UK deliveries: 5-7 days, all customs expenses (~£21) are charged in advance (no extra payment upon receival)

Customers' reviews

"Paleta" 5J Cinco Jotas (Shoulder Jamon)

Pata negra
"Paleta" 5J Cinco Jotas (Shoulder Jamon)

"Paleta" 5J Cinco Jotas (Shoulder Jamon)

£209.035 to 6.5 kg paletillas
Average rating:
540 reviews
Karl-Wilhelm H.
Karben, Deutschland
Traumhafter Service und Top QualitätFantastic service and top quality

Die Bestellung und Lieferung des Schinkens gingen in wenigen Tagen über die Bühne.Die Qualität des Schinkens ist absolute Spitze.

The order and delivery of the ham took place in just a few days. The quality of the ham is absolutely top-notch.

February 13, 2025
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Bergamo, Italia

Spettacolo, tutto più che perfetto. Spedizione top e soprattutto Pata eccezionale. Aperto in occasione del mio compleanno insieme a molti amici ... nessun deluso.
Grazie Ibergour e grazie di cuore a 5Jotas !!

Spectacular, everything more than perfect. Top shipping and above all exceptional Pata. Opened on the occasion of my birthday together with many friends ... no disappointment. Thanks Ibergour and heartfelt thanks to 5Jotas !!

January 24, 2025
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Duisburg, Deutschland
Ein sehr guter und sehr leckerer SchinkenA very good and very tasty ham

Wir geben für den Schinken 5 Sterne, weil er sehr lecker und gut ist. Wir geben aber auch insbesondere für den Kundenservice und die Betreuung durch IberGour 5 Sterne ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ . Überdurchschnittlich. Herzlichen Dank nochmal dafür Wir werden unsere nächsten Schinken aufgrund der Qualität und des Service nur noch hier bestellen.

We give the ham 5 stars because it is very tasty and good. But we also give 5 stars for the customer service and support from IberGour ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ . Above average. Thank you again for that. We will only order our next hams from here because of the quality and the service.

January 13, 2025
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Garantia de calidadQuality assurance

En temporadas comprando en comercios, te ponen "Jamon de Bellota" sin marca y a veces resulta que si has consumido buen producto ves que te dan algo que no es equivalente a la calidad que se recibe normalmente en Ibergour

In some seasons, when buying in stores, they sell you "Jamon de Bellota" without a brand and sometimes it turns out that if you have consumed a good product you see that they give you something that is not equivalent to the quality that is normally received at Ibergour.

December 21, 2024
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Lisboa, Portugal
Excelente produtoExcellent product

Cinco Jotas e Joselito são os produtos que costumo comprar. A qualidade é excelente. O serviço da Ibergour é sempre eficiente. Nunca há problemas.

Cinco Jotas and Joselito are the products I usually buy. The quality is excellent. Ibergour's service is always efficient. There are never any problems.

December 7, 2024
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Tutto buonoAll good

Bravi , gentili e professionali!. Spalla squisita. Il prosciutto sarà il mio prossimo acquisto. Spedizione veloce ed affidabile. Prezzi competitivi. Sito consigliatissimo

Good, kind and professional!. Exquisite shoulder. The ham will be my next purchase. Fast and reliable shipping. Competitive prices. Highly recommended site

November 30, 2024
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Raffaele Grazia
Raffaele Grazia
Padova Italia
Ottimo prodottoGreat product

Come sempre i prodotti acquistati da Ibergour sono eccellenti così come il servizio di consegna molto preciso e puntuale.
La spalla 5J è sempre una garanzia.
Prodotto dolce e con il grasso giusto, profumato e delicato.
In omaggio dell'ottimo "queso" spagnolo

As always, the products purchased from Ibergour are excellent, as is the very precise and punctual delivery service. The 5J shoulder is always a guarantee. Sweet product with the right fat, fragrant and delicate. As a gift, excellent Spanish "queso"

November 12, 2024
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Rome, Italy
Not great this time

It contained too much fat which meant unfortunately less meat. The meat was also not curated enough. I believe Cinco Jotas is still a great brand but definitely this time it was not the best piece.

October 20, 2024
Bretagne France
Excellent produitExcellent product

Livraison très rapide et produit parfaitement emballé. Un excellent bellota au goût savoureux . Le petit cadeau est aussi très agréable. À déguster sans modération

Very fast delivery and perfectly packaged product. An excellent bellota with a tasty taste. The little gift is also very nice. To be enjoyed without moderation

October 10, 2024
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Dado que fe para una celebración de un grupo empezamos y acabamos la paletilla en unas horas.
Estaba gustoso y en su punto de sal.

Since faith for a group celebration we start and finish the shoulder in a few hours. It was tasty and at its point of salt.

August 5, 2024
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Einfach ein Genuß!Simply a pleasure!

Beste Qualität - wie immer einfacher Bestellablauf & rasche Lieferung wie bestellt (entbeit)! Beim nächsten Schinkenbedarf gerne wieder... und immer fein dazu ist das kostenlose Olivenöl (das im übrigen auch top ist)!

Best quality - as always, easy ordering process and quick delivery as ordered (included)! Will be happy to order again next time I need ham... and the free olive oil is always a nice addition (which is also top notch)!

June 25, 2024
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Siempre impecablesAlways impeccable

No fallan. Web clara, información de sobra, variedad de opciones, buenas ofertas y servicio rápido e impecable. Y la paletilla deliciosa

They don't fail. Clear website, plenty of information, variety of options, good offers and fast and impeccable service. And the delicious shoulder

June 21, 2024
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Alemania y Australia
para nosotros, el mejor jamón del mundoFor us, the best ham in the world

hemos comprado el jamón en lonchas y una pata entera siempre ha sido riquísimo y sea donde sea ha llegado rapidísimo y de alta calidad.

We have bought the ham in slices and a whole leg has always been delicious and wherever it is it has arrived very quickly and of high quality.

June 6, 2024
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Dublin, Ireland
Excellent service and product

Great service and delivery.... well packaged and vacuum sealed and shipped very promptly... arrived in time for Christmas. Will definitely buy more from Ibergour.

January 8, 2024
Saint Just Saint Rambert France

Cela fait 2 fois que j’achète une épaule 5 jotas
La 1er fois en 2020 et la deuxième fois pour Noël 2023.
Franchement l’épaule est toujours aussi bonne avec beaucoup de saveur.

I've bought a 5 jota shoulder twice now. The first time in 2020 and the second time for Christmas 2023. Frankly, the shoulder is still just as good with lots of flavor.

December 28, 2023
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Très peu de chose à manger/Enormément de gras !Very little to eat/A lot of fat!

Franchement, il n'y avait pas beaucoup de chose à manger, juste beaucoup de gras (!)
Ce qui était mangeable était bon, mais pour le tarif, nous sommes très déçu, rien avoir avec la commande que nous avions effectué il y a quelques années...
Et absolument rien avoir avec la quantité indiquée sur la vidéo du découpe de l'épaule, on en a eu presque 10 fois moins (!!!)
Bref, la prochaine fois, soit nous tenterons un jambon, soit nous irons voir ailleurs...

Frankly, there wasn't much to eat, just a lot of fat (!) What was edible was good, but for the price, we are very disappointed, nothing to do with the order we made a few years ago... And absolutely nothing to do with the quantity indicated on the video of the shoulder being cut, we got almost 10 times less (!!!) In short, next time, either we will try a ham, or we will look elsewhere...

December 15, 2023
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Freiburg, Deutschland
Wie immer von bester QualitätAs always of the best quality

Alles perfekt, wie die vielen Jahre zuvor.
Sehr nussiger Geschmack, Top Lieferung in wenigen Tagen.
Für und beginnt damit immer die Weihnachtszeit.

Everything was perfect, like many years before. Very nutty taste, top delivery in just a few days. For and this always begins the Christmas season.

December 8, 2023
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Michael Hummel
Michael Hummel
Wien, Österreich
Fleisch kaum fettdurchzogen, trockenMeat barely streaked with fat, dry

Wir kaufen schon lange bei Ihnen und werden es auch weiter tun, der letzte Vorderschinken, war aber nicht so gut.
Zu trocken, salzig und eben kein Fett eingelagert, wie ein gutes iberisches Schwein haben sollte. 5J sollte sich so etwas nicht leisten.

We've been buying from you for a long time and will continue to do so, but the last shoulder of ham wasn't that good. Too dry, salty and no fat stored, like a good Iberian pig should have. 5J shouldn't have to do something like that.

December 7, 2023
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Bucarerst RO
Un produs de luxA luxury product

Calitate buna dar cam multa grasime. Practic am ramas cu 1100 g din cele 5.75 kg, Cred ca este mai convenabil sa cumperi jambon decat pulpa din fata

Good quality but a bit too fat. Basically, I have 1100 g left from the 5.75 kg, I think it is more convenient to buy ham than the front leg

November 6, 2023
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prodotto top, super soddisfattotop product, super satisfied

è la seconda volta che prendo una spalla di 5J, prodotto impeccabile; sono stato soddisfatto al mio primo acquisto e sono soddisfattissimo adesso...sapore indescrivibile!
spedizione precisa, anzi anche più veloce del previsto. top su tutto, grazie ancora

it's the second time I've taken a 5J shoulder, impeccable product; I was satisfied with my first purchase and I'm very satisfied now...indescribable flavour! Precise shipping, even faster than expected. top on everything, thanks again

November 6, 2023
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Jörg Große
Jörg Große
Bochum Deutschland
Perfekter Schinken von professionellem ShopPerfect ham from professional shop

Ich habe bereits mehrfach Pata Negra Schinken bestellt. Den Cinco Jotas von Ibergour kann ich nur empfehlen. Ich habe mir ein ca. 2Kg Stück halbieren lassen. Der Schinken kam vakumiert in je 1KG Stücken+ dem vakumierten Knochenstück bei uns an.
Der Pata Negra aus Jabugo zergeht im Mund.
Die Kommunikation mit dem Shop läuft sehr gut, geantwortet wird innerhalb kürzester Zeit auf deutsch.Preis/Leistung stimmen bei Ibergour.

I have ordered Pata Negra ham several times. I can only recommend the Cinco Jotas from Ibergour. I had an approx. 2kg piece cut in half. The ham arrived vacuum-packed in 1KG pieces each of the vacuum-packed piece of bone. The Pata Negra from Jabugo melts in your mouth. Communication with the shop is going very well, replies are received in German within a very short time. Price/performance is right at Ibergour.

October 16, 2023
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Luis León
Luis León
Paletilla espectacularspectacular shoulder

Enviada a Suecia en muy pocos días, perfectamente envasada. De presencia imponente y sabor espectacular. Los invitados han quedado totalmente impresionados. Cinco Jotas no me ha defraudado nunca, a la altura de su prestigio. Muchas gracias.

Sent to Sweden in a few days, perfectly packaged. Imposing presence and spectacular flavor. The guests have been totally impressed. Cinco Jotas has never let me down, at the height of its prestige. Thank you so much.

August 7, 2023
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amparo m.
Alicante, España
Buen productoGood product

Buen producto. Sabor y olor adecuados. Por poner un "pero", la siguiente la pediré sin cortar, aunque la presentación es muy buena, se pierde algo de sabor.
Volveré a comprarla deshuesada y en dos trozos. Al cortarla cuando se consume, teniendo envasadora de vacío, se conserva perfectamente.

Good product. Appropriate taste and smell. To put a "but", I will order the next one without cutting it, although the presentation is very good, some flavor is lost. I will buy it again boneless and in two pieces. By cutting it when consumed, having a vacuum packaging machine, it is perfectly preserved.

May 23, 2023
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Spalla 5J CincosShoulder 5J Cincos

Spalla davvero gustosa. .e l'aspettavo un pochino più magra, ma anche il grasso è davvero profumatissimo. Che dire, una spalla gdibilissima fino alla fine e mai secca. Ottimo prodotto.

Really tasty shoulder. .and I was expecting it to be a little thinner, but the fat is also really fragrant. What can I say, a very enjoyable shoulder to the end and never dry. Great product.

April 15, 2023
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Veramente buonoReally good

Servizio perfetto arrivato a casa in tempi brevissimi e ottimo prodotto. Anche il porta spalla e il coltello ottimi. Penso che ripeterò l'acquisto appena finito

Perfect service arrived home in a very short time and excellent product. The shoulder holder and the knife are also excellent. I think I will repeat the purchase once finished

January 11, 2023
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Dusko Marusic
Gusto e profumo diviniDivine taste and aroma

Una vera gioia per tutti i sensi, con un gusto e un profumo impeccabili.Ripetere l'acquisto, sì, sicuramente!Quando faccio acquisti, scelgo sempre prodotti collaudati che ho già provato.

A real joy for all the senses, with an impeccable taste and aroma.Repurchase, yes, definitely!When shopping, I always choose proven products that I have already tried.

December 19, 2022
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Joachim Richter
Joachim Richter
Geschmack super, wenig Schnken extrem viel FettGreat taste, little snort, extremely much fat

Wir haben uns einen 4,5KG Bellota Vorderschinken gegönnt. Insgesamt sind wir aber nicht wirklich zufrieden. Geschmacklich war der Schinken hervorragend, keine Frage, aber: Wir hatten noch nie einen Schinken mit so viel Fett. Der Anteil lag geschätzt deutlich über 50%. Das bedeutet abzgl. des Gewichts vom Knochen, bleibt da von einem 4,5 Exemplar nur ganz wenig Schinken übrig. Seit ca. 15 Jahren leisten wir uns zur Weihnachtszeit einen Iberischen Schinken (verschiedene Qualitäten, Vorder und Hinter), aber noch nie hatten wir eine so geringe "Ausbeute" von essbarem Schinkenfleisch. Das war dann doch neben der sehr guten Qualität sehr sehr enttäuschend! Das Preis/Leistungs-Verhältnis stieg dadurch auch auf ein unakzeptabeles Niveau.
4,5 Kg PALETA" 5J CINCO JOTAS Voderschinken

We treated ourselves to a 4.5 kg Bellota ham shoulder. Overall we are not really satisfied. The taste of the ham was excellent, no question, but: we have never had a ham with so much fat. The proportion was estimated to be well over 50%. That means minus the weight of the bone, there is only very little ham left from a 4.5 specimen. For about 15 years we have been able to afford an Iberian ham (different qualities, front and back) at Christmas time, but we have never had such a low "yield" of edible ham meat. In addition to the very good quality, that was very very disappointing! As a result, the price/performance ratio rose to an unacceptable level. 4.5 kg PALETA" 5J CINCO JOTAS shoulder ham

December 19, 2022
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Milton Keynes, UK
Another fantastic Jamon for Christmas

I've lost track of the number of Jamon/Paleta I've bought from Ibergour now - I've tried buying from a shop in Madrid when I was travelling and also from another company that ships to the UK, but none of them meet the quality and reliable service I get from Ibergour. 5J is my go-to Jamon/Paleta and it always delivers a tasty balanced flavour of Jamon that you can't get from anything other than an Iberico Belotta. While you can find cheaper other Jamons, The balace of quality/price means I'm happy it's very good value and will probably buy again.
I also like to have the whole Jamon as I find some pleasure in perfecting my carving, enjoy the little bit of time needed to prepare the special ham - and the kids like to hang around for any imperfect slices for them to snaffle before my plate is ready to server.
My only challenge is that the €10 voucher I opt for when purchasing (I already had a ham stand and knife from many years ago) usually expires before I buy again the following year, so while I've been a regular customer for many years, I don't seem to get any benefit from it. At least when I could choose the Olive Oil I could get something extra, but the €10 is pretty pointless if you're a Christmas ham afficionado. If there were some other things that could be an option for repeat customers it would be nice - different piece of meat / tongs / cheese / knife sharpenere.. just something other than another jamon stand and knife or a worthless voucher...

December 15, 2022
Esher, Surrey, UK
Absolutely superb!

Just started the ham and had the first bite: it looks wonderful, it smells wonderful and it tastes wonderful. We have bought the same product from IberGour several times before and we have never been dissapointed. 5J is a top brand and the ones that IberGour sell are without exception excellent.
But I would also like to say something about their service: it matches the quality of their hams. They don't talk about customer service or customer care, they just give the best attention and care to their customers. No automatic anything, just a real person that answers your emails, reacts immediately and helps. In an individual, personal way. Mil gracias, Miguel!

December 9, 2022
Pata negra eccellenteExcellent pata negra

Come sempre ottimi prodotti ed assistenza post vendita spettacolare. Il Cjncos è un prodotto eccellente profumato e con un gilusto unico...Grazie ed alla prossima.

As always excellent products and spectacular after-sales assistance. Cjncos is an excellent perfumed product with a unique flavor...Thanks and see you next time.

December 3, 2022
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December 2, 2022
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This 5J Cinco Jotas is the best ham out there!

This 5J is the richest flavor of the ones we have tried and for a great value. The fat mixed with the dark red meat is perfect for Red wine and champagne! The company is also top notch! Quick delivery with a clever comical note to go with your ham and delivery.
This was my 8th order and I'll never need to pick out a different company! So satisfied with them. We never let time past without one of these in our wine room on a ham cutting holder.

November 26, 2022
David R
Not cheap but exquisite and worth every centime.

The 5J belota paleta is an impressive example of this Spanish ham. It is exoensive and its got a bit more expensive because of custom charges etc but .....! It is so special. And for two of us, it lasts 5 or 6 weeks and the flavour just keeps on going to the very end. It's a special treat and we save up every year to enjoy this wonderful flavour. Thank you Ibergour!

November 26, 2022
Andrea Hyde
Andrea Hyde
Manchester UK
excellent yet again

yet again, the service and communication throughout the ordering and delivery has been excellent. As for the Jamon, well having lived in Spain for 6 years and tried many many Jamon, I fell in love with 5J, and have never looked back sine. The quality and taste is second to none. The price reflects the product. I can't recommend this company enough.
the flavour of the acorns comes through remember to always serve at room temperature and just enjoy.
Thank you yet again Miguel and the team

November 16, 2022
France Sud

Comme d'habitude je suis très satisfait de la qualité des jambons achetés auprès de Ibergour
Livraison très rapide et toujours un régal
Merci Ibergour
Au prochain jambon :):):)

As usual I am very satisfied with the quality of the hams purchased from Ibergour Very fast delivery and always a treat Thank you Ibergour See you next ham :):):)

August 6, 2022
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A recommanderTo recommend

Un super service client , un jambon avec beaucoup de goût, une livraison super rapide. Je laisse très rarement un avi mais je prends le temps aujourd’hui car c’est une garantie de qualité et de service.

A great customer service, a ham with a lot of taste, a super fast delivery. I very rarely leave an avi but I take the time today because it is a guarantee of quality and service.

June 9, 2022
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Massimo Massa
Cagliari, Italia
Una paletilla di ottima qualità, di una casa che rientra senz'altro tra quelle più classiche e sicureA paletilla of excellent quality, of a house that is certainly one of the most classic and safe ones

A noi piace alternare di volta in volta prosciutti o paletillas di Guijuelo (Salamanca), dell'Estremadura e di Jabugo. Tra i prodotti di quest'ultima denominazione, 5 Jotas è una delle grandi marche classiche, con le quali si va sul sicuro.
La paletilla che ci è arrivata era ottima, di grande qualità, già perfettamente stagionata e pronta da mangiare ma, se lo avessimo voluto, era in grado di reggere molti mesi ancora di maturazione. Il prezzo d'acquisto ci è sembrato assolutamente ragionevole, considerata la qualità altissima.
Anche la spedizione è stata veloce e senza nessun problema.
Insomma, ripeteremo senz'altro l'acquisto.

We like to alternate from time to time hams or paletillas from Guijuelo (Salamanca), from Extremadura and from Jabugo. Among the products of the latter denomination, 5 Jotas is one of the great classic brands, with which you are on the safe side. The paletilla that arrived was excellent, of great quality, already perfectly seasoned and ready to eat but, if we had wanted it, it was able to withstand many more months of maturation. The purchase price seemed absolutely reasonable to us, given the very high quality. Shipping was also fast and without any problems. In short, we will certainly repeat the purchase.

June 3, 2022
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Monza, Italia
Ottima qualitàBest quality

Primo acquisto fatto su Ibergour e sicuramente non l'ultimo, prodotto 5J veramente eccezionale, successo riscosso confermato anche dalla nostra clientela.
Ottimo il servizio di disossamento del prodotto consigliato dal personale di ibergour.
Personale di Ibergour sempre pronto a dare consigli e suggerimenti sui prodotti più adatti da acquistare.
In conclusione non posso che consigliare gli acquisti sia per professionalità che qualità dei prodotti.

First purchase made on Ibergour and certainly not the last, truly exceptional 5J product, success also confirmed by our customers. The product boning service recommended by the ibergour staff is excellent. Ibergour staff always ready to give advice and suggestions on the most suitable products to buy. In conclusion, I can only recommend purchases for both professionalism and quality of the products. Well done!

March 29, 2022
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Marta Cookman
Marta Cookman
Teddington, UK
Never disappoints

I’ve been purchasing my ham every time from Ibergour for several years and every single time the order, the delivery, the customer service and most importantly the quality of the ham is extraordinary . This time around I order this paletilla for a party and I never seen a ham lasting so little in my life. It was devoured in less than 3 hours I didn’t have time to cut it before the plate was empty again. Everyone was over the moon and couldn’t stop talking a about it. Thank you so much for your excellent service. I cannot recommend you enough.

March 28, 2022
Préférer la coupe à la mainPrefer to cut by hand

L’épaule est excellente, comme toujours. J’ai essayé toutes les présentations, voici mes conseils :
- L’épaule entière à couper soi-même. c’est moins difficile que l’on pourrait croire, à condition d’avoir les bons couteaux. Problème : comme tout le monde adore ça, vous risquez de passer la soirée à couper les tranches ! Un peu longuet quand on n’a pas l’habitude. Le jambon se garde plus ou moins 3 semaines sans rancir en l’emballant dans un linge.
- l’épaule désossée, débitée en gros morceaux : nécessite d’avoir une trancheuse chez soi. On profite moins du gras rose. Pas mon mode préféré.
- l’épaule tranchée machine et emballée sous vide par sachet de 100g. Les tranches sont un peu épaisses (environ 6 par sachet), et sont moins agréables à déguster
- l’épaule tranchée main : c’est nettement plus cher, ouille ! Mais c’est de loin la meilleure si l’on ne veut pas s’attaquer à la pièce entière.
Voilà des années que je commande chez Ibergour, et je ne remercierai jamais assez mon ami Alex qui me l’avait recommandé. Dommage qu’ils ne vendent plus de lomo, snif.

The shoulder is excellent, as always. I have tried all the presentations, here are my tips:
- The whole shoulder to be cut yourself. it's less difficult than you might think, provided you have the right knives. Problem: as everyone loves it, you risk spending the evening cutting the slices! A little long when you're not used to it. The ham will keep more or less 3 weeks without going rancid by wrapping it in a cloth.
- the boneless shoulder, cut into large pieces: you need to have a slicer at home. We take less advantage of pink fat. Not my favorite mode.
- machine-sliced shoulder and vacuum
-packed in 100g bags. The slices are a little thick (about 6 per bag), and are less pleasant to eat
- the shoulder sliced by hand: it's much more expensive, ouch! But it's by far the best if you don't want to tackle the whole piece.
I've been ordering from Ibergour for years, and I can't thank my friend Alex enough for recommending it to me. Too bad they don't sell lomo anymore, sniff.

March 27, 2022
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Geschmacksexplosiontaste explosion

Für Liebhaber von Schinken mit langer Reifezeit und besonderem Geschmack und Aroma ist dieses Produkt ein Muss.
Für mich der beste Schinken und nicht der letzte den ich bestellt habe.

This product is a must for lovers of long cured ham with a special taste and aroma. For me the best ham and not the last one I have ordered.

February 26, 2022
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Alexander Witte
Alexander Witte
Vienna, Austria
Service that exceeds expectations

I won’t write about the quality of the product here, it is well known and beyond reproach; what I would like to highlight here is the excellent service that I have received. They’re very good; buy with confidence!

January 2, 2022
Pavia, Italia
Ottimo prodotto e servizio perfetto.Great product and perfect service.

Il prodotto è veramente molto buono, ottimo il servizio di ibergour che consente di ricevere il prosciutto già pulito e pronto per il consumo. La spedizione è stata molto rapida, consiglio sia il prodotto che ibergour.

The product is really very good, the ibergour service is excellent, allowing you to receive the prosciutto already cleaned and ready for consumption. Shipping was very fast, I recommend both the product and ibergour.

December 28, 2021
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Sara M
Sara M
Stockholm, Sweden
Very good ham!

A very good ham. A lot of ham for the money. The ham presents a round taste, and a deep purple colour, with nice texture. The rind of fat white with the taste of hazelnuts.

December 26, 2021
Dusko Marusic
Gran producto que definitivamente tienes que comprar.Great product that you definitely have to buy.

Un gran producto que solo confirma que el prosciutto español es el mejor del mundo
Recomiendo mucho este producto, que vale cada euro por su estructura, olor y sabor.

A great product that only confirms that the Spanish prosciutto is the best in the world. I highly recommend this product, which is worth every euro for its structure, smell and taste. Bravo!

December 19, 2021
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Valérie Bergeon
Valérie Bergeon

excellente épaule! excellent service et livraison! merci pour le choix des cadeaux, excellente huile d'olive.
mes amis qui l'ont gouté ont été séduits d'emblée par la qualité et moi par le prix.

excellent shoulder! excellent service and delivery! thank you for choosing the gifts, excellent olive oil. my friends who tasted it were immediately won over by the quality and I by the price.

December 5, 2021
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Falta de saborLack of flavor

En este caso la paletilla no esta tan gustosa como en otras ocasiones,le falta intensidad y está sosa.Normalmente estas piezas han estado mucho mejor

In this case, the shoulder is not as tasty as on other occasions, it lacks intensity and is bland, and these pieces have usually been much better.

November 14, 2021
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David R
NE England
Flavour and Quality is Genuine 5 Star!

The 5Star Bellota shoulder is always absolutely delicious. We and buy one every year for Xmas but we also buy one for other celebrations in the year to make them special.
They are not cheap but they are very, very special and completely unique in quality and flavour.

November 7, 2021
TREVI Perugia
Ibergour una garanziaIbergour a guarantee

Ibergour una garanzia sempre puntuale nella consegna. Il prodotto è ottimo oramai sono molte volte che acquisito la spalletta 5j.
Lo consiglio sia per il prodotto che per la serietà

Ibergour always guarantees punctual delivery. The product is excellent by now the 5j shoulder has been acquired many times. I recommend it both for the product and for the seriousness

November 1, 2021
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Excelente paleta de bellota ibéricaExcellent acorn-fed Iberian shoulder

Una paleta ibérica de sabor exquisito, en su punto de sal. La entrega y el embalaje del producto perfectos. Destacaría asimismo el servicio de atención al cliente que tiene Ibergour, del que otras empresas deberían aprender.

An Iberian shoulder with an exquisite flavor, at its point of salt. Perfect product delivery and packaging. I would also highlight the customer service that Ibergour has, from which other companies should learn.

