una Buona SorpresaA Good Surprise

Prosciutto Serrano di Teruel Peñajamón
Le sorprese non mancano mai, in particolar modo quando compri ha distanza. Non siamo poi così lontani. Veniamo a noi. Mi si chiede di poter dare un parere per il Prosciutto da me comprato, “personalmente lo ritengo di buona fattura”. Però avevo anche detto al Sig.or Miquel che mi sarei fatto vivo quando l'avrei finito, magari anche un po prima della fine del medesimo. Comunque il mio parere è positivo. Sto già pensando con amici di cimentarmi in un altra vostra specialità: o Paleta Bellota ho Prosciutto sempre Bellota alimentato a ghiande. Rinnoviamo gli Auguri e d a risentirci presto. Buon Lavoro Sig. Miquel
Alberto Tumiatti

Serrano ham from Teruel Peñajamón The surprises never fail, especially when you buy it away. We are not that far away. We come to us. I was asked to be able to give an opinion to the ham I bought, "I personally think it's well made." But I also told the Sig.or Miquel I'd come around when I'd finished, maybe even a little before the end of the same. However my opinion is positive. I'm already thinking with friends to try my hand at another your specialty or Paleta Bellota Ham I always Acorn fed acorns. Renew the wishes eda resent soon. Good Job Mr Miquel Alberto Tumiatti

January 19, 2015
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Federico Faraglia
Federico Faraglia
rieti , Italia
Prosciutto non buonoHam is not good

Nulla da eccepire in merito ai tempi di consegna.
Per quanto riguarda la qualità del prodotto ritengo che i maiali non siano allevati ( cresciuti ) con prodotti naturali in quanto la carne emana un leggero odore non definibile - sembrerebbe mangime di pesce - ma potrei sbagliare. Per quanto riguarda la stagionatura ritengo che sia adeguata.

Nothing to complain about the time of delivery. As for the quality of the product I believe that pigs are not bred (grown) with natural products as the meat gives off a slight odor can not be assessed - would seem to feed fish - but I could be wrong. As regards the curing believe that it is adequate.

December 30, 2014
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città di castello
buono ....good ....

primo acquisto su ibergour....sito davvero prosciutto è buono...però devo dire che se fosse stagionato di più sarebbe generale bene...

IberGour first purchase on site .... really professional ... the ham is good ... but I must say that if it was seasoned more would be perfect .... in general good ...

December 4, 2014
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Un buen JamonA good Jamon

El jamon es bueno aunque para mi gusto la carne esta un poco blanda , necesitaba un poco mas de curacion

The ham is good for my taste but the meat is a little soft, needed some more healing

November 2, 2014
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October 24, 2014
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Buon prodottoGood product

Confezionato ottimamente, un buon prosciutto ad un ottimo prezzo.
E' la seconda volta che compro da Ibergour e sono sempre veloci, professionali, cordiali e pronti nel rispondere. Tutto perfetto.

Packaged very well, a good ham at a great price. It 's the second time I buy from IberGour and are always fast, professional, friendly and prepared to respond. Everything perfect.

September 29, 2014
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brignoles var
brignoles var
jambon de TeruelTeruel ham

nous avons été trés décu du dernier jambon que vous nous avez envoyer, il y en n'a eu de trés trés meilleurs en gout

we were very disappointed last ham that you send us, there has been very very best in taste

September 22, 2014
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Siena, Italiua
sempre all'altezzaalways up to

Quarto prosciutto che ricevo,consegna veloce,imballo perfetto, ben stagionato e soprattutto una volta avviato...una fetta tira l'altra.

Fourth ham that I get, fast delivery, perfect packaging, well seasoned and especially once it starts ... a slice leads to another. Thank you

September 8, 2014
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Philippe Bergé
region parisienne

J'ai commandé à plusieurs reprises ce jambon que j'apprécie beaucoup
Cependant la dernière livraison me déçoit un peu
Le jambon manque indéniablement de séchage, il est tout "mou" et donc moins agréable à couper et le goût en bouche s'en ressent
J'espère que c'est un accident d'antan plus que je l'ai conseillé activement à beaucoup d'amis

I ordered the ham several times that I appreciate but the last delivery disappoints me a little ham undeniably lack of drying, it is "soft" and therefore less enjoyable to cut and mouthfeel suffers I hope it was an accident of the past more than I actively advised many friends

July 14, 2014
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miller branchini
miller branchini
reggio emilia italia

un prodotto veramente ottimo lo consiglio vivamente a tutti i buongustai
mi sembra di rivere le mie serate in Spagna a bere una buona birra
manca solo il fumo dei locali

A really good product I highly recommend it to all gourmets. I seem to Rivere my evenings in Spain to drink a good beer. Only thing missing is the smoke of the premises.