October 25, 2021
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Innsbruck, Austria
I can recommend it for everyone

It's actually perfect and very delicious. In spite of I ordered 'Paleta', it is really the highest standard jamon! I will recommend for everyone.

October 18, 2021
Ottimo prodottoGreat product

Ottimo prodotto, acquistato già affettato. Confezione eccellente e ben fatta. Le buste sottovuoto da 100 grammi si conservano in frigo e sono pratiche. Consigliato! Tempi di consegna rapidi.

Great product, purchased already sliced. Excellent and well made packaging. The 100 gram vacuum bags can be kept in the fridge and are practical. Recommended! Fast delivery times.

October 15, 2021
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Come sempre una garanziaAs always a guarantee

Prodotto di qualità , consegna rapida e servizio professionale…sempre al top come sempre..una garanzia per qualsiasi prodotto proposto. Prezzi adeguati

Quality product, fast delivery and professional service… always at the top as always… a guarantee for any proposed product. Adequate prices

October 3, 2021
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Melbournes Australia y Londres UK
el mejor sabor de un jamón en el mundo entero.the best flavor of a ham in the whole world.

IberGour nos ha mandado sembré la mejor calidad a un precio justo y además sembré rápido a muchos sitios diferentes en Europa incluso UK. Bravo!

IberGour has always sent us the best quality at a fair price and I also sowed quickly to many different sites in Europe including the UK. Bravo!

September 12, 2021
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London, UK

good quality, perfect value! good service, always on time and good slices from machine cut! keep coming every 3 months to this shop

August 20, 2021
Marc Zinnendorf
Marc Zinnendorf
Great experience

Efficient order process, fast delivery, high-quality product. I will most definitely repeat. Oh, and probably the funniest order confirmation email I've ever received...

August 6, 2021
Andrea Hyde
Andrea Hyde
Manchester UK
The best Jamon Around

Personally I believe this is the best Jamon around, its depth in flavour is second to none. I can't recommend this 5Jota enough.

July 8, 2021
Top qualitéTop quality

Je suis client depuis de nombreuses années. La qualité est toujours au rendez vous avec emballage soigné et jamais de retard dans les livraisons.
félicitations continuez !

I have been a customer for many years. The quality is always there with careful packaging and never delays in deliveries. congratulations continue!

June 28, 2021
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Para ser honesto, esta no es la primera paletilla 5J que os compramos y no es la mejor, es un poco sosa y no tiwnw mucho sabor.

To be honest, this is not the first 5J shoulder we bought from you and it is not the best, it is a bit bland and does not have much flavor.

June 27, 2021
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Molto gustoso e non stucchevole. Avevamo già provato la coscia intera ma scelto adesso con soddisfazione le fette sotto vuoto. Preparazione accurata e consegna rapida. Da consigliare vivamente

Very tasty and not cloying. We had already tried the whole thigh but now we have chosen the vacuum-packed slices with satisfaction. Accurate preparation and fast delivery. To be highly recommended

May 10, 2021
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Andrea hyde
Andrea hyde
Manchester uk
Stunning Jamon

Yet again the 5jotas jamon delivered. It’s depth of flavour is incredible. I love to slice my jamon but everyone says it’s easier when sliced. The service provided is 1st class and delivery services is fast and secure.

May 3, 2021
Napoli - Italia
Sono delusoI am disappointed

Premetto che non è il primo acquisto di spalla 5J, ma stavolta ho riscontrato nel prodotto arrivato (come sempre tempestiva/perfetta la consegna), forse una eccessiva stagionatura ed anche la presenza di troppi, davvero troppi e non esagero cristalli di TIROSINA.
Speravo che, procedendo nel taglio il problema si attenuasse ma invece tutta la spalla è risultata essere caratterizzata dai predetti ed abbondanti cristalli.
Sono deluso che dire, riprova sarai più fortunato?!?

I state that it is not the first purchase of 5J shoulder, but this time I found in the product arrived (as always timely / perfect delivery), perhaps an excessive seasoning and also the presence of too many, really too many and I do not exaggerate TIROSINA crystals. I hoped that, proceeding with the cut, the problem would be alleviated but instead the whole shoulder was characterized by the aforementioned and abundant crystals. I am disappointed what to say, try again you will be luckier?!?

April 22, 2021
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Grebenhain , D
Schinken nur zu ca 20 % essbarHam is only about 20% edible

Dieser Schinken ist geschmacklich gut aber leider sind nur ca 20% essbar , Rest nur Fett und Knochen . Diesen Schinken würde ich nicht wieder kaufen

This ham has a good taste, but unfortunately only about 20% is edible, the rest is only fat and bones. I would not buy this ham again

March 29, 2021
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Alejandro Gomez
Alejandro Gomez
Hannover, Alemania
Magnifico tratoGreat deal

Buenas tardes,
Me gustaría decir que a parte de vender unos productos de primerísima calidad y de hacer envío internacional. Debo decir que su trato hacia el cliente es genial, son super amables. Cuando ven algo que no esta claro, preguntan.
y que mas decir, yo ya he pedido 2 veces desde navidad, por recomendación de un amigo, y, desde luego voy a seguir pidiéndoles a ellos!
un saludo

Good afternoon, I would like to say that apart from selling top quality products and international shipping. I must say that their treatment of the client is great, they are super friendly. When they see something that is not clear, they ask. And what else to say, I have already asked 2 times since Christmas, on the recommendation of a friend, and of course I will continue to ask them! a greeting

March 18, 2021
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Montignoso, Italia
Una confermaA confirmation

Ottimo prosciutto dal sapore intenso
Una conferma. Ho già preso vari prosciutti da ibergour e non mi ha mai deluso
Lo consiglio vivamente

Excellent ham with an intense flavor A confirmation. I have already taken various hams from ibergour and it has never let me down. I highly recommend it

March 16, 2021
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TREVI Italia
Sempre una garanziaAlways a guarantee

La spalla 5j sempre eccezionale molto buona stagionatura perfetta Ibergour sempre una garanzia.
Ottimo prodotto ed eccellente la spedizione super veloce.
Ottima comunicazione.

The shoulder 5j always exceptional very good perfect seasoning Ibergour always a guarantee. Great product and excellent super fast shipping. Great communication.

March 14, 2021
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Uno de las mejores piezas de esta calidadOne of the best pieces of this quality

Francamente bueno, muy gustoso y en su perfecto punto. Es una de las mejores piezas que hemos comprado de esta calidad y marca

Frankly good, very tasty and just right. It is one of the best pieces that we have bought of this quality and brand

February 5, 2021
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Déception qualité gustativeDisappointing taste quality

Suite achat Epaule ibérique BELLOTA 5J,nous avons été déçus sur la qualité gustative : FORT EN SEL
Nous avions acheté l'année dernière, le jambon ibérique JABUGO ATLANZA BELLOTA
qui nous a entièrement satisfait.
Le préciser sur votre site que ce produit est plus "PUISSANT EN SEL " aurait été utile.

Hello, Continue buying Iberian BELLOTA 5J shoulder, we were disappointed with the taste quality: STRONG IN SALT Last year, we bought the JABUGO ATLANZA BELLOTA Iberian ham which we were completely satisfied with. Stating on your site that this product is more "POWERFUL IN SALT" would have been useful. Cordially.

February 1, 2021
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Avevo gustato il 5J Cinco Jotas a Barcellona nell'omonimo ristorante e quindi sapevo di non sbagliare sopratutto perche IBERGOUR e' azienda seria: mi ha sostituito una paleta molto salata e secca con altra perfetta!
Ripetero' in seguito l'acquisto optando per il prosciutto (coscia).
Soddisfattissimo per la grande attenzione al cliente e per la qualita' eccellente.

I had tasted the 5J Cinco Jotas in Barcelona in the restaurant of the same name and therefore I knew I was not wrong especially because IBERGOUR is a serious company: it replaced a very salty and dry paleta with another perfect one! I will repeat the purchase later by opting for the ham (thigh). Very satisfied with the great attention to the customer and the excellent quality.

January 29, 2021
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Epaule 5J Cinco JotasShoulder 5J Cinco Jotas

tres bon jambon 100% Bellota... beaucoup de gout et de fondant, livraison conforme aux engagements, tres professionnel. je recommande cet achat

very good 100% Bellota ham ... lots of flavor and fondant, delivery in line with commitments, very professional. I recommend this purchase

January 3, 2021
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Viladecans, Barcelona.
BuenisimaVery good

Muy buena paletilla,en su punto justo, bien envasada y un servicio rápido. Repetiremos, paro la próxima vez nos atreveremos con el jamón

Very good shoulder, just right, well packaged and fast service. We will repeat, stop next time we will dare with the ham

January 1, 2021
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Maragkos Apostolos
Maragkos Apostolos
Athens, Greece
Excellent service and product

The product was excellent but i was expecting it to be so. What i was not expecting was the amazing service from ibergour. It really exceeded my expectations. They replied immediately to my mail and did the changes i requested to my initial order. The product was delivered perfectly packed and sooner than expected!
Well done Ibergour, I'll definetely be buying again in the future!

January 1, 2021
Maurizio Petrelli
Maurizio Petrelli
Incredibile bontàIncredible goodness

Poche parole e molti fatti! Sapore fantastico anche se leggermente più ricca di grasso. Da ricomprare ad occhi chiusi. E che dire poi del piacere nel tagliarlo?

Few words and many facts! Fantastic flavor although slightly richer in fat. To buy back with your eyes closed. And what about the pleasure of cutting it?

December 28, 2020
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Karl Man
Karl Man
Best ham everyone loved it

Probably the best iberico ham we had. Will purchase again near future.
The texture was perfect and the service was excellent.

December 26, 2020
Paletilla saladaSalty shoulder

Es la primera vez que compro esta paletilla y nos parece salada.
Siempre compro Joselito, y no hemos tenido sorpresas, pero esta vez no avia disponibles.

It is the first time I have bought this shoulder and it seems salty to us. I always buy Joselito, and we have had no surprises, but this time they are not available.

December 23, 2020
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Surrey, UK
Excellent, once again

5J is always a safe bet, time after time, we enjoy this fantastic product, never disappointed. the shoulder is a perfect size for a small family and you can keep on enjoying it for a long time.
But I have to add that the customer service at Ibergour is as good as this product deserves, attentive, efficient, helpful. There is always a person on the phone or at the end of an email that answers personally and immediately, does really follow up and cares about heir customers. After several experiences we will certainly keep on buying from them.

December 21, 2020

Excellent jambon pata negra, parfait pour les fêtes. Un produit d'exception. Livré dans les délais. Absolument délicieux.

Excellent pata negra ham, perfect for parties. An exceptional product. Delivered on time. Absolutely delicious.

December 20, 2020
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Nick Pike
Very good

Arrived very well packaged - flavoursome jamon - very good purchase. Stand was perfectly useable, knife functional and suitable. Will consider again.

December 20, 2020
Prato, Italia
5J si conferma una garanzia!5J confirms a guarantee!

C'è poco da fare, la spallina 5J non delude mai. E' la seconda che acquisto e posso dire che anche questa mi ha soddisfatto pienamente. Una spalla eccellente, profumata, saporosa una vera delizia per il palato. L'unico problema, se così vogliamo chiamarlo, è che quando ti abitui all'Iberico puro bellota, è difficile poi farne a meno, anche se si trovano ottime alternative su questo shop on line. Infine Ibergur si conferma un venditore estremamente affidabile e professionale, dall'imballo in sottovuoto, alla spedizione ultra veloce, si può acquistare in tutta tranquillità da questa azienda. Insomma, acquisto da ripetere quanto prima.

There is little to do, the 5J shoulder pad never disappoints. It is the second that I buy and I can say that this too has fully satisfied me. An excellent, fragrant, tasty shoulder, a real delight for the palate. The only problem, if we want to call it that, is that when you get used to pure bellota Iberico, it is difficult to do without it, even if you can find excellent alternatives on this online shop. Finally, Ibergur confirms itself as an extremely reliable and professional seller, from vacuum packaging to ultra-fast shipping, you can buy it with confidence from this company. In short, purchase to be repeated as soon as possible.

December 18, 2020
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I was expecting a higher level Jamon

When you pay high price for a product, and you buy a 5 Jotas, you expect the best taste. Unfortunately, the paleta I have received it is just ok.

December 17, 2020
Sondrio, Italia
Ottimo servizio e ottimo prodottoGreat service and great product

Questo era il mio primo ordine. Arrivato in tempi rapidissimi e con un servizio impeccabile. Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. Esperienza da ripetere.

This was my first order. Arrived very quickly and with impeccable service. Excellent value for money. Experience to be repeated.

December 14, 2020
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Feucherolles, France
Parfait !Perfect !

Tout est parfait. Communication (avec beaucoup humour), rapidité d'envoi et surtout qualité du jambon 5J. Continuez comme ça, ne changez rien !

Everything is perfect. Communication (with great humor), speed of sending and above all the quality of the 5J ham. Continue like this, don't change anything!

December 12, 2020
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Tomaz Zorjan
Tomaz Zorjan
Great taste

Great taste, very good communication for shipment. Will definetly come back for more! This was my first order but will definetly come back and order more.

December 10, 2020
Trieste, Italia
Paleta 5J - Mi aspettavo molto di piùPaleta 5J - I was expecting a lot more

Non sono rimasto soddisfatto. Il gusto era molto salato, ed il grasso molto giallo aveva un sapore disdicevole. Se la spalla (paleta) ha normalmente un gusto salato, sarebbe giusto citarlo nella presentazione de prodotto; il notevole grasso poi, non l'ho visto mai nei prodotti esposti mercati in particolare a Barcellona!

I was not satisfied. The taste was very salty, and the very yellow fat tasted bad. If the shoulder (paleta) normally has a salty taste, it would be right to mention it in the presentation of the product; the considerable fat then, I have never seen it in the products exposed markets in particular in Barcelona!

December 9, 2020
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Milton Keynes, UK
Another great Paleta Ham from Ibergour

This is maybe my 4th purchase from Ibergour and having tried one other, can confirm that the service, communication and delivery has been faultless and the best. Unfortunately, I tend not to order my hams often enough to benefit from the voucher, so I would love to have a little more flexibility on the 'gift'.. I need pincers.. (The olive oil is very good however)
As for the Paleta, it's very tasty and with good texture and is very good value. My kids hang around the table when I'm carving like little puppies waiting for snacks, but once I've managed to carve a plate load, everyone in the family is very happy to enjoy the delicious ham. I'm not Spanish, but it's very clear from my very travelled experience, the difference between 'regular' ham and Jamon Iberico de Bellota. It's always worth the expense, but it's still something we save for a special treat, perhaps some special event, or Christmas. This time we opened the ham on December 1st and will hope to gradually consume over Christmas through to February. It's so nice to be able to just keep it on the counter and just regularly carve when my wife and I would like something to accompany a nice glass of Rioja!
For sure, will buy again.

December 7, 2020

Comme d'habitude, la qualité est au rendez-vous
Je ne suis jamais déçu par le 5J de même par Ibergour; je leur commande maintenant depuis plusieurs années et je suis entièrement satisfait
Merci et bonne fin d'année à tous

As usual, the quality is there. I am never disappointed by the 5J or by Ibergour; I have been ordering from them now for several years and I am completely satisfied Thank you and happy end of the year to all

December 5, 2020
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milano italia
una certezzaa certainty

avevo già comprato una spalla 5j; acquisto ripetuto e conferma di un grande prodotto, delicato e saporito.
molto molto positivo il rapporto qualità prezzo
da consigliare..

I had already bought a 5j shoulder; repeated purchase and confirmation of a great, delicate and tasty product. very very positive the value for money to recommend ..

December 4, 2020
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Super SerranoSuper Serrano

vielen Dank für den freundlichen Versand.
Schinken ist super, wurde heute angeschnitten.

Thank you for the friendly shipping. Ham is great, was cut today.

November 29, 2020
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Scrivere molto buono è riduttivo. Un’esplosione di gusti, fantastico !!! Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo.
Ibergour, sempre al top dell’affidabilotà
Grazie ala prossima

Writing very good is an understatement. An explosion of tastes, fantastic !!! Excellent value for money. Ibergour, always at the top of reliability Thanks to the next one

November 27, 2020
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Inégalable( nombreux autres jambons dégustés)
Qualité, saveur, équilibre viande gras, longueur en bouche ....
Transport rapide Excellent Emballage
Service client hors-pair, Très facile à joindre par mail, Réponse dans la journée

Unmatched (many other hams tasted) Quality, flavor, balance between fatty meat, length in the mouth .... Fast transport Excellent Packaging Unparalleled customer service, Very easy to reach by email, Response within the day

November 26, 2020
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Super QalitätSuper quality

Super Qualtät mit tollem Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis - prompte Abwicklung (Entbeinung mit geringem Aufpreis) und Lieferung - jederzeit gerne wieder!

Super quality with a great price / performance ratio - prompt processing (boning with little extra charge) and delivery - gladly again at any time!

November 26, 2020
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asasp France
jambon sans aromeham without aroma

nous avons été déçus par le manque de parfum, et de gout aromatique inexistant, je ne recommanderai plus se jambon. par se fait je le fait revenir avec des œufs au piment d’Espelette, jmC

we were disappointed by the lack of flavor, and no aromatic taste, I will not recommend this ham anymore. by itself I made it come back with eggs with Espelette pepper, jmC

November 25, 2020
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Un delicioso 5J siempre impecableA delicious 5J always impeccable

Servicio extra, empacado y presentación confirmando confianza en el producto. Un aceite de oliva muy agradable en sabor, aroma y textura. Y lo mejor, un 5J como se debe, regio, espléndido. Recibido en lonchas al vacío. Único punto que falta: anexar el precinto y sellos de origen del producto para tenerlo de recuerdo y acompañar con ello la presentación en mesa para la foto de familia. Espero coupon de réduction para el próximo encargo, pues somos clientes convencidos de vuestra calidad de servicio. Abrazos y protéjanse bien en estos tiempos tumultuosos.

Extra service, packaging and presentation confirming confidence in the product. A very pleasant olive oil in flavor, aroma and texture. And the best, a 5J as it should be, regal, splendid. Received in vacuum slices. The only missing point: attach the seal and stamps of origin of the product to keep it as a souvenir and accompany the presentation on the table for the family photo. I await coupon de reduction for the next order, as we are clients convinced of your quality of service. Hugs and protect yourself well in these tumultuous times. JFRG

November 22, 2020
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Ile d'Oleron France

Très bonne surprise pour cette petite prise de risque.
L'épaule est une merveille comme dans mes souvenirs de dégustation au marché d'Irun en 1980.
Je garde précieusement cette adresse pour mes prochains achats.

Very good surprise for this little risk taking. The shoulder is a marvel, as in my tasting memories at the Irun market in 1980. I keep this address carefully for my next purchases.

November 21, 2020
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Tutto perfettoAll perfect

Ade essere sinceri ero un pò titubante non avendo mai acquistato da questo fornitore , in relatà posso dire che il servizio è stato eccellente ed il prosciutto è davvero ottimo , consiglio assolutamente !

To be honest I was a little hesitant having never bought from this supplier, in reality I can say that the service was excellent and the ham is really excellent, I absolutely recommend!

November 9, 2020
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Cardiff, Gales

Otro pedido perfecto. El envío llegó en pocos días y la paletilla está en perfecto estado. Hemos comprado varias paletillas y 5J es siempre una apuesta segura. Recomiendo la paletilla 5J y Ibergour sin ninguna duda

Another perfect order. The shipment arrived in a few days and the shoulder is in perfect condition. We have bought several shoulders and 5J is always a safe bet. I recommend the 5J shoulder and Ibergour without any doubt

November 7, 2020
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Reino Unido
Calidad y servicio impecableImpeccable quality and service

El paquete llego en la fecha prevista, en perfecto estado y con el producto envasado tal y como habia pedido.
El jamon tiene un corte estupendo, muy bien curado y con un sabor de lo mejor que he probado en los ultimos tiempos
Ibegorur ha sido todo un descubrimiento, repetire seguro.

The package arrived on the scheduled date, in perfect condition and with the product packaged as requested. The ham has a great cut, very well cured and with a flavor of the best that I have tasted in recent times. Ibegorur has been a discovery, I will repeat for sure.

November 5, 2020
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Grande qualità Ottimo prezzoGreat quality Great price

Che dire completamente soddisfatto dell'acquisto, un prodotto delizioso con quell'inconfondibile sapore di ghianda consigliatissimo per panini e/o spuntini speciali. Sulla mia pelle ho provato la sensazione dopo avere mangiato jamon iberico 100%, di completo appagamento dei sensi laddove se cominciamo a scendere di qualità 75% o 50% di iberico le cose cambiano ed il pensiero ti tradisce riportandoti alla differenza abissale col bellota puro.

What to say completely satisfied with the purchase, a delicious product with that unmistakable acorn flavor highly recommended for sandwiches and / or special snacks. On my skin I felt the sensation after eating 100% Iberian jamon, of complete satisfaction of the senses where if we begin to drop in quality 75% or 50% of Iberian things change and the thought betrays you, bringing you back to the abysmal difference with pure bellota.

November 5, 2020
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Lot, France
Excellent jambon bellotaExcellent bellota ham

Excellent jambon bellota trés fin
Bien que ce soit une épaule et pas un jambon il est excellent trés fin avec peut être une texture plus fine que le jambon
A recommander pour son rapport qualité prix imbattable pour du bellota

Excellent very fine acorn-fed ham Although it is a shoulder and not a ham, it is excellent very fine with perhaps a finer texture than ham To recommend for its unbeatable value for money for acorn-fed

October 31, 2020
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Karl-Wilhelm H.
Hessen, Deutschland
Sensationeller Service und Top QualitätSensational service and top quality

Schon die Bestellbestätigung und später die Versandbenachrichtigung muss unbedingt erwähnt werden. Äusserst witzig und geistreich, ein halber Roman, sensationell. Die Lieferung erfolgte binnen weniger Tage in grossartiger Verpackung. Der Schinken ist geschmacklich ein Gedicht. Mehr als empfehlenswert.

The order confirmation and later the dispatch notification must be mentioned. Extremely funny and witty, half a novel, sensational. The delivery took place within a few days in great packaging. The taste of the ham is a poem. More than recommendable.

October 27, 2020
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Einmal Cinco Jotas, immer Cinco JotasOnce Cinco Jotas, always Cinco Jotas

Der Schinken ist hervorragend, wird nicht umsonst in Spaniens guten Restaurants angeboten! Ibergour liefert völlig problemlos und mit einem Höchstmaß an Service! Immer wieder gerne!!

The ham is excellent and is not offered in Spain's good restaurants for nothing! Ibergour delivers without any problems and with the highest level of service! Always my pleasure!!

October 25, 2020
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Trevi, Italia
Ibergour una garanziaIbergour a guarantee

Sempre una garanzia. Ottimo il 5j che sistematicamente acquisto.
Ibergour una garanzia sia per la qualità del prodotto, spedizione e facilità di comunicazione.
Sono oramai un cliente affezionato.

Always a guarantee. Excellent 5j that I systematically buy. Ibergour a guarantee for both product quality, shipping and ease of communication. I am now a loyal customer.

October 15, 2020
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Tom Watts
Tom Watts
Nottingham, UK
Excellent All Round

Ordered this product and I can say that I am very satisfied with the quality as well as the service - I am based in the U.K. and the shipping was fast with no issues.
I would highly recommend the company and the Ham !!!!
5 stars all round !!!!!

October 10, 2020
Mark Williamson
Mark Williamson
Blackheath, London UK
Incredible jamon, impeccable customer service

A fantastic jamon, although not as strongly tasting as I perhaps expected. The fat on this jamon is just out of this world; so delicate, creamy and that melt in the mouth experience. The jamon is carved with ease, with an 'Arcos' carving knife I also ordered with this product.
A special mention must go out to 'Miguel' from the Ibergour Customer Service Dept. His English nuanced 'Monty Python' humour was an added bonus.
From, a very happy customer, with an expanding stomach line; due to the moreish nature of this exquisite tasting jamon.

October 5, 2020
Spalla 5j Cinco JotasShoulder 5j Cinco Jotas

Non avevamo dubbi su questo prodotto. Buonissimo.Neanche 3 giorni lavorativi e la mia spalla era gia' qui. Grazie ci risentiremo presto. Ciao

We had no doubts about this product. Yummy. Not even 3 working days and my shoulder was already here. Thanks we will resend soon. Hello

September 12, 2020
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Abbastanza anonimoFairly anonymous

Mi aspettavo molto, forse troppo.
Ero abituato bene da altri acquisti fatti sempre su Ibergour.
Gusto normale, poco carattere.
Assente qualsiasi retrogusto di nocciola.
Insomma mangiabile, ma c'è di meglio in giro.
Lo trovo anche abbastanza secco in alcuni punti.
Non ripeterei l'acquisto e valuterei altro.

I was expecting a lot, perhaps too much. I was well used to other purchases always made on Ibergour. Normal taste, little character. Absent any aftertaste of hazelnut. In short, eatable, but there is better around. I also find it quite dry in places. I would not repeat the purchase and would evaluate anything else.

August 27, 2020
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Ordered presliced Iberico. Very nice taste and the packaging in 100 gram packages made it very eAsy to serve at the family party. Very recommendable.

August 24, 2020
Jean-Claude Dalesme
Jean-Claude Dalesme
Pas aussi gouteux que je l'espéraiNot as tasty as I hoped

J'ai peur que le transport n'ait affecté le gout. Le jambon est tout de même bon.
De toutes les façons, il sera mangé !

I'm afraid the transport affected the taste. The ham is still good. Either way, it will be eaten!

August 10, 2020
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John from Ireland
Dublin, Ireland
Excellent Jamon;service and delivery !

Seldom I give 5 stars in any review but for this jamon itderses it. Combined with the efficency of service and delivery 'cemnents' the 5 star rating .
Alsoseldom I recomend to friendsbut based on thisI have recoomended it to many friends -all have ordered and are very complementary .

July 31, 2020
Riquisimo !Delicious!

Entregado en París sin ningún problema y muy rápido. Envuelto herméticamente.
Producto de alta calidad al gusto insuperable.

Delivered in Paris without any problem and very fast. Hermetically wrapped. High quality product with an unsurpassed taste.

July 12, 2020
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Adria, Italia
Ottimo prodottoGreat product

Il prodotto è ottimo, la combinazione prodotto-servizio-gentilezza è insuperabile. Io ora provo qualcos'altro ...
Grazie di cuore.

The product is excellent, the product-service-kindness combination is unsurpassed. I now feel something else ... Thank you very much.

June 29, 2020
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Charlie B
Charlie B

I have been thoroughly enjoying my Cinco Jotas Jamon...the trouble is, when you start eating it, it is very hard to stop. I looked around at loads of different companies on-line and lots of different hams, but I can safely say that Iber were super helpful and efficient and most importantly the jamon is melt-in-the-mouth delicious!!

June 15, 2020

Buena comunicacion, envio rapido, todo empaquetado de manera muy profesional, y lo mas importante, una paletilla de una calidad espectacular!

Good communication, fast shipping, all packaged in a very professional way, and most importantly, a shoulder of a spectacular quality!

June 15, 2020
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Berlin, Germany
Excellent ham. Excellent service.

Cinco Jotas is always a safe choice. Excellent Iberico ham!
And Miguel was very fast in answering my emails and addressing my extra request. Excellent Service!

June 10, 2020
Paris, France
Valeur sureSafe value

La marque 5J est une valeur très sûre, et cette fois encore je ne suis pas déçu.
Premier achat via Ibergour, et rien à redire de ce côté: Service rapide, petit mail de confirmation d'envoi très drôle :)
et rapide.
bref que du bon!

The 5J brand is a very safe bet, and again I am not disappointed. First purchase via Ibergour, and nothing to complain about on this side: Fast service, little email confirmation of sending very funny :) and fast. In short, that's good!

June 4, 2020
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Nizza Monferrato

Sempre molto soddisfatto sia del prodotto che del servizio, comprato affettato, disossato o intero sempre un prodotto di ottima qualità.

Always very satisfied with both the product and the service, bought sliced, boned or whole, always a product of excellent quality.

May 23, 2020
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milano italia
due considerazionitwo considerations

prima considerazione; ordinata la spalla il giorno 6 maggio, la sera dell'8 maggio la stavo affettando! complimenti
seconda considerazione: prodotto di altissima qualità che, pur differente, non ha nulla da invidiare al prosciutto (già comprato in passato).
assolutamente soddisfatto e acquisto da ripetere.

first consideration; ordered the shoulder on May 6, on the evening of May 8 I was slicing it! congratulations second consideration: product of the highest quality which, although different, has nothing to envy to ham (already bought in the past). absolutely satisfied and purchase to be repeated.

May 18, 2020
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Davide Onnis
Davide Onnis
Cagliari, Sardegna, Italia
da ricomprareto buy back

Purtroppo la spalla è molto grassa quindi si produce troppo scarto.
Comunque prodotto eccellente e da ricomprare presto.
Proverei il prosciutto

Unfortunately the shoulder is very fat so too much waste is produced. However excellent product and to be bought again soon. I would try the ham

May 18, 2020
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Meglio di quanto credessimoBetter than we thought

Veramente qualità eccellente, meglio di quanto mi ricordassi (ho vissuto 3 anni in Andalusia)... Consegna e spedizione rapidissime. Rapporto qualità/prezzo ragionevole.

Truly excellent quality, better than I remembered (I lived 3 years in Andalusia) ... Fast delivery and shipping. Reasonable value for money. Highly recommended.

May 10, 2020
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Best jamón ever !

Usually get out jamón during multiple visits to Marbella & Santander . But we are unable to travel anywhere due to Covid 19 so I looked up google for names of jamón suppliers.
I was lucky to find IBERGOUR . The fact they had .ie after their name attracted me to the site .
It was an excellent choice ; everything was very efficient and delivery was rapid . We are very happy with the quality and attention / quickness of replies to emails & have recommended to many friends .
We will definitely order more from IBERGOUR .
26 April

April 26, 2020

La paletilla esta muy gustosa con un excelente sabor, bien curada.
Parece que las paletillas son mas gustosas, dado que el anterior fue una pata y no nos gustó.

The shoulder is very tasty with an excellent flavor, well cured. It seems that the shoulders are more tasty, since the previous one was a leg and we did not like it.

March 27, 2020
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Michael Kosicki
Michael Kosicki
Coburg Deutschland
Weiter immer alles perfektEverything is always perfect

5 jotas
Mit das beste was man kaufen kann.
Als vorderschinken noch relativ günstig.
Schnelle Abwicklung
Alles perfekt.
Immer genau abrechnet.

5 jotas The best that you can buy. As a shoulder ham still relatively cheap. Fast processing Everything perfect. Always billed exactly.

February 1, 2020
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Molfetta, Italia
Spalla 5J fantastica. ...Fantastic 5J shoulder. ...

Molto buono dall'odore al prossima volta prendero' una spalla piu' grossa cosi dura di piu'... arrivato prima di Natale in condizioni perfette come mi avevano scritto nella conferma dell'ordine...

Very good from smell to taste ... next time I will take a thicker shoulder so hard longer ... arrived before Christmas in perfect condition as they had written to me in the order confirmation ...

January 6, 2020
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As good as always

This is the third time we've ordered this Jamon, and my only regret is that we can't eat it fast enough to justify trying the Bellota.
This time, we ordered it sliced, and it came in very convenient sealed packs - I think we'll do it this way from now on.

January 3, 2020
London, UK
Quick delivery and really good profuct

The delivery of the shoulder ham was promptly and everything was really good packaged. The ham is delicious, as you would expect from a Cinco Jotas bellota.

December 31, 2019
Stuttgart, Deutschland
Sehr, sehr gut!Really really good!

Der Schinken wurde sehr schnell geliefert, war perfekt verpackt, das Messer und der Bock zum schneiden waren gratis dabei, dazu noch eine Schnittanleitung und ein schönes Stück Seil falls man ihn aufhängen möchte.
Der Iberico Bellota Schinken war so wie man ihn sich vorstellt, schön nussig mit Speichelfluss anregendem Aroma und superbem Geschmack- Sehr empfehlenswert.

The ham was delivered very quickly, was packaged perfectly, the knife and the stand to cut were included for free, plus a cutting guide and a nice piece of rope if you want to hang it up. The Iberico Bellota ham was as you imagine it, nice nutty with saliva-stimulating aroma and excellent taste - highly recommended.

December 30, 2019
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Perfekte QualitätPerfect quality

mein Mann war mehr als zufrieden. Hatte ihm den Schinken geschnitten gekauft, er ist von der Qualität und dem Geschmack genauso begeistert wie direkt in Spanien. Schnelle und unkomplizierte Lieferung.

my husband was more than satisfied. I bought the ham cut, he is just as enthusiastic about the quality and the taste as he is in Spain. Fast and uncomplicated delivery.

December 26, 2019
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il migliorethe best

Eccezionale!!!! Un prosciutto da mille e una notte.
Grazie Ibergour, alla prossima
P.S. L’attenzione al cliente che avete dimostrato con le mail, è stata a dir poco fantastica.

Awesome!!!! A ham for a thousand and one nights. Thanks Ibergour, to the next PS The attention to the customer that you have shown with the mails, has been nothing short of fantastic.

December 20, 2019
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Hannover, Alemania
Altamente recomendableHighly recommended

El jamón llegó mucho mas rápido de lo esperado. Estaba perfectamente empacado y seguro y en perfecto estado.
Lo estamos disfrutando mucho en casa.
Además el correo que mandan para confirmar que tu pedido ha sido enviado es de lo mejor que he visto en los últimos años. Chapó a los que lo hayan escrito.
El año que viene volveré a comprar mi jamón para navidad con vosotros.

The ham arrived much faster than expected. It was perfectly packed and safe and in perfect condition. We are enjoying it a lot at home. In addition, the email they send to confirm that your order has been sent is the best I have seen in recent years. He praised those who wrote it. Next year I will buy my ham for Christmas with you again.

December 19, 2019
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Northern Ireland
Fabulous quality.....again!

Excellent product. Second time buying it in last few years. Yes it is expensive but oh so worth it. Highly recommended.

December 16, 2019
amparo m.
Muy buenoVery good

Rápido, buena presentación. Olor y sabor delicioso. Un 9 porque los hay mejores, pero para mí un 10.Delicioso 5 J. Somos 2 y compro paletilla, el jamón intuyo igual de bueno.

Fast, good presentation. Smell and taste delicious. A 9 because there are better, but for me a 10. Delicious 5 J. We are 2 and buy shoulder, the ham intuited just as good.

December 12, 2019
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Simon F
A truly great tasting ham

I found ibergour a few years ago and have always had great quality service and superb tasting hams. The latest is as good as ever. Whenever I let others taste 5J hams they always ask where they can get one. 5J is my favourite ham and never disappoints, I'll be back for another next year

December 7, 2019
Marco C.
Marco C.
Milano, Italia
Ottimo prodotto!Great product!

La spalla è favolosa anche nella versione "disossata" e risulta più semplice da gestire rispetto alla versione "con osso". Ottimo servizio di Ibergour!

The shoulder is fabulous even in the "boned" version and is easier to handle than the "bone" version. Great service from Ibergour!

November 29, 2019
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sottovuoto comodo e pratico. Ma la ritualità ha il suo pesocomfortable and practical vacuum packing. But ritual has its weight

Cliente soddisfatta da tempo, ho acquistato per la prima volta una spalla 5J disossata. Si tratta di una soluzione molto comoda - si può scegliere se avere uno o più pezzi, è più facile da stoccare perché occupa meno spazio, va in frigo e via, è subito pronto per l'affettatrice e così via. Però... però a me è mancato moltissimo il rito del taglio a mano. Non sembra di avere a che fare con un jamon iberico, ma con un prosciutto crudo "normale".
Quindi, se siete per la praticità e avete problemi di spazio, il disossato è senza dubbio un'ottima soluzione. Se amate il rito del vero jamon... prendetevi il vostro tempo (e il vostro spazio in cucina e in dispensa) e acquistate il prosciutto intero. Per me (parere assolutamente soggettivo e che nulla ha a che fare con la qualità del prodotto che rimane eccellente) il taglio a coltello vince.
Se decidete comunque per il disossato sotto vuoto, sappiate che arriva accuratamente impacchettato in uno o due pezzi e corredato da un pacchettino con gli ossi tagliati a tocchi ottimi per insaporire una zuppa. Essenziale per una buona degustazione è aprire il sotto vuoto almeno un giorno prima di assaggiarlo. Deve assolutamente ossigenarsi, come un buon vino, e sprigionerà tutto il suo sapore dopo 24 ore, non prima.
5J rimane sempre un ottimo iberico con un eccellente rapporto qualità prezzo. Ma ecco, io un Joselito non lo farei mettere sotto vuoto *mai*.
In conclusione, tornerò sicuramente ad acquistare. Sotto vuoto, non so (ma questo come ho detto prima è un'esperienza assolutamente soggettiva che nulla ha a che fare con la qualità del prodotto)

Customer satisfied for a long time, I bought a 5J boned shoulder for the first time. This is a very convenient solution - you can choose whether to have one or more pieces, it's easier to store because it takes up less space, goes into the fridge and on, it's immediately ready for the slicer and so on. But ... but I missed the hand-cutting ritual very much. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with an Iberian jamon, but with a "normal" raw ham. So, if you are practical and have space problems, boning is definitely a great solution. If you love the rite of real jamon ... take your time (and your space in the kitchen and in the pantry) and buy the whole ham. For me (absolutely subjective opinion and that nothing has to do with the quality of the product that remains excellent) the knife cut wins. If you decide, however, for the boned in a vacuum, know that it arrives carefully packaged in one or two pieces and accompanied by a small packet with the bones cut into excellent touches to flavor a soup. Essential for a good tasting is to open the vacuum at least one day before tasting it. It must absolutely oxygenate itself, like a good wine, and it will release all its flavor after 24 hours, not before. 5J always remains an excellent Iberian with an excellent quality / price ratio. But behold, I would not let a Joselito put it in a vacuum * never *. In conclusion, I will definitely come back to buy. In a vacuum, I don't know (but this, as I said before, is an absolutely subjective experience that has nothing to do with the quality of the product)

November 23, 2019
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Thierry Nille
Thierry Nille
Convivialité garantieGuaranteed user-friendliness

Un excellent produit pour un partage en famille ou avec des amis
une belle saveur, emballage de qualité et transport super.

An excellent product for sharing with family or friends.
a beautiful flavor, quality packaging and super transport.

November 23, 2019
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Great taste

more fat than expected

November 7, 2019
Bologna, Italia
Il miglioreThe best

Il migliore prosciutto per me in circolazione. Cerco di comprarne uno tutto gli anni, un 5 kg è perfetto per una famiglia poco numerosa. Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo e sito con i prezzi migliori

The best ham for me around. I try to buy one all year, a 5 kg is perfect for a small family. Excellent value for money and site with the best prices

October 21, 2019
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Sehr gut, wie immer!Very good, as always!

Top-Qualität, sehr zuverlässiges Service, sehr schnell!
Neu: die Idee den Schinken vakuumdicht einzuschweißen war perfekt! Das erspart das Reinigen vom Fett und Schimmel bei der Lieferung größtenteils.

Top quality, very reliable service, very fast! New: the idea to weld the ham vacuum-tight was perfect! This largely eliminates the cleaning of grease and mold on delivery.

October 13, 2019
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El Olivier
Tarbes, France
Excellente épauleExcellent shoulder

Un poil plus grasse et salée qu’à mon habitude, cette épaule est de toutes manière excellente. A recommander.

A hair fatter and saltier than my habit, this shoulder is anyway excellent. To recommend.

September 19, 2019
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Padova, Italia
Troppo secco e troppo grassoToo dry and too fat

Non è un cattivo prosciutto, ma troppo secco e troppo grasso. Siamo clienti da parecchio e in passato abbiamo comprato esemplari decisamente migliori.

It's not a bad ham, but too dry and too fat. We have been customers for a long time and in the past we have bought much better specimens.

August 4, 2019
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Livorno - Italy
Ottimo prodottoGreat product

Spalla 5J Cinco Jotas, veramente ma veramente Buona, inoltre ottimo packaging per conservare la spalla o prosciutto. Spedizione velocissima ! Bravi Ibergour .

Shoulder 5J Cinco Jotas, really but really Good, also excellent packaging to preserve the shoulder or ham. Fast delivery ! Bravi Ibergour.

June 14, 2019
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Aix en Provence
Absolument parfait!!!! Je recommande bientôt ! Site top qui se préoccupe de l’achemine Si Chronopost risque d’etre Defaillant...Absolutely perfect!!!! I recommend soon! Top site that is concerned about the routing If Chronopost is likely to be defective ..

Du jamais vu pour la qualité du site et le bellota succulent !
Des amis d’Aix me l’avait recommandé, nous nous sommes régalés à l’aper de la fête des mères, nous étions 20 adultes et 5 enfants qui ont tous adoré ce cuisseau, parfait pour le nombre de mes invités.

Unheard of for the quality of the site and the succulent bellota! Friends of Aix had recommended, we enjoyed the aper A mother's day, we were 20 adults and 5 children who all loved this bbq, perfect for the number of my guests.

June 1, 2019
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Muy buena calidadVery good quality

El jamon tiene muy buena calidad y sabor.
Es una lastima que de casi 7 kilogramos solo 1.9 kilogramos sean el resultado.
Pienso que seria una muy buena idea agregar, asi como se agrega al pedido el hueso, los restos del jamon como ser cubitos/biruta resultante del corte.

The ham has very good quality and flavor. It is a pity that almost 7 kilograms only 1.9 kilograms are the result. I think it would be a very good idea to add, just as the bone is added to the order, the remains of the ham as being cubes / birut resulting from the cut.

May 23, 2019
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Mario Tomasucci
Mario Tomasucci
abbastanza buonoquite good

abbastanza buono ma un po' troppo grasso e poco stagionato. utile la confezione in due pezzi per poterlo utilizzare per un periodo non brevissimo

quite good but a little too fat and a little seasoned. the two-piece package is useful to be able to use it for a short period

March 30, 2019
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Jose Maria Mari
Jose Maria Mari
Riquisimo y servicio muy serio. ExcelenteVery serious and very serious service. Excellent

Jamon Cinco Jotas Bellota. Buenísimo, no defrauda. Y un 100 para el servicio de la empresa, servicio serio y totalmente recomendable. Gracias

Jamon Cinco Jotas Bellota. Great, do not disappoint. And a 100 for the service of the company, serious service and totally recommendable. Thank you

March 11, 2019
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Carlos Falco Bonastre
Carlos Falco Bonastre

La calidad es buena el servicio muy bueno es recomendable de todos los jamones que he pedido en internet este es el que la relación precio calidad es muy correcta

The quality is good very good service is recommended of all the hams that I have ordered on the internet this is the price quality ratio is very correct

March 10, 2019
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Andreja D.
Andreja D.
Very Good Service

Very good 5J paleta. Excellent service by IberGour in terms of: cutting (hand cut), nice vacuum packing, on time shipment delivery (to France).
The only wish I have ... when you can start shipping to Singapore?

February 18, 2019
Schnelle Lieferung, toller SchinkenFast delivery, great ham

Der Schinken war innerhalb weniger Tage da
Ist optimal portioniert und schmeckt aufgrund seines ausgewogenen Fettanteils sehr gut.
Gerne wieder

The ham was there within a few days It is optimally portioned and tastes very good due to its balanced fat content. Gladly again

February 14, 2019
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Ben B
Ben B
London, UK
Delicious jamon, great service

As always, Ibergour have delivered a great product with reliable service. The paleta came on the scheduled day and was in perfect condition. Looking forward to the weeks ahead as we enjoy it.

January 18, 2019
samuele mariotti
Cesena, Italia
Rapporto q/p topTop q / p ratio

Come al solito con 5j non di sbaglia. Peraltro la spalla costa 1/3 della coscia ma è molto simile. Una vera Ferrari dei prosciutti. Consigliato.

As usual with 5j not wrong. However, the shoulder costs 1/3 of the thigh but is very similar. A true Ferrari of hams. Recommended.

January 14, 2019
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Esattamente quello che mi aspettavoExactly what I expected

Una spalla all' altezza della reputazione del produttore, buon rapporto magro/grasso, stagionatura equilibrata, certamente diversa dal prosciutto ma prezzo adeguato.
La consegna é stata ultrarapida e, nonostante avessi ordinato la spedizione poco prima di Natale, l'ho ricevuta in tempo per le feste.
Ottimo servizio per un prodotto che probabilmente acquisterò nuovamente.

A shoulder to 'height of the reputation of the producer, good fat / fat ratio, balanced seasoning, certainly different from the ham but appropriate price. The delivery was ultra-fast and, despite having ordered the shipment just before Christmas, I received it in time for the holidays. Great service for a product that I will probably buy again.

January 6, 2019
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einfach leckerjust delicious

Zur Lieferung: schnell und zuverlässig
Zum Schinken: Geschmack sehr, sehr lecker; Der Schinken ist durchgereift, so wie man es erwartet; Meine Erwartungen wurden vollständig erfüllt (Es ist aber auch kein Schinken von 400 € und mehr)
Ich werde mich später wieder dazu entscheiden!

To the delivery: fast and reliable To the ham: Taste very, very delicious; The ham has matured, as expected; My expectations were completely fulfilled (but it is also no ham of 400 € and more) I will decide later again!

January 4, 2019
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Gerhard Faust
Gerhard Faust
Grünberg, Deutschland

Bin bereits seit ca.10 Jahren Kunde.
Unsere vorletzte Bestellung vom 23.09.2018 war wie immer sehr gut.
Ich habe daraufhin den gleichen Artikel nochmal Anfang Dezember für Gäste an Weihnachten und Silvester bestellt.
Die Lieferung war eine einzige Katastrophe.
Genau die Hälfte des Gewichtes war reines Fett. Darüber hinaus zerfiel das Ganze in mehrere Einzelstücke die zum Teil nicht zu schneiden waren. Knochenhart!!!
Die zu verwendenden Teile waren nicht einmal die Hälfte des Gesamtgewichtes.
Alles nach so vielen Jahren eine riesige Enttäuschung !!!

I have been a customer for about 10 years. Our penultimate order from 23.09.2018 was as always very good. I then ordered the same item again in early December for guests on Christmas and New Year's Eve. The delivery was a disaster. Exactly half of the weight was pure fat. In addition, the whole thing disintegrated into several individual pieces that were partly not cut. Bone hard !!! The parts to be used were not even half of the total weight. Everything after so many years a huge disappointment !!!

January 2, 2019
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mauro berzioli
mauro berzioli
Parma Italia
altissima qualitàvery high quality

ho acquistato la spalla 5J di bellota pata negra per la serata del 31 dicembre 2018 da gustare con gli amici.
Ho fatto un figurone, chi non l'aveva mai gustato prima è rimasto favorevolmente soddisfatto.Profumo durante il taglio: eccellente come non si sente più nei nostri salumi, al palato tenerissimo e gustosissimo. Piacevole anche l'operazione di taglio manuale durante la serata.
Esperimento da ripetere. ringrazio Ibergour per la l'ottimo servizio, ordinazione e consegni in tempi celeri.

I bought the 5J shoulder of bellota pata negra for the evening of December 31, 2018 to be enjoyed with friends. I made a great impression, who had never tasted it before was favorably satisfied. Perfume during the cut: excellent as you no longer feel in our sausages, the tender and delicious palate. The manual cutting operation during the evening is also pleasant. Experiment to be repeated. I thank Ibergour for the excellent service, ordering and delivering quickly.

January 1, 2019
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Como siempreAs usual

Es la cuarta vez que compro en Ibergour. Calidad del jamón la esperada, muy buena. El corte a máquina consigue lonchas muy finas, y las láminas y el envasado de las mismas hace que se pueda consumir recién sacado de la nevera son que se peguen las lonchas ni se rompan al sacarlas. Para paletilla de 5,25kg brutos han salido 17 envases de 100 gr cada uno, siendo unos 10 gr el peso del envase y láminas y 90 gr el peso neto de jamón. Es decir, 1,5 kg netos de lonchas de jamón, más el paquete con taquitos de jamón y los huesos para caldo. El precio, con el corte incluido, casi 220€, por lo que el precio neto del jamón loncheado es de unos 145€/kg.

It's the fourth time I've shopped at Ibergour. Ham quality the expected, very good. The machine cut gets very thin slices, and the sheets and the packaging of the same makes it possible to consume freshly taken out of the fridge are to stick the slices or break them when removing them. For paletilla of 5,25kg gross have left 17 containers of 100 gr each one, being about 10 gr the weight of the container and plates and 90 gr the net weight of ham. That is, 1.5 kg net of slices of ham, plus the package with ham taquitos and broth for broth. The price, with the included cut, almost 220 €, so the net price of sliced ham is about € 145 / kg.

December 30, 2018
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Al abrirla ya te viene ese olor espectacular, pero cuando cortas el primer trozo, en su punto justo de sal, y ese sabor intenso. Desde luego una grandísima compra, sin duda volveremos a repetir.

When you open it, that spectacular smell comes to you, but when you cut the first piece, at its right point of salt, and that intense flavor. Of course a very large purchase, we will certainly repeat it again.

December 28, 2018
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Paris france
Jambon trop grasHam too fat

Vu tout le gras enlevé ce qui rest n’est pas en relation avec le poids normal et le prix facturé

Given all the fat removed what is not related to the normal weight and the price charged

December 27, 2018
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Torino, Italia
Una autentica deliziaAn authentic delight

Spedizione e servizi in generale molto preciso e affidabile.
Il prodotto di per sè ha una qualità eccelsa: letteralmente si scioglie in bocca.

Shipping and services in general very precise and reliable. The product itself has excellent quality: it literally melts in your mouth.

December 25, 2018
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Duprez René
Lincent, Belgique

D'abord agréablement surpris par les soins apportés à l'emballage du produit, du vrai travail de pro!Le texte explicatif pour la découpe du jambon se révèle bien utile, et la dégustation du produit est un vrai régal pour les sens, car ce bellota tient toutes ses promesses, c'est un réel délice!
Felicitaciones por su trabajo y sus habilidades.

At first pleasantly surprised by the care taken in packaging the product, the real work of pro! The explanatory text for the cutting of the ham is very useful, and the tasting of the product is a real treat for the senses, because bellota holds all its promises, it is a real delight! Felicitaciones for su trabajo y sus habilidades.

December 19, 2018
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December 15, 2018
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Deutschland, Bayern
äußert köstlichexpresses delicious

traumhafter, nussiger Geschmack; relativ dünne Fettschicht und viel Schinken :-D; trotzdem äußerst saftig; delicious!!! wir hatten diese Keule schon mal vor 3 Jahren....die Qualität ist sensation - besser geht's nicht

fantastic, nutty taste; relatively thin layer of fat and a lot of ham: -D; nevertheless extremely juicy; delicious !!! We had this club 3 years ago .... the quality is sensation - it could not be better

December 15, 2018
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Sallent, Barcelona
No es gustosoIt is not tasty

El aspecto del jamón es bueno como siempre, pero no tiene mucho gusto y es mas bien soso, parece un defecto de curado.

The appearance of the ham is good as always, but it does not have much taste and is rather bland, it seems a curing defect.

December 9, 2018
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non stagionatanot seasoned

premetto che è la prima volta dopo 8/9 anni di acquisti sempre perfetti, questa volta un disastro, stagionatura non corrispondente a quanto dichiarato, al massimo 6 mesi! Prodotto talmente poco stagionato che non si riesce a tagliare, inoltre disossata malissimo, non stanno insieme i pezzi...

I state that it is the first time after 8/9 years of always perfect purchases, this time a disaster, seasoning not corresponding to what was declared, at most 6 months! Product so little seasoned that you can't cut it, it's also very badly boned, the pieces don't stand together ...

December 3, 2018
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nantes FR
TTBonTT Good

Véritable 5J comme on l'attend. Le summum des ibericos
Souhaité pas trop sec et obtenu ainsi.
Très bonne relation commerciale.

True 5J as expected. The pinnacle of ibericos wished not too dry and obtained as well. Very good business relationship. Thank you

November 29, 2018
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very good quality of ham, taste, colour, smell
It comes very quickly in Bergamo after my order via email
I ‘’ll order sure another time and I want tante also your other productos

November 28, 2018
Molto buonoVery good

Come sempre non delude,la stagionatura è ok e il sapore inconfondibile, quasi da dipendenza, spedizione veloce! Supporto e coltello ok

As always does not disappoint, the seasoning is ok and the taste unmistakable, almost addictive, fast shipping! Support and knife ok

November 26, 2018
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F.Javier Fernandez
F.Javier Fernandez
Bruselas. Belgica
Gustoso pero jovenPleasant but young

La calidad de la paletilla es, gustativamente, excelente. Está, a mi gusto, demasiado tierna,falta de curación y poco “persillé” de grasa. Pero es único el bellota , !!!.

The quality of the shoulder is, gustatively, excellent. It is, to my taste, too tender, lack of healing and little "persillé" fat. But the acorn is unique!

November 25, 2018
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Viroflay FRANCE
Epaule 5 j cinco rotas découpée en 2Shoulder 5 j cinco rotas cut in 2

Bon produit conforme à la commande (aspect, livraison, poids après decoupe) mais malheureusement trop salé en goût (pb de conservation ?????)

Good product according to the order (aspect, delivery, weight after cutting) but unfortunately too salty in taste (pb of conservation ?????)

November 19, 2018
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Un servicio muy bueno seguimiento y rapided
La calidad precio se nota
Lo recomiendo , 5J es señal de sabor
Aunque tiene tocino (pero sabroso )

Very good service and fast tracking
Quality price is noted
I recommend it, 5J is a sign of flavor
Although it has bacon (but tasty)

November 18, 2018
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Our regular order

We have one of these jamon on the go all year round now: it sits in its stand on the worktop with a cloth over it, and a couple of times a week we cut a plateful for a starter. We were spending a fortune on jamon from the deli counter and although a whole ham is expensive, it is much cheaper overall, and much nicer, to have a whole leg. The quality is excellent and the ham delicious. Cutting it takes time to master, but there is a certain amount of pleasure in developing that skill. The bin men may be a bit bemused when the trotter pokes out through the bin bag after we have exhausted every seam of meat, but they have not said anything yet....