June 5, 2014
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Tim Jackson
Tim Jackson
Wakefield UK
I liked it!

A very good quality leg of ham at a very reasonable price all-in.
I'm finally starting to get the hang of carving these legs of ham (this is my third to date all from different suppliers). Very tasty and flavoursome in fact the best I have had so far. Will try other suppliers over the year but I'm sure I will comeback to this one. I certainly reccomend this product

May 26, 2014
Craig Gebhard
Durham, UK
Quality Product

This is the forth Jamon that i have purchased and is definately the best one i have had so far. The meat is succulent and tasty with a good flavour. Delivery was speedy and communication throughout the process was excellent. I would definately recommend Ibergour and this product for anyone who is thinking of purchasing a jamon.

May 6, 2014
L'Aquila, Italy

Il prosciutto acquistato è stato gradito da tutti: vecchi, adulti e giovani che lo hanno degustato.
Ottima carne e grasso che lascia il palato senza sapori di retrogusto se non l'aroma nel momento dell'assaggio.
Bene la conservazione.

The ham purchased was liked by everyone: old, adults and young people who have tasted. Great meat and fat that leaves the palate of flavors with no aftertaste if not the flavor in the moment of tasting. Well storage.

March 24, 2014
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Espoo, FI
Great value for money

Jamon was shipped very quickly, also ibergour customer service found a mistake in the postal code, and called me to recheck.
I would say this doesn't have much fat at all, I barely got enough fat to cover opened areas. I also got shoulder ( for my friend which had a lot of fat (I know shoulder has more fat, but it was far more than 10%).
Anyhow, jamon taste is great and just what I wanted. There are dry areas which I slice thinly, and juicy areas which go quite nicely with fresh bread. I didn't notice much taste difference between shoulder I mentioned above and this one even though the price difference is about 2 times. I'm sure this is a great start if you never ordered from ibergour before, cheap (still better than any jamon I tried in Finland) and a lot of meat (about 4kg, or may be even more).

March 9, 2014
Guildford, UK
good taste, good service

The ham arrived quickly, and was very well packed and presented. It tastes lovely - not too salty, very pleasurable on the tongue. The outside bits are are obviously dryer and need to be thinly sliced, but the inside bits were soft and a pleasure to eat in larger chunks. Excellent after-taste. You don't get tired of eating it ;-)

February 8, 2014
Ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo ed efficiente servizioVery good quality / price ratio and efficient service

Ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo ed efficienza del servizio sono le caratteristiche che ho potuto rilevare.
La qualità del jamon direi che è buona e credo che presto vorrò provare ad acquistarne anche qualche altro tipo.

Very good quality / price ratio and efficiency of the service are the characteristics that I could detect. The quality of jamon'd say it's good and I believe that soon I will try to buy some of the other type.

January 25, 2014
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Ottimo acquistoGreat purchase

In estate al rientro dalle ferie avevo acquistato un prosciutto a Tarragona, una volta finito e ancora con la voglia ho pensato di acquistarne un'altro on line. Ordinato il venerdì è arrivato il lunedì mattina.
Ben stagionato e dal sapore unico, nulla a che vedere con il prosciutto italiano(di solito poco stagionato).
Una volta terminato mi servirò ancora da ibergour.

In the summer, returning from holiday I had purchased a ham in Tarragona, once finished and still wanting I thought I'd buy another online. Ordered on Friday, arrived on Monday morning. Well seasoned and unique flavor, nothing to do with Italian ham (usually not aged). Once finished I will use again by IberGour.

January 24, 2014
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Pedro Mortagua
Pedro Mortagua
cookstown,northern ireland U.K.
Peñajamon Serrano Ham from Teruel

I would like to start by saying that on all my years of internet purchasing never did i come up to a group of professinals as IBERGOUR they are friendly always there for you. i will buy again. the jamon is top quality, it arrived well paked wrapped in a plastic wrap then in a clouth bag and finally in a very sturdy box well done for the pakaging, needless to say that highly recomend IBERGOUR and the jamon.A big big thanks to IBERGOUR team.
kind regards Pedro

January 12, 2014
Jederzeit wieder!Again at any time!

Der Schinken ist gross, saftig und verdammt lecker! Sobald der Schinken alle ist werde ich nachbestellen. Danke auch für die schnelle Lieferung im Weihnachtsgeschäft.

The ham is large, juicy and damn tasty! Once the ham is all I will reorder. Thanks also for the fast delivery in the Christmas season.

January 7, 2014
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Un prosciutto con un sapore delicato, forse dovrebbe essere stagionato un po' di più; poco salato, lascia un retrogusto
con sapori di frutti di bosco e sentori di erba. La parte grassa unita all'altra lo rende decisamente equilibrato.
E' un buon prosciutto sicuramente da riprovare.

A ham with a delicate flavor, maybe it should be seasoned a little 'more, a little salty, leaves an aftertaste with flavors of wild berries and hints of grass. The fat part joined to another makes it very balanced. It 'a good ham definitely try again.

January 6, 2014
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ottimo acquistogood buy

Il prodotto è arrivato nelle mededime condizioni in cui era stato descritto.ottima la qualità e velocissima la spedizione.anche i prezzi sono risultati decisamente competitivi.

The product arrived in mededime conditions in which it was described. Excellent quality and fast shipping. Also the prices are very competitive results.

January 1, 2014
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Molto buonoVery Good

Spinti dalla curiositá per questo prosciutto sono rimasta sostanzialmente soddisfatta da un prodotto gustoso, non troppo salato e non difficile da affettare a mano, anche per noi che non lo avevamo mai fatto. Diverso da ogni prosciutto crudo italiano, ma simile nel genere si appresta anche ad essere cucinato con la crema di latte ed i semi di papavero negli spaghetti.

Driven by curiosity for this ham I was basically fulfilled by a product tasty, not too salty and not difficult to slice by hand, even for us that we had never done. Different from any Italian prosciutto, but similar in kind is going to also be cooked with cream and poppy seeds over the noodles.

December 30, 2013
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Cumbria UK
Excellent Ham

Very pleased all round - delivery door to door in 48 hours. Ham is excellent - superb flavor and texture - the whole family loved it over Christmas ..

December 30, 2013
Tasty and as described

Tasty, timely and as described. Good, fair eCommerce. This is not the best Spanish ham I've ever tasted, but at the price it's a decent product. Looking forward to serving it to our guests.

December 29, 2013
milano italia
molto buonovery good

di sapore delicato,carne morbida, il grasso si scioglieva in bocca, grande godimento.
ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. consiglio di provarlo.
spedizione perfetta e velocissima.

delicate flavor, tender meat, the fat melted in the mouth, great enjoyment. excellent value for money. recommend you try it. perfect and fast shipping.

December 28, 2013
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Perfetto, buonissimo da non perdere!!!! Consiglio a chiunque legga questo giudizio di provare i prodotti, sono eccezionali, la spedizione è super affidabile e il prodotto arriva integro e pronto a essere gustato. Da non perdere assolutamente

Perfect, very good not to be missed! Would recommend to anyone reading this review to try the products, are exceptional, shipping is super reliable and the product arrives intact and ready to be enjoyed. Do not miss

December 19, 2013
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Jamon is excellent!

This was the first time we have purchased anything from Ibergour. The ham arrived very quickly. All nicely packed. We haven't tired it yet as it is a Christmas treat but looks promising and... one cannot go wrong with Spanish ham.

December 5, 2013
une valeur surea great value

une superbe qualité suivie et régulière pour un jamon serrano à un prix abordable.
ce n'est pas la première commande et nous n'avons pas été déçu

superb quality monitored and regularly for jamon serrano at an affordable price. this is not the first order and we were not disappointed

October 7, 2013
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Perfecto no, lo siguiente!!!Perfect no, next!