September 23, 2018
alfred pahola
wien, österreich
so soll schinken schmeckenthis is how ham should taste

ist mittlerweile der 7. und 8. seiner klasse und immer wieder eine freude
von opa bis enkel - wenn der schinken angeschnitten ist gibt es soooo viele
gute freunde. was überbleibt kommt in eine gute kichererbsensuppe.

is now the 7th and 8th of his class and always a joy from grandpa to grandson - if the ham is cut, there are soooo many good friends. what remains is a good chickpea soup.

August 6, 2018
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Roma Italia
sempre grande qualitàalways great quality

spedizione puntuale, imballaggio perfetto ma soprattutto qualità e bontà del prodotto. Oramai una certezza . grazie , tornerò come sempre a comprare da voi i vostri ottimi prosciutti.

punctual shipping, perfect packaging but above all quality and goodness of the product. Now a certainty. Thank you, I will always come back to buy your excellent hams from you.

August 5, 2018
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Un servizio di consegna 5 stelle con un seguito del pacco. La spalla è ottima, alcune zone esterne un pò secche, il grasso esterno ha un odore un pò forte.Non è facile da tagliare ma con il coltello offerto ed il sopporto aiutano a fare delle fette. La prossima volta vorrei provare il Jamon. Nell'insieme una bella esperienza per il palato. Grazie Ibergour.

A 5-star delivery service with a follow-up to the package. The shoulder is excellent, some outside areas a little dry, the external fat has a smell a little strong.It is not easy to cut but with the offered knife and the support help to make slices. Next time I would like to try the Jamon. Overall a good experience for the palate. Thanks Ibergour.

July 29, 2018
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Antonio ferrao
Antonio ferrao

Second time I order 5J, both times excellent service, and the ham is extremely good.
I'll return for more as soon as the one I'm eating at the moment says its last word!

June 18, 2018
Mondovì, Italia
Sapore spettacolare, ma...Spectacular flavor, but ...

Il prodotto è arrivato nei tempi stabiliti, ottimamente imballato.
Una volta aperto, la carne è lucida, di colore rosso intenso e profuma di erbe di campo. La salatura è perfetta e il sapore è avvolgente, persistente, delicato e prepotente al tempo stesso, con un fondo di nocciola. il grasso è attorno alle carni e in sottili venature all'interno del muscolo. Si scioglie letteralmente in bocca e il suo sapore è ottimo. Però, in questo particolare prosciutto - al contrario delle altre volte in cui l'ho acquistato - la massa di grasso è decisamente molto, ma molto abbondante e il colore non è bianco-rosato (tranne che nella parte più vicina alla carne e all'interno di essa), ma tende al giallo per diventare giallo più deciso verso l'esterno. Quindi, la parte di grasso delizioso è pochina, mentre lo scarto è davvero molto abbondante. Pertanto il rapporto qualità prezzo di questa particolare spalla è inferiore a quello dei miei acquisti precedenti. Rimane comunque un prosciutto di qualità superiore, ma non tocca l'eccellenza tipica del 5J

The product arrived on time, well packaged. Once opened, the meat is shiny, of an intense red color and smells of wild herbs. The salting is perfect and the taste is enveloping, persistent, delicate and overbearing at the same time, with a hazelnut base. fat is around the flesh and in fine veins inside the muscle. It literally melts in the mouth and its taste is excellent. However, in this particular ham - unlike the other times I bought it - the fat mass is definitely very, but very abundant and the color is not pinkish-white (except in the part closest to meat and inside it), but tends to yellow to become more decisive towards the outside. So, the delicious part of fat is little, while the waste is really very abundant. Therefore the price / quality ratio of this particular shoulder is lower than that of my previous purchases. However, it remains a ham of superior quality, but does not touch the typical excellence of 5J

May 31, 2018
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Katharina S.
Katharina S.

Wir haben zum ersten Mal bei Ibergour bestellt und diesen Schinken Dank der guten Bewertungen ausgewählt. Wir wurden definitiv nicht enttäuscht und sind sehr zufrieden. Toller Geschmack, super Service - gerne wieder!

We ordered for the first time at Ibergour and selected this ham thanks to the good reviews. We were definitely not disappointed and are very satisfied. Great taste, great service - gladly again!

May 27, 2018
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Javier Martín
Javier Martín
Granada, España
Muy buena compra.Very good buy.

Me decidí por esta paletilla debido a la fama de su marca a los comentarios positivos.
Tengo que decir que ha sido todo un acierto pues en una reunión familiar ha sido todo un éxito y todo el mundo coincidía en su buen sabor y aroma. Al punto de sal.
Seguramente repetiremos la experiencia.
Pedido y envío todo perfecto. Gracias.

I decided on this shoulder because of the fame of its brand to positive comments. I have to say that it has been a success because in a family reunion it has been a success and everyone agreed on its good taste and aroma. At the point of salt. Surely we will repeat the experience. Order and shipping all perfect. Thank you.

May 11, 2018
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Région parisienne
Excellent !!Excellent !!

Toujours aussi bon ! commande arrivée rapidement et sûrement. Pas de stress et le goût est au rendez-vous.

Still as good ! order arrived quickly and surely. No stress and taste is at the rendezvous.

May 10, 2018
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Lisboa. Portugal
serviço exemplarexemplary service

Custo-benefício adequado face à qualidade do produto. Entrega rápida. Embalagem irrepreensível com os acessórios incluídos. Aconselho vivamente aos apreciadores.

Cost-effective against the quality of the product. Fast delivery. Untouchable packaging with included accessories. I strongly advise the connoisseurs.

April 19, 2018
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Produit excellent, épaule de très grande qualité pour les amateurs de ce type de jambon, livraison rapide, une erreur de numéro dans mon adresse faite par le transporteur, j'ai préféré aller chercher le colis à leur dépôt directement.

Excellent product, shoulder of very high quality for lovers of this type of ham, fast delivery, a number error in my address made by the carrier, I preferred to pick up the package to their deposit directly.

April 16, 2018
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Monte di Procida, Italia
buon prodotto ma questa volta più asciutto del solitogood product but this time drier than usual

Buon prodotto ma questa volta, rispetto alle precedenti, con "zone" più asciutte e poco gradevoli. Per il prossimo acquisto sarà opportuno valutare
un produttore alternativo.

Good product but this time, compared to previous ones, with "zones" drier and not very pleasant. For the next purchase it will be appropriate to evaluate an alternative producer.

April 9, 2018
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Copenhagen, Denmark
Very satisfied

Very satisfied with my tasty shoulder ham from 5J!
Also perfectly delivered in two pieces, vacuumed, and the bones copped and vacuumed as well.

March 24, 2018
Milano, Italia
Ottimo, ma forse non ne vale la penaGreat, but maybe it's not worth it

Sulla spalla, servizio di consegna, eccetera nulla da dire: perfetto, cinque stelle.
Il punto (il mio punto, da consumatore alle prime armi) è solo uno ed è generale: acquistato prima un prosciutto e ora una spalla, secondo me vale sempre la pena di prendere un Jamon. La spalla è buona ma non come il prosciutto, ha un prezzo apparentemente più contenuto ma ha tantissimo scarto, è molto più complicata da affettare per un consumatore occasionale quale io sono (non sono un cortador di professione).
I miei due cent

On the shoulder, delivery service, etc. nothing to say: perfect, five-star. The point (my point, from novice consumer) is only one and is general: first bought a ham and now a shoulder, in my opinion it is always worth to take a Jamon. The shoulder is good but not like the ham, has a price seemingly more contained but has a lot of waste, it is much more complicated to slice for an occasional consumer which I am (I am not a cortador by profession). My two cents

March 23, 2018
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Rapido y EficazFast and effective

Solicité una paletilla de Jabugo 5j , nunca había comprado aquí y quedé contenta
a la hora de hacer el envió te avisan en todo momento tanto si lo van a enviar como si no.
hubo incidencias climáticas en la fecha que realice el pedido y me avisaron que no podían enviarlo y a los pocos días mandaron otro mensaje diciendo que el producto salía.
lo recibí en perfectas condiciones.
gracias y volveré a comprar aquí cuan do lo necesite.

I requested a shoulder of Jabugo 5j, I had never bought it here and I was happy at the time of sending it, they let you know at all times whether they are going to send it or not. There were climatic incidents on the date that I placed the order and they warned me that they could not send it and a few days later they sent another message saying that the product was coming out. I received it in perfect condition. Thank you and I will buy again here when you need it.

March 15, 2018
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Premier achatFirst purchase

Je connaissais la marque, pas été déçue du goût. Bien livré, bien emballé. Je recommande ce produit, pour une épaule de 5kg environ c’est un bon choix.

I knew the brand, not disappointed with the taste. Well delivered, well packaged. I recommend this product, for a shoulder of 5kg is a good choice.

February 19, 2018
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Excelente calidad y servicioExcellent quality and service

Pedir la paletilla 5 jotas ya cortada y envasada al vacio y me llegó rápidamente a casa. excelente calidad y servicio.

Order the shoulder 5 jacks already cut and vacuum packed and I came quickly home. excellent quality and service.

February 8, 2018
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Mancini Domenico
Mancini Domenico
Ravenna, Italia
pienamente soddisfatto del prodottofully satisfied with the product

La consegna è stata puntuale e precisa e la confezione perfetta.
La stagionatura mi sembra fatta al punto giusto, un pò asciutta la cotenna laterale ma il prosciutto si affetta bene e la carne è morbida ed asciutta con la giusta quantità di grasso.
Il sapore veramente squisito...non sazia mai.

The delivery was punctual and precise and the perfect packaging. The seasoning seems to me made to the right point, a little dry side rind but the ham is sliced ​​well and the meat is soft and dry with the right amount of fat. The taste really exquisite ... never satisfied.

January 16, 2018
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Max G
Max G
Oxford UK
Great for a Shoulder

The Jamon was promptly delivered. Excellent packaging and arrived fresh. Lasted us the whole of the Christmas period. For a Shoulder, it was perfect as we did not need a whole leg which would have been too big. I would recommend this product definitely and my experience with Ibergour was very good.

January 2, 2018
bonnes fêtesHappy Holidays

super rien à dire, service première classe et le jambon excellent.
Je vais faire une autre commande
Bonnes fêtes

Hello, great nothing to say, first class service and excellent ham. I will make another order Happy Holidays Alain

December 31, 2017
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Thierry Clément
Mmmmmmmhh !Mmmmmmmhh!

What else ?!!! Difficile d'en dire plus...quand on a la bouche pleine....
C'est juste de la pure gourmandise ! Et une service irréprochable !!!
Merci à toute l'équipe et joyeuses fêtes !!!

What else? !!! Difficult to say more ... when you have your mouth full .... It's just pure delicacy! And an irreproachable service !!! Thank you to all the team and happy holidays !!!

December 30, 2017
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Andrea hyde
Manchester uk
5j makes christmas

Well having lived in the canaries for over 8 years, I acquired a taste for jamon, and 5jotas I’d my favourite. Ibeergour, have allowed us to continue with our Spanish tradition, with this exquisite jamon, with its rich nutty flavour. Many thanks yummy.

December 30, 2017
J. Reynolds
J. Reynolds
Sussex, U.K.
Iberico de bellota for Christmas

Unable to buy a 5J Cinco Jotas Bellota Jabugo shoulder in Malaga airport, I emailed Ibergour after we had arrived back in the U.K. The shoulder arrived within 4 days, wrapped and boxed and in perfect condition.
The quality of the shoulder is 'melt in the mouth', fantastic flavour.
I found Ibergour's website comprehensive, and their service excellent.
I will definitely be ordering from Ibergour again next Christmas.

December 30, 2017
Esher, UK

Excellent product, you cannot expect otherwise from a 5Jotas ham, moist and flavourful, full of aroma. Delivery was impeccable: ordered on Wednesday evening, they said it would be here not later than Thursday the week after, although it might be earlier: it was here on Monday, with an excellent tracking system. We will certainly order from them again.

December 21, 2017
Aachen, Deutschland
Ein GenussA pleasure

Es war ein Genuss vom Anfang an . Die Verarbeitung der Stücke und der Service auch perfekt. Hoffen wir, dass die Chinesen ein paar Jahre brauchen, um diese Delikatesse zu entdecken.

It was a treat from the beginning. The workmanship of the pieces and the service also perfect. Let's hope the Chinese will need a few years to discover this delicacy.

December 18, 2017
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C bien une épaule...Well one shoulder ...

Avant de commencer à manger faut decouenner et dégraisser... Encore et encore....Le gout est là. Je trouve la viande très rouge. Un peu salée.
La prochaine fois j'essaie une Joselito.
Peut être un peu surestimé le 5J

Before you start to eat you have to take out and degrease ... Again and again .... The taste is there. I find the meat very red. A little salty. Next time I try a Joselito. Can be a little overrated 5J

December 11, 2017
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Domingo S.
Extrem gut - buenisimoExtremely good - buenisimo

Mein dritter oder vierter Cinco Jotas, es gibt keinen besseren in dieser Preisklasse

My third or fourth Cinco Jotas, there is no better in this price range

December 3, 2017
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Georg Holzwurm
Georg Holzwurm
Bernried, DE
saugutvery good

Schnell und zuverlässig geliefert, schmeckt lecker, ist halt ein echter jamon iberico de bellota vom guten, alten Premium produzenten 5 jotas

Delivered quickly and reliably, tastes delicious, is just a real jamon iberico de bellota from the good, old premium producer 5 jotas

December 2, 2017
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Another great ham!

Another great ham! This is our 5th purchase and its always excellent. Great quality, easy to carve and delicious! Delivery was fast.

November 30, 2017
Bretagne France
Très satisfait du site et du produitVery satisfied with the site and the product

Livraison rapide.
Emballage soigneux.
Produit savoureux à la hauteur de nos attentes. Quel régal !
Site serieux, rapide, efficace
Nous y retournerons!

Quick delivery. Careful packaging. Tasty product to live up to our expectations. What a treat ! Serious site, fast, efficient We will return!

November 20, 2017
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Jena, Deutschland

Kaufe schon zum 4 oder 5 mal in Abwechslung auch den Joselitos.
War immer sehr gute Qualität sehr lecker und vor allem schnell geliefert!
Das ist ein Schinken zum verschmelzen vom Genuss vor allem in Kombination mit gutem Brot, Oliven Öl und gutem Wein......

Buy already for 4 or 5 times in a variety of Joselitos. Always very good quality was delicious and above all delivered quickly! This is a ham to merge pleasure especially in combination with good bread, olive oil and good wine ......

November 2, 2017
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Freiburg, Alemania
5J muy bueno5J very good

100% Iberico y Bellota, se sabe la diferencia, un cerdo ibérico se hubo criado en 2 hectares Dehesa por cerdo, creo que eso es cualidad!

100% Iberico and Bellota, you know the difference, an Iberian pig was raised in 2 hectares Dehesa por cerdo, I think that's quality!

October 30, 2017
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Mejor casi imposible!!!Better almost impossible !!!

Os copio el mail que os envié una vez probado el producto.
Apreciados señores:
Hemos recibido hoy su mercancía, nos congratula enviarles estas líneas para hacerles llegar nuestra conformidad i agradecimiento,
todo excelente…. desde el empaquetado, el jamonero, cuchillo, y como no el producto!!! este maravilloso 5J está insuperable.
Un aplauso y un fuerte abrazo, desde Girona.

I copy the email that I sent you once the product was tested.
Dear Sirs: We have received your merchandise today, we are pleased to send you these lines to send you our agreement and thanks, all excellent .... from the packaging, the ham holder, knife, and of course the product! this wonderful 5J is unsurpassed. Applause and a big hug, from Girona. Cordially Antoni

October 29, 2017
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Soy cliente desde hace tres años y nunca he tenido problemas hasta el último pedido. Pedí una paletilla ibérica 5j y estaba super salado. Me puse en contacto con el servicio de atención al cliente vía email y rápidamente me llamaron por teléfono y me enviaron una paletilla nueva y este último si que estaba bien de salado, en su punto normal. Gracias por cumplir con la garantía indicada en la web y por el buen servicio postventa.

I have been a customer for three years and have never had any problems until my last order. I ordered an Iberian shoulder and it was super salty. I contacted the customer service via email and they quickly phoned me and sent me a new pallet and the latter if it was fine to salty, at its normal point. Thank you for complying with the guarantee indicated on the website and for good after-sales service.

September 16, 2017
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una delizia !a delight !

Sono un assiduo consumatore di prosciutti e spalle pata negra di bellota. Anche quest'ultima è deliziosa come le precedenti.

I am a consummate consumer of hams and shoulders pata negra di bellota. The latter is also delicious as the previous ones.

September 1, 2017
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Une épaule excellente découpé avec précision pour faciliter l'emploi.
je suis ravi de la qualité de mon achat.

An excellent shoulder cut precisely for ease of use. I am delighted with the quality of my purchase.

August 17, 2017
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Villers-la-Ville, Belgique
Très bon, mais un peu grasVery good, but a bit greasy

C'était ma première épaule "pata negra"! Excellente qualité gustative. Cependant, pièce comportant assez bien de graisse. Peut-être que c'est typique de l'épaule?
Mais très apprécié!!

It was my first shoulder "pata negra"! Excellent taste. However, part with fairly good fat. Maybe it's typical of the shoulder? But very appreciated !!

June 5, 2017
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TTBon, comme d'habitude !Very Very Good, as usual!

À confirmer toutefois car première expérience "épaule découpée".
À confronter avec l'épaule entière pour la conservation, le séchage et la persistance des saveurs

To be confirmed however as first experience "shoulder cut". To be confronted with the entire shoulder for the preservation, drying and persistence of flavors

May 23, 2017
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Petra Raab
Petra Raab
Mainz, Deutschland
Geht soGoes so

5 J steht eigentlich für höchste Qualität. Wir sind etwas enttäuscht, die Paleta ist unglaublich fettig und schmierig und der Geschmack wird stark dadurch überlagert. Keine nussigen Aromen, der suchtmachende Schinkengeschmack von eichelfressenden Schweinen fehlt.

5 J is actually for the highest quality. We are a little disappointed, the paleta is incredibly greasy and greasy and the taste is heavily superimposed. No nutty flavors, the tasteful hams taste of eichressressende pigs is missing.

May 21, 2017
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Eduardo Sanchez
Eduardo Sanchez
UK and France
You Get What You Pay For

Okay, it wasn't cheap, but it is worth it. Shoulder is a bit cheaper and a bit fattier but the flavour is still great.
I have bought whole legs before to cut myself, but ended up not using it all. It has been more economical for me to buy it ready cut and vac-packed so I can now enjoy every packet in prime condition. It is very well cut, nice and thin, they also packet up the bits that couldn't be sliced into cubes and the bones, so nothing is wasted.
The Cinco Jotas ham is sweet and tasty, just as a premium Jamon Serrano should be.
I will be buying again....when this lot is finally consumed..
Que aproveche!

May 18, 2017
Angel A Vegas
No vale su precioIts not worth its price

La paletilla está insuficientemente curada. Su textura demasiado tierna (incluso impide el loncheado).Ligeramente salada. Buen aroma, pero no excepcional. Definitivamente no vale su precio. No repetiré con esta marca. Otros pedidos anteriores no me habían defraudado sino todo lo contrario. Sinceramente

The shoulder blade is insufficiently cured. Its texture is too tender (it even prevents slicing). Slightly salty. Good aroma, but not exceptional. Definitely not worth its price. I will not repeat with this mark. Other previous orders had not disappointed me but quite the contrary. Sincerely

May 16, 2017
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Spedizione tempestiva - assistenza clienti perfettaTimely shipment - perfect customer support

Il prodotto è arrivato tempestivamente.
Nella spedizione mancava il coltello che ci è stato però spedito immediatamente.
Ottima assistenza clienti!
Tempestivi e cortesi!

The product arrived in a timely manner. In the shipment we missed the knife that was sent to us immediately. Great customer service! Timeless and courteous!

April 28, 2017
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Trento, Italia
Ottimo acquisto!Great buy!

Comprata una spalla da 6 Kg per le festività pasquali. Più che sufficiente come quantità (10 persone, 2 giorni di feste in famiglia). Qualità ottima, prodotto eccellente. Spedizione rapida e confezione completa.

Bought a 6 Kg shoulder to the Easter holidays. More than enough in quantity (10 people, two days of family celebrations). Quality excellent, excellent product. rapid and complete package Shipping.

April 25, 2017
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Matilde Berjano
Matilde Berjano
Paletilla bellota excelenteExcellent acorn pallet

Buenas, quisiera comprar otra paletilla pero me gustaría igual a la anterior que fue buenísima. Espero acertar también con la próxima . Gracias por surtirnos de tan buenos productos

Good, I would like to buy another shoulder but I would like the previous one that was great. I hope to hit the next one too. Thank you for taking good care of us.

April 19, 2017
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Sehr guter Schinken.Very good ham.

Sehr guter Schinken.
Wenn man nicht Bedenken haben müsste dass bei höherer Bewertung die Preise anziehen, könnte man sagen: Ausgezeichnet...

Very good ham. If you had not have concerns that at a higher rating tighten the prices, you might say: Excellent ...

April 9, 2017
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il prosciutto ha soddisfatto in pieno le mie aspettative, ottima qualità e giusta stagionatura, sapore intenso ma aggraziato al palato, eccezionale come quelli degustati in loco da me in Andalusia, questo sito sarà nuovamente mio punto di riferimento per futuri acquisti, hasta luego!

Ham has met all my expectations, great quality and perfectly ripened, intense flavor but graceful on the palate, great as those tasted on site by me in Andalusia, this site will again be my reference point for future purchases, hasta luego!

April 8, 2017
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Dimitri Dolapsakis
Dimitri Dolapsakis
Lagonissi, Greece
Excellent addiction

Bellota de 5J is the best addiction tou can get. Fast delivery by ibergour. Packaging a little different than before. I preferred the older packaging.

April 8, 2017

Anche questo jamon è eccellente,per chi ha tasca e gusto;io cerco di proporlo e le persone rimangono esterrefatte dal gusto,un po scettici ma poi si lasciano andare ed tutto è buono accompagnandolo con buona birra ,vino bianco secco e rosso,perfetto.

Also this jamon is excellent for those who pocket and taste; I try to propose it and people are astounded by the taste, a bit skeptical but then you let go and all is good and serve with good beer, dry white wine and red, perfect.

March 27, 2017
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Sussie Nyholm
Frederiksberg, Dinamarca
No el estándar de 5J…No standard 5J ...

Muy blando y salado. Falta la complejidad del sabor que normalmente corresponde a la denominación de 5J. No voy a repetir.

Very soft and salty. the complexity of flavor that usually corresponds to the name of 5J missing. I will not repeat.

March 26, 2017
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Manuel Cardoso oliveira pinto
Manuel Cardoso oliveira pinto



March 16, 2017
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la mejor paletilla que he probado la recomiendo al 100% cada loncha de jamon merece la pena i el tocino igual

the best I've tasted shoulder 100% recommend each slice of jamon worth and equal bacon

February 15, 2017
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Muy buena la paletilla, el problema es, que esta tan rico, que dura muy poco. no le damos tiempo que se seque, esta perfecto.

Very good shoulder, the problem is that this so rich that lasts very little. We do not give it time to dry, this perfect.

February 14, 2017
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Les Ulis France
Excellent, excellent serviceExcellent, excellent service

Cette fois j'ai pris coupé à la main en paquet de 100 g.
cela peut paraitre un peu cher, mais finalement il y a moins de perte que quand on le coupe nous même, et à priori ça dure plus longtemps.
A noter notre lors de notre commande précédente de la même pièce désossée nous avions trouvé que l'épaule n'avait pas le niveau de maturité habituel, le retour et remboursement s'est parfaitement passé : Service ibergour vraiment top.

This time I took hand cut in packs of 100 g. it may seem a bit expensive, but ultimately there is less loss than when cut ourselves, and a priori it lasts longer. Note this in our previous order of the same piece boneless we found that the shoulder had not the usual level of maturity, return and refund went perfectly: Service really IberGour top.

February 4, 2017
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Muy bueno.Very good.

La paletilla 5J ha salido excelente, como siempre. Además el envío ha sido
muy rápido.

The 5J shoulder has come out excellent, as always. Plus shipping was very fast.

January 30, 2017
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francisco portero morato
francisco portero morato

buena calidad,y cumplimiento en la entrega.le recivi en los dias que me digeron.el jamonero tiene un pase peroel cuchillo lo siento pero no sirve para nada.

good quality, and delivery fulfillment. I got on the days they told me. the ham has a pass but the knife sorry but useless.

January 30, 2017
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Colis reçu rapidement, goût exceptionnel comme d'habitude et avec le couteau tranchelard et le couteau pour désosser, c'est un régal doublé d'une facilité de découpe.

Package received quickly, great taste as usual and with slicing knife and the knife to bone, it is a treat coupled with ease of cutting.

January 27, 2017
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Épaule avec beaucoup trop de gras, au final il reste que peu de maigre. La qualité n'est pas à la hauteur du prix, une grosse déception par rapport à des jambons déjà acheté chez 5 J.
A éviter

Shoulder with too much fat, in the end there is little skinny. The quality is not worth the price, a disappointment compared with hams purchased in 5 J. Avoid

January 15, 2017
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Paleta con un sabor increíble. Todas las partes son buenas, pero la maza especialmente...ufff increíble. Hay que tener en cuenta la cantidad abismal de grasa que tiene, lo cual es natural, por otro lado.
Repetiré pronto.

Palette with incredible flavor. All parts are good, but the mace especially ... phew amazing. Keep in mind the abysmal amount of fat you have, which is natural, on the other hand. I will repeat soon.

January 13, 2017
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Firenze, Italia
ottimo prodottogreat product

La spalla è arrivata in pochi giorni, ben confezionata e corredata dal supporto omaggio ed il coltello (a mio parere troppo flessibile). La spalla è buonissima come mi aspettavo, il suo grasso si scioglie a temperature basse ed al palato è gustoso. Consiglio a tutti l'acquisto!

The shoulder has arrived in a few days, well packaged and accompanied by complimentary support and the knife (in my opinion too flexible). The shoulder is very good as I expected, its fat melts at low temperature and on the palate it is tasty. Council to all purchase!

January 10, 2017
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Muy Buena paletillaVery Good shoulder

Muy buena paletilla,convenientemente cortada y empaquetada
Presentación muy buena como siempre.
Envió muy rápido y eficaz

Very good shoulder, conveniently sliced ​​and packaged. Presentation very good as always. He sent very fast and effective. Thank you

January 8, 2017
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Steve Davies
Steve Davies
Manchester, UK
Good flavoured Paletilla

Very nice jamon - very competitive pricing compared to UK distributors. Standard shipping was very reasonable and arrived in three days.

January 3, 2017
Filipe Silva
Filipe Silva
Excelente !!Excellent !!

Muito, muito bom, eu recomendo ... produto de qualidade, excelente serviço e entrega em Portugal top, voltarei a comprar sem qualquer duvida !!

Very, very good, I recommend ... quality product, excellent service and delivery in Portugal top, back to buy without any doubt !!