Contando con el precio, ha sido una muy buena compra. El jamón está en su punto de salado y de dulce. Perfecto.

Considering the price, it was a bargain. The jamon is perfectly balanced in saltiness and sweetness. Perfect.
Quick shipment, nice present attached, nice package and good jamon. What else? I will use it again.

June 9, 2013
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stefan baumgart
stefan baumgart
hvide sande denmark/ rellingen deutschland

4 mal super schinken bald wieder ;) weiter so schinker war super verpackt;
lækker skinke her skal du bar bestile din serano til skandinavien

4 times super ham soon ;) Keep up the ham was super packed;
delicious ham here, you should book your serrano to Scandinavia

May 13, 2013
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Serrano Schinken aus Teruel von PeñajamónSerrano ham from Teruel Peñajamón

sehr leckeres und aromatischses fleisch,
schnelle unkomplizierte lieferung
ist sicher nicht der letzte schinken den wir bei ibergour bestellt haben.

very tasty and aromatischses meat, quick and uncomplicated delivery is certainly not the last we ordered the ham in ibergour.

May 5, 2013
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Philippe Bergé
paris France
bon rapport qualitégood value

Bon serrano à recommander. La qualité correspond à ce que l'on peut attendre d'un tel produit. J'en commanderai surement à nouveau lors d'un prochain achat chez Ibergour

Good serrano recommended. The quality is what you can expect from such a product. I probably will order again in your next purchase in Ibergour

February 23, 2013
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B. Götze
B. Götze
sehr gutvery well

Ich bin sehr angetan von dem Schinken und denke, wenn ich ihn mit Freunden in meinem Haus am Balaton (Ungarn) in der nächsten Zeit anschneide, wird es ein hightlight für alle, die dabei sind.

I am very pleased with the ham and I think when I see him with friends at my house on Lake Balaton (Hungary) broach in the near future, it will be a hightlight for all who are going.

February 9, 2013
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insommain short

MEglio un classico prosciutto italiano di media qualità . Sempre buona la qualità del servizio e la puntualità di consegna ... non vale il prezzo pagato

Better is a classic Italian ham average quality. Always good service quality and on-time delivery ... not worth the price paid

January 18, 2013
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Jay Bryan
Jay Bryan
London, UK
serrano ham for christmas

bought this ham for a big family gathering over christmas. it really hit the spot. more than enough for a few heavy snack sessions for about 12 of us and we are still enjoying it. took a plate of slices down to our local pub and all the locals loved it.

January 11, 2013
Conegliano, Italia
Buono il servizio e le caratteristiche del prodottoGood service and the characteristics of the product

Nulla da eccepire sulla qualità del servizio e del prodotto. Prosciutto consistente al punto giusto con una presenza di grasso equilibrata. Acquisto sicuramente da ripetere.

Nothing to complain about the quality of the service and the product. Ham consistent at the right point with a balanced presence of fat. Purchase surely be repeated.

January 10, 2013
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Era troppo secco, niente di specialeIt was too dry, nothing special

Mi aspettavo di meglio, tutto sommato passabile, in famiglia per due persone su quattro non piaceva. Non è facile trovare un prosciutto veramente buono.

I expected better, all things considered passable, in the family for two people did not like it. It is not easy to find a really good ham.

December 28, 2012
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prodotto in generale buonoproduct in general good

il prosciutto acquistato è risultato dolce e salato al punto parte di grasso non è eccessiva ma risulta un po troppo dura la carne dalla parte opposta al grasso.

bought the ham was salty and sweet at the right point. the portion of fat is not excessive but it is a bit too hard the meat from the side opposite to the fat.

November 30, 2012
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morvan jacques
charquemont france
pas decunot disappointed

tres bon produit que je conseille a tous. maison serieuse livraison parfaite dans les temps emballage plus que soigne por moi c'e'st parfait

Great product that I recommend to all. serious house perfect delivery in time packing more than por treats me this perfect e'st

November 8, 2012
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nada especial

Estoy acostumbrada a jamones mucho mejores por 50 euros, curados en Galicia. Nada especial con este jamón de Terruel. Demasiado seco para mi gusto. De sabor está bien en general, pero no se los recomendaría a nadie que viva en España y tenga acceso a algo más rico por menos dinero. Pero la necesidad es la necesidad...

October 16, 2012
Bien sec et bon savoureuxDry good and tasty

Bien sec et savoureux. Muy rico! Bon rapport qualité / prix

Dry and tasty. Muy rico! Good quality / price ratio

September 17, 2012
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ho ordinato un prosciutto serrano 17 mesi credo che ne avesse 60 mesiI ordered a ham that I had 17 months 60 months

prosciutto nella norma commerciale,molto stagionato e quasi privo di grasso la cotenna era di marmo secondo me era vecchio.
il sapore era buono tranne le parti magre troppo dure.

ham in standard commercial, very old and almost no fat rind was of marble I think it was old. the taste was good except the lean too hard.

August 5, 2012
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Decisamente buono anche se forse un po troppo secco. Lo consiglio a chi si avvicina per la prima volta al Jamon spagnolo. Il sapore infatti non risulta essere troppo selvatico ma molto dolce e salato il giusto

Pretty good although perhaps a bit too dry. I recommend it to those who approach for the first time the Spanish Jamon. The taste is in fact not be too wild, yet very sweet and salty just what is needed

August 4, 2012
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Carlos Cab.
Cork, Ireland
Good low-cost option

Intense taste, good level of fat, maybe a bit too cured but very palatable. Not comparable to a good Iberico, but very good bang for the buck.

July 14, 2012
Martin Juan Antonio
Martin Juan Antonio
Nîmes, France

Jambon serrano de Teruel Penajamon
Jambon sans aucun goût, trop sec et trop dur. Je pense qu'il conviendrait de le sortir de votre catalogue. A moins que ce ne soit un accident, avec une pièce qui aurait du être mise au rebut!

Serrano ham from Teruel ham Penajamon tasteless, too dry and too hard. I think he should get it out of your catalog. Unless this is an accident with a piece that should have been scrapped!

July 12, 2012
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Reino Unido
Compra rapida y efectivaBuy fast and effective

muy profesionales. ya he comprado al menos 5 jamones y no han fallado en ninguno. a la menor duda se ponen en contacto contigo y solucionan cualquier inconveniente. Se lo aconsejo a todo el mundo al menos yo voy a seguir comprando

very professional. I have purchased at least 5 hams and none have failed. if there is any doubt they are in contact with you and solve any problem. I advise everyone at least I'm going to keep buying

June 22, 2012
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Bristol, UK
Muy buenoVery good

La relación calidad-precio es muy buena. Estamos muy satisfechos con la compra.
El servicio de ibergour es excelente. Se lo recomiendo a cualquiera.

The value is very good. We are very pleased with the purchase. IberGour service is excellent. I recommend it to anyone.

June 21, 2012
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José Manuel Moreno
José Manuel Moreno
jamón de Teruel muy bueno.Teruel ham very good.

Regalé un jamón a un amigo en Austria. Me confirma que el jamón era excelente. Gracias Ibergour, por un gran servicio.

Gave a ham to a friend in Austria. He confirms that the ham was excellent. IberGour Thanks for a great service.

April 26, 2012
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Dieses Produkt erhält von mir das Prädikat Ausgezeichnet!!!
Hervorragende Ware, milder Geschmack, tolle Beigabe, gute Verpackung, tadellose Bestellabwicklung und schneller Versand!
Was will man mehr!
Wird sicher nicht der letzte Schinken sein, den ich hier kaufe! ;-)
Vielen Dank an das Ibergour-Team und die besten Wünsche für das Neue Jahr!
Eine höchst zufriedene Kundin

This product qualifies for the title of my Excellent!
Excellent product, mild flavor, great addition, good packaging, perfect ordering and fast shipping!
What more could you want!
Will certainly not be the last ham, which I buy here! ;-)
Many thanks to the Ibergour team and best wishes for the New Year!
A very satisfied customer

December 28, 2011
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ME HA SORPRENDIDOI was surprised

Realmente es un jamón muy bueno, relación calidad precio, estaba en su punto de curación y sobre todo tenía el punto de sal muy acertado. La verdad es que se lo aconsejo a cualquier consumidor.

It really is a ham very good value for money, was at its healing and especially the salt was very successful. The truth is that I advise any consumer.

November 23, 2011
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