January 2, 2017
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Fabrizio Gargiulo
Fabrizio Gargiulo
ottimo prodottogreat product

Ho acquistato la spalla in parola in occasione delle festività Natalizie; devo dire di essere stato molto soddisfatto sia del prodotto scelto che delle modalità di consegna.
Devo dare quindi atto ad ibergour di avermi inviato davvero un prodotto di ottima qualità che ha soddisfatto pienamente le mie aspettative, facendomi fare anche un'ottima figura con amici e parenti che hanno potuto condividere il piacere di mangiare questo buonissimo Patanegra.
Sono certo di ripeter l'acquisto anche se, per i miei gusti, probabilmente la prossima volta proverò un prodotto un pò meno stagionato.

I purchased the shoulder in question during the Christmas holidays; I must say I was very pleased with both the product chosen that mode of delivery. I have to give IberGour thus capable of giving really sent a high quality product that has fully met my expectations, making me do also an excellent figure with friends and family who have been able to share the pleasure of eating this delicious Patanegra. I am sure of repeat purchase, although for my taste, probably next time I'll try a product a little less seasoned.

January 2, 2017
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Pedro Nunes
Pedro Nunes
Muito bomVery good

Presunto excelente, em sabor, cheiro e tamanho, para uma paleta.
Entrega rápida e eficaz, em 3 dias desde o pagamento.
Faca e suporte de oferta complementam o conjunto.
Voltarei provavelmente a comprar.

Excellent ham, taste, smell and color to a palette. fast and effective delivery in 3 days from the payment. Knife and offer support complement the set. Back probably to buy.

January 1, 2017
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Exzellente QualitätExcellent quality

Wirklich exzellente Produktqualität des Schinkens, eine Gaumenfreude. Zudem sehr schnelle Abwicklung und eine rasche Lieferung. Die nächste Bestellung folgt. Sehr zu empfehlen!

Really excellent product quality of the ham, the taste buds. In addition, very fast processing and quick delivery. follows the next order. We recommend!

December 31, 2016
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Johan Egertz
Johan Egertz
Värnamo Sweden
Can't be better

I have bought a 5J Bellota Jabugo Shoulder for the last 5 years. Even if we have a very famous Swedish ham to eat at christmastime in Sweden, this 5J is impossible to beat! Don't hesitate buy it.

December 27, 2016
Michele Iannuzzi
Michele Iannuzzi
Napoli, Italia
acquisto spalla JabugoShopping Shoulder Jabugo

Buon prodotto con buonissimo rapporto qualità prezzo.
Molto semplice da ordinare con dettagliate informazioni per la scelta.
Servizio e tempi di consegna rapidi e molto pratici nonostante il periodo.
Sicuramente userò in futuro possibilità di acquisto simili.

Good product with very good value for money. Very easy to order with detailed information for the selection. Service and fast and very practical delivery times despite the period. Surely I will use the possibility of such purchase.

December 26, 2016
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Edmond Légoutière
Edmond Légoutière
Le Fenouiller France
EnchantéNice to meet you

Je suis enchanté. J'ai fait le bonheur gustatif de ma famille au réveillon de Noël. Le produit m'a paru, dans l'assiette, aussi délectable que celui qu'on trouve dans les restaurants espagnols. Je l'avais acheté coupé en tranches au couteau. Pour le servir, il faut un peu de patience et de doigté pour séparer les tranches les unes des autres. Mais cela fait déjà partie du plaisir de la dégustation. Je renouvellerai très probablement cet achat.

I am delighted. I did taste the happiness of my family at Christmas Eve. The product seemed to me, on the plate, as delectable as that found in Spanish restaurants. I bought sliced ​​with a knife. To serve, you have a little patience and skill to separate the slices from each other. But this is already part of the pleasure of tasting. I will renew most likely purchase.

December 25, 2016
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M Turner
Quality Jamon

The Ham came quickly and was packed in a wooden box.
We had it as centre piece on the table at our pre Christmas cocktail party and it went down a treat.
Lovely sweet juicy Ham.

December 24, 2016
Gérard Baïsse
Gérard Baïsse
Beaucoup trop de gras!Much too fat!

Avant d'arriver à la chair, j'ai dû enlever plus de 500g de graisse!
Le goût est très bon même si le goût du gras reste un peu trop présent.
Je pense que dans cette qualité 5J il ne faut acheter que le jambon.

Before arriving in the flesh, I had to remove more than 500g of fat! The taste is very good even if the taste of fat is a little too far. I think in this quality 5J do buy the ham.

December 23, 2016
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JM de Paris
JM de Paris
Un grand succèsA great success

Epaule reçue en un temps record - Parfaitement emballée et...excellente.
Le support est également très pratique.
Je vous la recommande !

Shoulder received in record time - Perfectly packaged and ... excellent. The support is also very convenient. I recommend it!

December 19, 2016
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Jon Naik
Jon Naik
Shropshire, United Kingdom
Excellent Service top quality products

First time customer and I will definitely using this service again. From the time I ordered I was given information on the progress of the order to delivery. Products are packaged nicely and of highest quality especially the ham. Will recommend Ibergour to all my friends who will be sampling the ham over the Christmas period.

December 19, 2016
Rauzy gerard
Rauzy gerard
fontenilles france
Tres bon mais beaucoup de grasVery good but a lot of fat

Je suis tres satisfait de la qualité et du gout du jambon mais il a y beaucoup de gras ( 70 à 80% de gras). La meme dernier epaule5J acheté chez un fournisseur avait beaucoup moins de gras.

I am very satisfied with the quality and taste of the ham but ay a lot of fat (70-80% fat). The latter even shoulder5J purchased from a supplier were a lot less fat.

December 18, 2016
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Simon F
Plymouth, UK
Simply the best ham you can buy

We've bought quite a few hams over the years and I can honestly say that these are our favourite.
From the first slice to the last, always excellent and so tasty
We can't fault the quality or the speed of delivery
Will be back for another in the new year

December 12, 2016
BuonissimoVery good

Ottima scelta, il sapore unico del bellota, sicuramente lo riprenderò.
Un po' più caro ma ne vale la pena, ne rimarrete entusiasti

Good choice, the unique flavor of bellota, surely will take it back. A bit 'more expensive but it's worth it, you'll be thrilled

December 11, 2016
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Pisa, Italia
Troppo grassoToo fat

Rispetto ad altre spalle acquistate in questa è eccessiva la quantità di grasso trovata. Impeccabile la spedizione da parte di Ibergour

Compared to other shoulders purchased in this it is excessive, the amount of fat found. Impeccable shipping by IberGour

December 11, 2016
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London, UK
Good but fatty

Fast delivery, good meat, but excessive fat. Normally buy from a small producer, but wanted to try a branded product. 5J clearly leave more fat on the leg to maximise profit. Shame as otherwise tasty.

December 10, 2016
Ottimo prosciuttogreat ham

Servizio puntuale e veloce, prodotto ecccelente e ben confezionato. Ottimo in compagnia di amici oppure per consumo quotidiano lo consiglio

prompt service and fast, ecccelente produced and beautifully packaged. Great with friends or to recommend daily consumption

December 4, 2016
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George G
George G
Aylesford, United Kingdom
Cannot ask for more

Ordered for the very first time from Ibergour and I was really impressed with service to the UK. It arrived very quickly on DPD and I could track the delivery all the time. It arrived nicely wrapped and well packed. The meat was delicious and if you have tried the the meat from white pig you will notice the great difference immediately.
I would highly recommend Ibergour and I will definitely order again.
Best Wishes

December 4, 2016
Conegliano, Italia
Buona, ma troppe parti seccheGood, but too many dry parts

Sicuramente buona anche se erano presenti diverse parti piuttosto secche, a mio avviso un pò troppe.
Tra ossa, cotenna, grasso superficiale e parti secche alla fine non resta più del 30% di parte buona della spalla.
Quel che resta è comunque sublime.
Probabilmente con il prosciutto la resa è migliore.
Spedizione super rapida!

Definitely good although there were several parts rather dry, I think a little too much. Including bones, rind, surface fat and dry parts at the end does not remain more than 30% of the good part of the shoulder. What remains is still sublime. Probably with ham yield it is better. Super fast shipping!

December 3, 2016
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El cortador Finlandese
Helsinki, Finland
Cinco Jotas is Cinco Jotas

My 2nd order from Ibergour. Just what you can expect: Excellent quality!
Excellent service and a quick delivery. Pigs do have wings.

December 2, 2016
Sempre eccellentealways excellent

Ennesimo acquisto su Ibergour.
Assistenza, velocità, affidabilità, qualità della spedizione sempre ottimi.
Sul prodotto, acquistato già in passato sempre un ottimo giudizio sotto tutti gli aspetti.
Rapporto qualità prezzo molto soddisfacente.

Yet another purchase on IberGour. Service, speed, reliability, quality of delivery always excellent. Product, purchased in the past always a good judgment in all respects. very satisfactory value for money.

December 2, 2016
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roma, italia

La spalla sin dalle prime fette rilascia un profumo che incanta, un gusto allo stesso tempo delicato intenso e persistente. Sono pienamente soddisfatto dell'acquisto che consiglio vivamente.ottimi i tempi di spedizione,solo alcuni giorni dall'ordine.

Shoulder from the first slices releases a scent that enchants, a delicate taste at the same time intense and persistent. I am fully satisfied of what advice vivamente.ottimi shipping times, only a few days from the order.

December 1, 2016
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Domingo S.

Perfecto, como siempre fino y sabroso, y muy muy muy muy bueno
Perfekt, wie immer sehr fein und schmackhaft una sehr sehr sehr sehr gut

Perfect, as always fine and tasty, and very very very very good Perfekt, wie immer sehr fein und sehr sehr sehr schmackhaft one sehr gut

December 1, 2016
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esperienza misticamystical experience

il problema è : come faremo in futuro a mangiare prosciutti normali ?
Ne avevo sempre sentito parlare ma la realtà supera la fantasia !!!

the problem is: how are we going in the future to eat normal hams? I had always heard about but the reality than fiction !!!

November 28, 2016
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non plus ultrane plus ultra

E la seconda volta che acquisto una spalla Jabugo 5J, e non ho dubbi qualita' eccellente. Molto preciso e puntuale anche il servizio spedizione. Sicuramente in futuro faro' altri acquisti di questo prodotto.

And the second time you purchase a shoulder Jabugo 5J, and I have no doubt quality 'excellent. Very precise and accurate even the shipping service. Surely in the future flagship 'other purchases of this product.

November 21, 2016
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padova italia
qualità incostanteinconsistent quality

Acquistato 3 volte
ord. del 23/9 ottimo come profumo, consistenza e stagionatura
ord. del 15/10 ottimo come profumo, consistenza e stagionatura
ord. del 20/10 pessimo , molle ,maleodorante e apparentemente pochissimo stagionato

Bought 3 times ord. 23/9 as the great fragrance, texture and seasoning ord. 15/10 as the great fragrance, texture and seasoning ord. 20/10 bad, springs, smelly and apparently very little seasoned

November 5, 2016
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Les Ulis France
Produit toujours parfait mais livreur bofalways perfect product but delivery blah

Nous commandons régulièrement ce même produit désossé.
Toujours très bon.
Qualité constante et goût très puissant et long en bouche.
Petit cafouillage au niveau de la livraison du de toute évidence au passage de relais entre le livreur international et chrono poste. Pas grave.

We regularly order the same product boned. Always good. consistent quality and taste very powerful and long finish. Small mess at the delivery obviously the handover between international delivery and chrono station. Okay.

November 4, 2016
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Milano, Itali
Ottimo!!!Great !!!

Non è la prima volta che acquisto su Ibergour il 5J... Che dire...fantastico!!!! Servizio top, consegna velocissima e accurata, prodotto fantastico . Consigliato !

It is not the first time purchase on the IberGour 5J ... What can I say ... fantastic !!!! top service, fast delivery and accurate, amazing product. Recommended !

November 4, 2016
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P Garrido
P Garrido
Great service, fantastic ham

Really good service. Delivery was quick, very good packaging and the ham is delicious. I will use ibergour again, and probably try a guijuelo next time.

October 31, 2016
5J fuori concorso!!!5J out of competition !!!

Abbiamo ordinato per la prima volta su Ibergour, spedizione velocissima e staff cordialissimo.
La qualità della paleta 5J vorremmo definirla assolutamente fuori concorso....purtroppo crea dipendenza, assolutamente una delizia per i sensi.
Ordineremo sicuramente ancora.
Da segnalare la disponibilità per l'invio di un pezzo del portaprosciutto che era difettato, segnalato e subito spedito il ricambio in sostituzione.
Tutto perfetto

We ordered for the first time on IberGour, shipping fast and friendlier staff. The quality of the paleta 5J we would define it absolutely out of competition .... unfortunately addictive, definitely a treat for the senses. Definitely be ordering again. Of note, the availability to send a piece of portaprosciutto that was defective, reported and immediately shipped the parts to replace. All perfect

October 29, 2016
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Pier Francesco
Pier Francesco

Non è la prima volta che compro su Ibergour ma, anche questa volta, non posso che complimentarmi per la qualità del prodotto, del suo imballaggio, e per i tempi di consegna. Sia la spalla 5 Jotas che quella Joselito Gran Reserva comprata ad agosto erano davvero fantastiche. Bravi!!! Continuerò a comprare sul vostro sito!

Not the first time I buy on IberGour but, again, I can not say enough about the quality of the product, its packaging, and delivery times. Both the shoulder 5 Jotas that the Joselito Gran Reserva bought in August were really fantastic. Well done !!! I continue to buy on your site!

October 25, 2016
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Christer S
Christer S
Helsinki, Finland
Just as promised

Cinco Jotas must be the best paleta I've ever tasted. A good otion for those, who don't want to spend on a real jamon bellota. Beats any serrano ham in taste.
Very speedy delivery is a plus.

October 16, 2016
Paco  Hidalgo
Berlín, Alemania
Sencillamente buenosimply good

Sencillamente bueno,poca grasa,sabor que no deja indiferente a nadie,buen color,textura aceptable y diría que 3/4 partes de la paletilla estaba en su punto, pero menos de 1/4 parte para mi gusto bastante crudo,sobretodo la carne que rodeaba el hueso de la rodilla - creo que le faltaba algunos días mas de secado. Pero no quiero decir que no estuviera bueno. Seguro que repito, ya he comprado anteriormente . Por cierto el transporte como siempre rapidísimo.

Simply good, low-fat, flavor that leaves no one indifferent, good color, acceptable texture and say that 3/4 of the blade was just right, but less than 1/4 of crude enough for my taste, especially meat surrounding the knee bone - I think he needed a few days drying. But I do not mean it was not good. Sure I repeat, I have already bought previously. By the way transport as always very fast.

October 3, 2016
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fasano luigi
fasano luigi
prodotto ottimogreat product

devo concordare con voi che questa spalla che ho già comprato l'anno scorso,è confacente alle mie aspettative,prodotto eccellente che ricomprerò appena l'ho finito,sono soddisfatto.

I have to agree with you that this shoulder that I bought last year, was relevant to my expectations, excellent product that soon will buy I finished it, I'm satisfied.

October 3, 2016
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Superbe épaule livrée rapidement.
Affinage parfait et goût inimitable mes amis en redemandent.
J'en recommanderai lorsqu'on l'aura terminé

Superb shoulder delivered quickly. perfect refining and inimitable taste my friends want more. I recommend when it is completed will

September 23, 2016
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Deslucido corte a manoBleached cut by hand

La Paleta buena, al menos la parte magra. El tocino lo echaron a perder completamente con el corte a mano dejando una proporción demasiado baja en la loncha. El grosor correcto. En conclusión yo no recomiendo pagar un corte a mano de estas características que suponga un plus de precio sobre el producto.

Paleta good, at least lean. Bacon threw him completely lose cutting by hand leaving a too low proportion in the slice. The correct thickness. In conclusion I recommend not paying a cut hand these characteristics involving a plus price on the product.

September 23, 2016
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Peter Gablitzka
Peter Gablitzka
se merece cada euroIt is worth every euro

me encantó, delicioso. buena curación y muy tierno. era un regalo para una boda y todos los invitados opinaban igual. volveré a comprarlo

I loved it, delicious. good healing and very tender. it was a gift for a wedding and all the guests felt the same. I will buy it

September 21, 2016
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Ain, Francia
Paletilla de Jabugo 5J - PerfectaJabugo 5J - Perfect

El pedido se hizo en la web el viernes 01/09/2016 a las 17h50, enviado el sábado 02/09/2016 a las 16h05 a Francia, entregado el martes 06/09/2016. La paletilla estaba envuelta en un trapo de tela, a su vez envalada en plástico y todo en una caja de cartón bien protegido.
El producto llegó en perfectas condiciones. Actualmente ya consumido casi en 50% y pensando en el siguiente.

The order was made on the web on Friday 01/09/2016 at 17h50, Saturday sent 02.09.2016 at 16h05 to France, delivered on Tuesday 06/09/2016. The shoulder was wrapped in a cloth rag turn envalada plastic and all well protected in a cardboard box. The product arrived in perfect condition. Currently already it consumed almost 50% and thinking about the next.

September 16, 2016
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Buono come sempreAs good as ever

La spalla è buonissima. Ibergour una garanzia. Questa volta ho scelto il prodotto pre affettato. Molto curata la confezionatura.
Alla prossima

The shoulder is very good. IberGour a guarantee. This time I chose the pre sliced ​​product. Well cared for the confezionatura. the next

September 4, 2016
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roberto ferrari
rovigo, italia
buono ,ma troppo salegood, but too much salt

il prosciutto sarebbe molto buono ,ma perde molto per via del sale esagerato che è stato usato per conservarlo.
troppo sale confonde il gusto del prosciutto.e fa pure male alla salute.

Ham would be very good, but lose much because of exaggerated salt which was used to store it. too much salt confuse the taste of ham and is bad for your health as well.

August 29, 2016
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Luis León
tan bueno como esperábamosas good as expected

Paletilla de 4.75 kg, el jamón en su punto perfecto. Repetiremos. Se retrasó el envío urgente dos días debido a la localidad algo remota (norte de Suecia). Así todo llegó a tiempo, y durante todo el proceso fuimos puntualmente informados por el personal de Ibergour. Muchas gracias

4.75 kg shoulder, ham in their perfect spot. Repeat. the urgent dispatch two days due to the somewhat remote location (northern Sweden) was delayed. So everything arrived on time, and throughout the process we were promptly informed by staff at IberGour. Thank you very much

August 22, 2016
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Muchísimo tocinoVery much bacon

Esta es la tercera que compramos las anteriores buenísimas ,pero esta última nos ha defraudado, muchísimo tocino, hay q tirar una gran parte de la paletilla, y el sabor no tiene nada q ver con las anteriores, la próxima cambiare de marca.

This is the third we buy previous buenisimas, but the latter has let us down, much bacon, you have to throw a large part of the shoulder blade, and the taste has nothing to do with the previous, next cambiare brand.

July 8, 2016
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Aberdeen, UK
Excellent wedding gift

I bought this product as a wedding gift for my friends. They absolutely loved it and the taste is great!

June 19, 2016
Domingo S.
Der Hammer, wie immerThe Incredible, as always

Wunderbarer Iberico, wie er sein soll. Geschmacklich der Hammer. Werde bald wieder bestellen.

Wonderful Iberico, as it should be. The taste of the incredible. Will order again soon.

May 5, 2016
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Olivier ROBERT
Olivier ROBERT
Lyon , FRNCE
Plutot bienPretty good

Épaule de Belle qualité mais manquant un peu de maturité par rapport au vieillissement d'un jambon.
Peut être à laisser sécher encore quelques mois avant degustation

Shoulder Beautiful quality but lacking a bit of maturity in relation to the aging of a ham. May be to leave even dry a few months before tasting

April 21, 2016
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Äußerst delikatExtremely delicate

Schmeckt genau so gut, wie in Jabugo vor Ort. Sehr gute Qualität. Schnelle Lieferung. War sicher nicht die letzte Bestellung hier.

Tastes as good as in Jabugo on site. Very good quality. Fast delivery. Was certainly not the last order here.

April 18, 2016
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3ème commande, je monte en gamme mais la livraison est de plus en plus rapide, mes amis m'aiment de plus en plus et le produit disparaît à vue d'œil ! Merci.

3rd order, I upgrade but the delivery is growing fast, my friends love me more and more and the product disappears visibly! Thank you.

March 26, 2016
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trop de grastoo much fat

cette epaule a tres bon gout par contre il y a enormement de gras, voire trop de gras. c'est dommage

this shoulder has very good taste by cons there is enormously fat or too much fat. too bad

March 19, 2016
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alfred pahola
austria, viena
das ist jamonthat's jamon

ist nicht der erste und wird nicht der letzte sein
für mich und meine familie vom großvater bis zu den enkeln und gute freunde

is not the first and will not be the last for me and my family from grandfather to the grandchildren and good friends

February 27, 2016
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Excellent Product as awalys

5J remains the premium Iberico ham. Bought as a centrepiece for my daughters engagement party and it went down a treat

February 23, 2016
Vraiment le topReally the top

Juste du caviar. Conditionnement absolument parfait, et un envoi rapide. On en vient à oublier le prix, pour le coup justifié. Je recommande sans réserve.

Just caviar. Packaging absolutely perfect, and fast shipment. We come to forget the price for the blow justified. I recommend it.

February 22, 2016
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All fantastic! The product is delicious and the delivery was on time with no issue; all as promised! great service and amazing pata negra,thanks!

February 22, 2016
Maggie Hatch
Maggie Hatch
Menorca, Spain
excellent choice

Ham was bought as a gift for friends we stayed with in UK at Christmas - arrived quickly, well packed, and absolutely delicious ! So soft and tender and tasted amazing - one of the best we've had.

February 16, 2016
Domingo S.
Regensburg, Deutschland
Ein TraumA dream

Mit Sicherheit einer der besten Schinken, die ich jemals gegessen habe!!!

Certainly one of the best ham I've ever eaten !!!

February 15, 2016
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Paris France
Très bon mais trop de grasVery good but too much fat

Livraison respectée dans les temps
Épaule très bien emballée et protégée
Socle et couteau de tres nonne qualité et robuste
Qualité du jambon exceptionnelle
Seul bémol trop de couche de gras à enlever avant d'atteindre le jambon

Delivery time respected in the shoulder very well packaged and protected base and knife very nun quality and robust Quality of exceptional ham only downside too fat layer to be removed before reaching the ham

January 30, 2016
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Nacho Abascal
Toulouse, Francia
Calidad esperada. Entrega impecableExpected quality. Impeccable delivery

Realicé el pedido un domingo, Paletilla de Jabugo 5J Cinco Jotas Bellota cortada. Llegó a Toulouse (Francia) el viernes siguiente por la mañana. Calidad del producto, que ya lo había comprado en otras ocasiones, sin cortar, muy buena, la esperada. Muy bien cortado, lonchas muy finas (cortado a máquina), con láminas de plástico entre cada loncha para evitar que se rompan al sacarlas. Con sacar el paquete 5 minutos antes de consumir de la nevera, está perfecto para consumir. Siempre informado por email y sms del estado del pedido, el transportista me llamó una hora antes de la entrega para asegurar que estaba en casa. El pedido llega en buen estado, muy bien empaquetado. Totalmente recomendable para españoles fuera de España que echamos de menos el jamón. Costes de envío muy competitivos.

I placed the order on Sunday, Jabugo 5J Cinco Jotas Bellota cut. He arrived in Toulouse (France) the following Friday morning. Product quality, who had already bought in the past, uncut, very good, as expected. Nicely cut very thin slices (cut machine) with plastic sheets between each slice to prevent breakage upon removal. With five minutes to make the package before taking the fridge, it is perfect for consumption. Stay updated by email and SMS order status, carrier called me an hour before delivery to ensure he was home. The order arrives in good condition, very well packaged. Strongly recommended for Spaniards outside Spain we miss the ham. Very competitive shipping costs.

January 25, 2016
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Frankfurt am Main
100% iberico but 60% fat!100% iberico but 60% fat!

Sehr viel fett bei diesen Vorderschinken, nicht verwunderlich bei dem Preis! An manchen Stellen ist das fleich auch sehr hart bzw. getrocknet, aber 1,5 kg gutes Bellota-Fleisch kriegt man raus.
Produkt kommt in Plastiktüte, Der Schinken ist im schwarzen Strumpf, ein schönes 5J Etikett und die bekannte schwarze Pfote.

A lot of fat in these hams, not surprising for the price! In some places the meat is also very hard or dried, but 1.5 kg good bellota meat you're gonna get out. Product comes in a plastic bag, the ham is in black stockings, a beautiful 5J label and the familiar black paw.

January 24, 2016
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Sonia Busetti
Sonia Busetti
Molto buonoVery good

L'ho comperata disossata, molto buona, equilibrio ottimale tra carne grassa e magra.
Sapore forse un po' troppo salato, la ricordavo più dolce.
La prossima volta chiedo se sia possibile confezionare la spalla in due pezzi anziché un solo pezzo sotto vuoto da 2,5 kg!!

I bought boneless, very good, optimal balance of fat and lean meat. Flavor maybe a little 'too salty, I remembered it sweeter. The next time you wonder whether it is possible to package the shoulder in two pieces instead of one piece vacuum to 2.5 kg !!

January 11, 2016
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Impressive ham

You will never know what is real ham if you keep buying overpriced Italian ham at Tesco. That was my decision
They send you packed ham in 100 g sachets that are consumable during next 6 months.
Now, I am enjoying superb ham at a reasonable price.

January 9, 2016
Barcelona, España
Buena paletillaGood shoulder

La paletilla estaba muy buena de sabor, pero le faltaba curación. Excelente sabor! La paletilla llegó a Austria perfectamente en 48 horas. Muy buen servicio de entrega.

The shoulder was very good flavor, but lacked healing. Great taste! The blade reached Austria perfectly in 48 hours. Very good service delivery.

January 8, 2016
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London, UK
Delicious paleta!

We are true lovers of jamon iberico, eating it often in Spain and in tapas bars in London - always bellota of course! We sometimes treat ourselves to a whole paleta at home, especially at the festive season when we'll be at home a lot and entertaining friends & family. (Even then, a jamon is just too big.) This is the first time we've had a 5J Cinco Jotas Jubugo paleta and it is truly delicious, certainly as good as any we've previously had.

January 3, 2016

Todo perfecto. La paletilla estaba en su punto y con un buen balance de magro/graso. Quedé como un rey frente a mi familia Italiana.

All perfect. The shoulder was just right with a good balance of lean / fat. I was like a king in front of my Italian family.

December 31, 2015
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Top JabugoTop Jabugo

Excelente, como cada año!
La calidad, el servicio y los complementos que se adjuntan.
Ideal para enviar al extranjero y para regalos.

Excellent, as every year! Quality, service and accessories attached. Ideal to send abroad and gifts. Thank you!

December 28, 2015
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Alberto Tumiatti
Lago Maggiore (Varese)
Spalla ottima ma non semplice nel'affettareShoulder great but not simple nel'affettare

Difficoltoso rimane il taglio, in special modo per un dilettante.
Comunque sia sono riuscito nell'intento di farlo bene; naturalmente seguendo le direttive delle istruzioni da voi fornitemi. La qualità rientra a mio avviso una tra le migliori. Al taglio si sente un ottimo profumo, mentre al tatto di sapore rientra in una sorta nicchia ben saporito ma non troppo. Un gusto eccellente senza per questo eccedere ma ritenendola al di sopra della medio alta. Ritengo quindi di non essermi sbagliato nel comprarlo. Auguri di Buon Anno

The cut remains difficult, especially for an amateur. However both are successful in doing it well; of course, following the directives of the instructions given to me by you. The quality falls in my opinion one of the best. When cut, it feels a great scent, while the touch of flavor is part of a kind niche well but not too tasty. Excellent taste without exceeding but considering it above the average high. I therefore believe that I did not buy it wrong. Happy New Year

December 28, 2015
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Excellent, service rapide et parfaitExcellent, fast service and perfect

Passer commande d'une épaule 5J Cinco Jotas Belota un soir vers minuit et savourer quelques jours plus tard ce fleuron de la cuisine hispanique en famille en région parisienne. Merci Internet et Ibergour.

Ordering a shoulder 5J Cinco Jotas belota one night around midnight and enjoy a few days later this jewel of the Hispanic kitchen with family in Paris. Thank you Internet IberGour.

December 27, 2015
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Tarifa, Cádiz
5J nunca defrauda5J never disappoints

Ha salido muy bueno, ni muy salado ni dulce. Este año es la segunda vez que lo compro. La vez anterior compré la paletilla entera para cortar y esta vez lo compré cortado a máquina...muy cómodo y práctico sin perder básicamente su sabor. El envasado al vacío trae entre capas de lonchas unas láminas de plástico que es mejor que poner papel, ya que este absorbe la grasita buena y tiende a secar el jamón. No pongo 5 estrellas porque el de hace dos años estaba exquisito y este está bueno pero no exquisito. En ello influye que cortar el jamón al momento está más bueno que si viene cortado. Pero merece la pena comprarlo cortado, sobre todo para consumidores que tardan en gastar el jamón. Trae los huesos y tacos de jamón también envasados al vacío.
Muy buena compra. Una amiga lo probó y le gustó tanto que me pidió que le encargara uno.
Muy buen servicio de venta y postventa de ibergour. Y el transporte rápido.

It has gone very well, not too salty nor sweet. This year is the second time I bought. Last time I bought the whole blade to cut and this time I bought a machine cut ... very comfortable and practical without basically lose their flavor. Vacuum packaging brings slices between layers of sheets of plastic that is better than putting paper as it absorbs the good greasers and tends to dry the ham. I do not put 5 stars because the two years was exquisite and this is good but not exquisite. This is influenced to cut the ham when it is more good if it comes cut. But worth buying cut, especially for consumers who are slow to spend the ham. Bring bones and tacos also vacuum-packed ham. Very good buy. A friend tried it and liked it so much they asked me to take care one. Very good sales and after sales service IberGour. And fast transport. Thank you

December 25, 2015
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Buono,non eccelle,ma comunque buono, eccellente il servizio,la cortesia,l'attenzione al cliente. Impeccabile la spedizione, veloce e ben confezionato. Da ricomprare.

Good, does not excel, but still good, excellent service, courtesy and attention to the customer. Impeccable shipping, fast and well packaged. To buy back.

December 20, 2015
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Prosciutto ottimo buonissimo
Spedizione super veloce
Azienda molto seria tra le migliori sul web
Che dire dì più?
Sono contento di essere stato vostro cliente!

Ham excellent delicious super fast shipping company very serious among the best on the web What more day? I'm glad to be a returning customer!

December 18, 2015
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Relación precio/calidad OKPrice / quality OK

Esta vez recibe la paletilla un aprovado. Las he provado mejores por este precio, lo que no significa que no este buena pero me esperaba un poquito más.

This time receiving an approved shoulder. Have proven the best for this price, it does not mean that is not good but I expected a little more.

December 17, 2015
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Paletilla de jabugo 5JJabugo 5J

El sabor es muy bueno.Buena calidad.
Creo que habría sido mejor comprar jamón en lugar de paletilla que tiene mucho más hueso.
Lo han enviado bien embalado y con rapidez.
Puede que vuelva a comprar pero deshuesado.

The taste is very bueno.Buena quality. I think it would have been better to buy instead of shoulder ham has more bone. They have sent well packaged and quickly. You can come back to buy but boning.

December 9, 2015
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Berlin, Deutschland
Preis-Leistung - eine FrechheitValue for money - a joke

Wir reisen seit vielen Jahren nach Spanien und sind ebenso lange begeisterte Jamón-Fans. Wir haben schon unterschiedliche Arten und Lieferanten in- und außerhalb Spaniens ausprobiert und haben unterschiedliche Erfahrung gemacht. Nach dem letzten Spanien-Besuch und dem Test von Cinque Jotas in der Boqueria in Barcelona dachten wir, dass wir es zu Weihnachten 2015 mit diesem Jamón, dem Top of the Pops, dem Bellota aus Jabugo, versuchen. Wir wussten ja, was wir erwarten können, und entsprechend groß war die Vorfreude. Das Ergebnis nach dem Auspacken: mehr als enttäuschend. Bevor wir überhaupt etwas vom eigentlichen Schinken zu sehen bekamen, mussten wir erst einmal ca. 1 kg Schwarte wegschneiden. Dasselbe galt für die Rückseite. Von den verbliebenen 3 kg war gut die Hälfte so fettdurchsetzt, dass wir insgesamt ca 2 kg Fleisch herausbekamen. Macht 70 Euro pro Kilo. Das ist nicht akzeptabel, sondern eine Frechheit und grenzt an Betrug. Das war nicht nur unsere erste und letzte Bestellung bei Ihnen - wir werden auch warnen, bei Ihnen einzukaufen.

We will travel to Spain for many years and are just as long Jamón enthusiastic fans. We have different types and domestic suppliers and tried outside Spain and have made different experience. After the last visit to Spain, and the test of Cinque Jotas in the Boqueria in Barcelona we thought that we at Christmas 2015 with this Jamón, the Top of the Pops, the Bellota Jabugo, try. We knew what to expect, and was correspondingly great anticipation. The result after unpacking: more than disappointing. Before we got to see anything from the actual ham, we had to cut off about 1 kg rind once. The same was true for the reverse. Of the remaining 3 kg, half was so fat interspersed that we got out a total of about 2 kg of meat. Power 70 euros per kilo. This is not acceptable, but an impertinence and borders fraud. This was not only our first and last order with you - we will also alert you to shop with you.

November 29, 2015
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Boulogne France
Que c'est bon !It's good !

J'en suis à ma 3ème ou 4ème commande de Jabugo. C'est toujours aussi bon et de qualité. Le service est rapide et le service après vente efficace.

I am in my 3rd or 4th control Jabugo. It is always good and quality. The service is fast and efficient after sales service.

November 25, 2015
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Ligeramente falto de maduraciónSlightly lacking in maturity

Muy buena calidad como corresponde a un 5J aunque no le hubiese venido mal unos meses más de maduración. Rápido y eficaz servicio como siempre.

Very good quality as befits a 5J although he had not been ill a few months of maturation. Quick and efficient service as always.

November 23, 2015
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très bon Jambon comme d'habitude. Livraison rapide et soignée.
La découpe au couteau est parfaite et permet de conserver je jambon plus longtemps.

Ham very good as usual. Fast delivery and careful. The cutting knife is perfect and I will keep longer ham.

November 22, 2015
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UK, Reading
Fantastic Jamon

Fantastic jamon. This is a shoulder, so some cuts have more fat but in my opinion the fat gives it great flavor. Perfect with Gran Reserva Rioja Alta First time I bought the whole leg, definitely coming back to ibergour again.

November 21, 2015
Jean M.
une excellente épauleexcellent shoulder

Epaule très savoureuse, elle est partie en une soirée !
On sent bien la saveur typique du bellota même si ce n'est pas un jambon.
Du coup cela fait un budget assez accessible pour un bon résultat.

Shoulder very tasty, she went in one evening! The typical flavor of bellota we feel even if it is not a ham. So this is a fairly accessible budget for a good result.

November 20, 2015
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David and Val
David and Val
Halifax, England
Great service and excellent product

I have only just received the 5J and haven't started cutting as yet however so far the service from Ibergour has been excellent and the product arrived on time, packed well and looks great. I can however comment on the last Gran Reserva Iberica Bellota that I have just finished, it was fantastic. Cant wait to start this one.

November 19, 2015
FUVEAU , France

comme toujours les jambons et épaules sont excellents. Dommage qu'il n'y a plus de lomo et chorizo qui étaient aussi très bons

as always hams and shoulders are excellent. Too bad there is more lomo and chorizo ​​which were also very good

November 19, 2015
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qualità ottima spedizione ottimaShipping excellent quality excellent

ottima qualità e spedizione perfetta .sapori unici e inconfondibili come mi aspettavo.
la confezione è eccellente per un risultato vero sapore di un prodotto sublime

excellent quality and perfect delivery .sapori unique and unmistakable as I expected. the packaging is excellent for a result real flavor of a product sublime

November 16, 2015
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BuonissimoVery good

Buonissimo bellota mi sono divertito molto. Ottimo prodotto da ricomprare per l'elevato rapporto qualitativo. L'ho mangiato con un amico a cui é piaciuto molto.

Bellota delicious I really enjoyed myself. Great product to buy back the high quality report. I ate with a friend who is loved.

November 16, 2015
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Milton Keynes, UK
Very Tasty

This is my first purchase from ibergour and I'm very pleased with the 5J shoulder. I picked a shoulder because we are a family of 4, with 2 small kids. So far the meat is moist and tasty and we've just about finished the maza I think (the smaller part). The problem is, we're eating it a little more quickly than anticipated as it might be gone before Christmas.
It's great for a little snack at the end of the evening with a nice glass of wine..
I think the meat/fat ratio is just fine - the fat itself is good quality and can be eaten with the ham, so long as the yellowy parts next to the rind have been removed.
Quite likely to buy again, perhaps a Jamon (rather than a shoulder) depending on how long the bigger side of the meat takes to finish off.

November 16, 2015
Biella Italia

Veloci e precisi nella consegna, avvenuta in 48 ore, buon imballaggio, ottimo il prodotto, con attenzione al rapporto qualità prezzo, complimenti.

Fast and accurate delivery, which occurred in 48 hours, good packaging, excellent product, with emphasis on value for money, congratulations.

November 15, 2015
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Un'ottima spallaA great shoulder

Stagionatura ottima, giusta sapidità ed estremamente saporita. Il bilanciamento tra grasso e parte magra è giusto, almeno per quanto riguarda la pezzatura più piccola. Il servizio Ibergur è eccezionale. Il pacco è arrivato in soli tre giorni con un imballo accurato e molto sicuro. Ne consiglio l'acquisto a chie è ancora titubante.

Excellent seasoning, right flavor and extremely tasty. The balance between fat and lean part is right, at least as regards the size smaller. Ibergur service is outstanding. The package arrived in only three days with an accurate packaging and very safe. I recommend buying a chie is still hesitant.

November 15, 2015
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Les ulis, France

Ca fait plusieurs fois que je commande ce produit.
Livraison et présentation toujours impeccable.
Je trouve l'épaule particulièrement savoureuse encore un fois.

It's been several times that I order this product. Delivery and always impeccable presentation. I find particularly tasty shoulder still time.

October 26, 2015
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Sempre ottimoAlways great

Ormai cliente affezionato e sempre molto soddisfatto di tutti gli aspetti (qualità, tempi di spedizione, imballaggi, omaggi).
In particolare questa spalla, acquistata per la prima volta, si è rivelata di ottima qualità.
Mix di grasso e magro perfetto, sapore fantastico e delicato.
Rapporto qualità/prezzo davvero interessante.

Now loyal customer and always very satisfied with all aspects (quality, delivery times, packaging, gifts). In particular, this shoulder, purchased for the first time, proved to be of excellent quality. Mix of fat and lean perfect, great taste and delicate. Quality / price ratio really interesting.

October 21, 2015
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Bernardo Doucet
Bernardo Doucet
Rambouillet, Francia.
muy buenovery good

Paletilla un poco salada pero con muy buen sabor.
La paletilla venia con algo de grasa de la piel retirada : o sea que la proporcion de carne fue mayor que si hubiesen dejado toda la grasa (proporcion carne /peso interesante para el cliente).
El empaquetado al vacio y el envio hecho por Ibergour muy eficaz.
Servicio muy amable. Esta paletilla tenia que viajar a america latina, entonces pude pedir a Ibergour que dejaran aparente una etiqueta con el sello de la Union Europea debajo del film plastico de empaquetado al vacio.

Shoulder a little salty but with very good taste. The blade came with some fat removal skin: that is, the proportion of meat was higher than if they had left all the fat (meat proportion / interesting for the customer weight). Vacuum packaging and shipping by IberGour very effective. Very friendly service. This shoulder had to travel to Latin America, then you could ask IberGour apparent left a label with the seal of the European Union under the plastic film vacuum packaging.

October 20, 2015
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Slough, UK
A forced choice

Most Ibergour offerings are now for minimum 2.5Kg quantity, and as a single home user, that's too much to take at one time. This Jabugo was offered at 1.5kg, which is a manageable amount, and is the main reason I ordered it. As Iberico ham goes, it's not bad, but I've definitely had better, and will probably hope to find something else offered in amounts less than 2.5Kg next time.

October 4, 2015
san juste , Huesca
muy buenovery good

Muy bueno. Muy buen servicio y muy bien informado del proceso , desde antes del momento de la compra.
Y muy útil jamonero y cuchillo.
Estàn en mi lista de favoritos
Los tendré en cuenta para futuras compras.

Very good. Very good service and very knowledgeable of the process from before the time of purchase. And ham and knife handy. Are on my list of favorites will consider for future purchases.

October 4, 2015
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Delicieux mais...Delicious, but ...

des parties un peu trop fermes, difficiles à trancher fin... c'est dommage car le gout est là mais la mastication est parfois difficile...

portions a bit too firm, difficult to determine the end ... it's a shame because the taste is there but chewing is sometimes difficult ...

September 6, 2015
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Tres decu avec lepaule 5J.
Il y a pas un bout de viande. 90% de lepaule sont les grasse et os..
Une erreur de commander ce produit.

Very disappointed with shoulder 5J. There is not a piece of meat. 90% of the shoulder are the fat and bones .. a mistake to order this product.

August 2, 2015
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Heinz Günter
Heinz Günter
besser als erhofftbetter than expected

Kann nichts negatives sagen. Die Lieferung, trotz alledem, dass er direkt aus Spanien kam, war super. Die Qualität zu dem Preis; da gibt es nichts zu meckern.
Wir hatten einen mediteranen Abend gestaltet und haben den Schinken angeboten. Das kam sehr gut an und auch der Geschmack war gut und einwandfrei.
Von meiner Seite aus immer wieder.

Can not say anything negative. The delivery, in spite of everything, that he came directly from Spain, was awesome. The quality for the price; since there is nothing to complain about. We had designed a Mediterranean evening and have offered the ham. This was very well received and the taste was good and properly. From my side again.

July 10, 2015
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London, UK
Ham is great

Ham is great - all good, there are no problems at all, delivery when said. Will order again. Thank you.

July 10, 2015

service rapide et produit exceptionnel, ce n'est pas le 1er achat et je suis toujours aussi satisfait. livré avec l'huile, plutôt que le support.
a la limite, je serai heureux de recevoir des échantillons d'autres jambons à l'achat d'une épaule, afin de pouvoir comparer...

fast service and exceptional product, this is not the first purchase and I'm still satisfied. supplied with oil, rather than the carrier. the limit, I'll be glad to receive samples of other hams on the purchase of a shoulder, so you can compare ...

July 1, 2015
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Cardiff, UK
Will buy again....

For my first Jamon I found the art of slicing very difficult but soon got the hang of it. I have to say that I absolutely couldnt get enough of it when I had mastered the art of thin slice of lean with a ripple of the fat! Spanish, Argentinian and British friends agree that the flavour is amazing. Wish I could afford to buy a larger Jamon (back leg).....the stand is a bit basic so I ordered another from Amazon but the knife is fine. Thanks 5J and Ibergour!

May 28, 2015
Das richtige für festliche Tage!The right for festive days!

Mal wieder ein echter Festtagsschmaus und alle Gäste waren begeistert. Vom ersten bis zum letzten Stück durchweg hervorragender Geschmack. Gerne wieder, insbesondere weil der Versand auch super schnell und transparent abläuft. Da kann man wirklich schnell entscheiden und sich darauf verlassen.
W. Geisinger

Again a real festive feast and all the guests were delighted. From the first to the last piece of consistently superior taste. Gladly again, especially because of shipping also runs super fast and transparent. Since you can really decide quickly and rely on. W. Geisinger

May 10, 2015
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belllota??????belllota ??????

Tous simplement déçu.
Bellota on son demande pour quoi le gout n'y est pas.
Par co,tre la livraison nickel.

All just disappointed. Bellota is a demand for what the taste is not there. As against the nickel delivery.

April 26, 2015
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Simon F
Simply wonderful ham

I have purchased a few hams and I always go back to 5J, for me it's the best tasting ham. I ordered my latest ham and it was delivered within 5 days, my family couldn't be happier, the taste and quality is as high as ever

March 31, 2015
5J mediano5J medium

Paleta conpoca grasa infiltrada, un poco seca y salada. Producto de calidad mediana, que no merece tener el sello 5J apuesto.

Palette conpoca infiltrated fat, a little dry and salty. Medium quality product that deserves not have the seal 5J handsome.

March 18, 2015
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Sehr guter PaletillaVery good Paletilla

-Bestellung reibungslos
-Lieferung vorbildlich und man wusste immer wo sich der Schinken gerade aufhält.
-Schinken von guter Qualität, etwas leichter als bestellt.
-Die negativen Bewertungen wegen zuviel Fett kann ich nicht bestätigen. Natürlich gibt es auch einiges an Fett, aber dies gehört dazu und schmeckt lecker. Also mein Schinken hatte einen normalen Fettanteil.
-Alles in allenm ein empfehlenswerter Kauf und ein gutes Preis/Leistungs- Verhältnis.
Werde wieder bei ibergour bestellen.

-Order Smoothly -Delivery exemplary and you always knew where the ham is currently located. Ham of good quality, lighter than ordered. -The Negative reviews because of too much fat I can not confirm. Of course, there are also a lot of fat, but this is one of them and it tastes delicious. So my ham had a normal fat content. -Everything In AllenM a recommended purchase and a good price / performance ratio. Will order again in ibergour.

March 16, 2015
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Trevi Perugia
Ottimo servizio ottimo prodottoGreat service great product

Tutto ottimo come pure la celerità e la puntualità di spedizione che di comunicazione..
Il prodotto è buono. La prossima volta proverò il prosciutto.

All very good as well as the speed and punctuality of delivery that communication .. The product is good. Next time I'll try the ham.

March 7, 2015
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D. Wesp
Licht und SchattenLight and shadow

Der Vorderschinken wurde schnell geliefert un ist ordentlich verpackt. Er hatte relativ viel Fett, verglichen mit einem Cinco Jotas Vorderschinken, den ich in der Markthalle in Barcelona gekauft hatte. Der Schinken ist relativ salzig und wirkt auf mich nicht lange genug gelagert. Im Inneren finden sich Stellen, die fast roh wirken und sich aufgrund der Weichheit schlecht schneiden lassen. Trotzdem ist der Schinken frisch aufgeschnitten kein Vergleich zu anderen Produkten, hat aber auch seinen Preis.

The ham was quickly delivered un is neatly packed. He had quite a lot of fat, compared with a Cinco Jotas ham, which I had bought in the market hall in Barcelona. The ham is relatively salty and has not been stored long enough for me. Inside you will find places that look almost raw and can be due to the softness cut bad. Nevertheless, the ham is freshly cut no comparison to other products, but also has its price.

March 3, 2015
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buono ma...good but ...

il servizio e` ottimo, il prosciutto e` molto buono, ed e` davvero un peccato che questa spalla presentava una quantita` di grasso eccessiva rispetto al peso totale, nonche` rispetto al proscitto effettivamente consumabile (escludendo le ossa).

the service is excellent, the ham is very good, and it is really a shame that this had a shoulder excessive amounts of fat compared to the total weight Indivudual compared to proscitto actually consumable (excluding bones).

February 27, 2015
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Schinken Paletilla 5J Cinco Jotas Bellota aus Jabugo5J Cinco Jotas Bellota ham Paletilla Jabugo

Schmeckt nicht so gut wie erwartet aber im Prinzip soweit in Ordnung
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Santiago und Edeltraud

Does not taste as good as expected but basically okay Sincerely Santiago and Edeltraud xxxxxxxxx

February 22, 2015
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ConsigliatissimoHighly recommended

Come mio primo acquisto non posso davvero lamentarmi...rapporto qualità prezzo molto alto.
Il prodotto mi è arrivato in un imballaggio molto curato e in tempi rapidissimi.
Sicuramente faró altre compere su qst sito.
Affidabilissimi consiglio senza ombra di dubbio.

As my first purchase I can not really complain ... value very high price. The product I received a package very nice and quickly. Surely you'll other shopping on qst site. Very reliable advice without a doubt.

February 7, 2015
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Andrés de Hoz
Andrés de Hoz
México DF
Nunca fallaNever fails

Vivo en México y cada vez que alguien viene a visitarnos desde España o nosotros vamos a España, aprovecho para pedir un 5J de Ibergour.
Pido a Ibergour que lo lleven a la dirección de nuestro amigo, pago con tarjeta y SIEMPRE todo sale a la perfección.
Nuestro amigo aparece en el aeropuerto del DF con nuestra exquisita paletilla y nunca hemos tenido queja de la calidad del producto.
Ibergour + 5J = éxito asegurado
Gracias Ibergour

I live in Mexico and every time someone comes to visit us from Spain or we're going to Spain, take the opportunity to request an 5J IberGour. IberGour ask that lead to the direction of our friend, ALWAYS card payment and everything goes perfectly. Our friend on the Airport City with our exquisite shoulder and have never had complaints of product quality. IberGour 5J = surefire Thanks IberGour

January 23, 2015
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Francisco  Javier
Francisco Javier
En ello estamos.In it we are.

La verdad es que no terminamos de "cogerle" el punto a la paletilla. Podrían enviarnos otra.
P.D. : Extraordinaria.

The truth is that we do not fully "get him" point to the shoulder. They could send another. PD: Extraordinary.

January 3, 2015
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5J Cinco Jotas Bellota Jabugo Shoulder

Excellent quality, and full of flavour. Delivery and service was as promised and was first class. I would highly recommend.

January 1, 2015

Profumo inebriante. Molto buona e dal sapore persistente, non troppo grassa. Arrivata in tempi da record. Grazie ed alla prossima

Heady scent. Very good and persistent flavor, not too greasy. Arrived in record time. Thank you and the next

December 27, 2014
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Werner Spies
Werner Spies
DE 66679 Losheim am See
Schinken Paletilla 5J Cinco Bellota aus JabugoHam Paletilla 5J Cinco Bellota Jabugo

Im Vergleich zu dem ganzen Vorderschinken von Joselito fehlen mir hier der Schmelz, das Nussaroma und auch die feinen kristallähnlichen Einschlüsse im Schinkenfleisch. Außerdem ist das obere Teil des Schinkens - die Lieferung besteht ja jeweils aus 2 Teilen - nicht sehr gut von den Knochenresten befreit und zerfällt leicht in kleine Einzelteile.
Diese Qualität entspricht nicht dem, was ich von einem Schinken dieser Preisklasse erwarten kann.

Compared to the whole front of Joselito ham here I miss the melting, the nuttiness and also the fine crystal-like inclusions in the ham meat. In addition, the upper part of the ham - the supply consists of 2 parts so each - not very well rid of the bone fragments and breaks easily into small parts. This quality is not what I would expect from a ham this price range.

December 17, 2014
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Andrea hyde
Manchester uk
Yummy yummy yummy

Having lived in the canaries for seven years I have become accustomed to the best jamon and 5 j Cisco jotas is just that. The jamon is exactly what I expected with its nutty flavour from the acorns coming through. To top it off the service and delivery has been second to none, I fully recommend this company and the jamon.

December 8, 2014
Arne Cencic
Arne Cencic
Aus zu vielen kleinen Stücken zusammengesezt.Designs consisting of many small pieces.

Der Schinken konnte nicht wirklich geschnitten werden, weil aus zu vielen kleinen Stücken zusammengesetzt und ist beim Schneiden buchstäblich auseinander gefallen. Geschmacklich war das Stück jedoch gut.

The ham was not really cut because of assembled into many small pieces and is literally fell apart when cut. The taste, however, the piece was good.

November 30, 2014
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Westbury, UK
Quality product; quality service

Obviously this is top notch paleta. Ordering and following transportation very good. Site will now be my default jamon destination.

November 27, 2014
extra comme d'habitudeextra as usual

livraison express avec UPS
produit conforme et de très bonne facture.
il en a déjà " pris un coup " il va falloir revoir çà avant Noël....
seul regret j'ai oublié de commander un Chorizo ( un vrai ) et de l'huile d'olive....

express delivery with UPS compliant product and very good. he has already "taken a hit" it will be necessary here again before Christmas .... only regret I forgot to order a chorizo ​​(a real one) and olive oil .... thank you

November 6, 2014
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los mejores jamones son los extremeños jijijijijijiji.the best hams are jijijijijijiji Extremadura.

Para ser un 5 jotas, a perdido varias por el camino, mucha fama y poca chicha, estaba blando, y tiene mucha grasa.

To be 5 jacks to several lost along the way, a lot of fame and little chicha, was soft, and has a lot of fat.

October 30, 2014
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Santiago García
Madrid, España
deliciosa paletilladelicious shoulder

Hemos recibido hace dos semanas nuestra paletilla de Jabugo 5J y siendo solo dos personas esta ya casi acabada.
Nos ha sorprendido muchísimo la calidad de la pieza ya que la compra por internet puede conllevar sorpresas indeseadas; pero en este caso hemos acertado de lleno con el producto elegido así como con la marca distribuidora.
Una pieza con bastante grasa, que no ha tenido desperdicio, le aporta un sabor delicioso a la loncha cortada. Ya que a medida que consumimos la carne va secándose pero la unión con la grasa le confiere un sabor final muy correcto.

We received our shoulder two weeks ago and Jabugo 5J being just two people is almost finished. We have greatly surprised by the quality of the piece and online purchase may involve unwanted surprises; but in this case we have full right to the product of choice as well as the distributor brand. A piece with a lot of fat, which has not been wasted, gives a delicious flavor to the cut slice. Because as we consume the meat is dry but the fat binding gives a correct final flavor.

October 28, 2014
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Les ULis, France
parfait pour moiperfect for me

c'est au moins la cinquième que je commande. Qualité toujours au rendez-vous. Facile à conserver et utiliser pour une faible consommation régulière.

This is at least the fifth I order. Always quality appointments. Easy to keep and use for low regular consumption.

September 22, 2014
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Luis León
Excelente paletillaExcellent shoulder

El producto llegó rápido y bien embalado. Paletilla de casi 5,5 kilos, contiene mucha grasa pero da para mucho jamón, de sabor exquisito. Es la tercera vez que compro en Ibergour y hasta el momento los productos han sido de categoría. Muchas gracias

The product arrived quickly and well packaged. Shoulder of almost 5.5 kilos, contains a lot of fat but give much ham, delicious taste. It is the third time I buy in IberGour and so far the products have been category. Thank you very much

September 1, 2014
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OttimoVery well

Sono stato soddisfatto del servizio rapido e della ottima qualità del prosciutto piaciuto a tutti gli amici che lo hanno assaggiato.

I was pleased with the prompt service and the excellent quality of the ham liked all the friends who have tasted.

August 1, 2014
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Tournai, Belgique
Très bonne épaule mais assez grasseVery good shoulder but enough fat

Livraison rapide et parfaite avec un n° de suivi.
Le produit est arrivé très bien emballé.
L'épaule 5J est assez grasse (comparativement à d'autres épaules et jambons achetés précédemment sur d'autres sites internet ou directement en Espagne).
Hors la graisse, le goût et la texture sont incomparables...

Fast delivery and perfect with a tracking number. The product arrived well packaged. Shoulder 5J is quite fat (compared to other hams and shoulders previously purchased on other websites or directly in Spain). Excluding fat, taste and texture are incomparable ...

June 21, 2014
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Malo, muy malo. SIN CURAR. Se me ha caido el mito 5J. Nunca mas.Bad, very bad. NO CURE. I have fallen 5J myth. Never more.

Malo, muy malo. SIN CURAR. Muchisima grasa.
Se me ha caido el mito 5J. Nunca mas.
No me vuelvo a fiar ni de 5J y me lo pensaré muy bien para ver si repito con Ibergour.
NOTA:Viendo las opiniones, "parece" que las piezas buenas son para los extranjeros.ja, ja, ja...

Bad, very bad. NO CURE. Very many fat. I have fallen 5J myth. Never more. I go back to not trust or 5J and I will think very well to see if repeat with IberGour. NOTE: Displaying opinions, "appears" that the good parts are for extranjeros.ja ha ha ... I HAVE FELT CHEATED.

January 26, 2014
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Fernando Vieira
Aveiro, Portugal
Paletilla exquisitaExquisite Shoulder

Aspecto maravilloso tanto antes como después de abrir.
La curación al punto, com muchas vetas de grasa , muy buen sabor e olor perfumado a belota.
Probablemente la mejor paleta que he comprado siempre.
Envio rápido.

Wonderful look both before and after opening. Healing the point, many com marbling, very good flavor and odor scented acorn. Probably the best palette I bought. Fast shipping.

January 20, 2014
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Giorgio dagnino
Giorgio dagnino
ottimo come sempregreat as always

Ho fatto diversi ordini e devo dire che i prodotti sono sempre ottimi e di qualità.

I have made several orders and have to say that the products are always excellent and quality.

January 13, 2014
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Oxford, UK
Excellent experience

Fantastic ham, succulent and flavoursome, and an impressive display piece at Christmas time! Very helpful service to postpone delivery until my requested date. The free wooden stand was solid and far better quality than I expected, and I had no problem carving the ham on this using the free knife. All in all a great experience, and I can thoroughly recommend ibergour.

December 27, 2013
Calidad/precioPrice / quality

Buena relación calidad precio. la puntuación baja un poco debido a que me esperaba un poquito más, entre otras razones porque la última paletilla que compré fue excelente y uno se espera lo mismo si no hubiese tenido esas expectativas seguramente la puntuación final hubiese sido algo mayor.

Good value for money. The lowest score a bit because I was expecting a little more, not least because the last blade I bought was excellent and one the same is expected. If I had not had those expectations, surely the final score would have been somewhat higher.

December 23, 2013
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Yummy but fatty

The taste is amazing. There is a lot of fat. I will buy again. The fat will be used for cooking.

December 22, 2013
Tarifa, Cádiz
Producto de muy buena calidadProduct of very good quality

Es la primera vez que compro en ibergour y estoy muy satisfecho. Entrega rápida, buen precio, el embalaje y la presentación del producto muy buena y el jamón está exquisito. Sin lugar a duda volveré a comprar en Ibergour. Gracias

It's the first time buyer in IberGour and I'm very satisfied. Fast delivery, good price, packaging and presentation of the product and very good ham is exquisite. Without a doubt I will be buying IberGour. Thanks

December 15, 2013
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Sehr schnelle Lieferung *****Mehr als 60 % Fett und Knochen** Geschmack okay***Very fast delivery ***** More than 60% fat and bone taste okay ** ***

Die schnelle Lieferung von Ibergour überrascht uns immer wieder. Sehr gut.
Am Schinken ist einfac nichts dran, wenn man Fett und Knochen abzieht.
Der Geschmack ist akay, aber vom Schinken habe ich mehr erwartet und
kann deshalb keine Kaufempfehlung geben. Sorry.

The rapid delivery of Ibergour surprise us. Very good. On ham einfac is nothing in it, if you subtract fat and bone. The taste is akay, but I expected more from the ham and can therefore be no buy recommendation. Sorry.

December 15, 2013
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morbido e gustososoft and tasty

tra i vari prosciutti di spalla provati è il migliore.
Veramente utile la morsa con il coltello in omaggio.
Che dire merita di essere ricomprato

between the various hams shoulder tested is the best. Really useful the grip with the knife free. What deserves to be repurchased

December 15, 2013
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Paris, France
globalement très bien, mais...generally very good, but ...

commande, délai, livraison, ... super.
Le jambon est très bon, mais pas assez affiné (un coté viande crue), j'ai du mal à croire qu'il a séché pendant 30 mois comme annoncé.
Soyez vigilants

control, delay, delivery, ... super. The ham is very good, but not quite refined (one side raw meat), I find it hard to believe it has dried for 30 months as advertised. Be vigilant

December 14, 2013
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Da provareTry

Ho sempre preso prosciutti interi e volevo provare la spalla perché c'era meno da pulire. Effettivamente è così il prodotto è veramente molto buono l'unica cosa è con il prosciutto intero riesci a trovare dei punti che qui probabilmente non hanno messo. Comunque consigliato

I have always taken whole hams and wanted to try the shoulder because there was less to clean. Indeed, it is the product is really very good the only thing is with the whole ham you can find places that you probably have not put here. Still recommended.

December 12, 2013
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Grosse déceptionBig disappointment

Quelle déception pour ce jambon pourtant recommandé par la majorité.
Ce jambon a une belle couleur, un bel aspect.
Finalement, après avoir pris soin de le passer sous l'eau tiède 15 secondes avant ouverture, je m'attendais à un gout comparable à son parfum, et première déception... Le jambon était très sec, trop sec, ça a gaché le plaisir.
Dommage !!

What a disappointment for this ham yet recommended by the majority. This ham has a nice color, beautiful appearance. Finally, after taking care to rinse under warm water 15 seconds before opening, I expected a comparable fragrance taste, and first disappointment ... The ham was very dry, too dry, it's messed pleasure. Damage!

December 2, 2013
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Roma, Italia
vale quel che costamoney's worth

E' decisamente un prodotto di eccellenza. Saporito, grasso ma non stucchevole, accompagnato da una rosetta croccante ed un vino bianco frizzantino è un piacere come poche cose nella vita. Decisamente superiore ai prosciutti italiani!

It's definitely a product of excellence. Tasty, fat but not cloying, accompanied by a rosette and a crisp sparkling white wine is a pleasure like few things in life. Clearly superior to Italian hams!

November 21, 2013
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Phil Boyle
Phil Boyle
Brighton, UK
Beautiful texture, amazing flavour

I buy one ham each year as we approach Christmas. I used to buy while legs but I prefer the deeper flavour of the shoulders. This 5J shoulder is the nicest ham I have ever bought and I think it is virtually the perfect ham. The shoulder bone makes it a challenge to carve but don't let that put you off.

November 14, 2013

là on touche le summum
produit extra divin.
je renouvelle cet achat régulièrement.
chez nous il n'a pas le temps de sécher ? ( on est deux )
gardez encore longtemps ces produits...... cela devient rare.
la qualité a un prix .....

there is extra product key the ultimate divine. I renew this purchase regularly. home he did not have time to dry? (There are two) keep these products for a long time ...... it becomes rare. Quality has a price ..... Bravo

October 7, 2013
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Gwil Davies
Stratford upon Avon

Once again a perfect ham, full of flavour and couldn't get enough of it. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a really high quality Pata Negra

October 2, 2013
what a fine product

Ibergour is probably the the best W-shop I have come across so far simply because it offer things in UK is hard to find like real saffron that I have missed for such a long time. In any case the 5J Jotas is at the moment the best "ham" I have tasted so far and it is a shame that I can't keep the full leg and slice it myself, in UK dry cellars don't exist and I am forced to choose the vacuum sliced bags. I don't like the plastic either but having no choice I still find the shoulder extremely tasty and convenient to keep safe in fridge in large ...quantity, I have purchased so far 20 or 30 bags of ham so far and the only mistake I made was to buy a few in summer. I recommend this shoulder extensively, it is fantastic and together with an organic red Merlot and a bit of parmesan artichokes and ...I better stop here! It is a fine quick meal by all means and It has a wild original taste as it should be.

September 27, 2013
Mrs T
Mrs T
Surrey, UK

We bought this as a centre piece for our wedding buffet. It was certainly an attraction!
It has a delicious flavour and was very moist. We needed an experienced hand to get us started with the slicing but once we had begun slicing was fine. Plenty of meat, which we managed to slice in quite long strips.
A fair bit of fat around the flesh but not so much inside so it was just lovely to eat, and kept moist for the three days it lasted us!
I would definitely recommend.

August 12, 2013
Roma, Italia

La spalla è molto grassa, dal sapore intenso.
Presenta nella zona interna delle parti rancide.
Tolto il grasso e le parti rancide rimane ben poco.
L'osso e la scapola rendono difficile tagliare delle fette sufficientemente lunghe.
La spalla è letteralmente scomparsa in poco più di una settimana (famiglia di 4 persone).

The shoulder is very oily, intense flavor. Presents in the interior parts of rancid. Degreased and parts rancid little remains. The bone and the shoulder blade make it difficult to cut slices long enough. The shoulder is literally disappeared in just over a week (family of 4).

July 7, 2013
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A nouveau une excellente épaule, un peu moins couverte (de graisse) qu'à l'ordinaire, mais qui n'en n'est pas moins tendre ni goûteuse pour autant. La contramassa est petite mais délicieuse, le jarret vaut mieux qu'un usage culinaire. Et la partie charnue est juste géniale, avec le persillé fin que l'on est en droit d'attendre.
Le format épaule (5,5 kilos) est mieux adapté à notre petite famille qu'un jambon. Elle nous fait une quinzaine de jours et n'a pas le temps de dessécher. A condition de bien recouvrir la tranche de graisse et d'enrober le tout d'un torchon.
J'en recommanderai sans hésiter.

Again an excellent shoulder, a little less covered (fat) than usual, but which is not as tender or tasty either. The contramassa is small but delicious, the shank is better than culinary use. And the fleshy part is just great, with marbled end that one is entitled to expect. The shoulder size (5.5 pounds) is better suited to our family a ham. It makes us a fortnight and did not have time to dry out. Provided completely cover the slice of fat and coat everything with a cloth. I recommend without hesitation.

April 18, 2013
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Marburg, Deutschland
super geschmackgreat taste

das aufschneiden gestaltet sich jedoch schwieriger als gedacht und ein großer teil (vor allem zu beginn) ist leider fett

the cut designed to be more difficult than expected, and a large part (especially at the beginning) is unfortunately fat

March 29, 2013
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Poole, UK
Delicious Shoulder

Very good value for money. This is the best Bellota I have tasted, outside my favourite restaurant in Gran Canaria. The ham is sweet with a long after flavour in the mouth, full of flavour and not too salty, and my pack was very lean with just the right amount of fat. I will be re-ordering this lovely shoulder.

March 29, 2013
Larry S
Larry S
Dublin, Ireland
Amazing Taste

5 Stars for speedy delivery and great packaging
5 Stars for taste
Cutting and serving this isn't as straight forward and easy as it seems on the videos and as this was my first time with a full shoulder at home I am still improving my technique... But this doesn't prevent me from savoring this amazing piece of Bellota!
Coming back definitely for this item!

March 24, 2013
Mallorca, España
Decepcionante, falta curación y grasa infiltradaDisappointing, poor healing and intramuscular fat

Pedí con un mismo envío, dos paletillas deshuesadas. Una de ellas llegó con el envoltorio de plastico al vacío mal sellado. Me puse en contacto con Ibergur y la sostituyeron por otra, muy rapidamente por cierto. Pero las dos estaban, para mi gusto, poco curadas y sin las tipicas infiltraciones de grasa, así que costaba mucho apreciar los matices propios del producto ibérico, más si hablamos del renombrado 5J. Parecían unas buenas paletillas serranas de sabor suave. En definitiva me han decepcionado.

I asked with a consignment, two boneless shoulders. One of them came with the plastic wrap poorly sealed vacuum. I contacted with sostituyeron Ibergur and the other, very quickly indeed. But the two were, in my opinion, just the typical cured without infiltration of fat, so was hard to appreciate the nuances of Iberian product, especially if we talk about the renowned 5J. Serranas shoulders seemed good mild flavor. In short I have been disappointed.

February 11, 2013
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Getxo Vizcaya

Es un producto bueno, que responde en calidad y precio al nivel de la oferta. La empresa me parece sería y de confianza en cuanto a la cumplimenta ion del pedido. Es opinión una personal basada en mi experiencia.

It is a good product that responds in quality and price to the level of supply. The company seems to be me and trusted in terms of completing the order. It is a personal opinion based on my experience.

December 29, 2012
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Muy buena paletilla con una excelente relación calidad/precio. Lo único negativo que tenia un poco demasiado tocino para mi gusto. El pedido llego rápidamente y sin ningún problema.

Very good shoulder with an excellent price / quality ratio. The only negative I had a little too fat for my taste. The order arrived quickly and without any problems.

December 21, 2012
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efficienti ed efficaciefficient and effective

Il prosciutto e buonissimo... poterlo comprare su internet è un gran vantaggio... averlo qui in Italia e un gran privilegio. Il trasporto e stato velocissimo.. è arrivato il primo giorno del margine che ci avevano dato. Puntuali ed efficienti

The ham and delicious ... able to buy it on the internet is a great advantage ... have him here in Italy and a great privilege. Transport and a breeze .. arrived on the first day of the margin that we had been given. Timely and efficient

December 17, 2012
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Está sencillamente excelente. Tenía dudas porque nunca he comprado jamones por internet pero seguro que repetiré porque se corta muy bien, tiene la cantidad justa de grasa para ser un ibérico y el sabor exquisito.

It is simply excellent. I was hesitant because I've never bought online hams but surely repeat because it cuts very well, has the right amount of fat to be an Iberian and delicious flavor.

December 15, 2012
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Friedberg (Bayern)
Soeben probiert und wieder begeistertJust tried again and excited

Wie vor einem Jahr, sind wir mit der Lieferung sehr zufrieden. Obwohl der Preis gestiegen ist, finden wir das Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis immer noch gut und werden dem Erzeuger treu bleiben, sofern die Qualität weiterhin stimmt.

As a year ago, we are very pleased with the delivery. Although the price has risen, we find the value for money is still good and will remain faithful to the producer, if the quality is still.

December 12, 2012
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Super service und hervorragende qualitaetSuper service and outstanding qualitaet

Beste qualitaet ! Preis passt zu spanischen Verhaeltnisse!
Man kann den SchIncken weiter empfehlen
Lieferung war auch schnell und gut verpackt

Qualitaet best! Price matches Spanish affairs! One can further recommend the ham delivery was quick and well packaged

December 2, 2012
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rob wood

2nd time i ordered from ibergour ans 2nd time i been really happy.this time i bought the bonless shoulder from 5j,and it was so much more easy to cut than with the bone.truly super flavour,soft quality meat.i would buy this again,it goes so perfect with vodka.

September 18, 2012
Michele C.
extremely good

extremely good. great test. I feel it in my mouth for some minutes
after eating it. Very expensive but excellent product.

July 24, 2012
eine klasse für sich !a class of its own!

hoher preis mit einer ware, die ziemlich viel fettanteil hat.
am anfang kleine feste stücke. sogar ein wenig knochen.
dies kann man nicht kauen.
insgesamt aber versöhnlich und aussergewöhnlich .

high price of a commodity that has a lot of fat percentage. at the beginning of small solid pieces. even a little bone. this can not chew it. but overall conciliatory and exceptional.

April 23, 2012
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Patrick G.
Neuilly sur Seine
Belle et délicieuse épaule...Beautiful and delicious shoulder ...

Fondante dans la bouche, avec une chair bien marbrée et beaucoup de saveur. Bien préparée à l'expédition elle se coupe facilement avec une trancheuse de qualité. Désossée la coupe traditionnelle au couteau est plus délicate et nécessite un affûtage parfait.
C'est la troisième fois que je choisis ce jabugo et j'en suis très satisfait. Les informations sur le site sont très explicite et facilitent le choix. La livraison assez coûteuse est rapide et le suivi très précis.

Melts in the mouth, with a well-marbled meat and flavor. Well prepared for shipping it cuts easily with a quality slicer. Boneless traditional cut with a knife is more delicate and requires a perfect sharpening. This is the third time I selected this jabugo and am very satisfied. The information on the site are very clear and easy choice. The delivery is fast and fairly expensive monitoring very precise.

April 14, 2012
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C Horn
C Horn
Bei Stuttgart
Gute Qualität hat ihren PreisGood Quality comes at a price

Sehr gute Kommunikation, pünktliche Lieferung und ein echt wunderbarer Vorderschinken. Ich muss allerdings dazu sagen, dass ich nächstes mal lieber zum Hinterschinken greifen werde. Der scheckt mir noch besser.
Insgesamt sehr empfehlenswert.

Very good communication, timely delivery and a really wonderful ham. However, I must say that I will reach for next time rather ham. The scheckt me better. Overall, highly recommended.

April 13, 2012
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Ian Ferguson
Isle of Wight, United Kingdom
Delicious, although not a lot of meat

Very tasty ham indeed at a remarkable price. This is my first purchase of a whole ham (or in this case shoulder) so I wasn't entirely sure how much meat to expect, but I was a little disappointed in the amount that could be carved versus the amount of fat. I would say by weight about 30% of the shoulder was edible - but of course I have no idea if that's good or bad. Considering the low price of this ham I'm not too upset but I don't know how the value for money compares with other hams.
The taste is superb though - better than any that I've eaten in Spain. Don't expect it to last very long - next time I think we'll splash out for a proper ham instead of a shoulder!

March 19, 2012
du gras, du grasfat, fat

quand on découvre du maigre, c'est excellent
mais que de gras, que de gras!
je regarderai le tutorial la prochaine fois (je viens de découvrir dans un commentaire qu'il y en a un)

when we discover the lean, but it's great that fat, that fat! I'll watch the tutorial next time (I just found out in a comment that there is one)

March 19, 2012
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Bois-Colombes, France
Très satisfaitVery satisfied

Quand je voyageais davantage en Espagne, j'y achetais souvent du bellota, autour de 100 € le kilo au détail. Un ami madrilène m'avait recommandé l'épaule : quantité plus raisonnable, viande identique en plus persillée, meilleur prix. J'ai tenté le coup pour ma première commande sur Ibergour avec un 5J, c'était une réussite. Livraison rapide sur mon lieu de travail, bon emballage, parfait état de l'épaule. J'ai bien regardé le tutorial de découpe et m'en suis bien tiré. Bien sûr qu'il y a beaucoup de gras, mais c'est tout à fait normal, et c'est pour cela que la viande est bonne !
Le jambon est excellent, belle couleur, pas trop persillé, très bon goût, bref : un bon bellota de première catégorie. J'ai pu servir environ 20 belles assiettes au cours des 3 semaines que la pièce a duré, plus les petits morceaux plus durs qui ont fait merveille avec des petits pois et une omelette. Ravi je suis de mon achat, je recommencerai certainement au printemps en essayant peut-être un autre producteur.
Le jamoneira n'est pas tres esthétique, mais tient correctement l'épaule avec l'immense avantage d'être gratuite ! J'ai déjà un bon couteau à jambons et n'ai pas utilisé le couteau fourni.

When I traveled more in Spain, I often bought Bellota, around € 100 a kilo retail. A friend recommended me the Madrid shoulder much more reasonable, more marbled meat in the same, the best price. I gave it a shot for my first order on Ibergour with 5J, it was a success. Fast delivery of my workplace, good packaging, perfect condition of the shoulder. I watched the tutorial and cut me pretty well. Of course there are a lot of fat, but it is quite normal, and this is why the meat is good! The ham is excellent, beautiful color, not too marbled, very good taste, in short: a good acorn of the first category. I have served about 20 beautiful plates during the three weeks that the play lasted, the more pieces that have toughest works wonders with peas and an omelet. I'm delighted with my purchase, I will start again in the spring certainly trying maybe another producer. The jamoneira is not very aesthetic, but is properly the shoulder with the immense advantage of being free! I already have a good knife and hams have not used the knife provided.

February 23, 2012
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hérault France
maigre très bon/gras trop volumineux et un peu rance par endroitvery good lean / fat too large and a little insurance by location

La partie grasse de l'épaule est trop volumineuse par rapport à la partie maigre.La gras par endroit commence à rancir.
La partie maigre est très bonne.

The fat part of the shoulder is too large compared to the fatty part maigre.La place begins to go rancid. The lean is very good.

February 2, 2012
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philippe maguin
philippe maguin
A éviterAvoid

trop sec-trop de gras-peu de viande.
En resumé de l'os, de l'os, de l'os .
Quel déception!!!!!!!Je n'achèteraisplus de pata negra chez ce producteur.

too dry, too much fat, little meat. In summary of the bone, bone, bone. What a disappointment !!!!!!! I n'achèteraisplus of pata negra from this producer.

January 26, 2012
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Super bon, super bienSuper good, great

Tout a été super ; emballage, délais, support pour la découpe et couteau (un peu difficile à monter par contre, j'ai dû utiliser une clef perso, celle qui était fournie n'était pas assez rigide), goûteux. Le seul problème, c'est tellement bon qu'on y revient sans arrêt. Question : Quid pour le cholestérol ?

Everything was great, packaging, time, support for cutting and knife (a little hard to get by against I had to use a personal key, the one that was provided was not rigid enough), tasty. The only problem is so good that we are coming back. Question: What about the cholesterol?

January 19, 2012
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spalla molto buonavery good shoulder

Arrivata a casa dopo pochi giorni dall'ordine.
Alcune parti erano un po secche.
Le parti più morbide sono eccellenti, con un gusto intenso e un colore molto più vivo del nostro prosciutto italiano.
Il grasso che ha un gusto effettivamente divino rappresentava il 60/70% della spalla.

Arriving home after a few days after ordering.
Some parts were a little dry.
The soft parts are excellent, with an intense flavor and color much more alive in our Italian ham.
The fat that actually tastes divine was the 60/70% of the shoulder.

January 2, 2012
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Corrèze, France
Extrêment déçueExtremely disappointed

On nous avez venté les qualités du jambon pata negra, c'était un premier achat que nous ne réitereront pas: un peu de viande dure au milieu du gras. Heureusement que nous avions prévu autre chose à manger pour notre soirée....

On nous avez venté les qualités du jambon pata negra, c'était un premier achat que nous ne réitereront pas: un peu de viande dure au milieu du gras. Heureusement que nous avions prévu autre chose à manger pour notre soirée....

December 31, 2011
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carpentier alain
carpentier alain
Reims France
le summum du Jambonthe ultimate ham

C est la 2ème fois que je commande chez Ibergour et la satisfaction est toujours au rendez vous. Livraison très rapide et soignée , produit très gouteux d ou se dégage des arômes de noisette : des saveurs incomparables concernant un jambon. En fait celui ci fait l unanimité auprès des personnes à qui je le fait goûter. Ma présentation préférée: lit de tagliatelles sauce champignons base crème fraiche et copeaux de pata négra....
Une petite remarque dans ce commentaire positif: l'épaule était un trop "noire" et aurait méritée un brossage avant envoi
Un jambon fin et puissant à la fois , je recommande le Jambon et Ibergour

This is the second time I ordered from Ibergour and satisfaction is always at the appointment. Very fast delivery and neat, very tasty product of or aromas of hazelnut: incomparable flavors on a ham. In fact this one is the consensus among people I enjoy the fact. My favorite presentation: bed of tagliatelle with mushroom sauce base cream and shavings of pata negra ....
A small note in the positive comment: the shoulder was too "black" and would have deserved a brush before sending
End of a ham and powerful at the same time, I recommend the ham and Ibergour

December 30, 2011
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Epaule de 5Kg - ExcellentShoulder of 5Kg - Excellent.

Ma première épaule 5J de 5Kg. C'est beaucoup mieux que les barquettes de 100gr. C'est un vrai plaisir de couper sur le moment ce qui donne en plus un charme particulier. Pour la conservation il suffit de garder le gras en plus et recouvrir les parties entamés pour ne pas dessécher. La saveur est excellente. La livraison très rapide 4jours. Ne pas hésiter. Le seul hic...c'est tellement bon que l'on en mange sans arrêt ;)

My first 5J shoulder of 5Kg. It is much better than the 100g trays. It is a pleasure to cut the time which gives more charm. For storage just keep the fat and cover more parts started to not dry out. The flavor is excellent. Very fast delivery 4 days. Do not hesitate. The only catch ... it's so good that you eat all the time;)

December 29, 2011
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66571 Eppelborn
Immer wiederagain and again

Geschmacklich umwerfend, beim nächsten Mal probieren wir einen Hinterschinken. Schinkenhalter funktioniert gut, das Messer wird aber schnell stumpf. Schärfen ist angesagt.

Taste gorgeous, the next time we try a ham. Ham holder works well, but the knife is dull quickly. Sharpening is called for.

December 20, 2011
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Ottimo prodotto .
Spalla molto gustosa ma , ripetendo l'acquisto ,
sarà una spalla intera e non disossata.
Credo che in questo modo si possa apprezzare molto meglio
il gusto delle diverse parti muscolari.

Excellent product.
Shoulder very tasty, but repeating the purchase,
whole and will be a shoulder bone.
I think in this way you can enjoy much better
the taste of the different muscle parts.

December 20, 2011
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très bonvery good

livraison record
2 ème commande et toujours aussi bon. un petit point négatif la demie-épaule la partie haute - est un peu sèche alors que la partie basse ( celle en pointe ) est délicieusement tendre avec un gras excellent.
malgré tout c'est un délice.
à renouveler vite car l'épaule en a déjà pris un sérieux coup.

delivery record
2 nd order and always good. a small negative the half-shoulder top - a bit dry, while the lower part (the peak) is deliciously tender with a good fat.
is still a delight.
to renew fast because the shoulder has already taken a serious blow.

December 19, 2011
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Wolfgang Kochan
Wolfgang Kochan
Deutschland, Land Brandenburg
Fettschicht viel zu starkFat layer is much too strong

Der Schinken schmeckt sehr gut. Allerdings macht die Speckschicht viel mehr als 50 % aus.
Das habe ich aber leider zu spät nach dem Anschneiden bemerkt, da es ohne Anschneiden und Entfernen der Speckschicht nicht zu erkennen ist. Ich hätte sonst den Schinken zurückgeschickt.

The ham tastes very good. However, the layer of fat makes a lot more than 50%.
I have unfortunately noticed too late after cutting, because it can not be seen without cutting and removing the layer of fat. Otherwise I would have returned the ham.

December 17, 2011
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La mejor paletillaThe best shoulder

De todas las paletillas de jamón adquiridas anteriormente, esta es la que tiene más calidad. Para mi gusto no hay otra que la iguale.

Of all the shoulders of ham acquired earlier, this is the one with more quality. For my taste there is no other than the match.

December 17, 2011
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David L
Killearn, Scotland
Third year in a row and better than ever

You will be making no compromise on quality buying the paleta which has a fantastic complexity and depth of flavour. The best I have ever tasted. Having two free knives, I opted for the free olive oil this year which is excellent, and added an amazing cheese which I will review elsewhere. I was lucky to find Ibergour for my first purchase and now I would not go anywhere else, as they offer unbeatable price and service. Thank you.`

December 13, 2011
Highly satisfied - Highly recommended -I will buy again

I am highly satisfied with this ham. I have been living in England for more than ten years but I come from south Spain and I must say that I felt like being back home.
Thank you for this excellent product.

December 10, 2011
Friedberg , Deutschland
Sehr guter Geschmack, sehr guter ReifegradVery good flavor, very good level of maturity

Wir sind dieses Mal wesentlich zufriedener, als vor einem Jahr mit einem wesentlich teureren Produkt. Schnelle Lieferung, hervorragende Qualität, sehr gutes Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis.

We are much happier this time than a year ago with a much more expensive product. Fast delivery, excellent quality, very good value for money.

November 27, 2011
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Paleta 5 j Bellota extraordinarioBellota Paleta 5 j extraordinary

Buenas,he comprado otra paleta 5j bellota ya es la segunda,entre medio compre una de pedroches,pero repito la de carvajal y que decir de este producto,sabroso,textura,en su punto de sal y de tocino.
Para mi de lo mejor en bellota sin desmerecer otras como Extremadura y/o Guijuelo, pero me gusta más.
Me aconsejaron que pruebe la paleta de bellota de Maldonado,dicen que es de lo mejorcito,para la proxima vez haremos la cata.
Un saludo y felicidades a ibergour por los productos que tiene y el servicio.

Hi, I bought another palette 5j acorn is already the second, in between buying one of Pedroches, but again the de Carvajal to say about this product, tasty, texture, in point of salt and bacon. For me the best in others, such as acorn without detracting from Extremadura and / or Guijuelo, but I like more. I was advised to try acorn palette Maldonado, say it is second to none, for the next time we tasted. A ibergour health and happiness for the products you have and the service.

November 22, 2011
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andrea m.
Ottimo prodottoExcellent product

Per il costo che ha è veramente un prodotto ottime che sicuramente ricomprerò. Spedito in 3 giorni con la spedizione standard. Anche il supporto per essere un regalo è buono !

For the cost that is a really excellent product that definitely will buy. Shipped in 3 days with standard shipping. The support is good to be a gift!

November 21, 2011
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En otras ocasiones he comprado Joselito, pero decidi cambiar y estoy muy satisfecha. Muy jugoso, perfecto de sal y sin apenas grasa, decididamente estupendo.

On other occasions I bought Joselito, but decided to change and I am very satisfied. Very juicy, perfect with little salt and fat, definitely great.

November 21, 2011
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draguignan FRance

Jambon très savoureux que nous avons dégusté avec beaucoup de plaisir.Il a été envoyé avec célérité comme d'habitude.Nous n'avons jamais été deçus par la qualité des produits ibergour.

Very tasty ham that we enjoyed very plaisir.Il was sent promptly as usual. We have never been disappointed by the quality of products ibergour.

November 13, 2011
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Jose Manuel
Jose Manuel
Muy bueno!Very good!

Nos decidimos por este producto debido a las buenas críticas de clientes Ibergour... no se equivocaban es un producto excelente, no nos ha defraudado.

We chose this product because of good reviews from customers Ibergour ... not wrong is an excellent product, we were not disappointed.

November 10, 2011
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Fiquei fascinado pelos sabores deste 5J.
Maravilhoso, o melhor que já provei, recomendo.
Quanto á Ibergour é ao mesmo nível, toda a informação desde a encomenda até á chegada do produto a casa do cliente, 5 Estrelas.

I was fascinated by the flavors of 5J.
Wonderful, the best I've ever tasted, I recommend.
How will Ibergour is the same level, all information from the order until the arrival of the product to the customer's home, 5 Stars.
thank you

October 31, 2011
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Ho trovato la spalla di 5J veramente deliziosa. Dopo una decina di giorni ne resta poco più della metà e in casa siamo solo in 2!
Personalmente al prosciutto preferisco la spalla in quanto, essendo maggiormente infiltrata di grasso, resta più saporita.
Il servizio di Ibergour è stato veramente ottimo: ho ricevuto il pacco in perfette condizioni e in tempi rapidi nonostante avessi scelto la spedizione standard (ho ordinato il sabato e ho ricevuto il pacco giovedì pomeriggio).
Nel pacco, oltre al portaprosciutto e al coltello, ho trovato anche una busta da 100g di paleta di iberico bellota affettata. Che dire, grazie Ibergour!
Sicuramente ripeterò l'acquisto!

I found the shoulder 5J really delicious. After ten days it remains little more than half and at home there are only 2! Personally I prefer the shoulder ham as being more marbled with fat, is more flavorful. The service was really good Ibergour: I received the package in perfect condition and quickly even though I chose standard shipping (I ordered on Saturday and I received the package on Thursday afternoon). In the package, in addition to portaprosciutto and knife, I found an envelope from the Iberian Bellota Paleta 100g sliced. What can I say, thanks Ibergour! Definitely will repeat the purchase!

October 18, 2011
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5J es garantía de calidad5J is a guarantee of quality

Una vez más 5J no nos ha defraudado, excelente paletilla con un intenso sabor a bellota y en su punto de curación. Con respecto a Ibergour tenemos que decir que ha servido el producto en muy pocos días y perfectamente conservado.

Once again we have not been disappointed 5J, excellent shoulder with a strong touch of acorn and at the point of healing. With respect to Ibergour have to say that the product has served in a few days and perfectly preserved.

October 15, 2011
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Antibes, Francia
Excelente paletilla!!Excellent shoulder!

Un placer para los sentidos, excelente pieza,en su punto. rápido y económico envio al extranjero. Vale la pena, repito seguro.

A delight for the senses, an excellent piece to perfection. fast and cheap shipping overseas. It's worth, I say sure.

October 9, 2011
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excellent, fabuleuxexcellent, fantastic

Ce produit est fabuleux..... et si je dois lui trouver un petit " quelque chose " je dirais qu'il est un peu frais.......
livraison au top mais avec GLS suivez votre colis pour être là quand le livreur passera sinon vous passez à la caisse avec un N° de téléphone surtaxé exorbitant.
avons eu l'occasion d'en acheter sur place à Guijuelo au mois de juin et j'ai honte ! nous avons fait une cure, sans oublier bien sûr le chorizo , le salchichon......

This product is fabulous ..... and if I have to find a little "something" I would say it is a bit chilly ....... delivery to the top but with GLS follow your package to be there when the driver or you will go to the fund with a premium rate telephone number exorbitant. have had the opportunity to buy on the spot Guijuelo in June and I am ashamed! we have a cure, without forgetting the chorizo, the salchichon ......

October 6, 2011
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Alles perfekt!!Everything is perfect!

Die Lieferung ging schnell und problemlos, der Schinken war wohl das Aufregendste, was ich seit langer Zeit probieren konnte. Ich werde dieses Produkt bestimmt noch einmal bestellen

The delivery went smoothly and quickly, the ham was probably the most exciting thing I could try for a long time. I will order this product again determined

September 4, 2011
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Ulm, Germany
Again 100% satisfaction

Really perfect selection. Delicious taste of one of the best Spanish ham. My 2nd purchase and 2nd time 100% satisfaction. Delivery time only 3 days. Perfect service from thank you !

August 30, 2011
très bonne qualité de jambonvery good quality ham

Livraison trés rapide , trés bon rapport qualité prix .
C'est à dire exactement ce qu'on peut attendre de ces produits.
Nous renouvellerons sùrement notre commande.

Delivery very fast, very good value for money. That is exactly what we expect from these products. Surely we will renew our control.

August 29, 2011
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Feel Spain!!

It's the real spanish Jamon.
It's more than I expect, I can feel spain at home.
I can't find a right words to explain.
Honest flavour and price.

August 19, 2011
Christian Coulon
Christian Coulon
Saint Restitut -Drôme -FRANCE
L'épaule c'est la quintessence du jambon !The shoulder is the quintessence of ham!

Épaule Jabugo 5J Cinco Jotas "Bellota" - Désossée:
Première commande basée sur les conseils de certains clients.
Produit en parfait état, très enrobé de graisse ce qui permet de conserver son onctuosité.
La viande est persillée comme un jambon ne le sera jamais du fait de la masse musculaire en jeu.
Affinage merveilleux, sec sans trop, moelleux à coeur et un goût absolument irrésistible.
Je pense recommander le même produit rapidement, l'épaule fait 2kg et est vite partie.
Commander l'été n'est peut être pas une bonne chose car la graisse est fondue et c'est un peu la galère dans la cuisine mais
c'est pour la bonne cause !

Shoulder 5J Cinco Jotas Jabugo "Bellota" - Boneless: First order based on the advice of some customers. Product in perfect condition, very fat mix which keeps its smoothness. The meat is marbled like a ham never will be because of muscle mass involved Refining wonderful, not too dry, soft at heart and taste absolutely irresistible. I think even recommend the product quickly, the shoulder is 2kg and is soon part. Check out the summer may not be good because the fat is melted and a bit of hassle in the kitchen but for a good cause!

July 31, 2011
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Pura deliciaPure delight

Me encanta el jamón, el único inconveniente es la grasa, (no debo comerla) y es el mejor regalo a mis amigos cuando vienen a casa o yo voy a la suya.

I love ham, the only drawback is the fat (I do not eat) and is the best gift my friends when they come home or I go to yours.

July 10, 2011
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Domingo Gonzalez
Domingo Gonzalez

Simplemente extraordinario. En cuanto a IberGour me desplacé a su almacen de Hospitalet a buscar la mercancia y me atendieron muy correctamente.

Simply extraordinary. IberGour As I traveled to his store of Hospitalet looking the goods and you looked after me very well.

July 1, 2011
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La Rioja

Es la primera vez que compraba en ibergour, pero repetiré. La paletilla 5j Bellota, fantástica. En su punto de grasa y sabor increible. Además pese a ser una paletilla cunde mucho y es muy aprovechable, no como otras que metas el cuchillo por donde lo metas tocas hueso.
Sinceramente de 10 y totalmente recomendable.

This is the first time you buy ibergour but repeat. The Acorn 5j shoulder, fantastic. At its fat and taste amazing. Also despite being a shoulder spreads far and is very profitable, not like other goals, the goals knife where you touch the bone. Sincerely 10 and totally recommended.

June 29, 2011
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Molto buono!Very good!

Buon produttore, prodotto molto buono.
Questo spalla spagnola non può essere confrontata con nessun prosciutto "stile italiano": e` un prodotto completamente differente (alcuni amici miei non hanno gradito la novità iberica!).
Attenzione la spalla ha meno resa del prosciutto. Tuttavia il grasso e l'osso di bellota hanno un loro uso nella cucina spagnola. Praticamente non si butta via quasi nulla (grasso per cucinare, osso per brodo)!
Una delizia da degustare e condividere!

Good producer, very good product. This shoulder can not be compared with Spanish ham no "Italian style" is a completely different (some of my friends did not like the new Iberian!). Beware the shoulder has not made of ham. However, the fat and bone have an acorn-fed their use in Spanish cuisine. Virtually nothing is thrown away almost anything (cooking grease, bone soup)! A delight to taste and share!

June 21, 2011
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Besançon , France
très bonne qualitévery good

je suis très satisfait , l' envoi est rapide, le jambon est de très bonne qualité, rien à dire de plus

I am very satisfied, the shipping is fast, the ham is very good, nothing more to say

June 10, 2011
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ottimo prodottoexcellent product

Dopo diversi soggiorni in Spagna ho acquisito una certa esperienza sul prosciutto spagnolo e devo dire che rimane la ragione principale dei miei viaggi in terra iberica.
Devo quindi confermare la bontà del prodotto acquistato, il cui grasso rappresenta uno dei sapori migliori che si possa trovare nel panorama alimentare mondiale.
Ho coniato il seguente detto: chi muore senza aver assaporato il serrano iberico ha certamente vissuto malissimo.
Quindi raccomando la spalla in esame, la stagionatura era a buon punto, il grasso era divino, tutto perfetto. voto 9

After several stays in Spain I have gained some experience on the Spanish ham and I must say that is the main reason of my travels in the Iberian land. I must then confirm the value of the purchased product, whose fat is one of the best flavors that can be found in global food landscape. I coined the following said: who dies without having tasted the Iberian Serrano has certainly lived very badly. So I recommend the shoulder in question, the seasoning was good, the fat was divine, everything is perfect. 9 votes

June 3, 2011
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Sólo tengo buenas palabras para este producto y esta página. Tenía mis dudas pero quedaron pronto disipadas. De inicio, el poder "tracear" el envío del producto, algo impensable en otras webs cuando compras (lo que sea) por internet. Bien de precio (estamos hablando de jabugo), calidad, presentación. Y qué decir del jamonero y el cuchillo gratis... Para alguien como yo, que vive en el Reino Unido lejos de Espana, esto es realmente un producto maravilloso. Repetiré. Ya estoy pensando en el jamón!

I have only good words for this product and this page. I had my doubts but were soon dispelled. At first, the power tracer ship the product, something unthinkable in other sites when you buy (whatever) over the Internet. Well priced (we're talking about jabugo), quality, presentation. And what about the ham and the knife free ... For someone like me who live in the UK away from Spain, this is really a wonderful product. Repeat. I'm thinking of the ham!

June 1, 2011
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Prima esperienzaPrior experience

Spalla che a prima vista e sembrata un Po secca, successivamente si riporta a una buona morbidezza.
Speravo in una maggiore parte di carne da mangiare, nel complesso buona.

Shoulder at first glance seemed a little dry, then it shows a good smoothness. I was hoping for a greater share of meat to eat, overall good.

May 23, 2011
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La textura al corte perfecta, el sabor excelente y con bastante grasa como suele ser habitual en una buena paletilla de Jabugo.

The ideal shear texture, taste great and quite fat as usual in a good shoulder of Jabugo.

May 19, 2011
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Ralf B.
Ralf B.
EXELLENT!!!!!!!!EXELLENT !!!!!!!!

Das war der 1.Vorderschinken Paletilla Jabugo 5J Cinco Jotas "Bellota", aber sicher nicht der letzte. Gut das eine Beschreibung für das Schneiden dabei ist so kann man als Laie auch ordentlich Scneiden. Leider ist an der Schulter im Verhältnis viel Abfall. Deshalb versuchen wir das nächste mal einen Hinterschinken.

That was the 1.Vorderschinken paletilla Jabugo 5J Cinco Jotas "Bellota", but surely not the last. Well the description for the cutting it is the layman can also tidy Scneiden. Unfortunately, the shoulder in relation much waste. Therefore, we try the next time a ham.

May 16, 2011
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Gilles B.
Ein Traum des gaumensA dream of the palate

Es ist mein zweiter schinken und schwerer als der erste, ist noch lecker als der erste also grösser der schinken desto lecker ist er, kann nur weiter empfehlen, meine freude und bekante die vom schinken gegessen haben waren begeister von dem traumhaften schinken, allen schinken freunde kann ich nur empfehlen sich von so einem schinken genussvoll verwöhnen zu lassen.
Ps. noch einige worte zum vesand und lieferung alles wie versprochen sogar eher alls angegeben top servic auch!!!

It is my ham second and more difficult than the first, is still delicious as the first ie greater the ham the more delicious it is, can only recommend, mine were joy and edging have eaten the ham enthusiasm ham from the beautiful, all ham friends I can only recommend from such a spoiled ham enjoyable leave. Ps few words on the item during standard shipping and delivery everything as promised even more likely given top servic alls well!

May 15, 2011
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Barbieri Enrico
Barbieri Enrico
eccezionale crea dipendenzaexceptionally addictive

gran prodotto,tutto perfetto dalla spedizione all'omaggio peccato che non ci sia tantissimo da tagliare la prossima prendo il prosciutto, questa marca e joselito sono il top!!

great product, everything perfect tribute from shipment pity that there is a lot to take the next cut ham, Joselito this brand and are the best!

May 14, 2011
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Milano Italia

Ho preso questa spalla in sostituzione di un'altra, veramente un ottimo prodotto!
Massima serietà da parte di Miquel che mi ha consigliato e sostituito la spalla precedente senza problemi.
Complimenti a Ibergour e Miquel, consiglio a tutti di acquistare da ibergour.
Spedizione puntuale come al solito.

I took this back to replace another, truly a great product! Utmost seriousness by Miquel who advised me and replaced without previous shoulder problems. Congratulations to Ibergour and Miquel, I advise everyone to buy from ibergour. Delivery on time as usual.

May 11, 2011
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Marseille, France
C'est la première fois mais ce ne sera pas la dernièreThis is the first time but it will not last

Ce produit est différent de ce que nous avons connu jusqu'à présent ; à travers le goût nous sentons que c'est un produit naturel,du terroir : un régal !

This product is different from what we have experienced so far, through the taste we feel it is a natural product of the soil: a treat!

April 21, 2011
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Paris, France
Top Quality

This épaule arrived only several days after the order. Top quality product and everything was as promised. Overall, a great experience.

April 15, 2011
Un régal!A treat!

Excellent produit,livraision rapide et emballage soigné en petites portions très pratiques pour une dégustation régulière.
Si vous ne souhaitez pas découper vous même ou si vous souhaitez une plus petite quantité, c'est une très bonne solution pour un très bon jambon.

Excellent product, good packaging and fast A DELIVERY in small portions that are practical for regular tastings. If you do not want to cut yourself or if you want a smaller amount, it is a very good solution for a very good ham.

April 10, 2011
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Région parisienne, France
Toujours au topAlways on top

nous achetons pour la 2ième fois cette épaule 5J. Toujours parfait, gouteux, très doux, peu salé, texture parfaite...
Nous avions acheté le jambon mais vu notre consommation l'épaule est d'un meilleur rapport.

we buy for the 2nd time this shoulder 5J. Always perfect, tasty, very sweet, slightly salty, perfect texture ... We bought the ham but given our use of the shoulder is better value.

March 29, 2011
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pagella di un goloso esigente, con of a greedy demands, with gusto.

Sapore: eccellente,profumo di sottobosco; papille in tilt! Voto 10
Stagionatura: piu' vicina ai 20 mesi che ai 30. Voto 8
Grasso: eccessivo anche se dolcissimo e si deve gustare. Voto 8
Spedizione: perfetta. Voto 10
Assistenza cliente: perfetta, di piu'. Voto 10 piu'
Prezzo: e chi se lo ricorda?
Hasta luego!

Taste: Excellent scent of wild berries, buds into a tailspin! Rated 10
Aging: piu 'close to 20 to 30 months. Rated 8
Fat: too sweet and even if you have taste. Rated 8
Shipping: perfect. 10
Customer service rating: perfect, more '. Rated 10 most '
Price and who remembers?
Hasta Luego!

March 20, 2011
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Olga González
Olga González
Buena calidadGood Quality

Es cómodo porque te lo traen a casa. El producto es exquisito, aunque tuve dudas porque si no me gustaba al probarlo me parecía muy complicada la devolución, pero está permitida si el producto no es de tu agrado.
Yo ya he consumido la mitad y de momento muy bien, muy sabrosa sin estar salada.

It's convenient because you bring him home. The product is exquisite, though I doubt because if I did not like to try it seemed very complicated to return, but is permitted if the product is not to your liking. I've already consumed half and so far very good, very tasty without being salty.

March 16, 2011
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Très bon produit,service de livraison parfait.
Rien à ajouter,c'est la deuxième fois que je commande à cette société,et je recommencerai.

Very good product, great delivery service. Nothing to add, is the second time that I control this company, and I'll start.

March 14, 2011
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Buon prodottoGood product

Spedizione perfetta come sempre. Spalla molto saporita ma troppo fresca, l'avrei preferita un po' piu stagionata. Nel complesso comunque tutto ok!!!

Ships perfect as always. Shoulder is very tasty but too cool, I would have preferred a bit 'more seasoned. Overall, however, everything ok!

March 4, 2011
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Bologna, Italy
Producto malo o caducadoBad or expired products

Tuve que tirarlo, estaba todo negro y con olor malo. Creo que fue mal curado. No se como haya podido pasar pero lo malo es que tuve que tirarlo.
Normalmente esta empresa tiene calidad, pero no esta vez.

I had to throw it, it was all black and smell bad. I think it was wrong cure. You do not know how bad could happen but I had to throw it away. Normally the company has quality, but not this time.

February 19, 2011
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Sabor, aroma y calidad.Flavor, aroma and quality.

Para mi definitivo, y para mi familia también. Los desayunos se han convertido en un deseo de disfrutar de esta producción de 5 jotas, que para mi y familia es de sabor y aromas óptimos.

For my final, and for my family. The breakfasts have become a desire to enjoy this production of 5 jacks, for me and this family is optimal flavor and aroma.

February 13, 2011
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Da provareTo try

Bhe mi aspettavo di meglio. troppo grasso e a me è uscito anche un po salato pero devo anche dire che il sapore è inconfondibile sarebbe da provare qualche altra marca

Well I expected better. too fat and I came out a little salty but I must also say that the taste is unique would be to try some other brand

February 11, 2011
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Sevilla, España

Excelente tanto los servicios de Ibergour: trato, agilidad, ergonomía de la web, comunicación, rapidez de envío, .... como el producto en sí.
De las mejores paletillas que he probado nunca y he probado muchas. En su punto de curación y de sal, una capita justa de tocino por fuera y un veteado en el interior exquisito. Magnífico sabor.
¿lo recomendaría? Sí, sin duda alguna.
Ah, y encima una lata de AOVE de regalo!! ¿qué mas se puede pedir?

Excellent Ibergour both services: treatment, agility and ergonomics of the web, communication, fast shipping, .... as the product itself. Shoulders of the best I have ever tasted and I've tried many. In point of healing and salt, a fair capita bacon on the outside and inside an exquisite grain. Great taste. Would you recommend? Yes, definitely. Oh, and a can of AOVE gift! What more could you want?

January 10, 2011
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Antonio S.
Lodi Italia
Ottimo prodottoExcellent product

Ottimo prodotto, spedizione precisa e puntuale, la qualità della spalla è indiscutibilmente ottima. Comunicazione del venditore eccellente, lo consiglio a tutti.

Excellent product, accurate and timely delivery, quality of the shoulder is unquestionably good. Communication excellent seller, recommend it to everyone.

January 10, 2011
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Sannicandro di Bari
prodotto deliziosonice product

ho comperato per la prima volta, e sono pienamente soddisfatto. Goloso di prosciutto ho riscontrato i sapori provati in spagna nelle varie volte che ci sono stato. Prodotto eccellente, servizii di spedizione e cortesia idem. Lo consiglio agli intenditori in quanto la spalla ha un sapore piu delicato.

I bought it for the first time, and are fully satisfied. Gourmet ham I found the flavors in the round in Spain who have been there several times. Excellent product, shipping service and courtesy idem. I recommend it to connoisseurs as the shoulder has a more delicate flavor.

January 9, 2011
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Mario R.P
Esperaba algo más.I expected something more.

El jamón estaba bien de sal, bien curado, la carne tiene una proporción buena de vetas de grasa, generosa cantidad de tocino en comparación al de carne, aunque esto es más o menos normal. Lo malo de este jamón es que no le encontré sabor, esperaba un jamón de bellota, pero no me a parecido que este jamón tenga la calidad que la fama de 5J tiene.
No repetiré, pero tampoco digo que sea mal jamón, aunque para el precio me parece un jamón caro, para lo que ofrece, que es bastante mediocre.

The ham was fine salt, well cured, the meat has a good proportion of marbling, generous amount of fat compared to beef, although this is more or less normal. The bad thing is that this ham flavor not found, waiting for a ham, but to me seemed that this ham has the reputation for quality that has 5J. I will not repeat, but not saying it's bad ham, but for the price I think a ham expensive for what it offers, which is pretty mediocre.

January 8, 2011
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Porto, Portugal
Muito Bom - Cura FantasticaVery Good - Healing Fantastica

É um produto que não desilude, não foi uma surpresa.Simplesmente 5 estrelas. A repetir, sempre que for possível.O serviço de Ibergour também foi pautado pela eficiencia habitual - Recomendado.

It is a product that does not disappoint, it was not a surpresa.Simplesmente 5 stars. The repeat, any way they can always Ibergour service was also guided by the usual efficiency - Recommended.

January 8, 2011
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Brightwell-cum-Sotwell, Oxfordshire
Christmas complete

We enjoyed the ham more than thought and so did all our guests over Christmas taste is that of Spain and each time it's eaten it transports us to Sunny Spain
Next time will go for Leg as found shoulder too fatty apart from that all good service is great also no regrets will be a loyal customer am sure.

December 31, 2010
Excelente servicioExcellent service

El jamón estaba muy bueno pero había mucha grasa. Envio rapido y sin problemas, producto llegó en buen estado a Francia.

The ham was very good but had too much fat. Fast shipping and smooth, product arrived in good condition to France.

December 31, 2010
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Grande qualità ma quntità scarsissima!!!Great quality but very low amounts being!

Come dal titolo di questa recensione sottolineo la grande qualità della spalla la grande cura nella comunicazione durante la spedizione e la consegna ma purtroppo non ho trovato la quantità commestibile di prosciutto che avrebbe dovuto esserci non avendo considerato il reso ho buttato la grande quantità di grasso e così facendo è tramontata l'occasione di rendere la spalla. Ringrazio il Sig. Miquel che è stato di una gentilezza infinita spiegandomi tutte le sfaccettature del problema ma sarebbe opportuno mettere più in evidenza le quantità reali di prosciutto commestibile...

As the title of this review emphasize the high quality of care in the shoulder the great communication during shipment and delivery, but unfortunately I found the amount of edible ham should not be regarded as having made the I threw the large amount of fat and doing so has passed away this opportunity to make the shoulder. I thank Mr. Miquel a kindness that was finally explained all facets of the problem but it would be revealing more clearly the actual quantities of edible ham ...

December 29, 2010
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Finuca Casado
Genial paletillaGreat shoulder

Nunca probé el jamón porque somos de familia pero la calidad de la paletilla es indiscutible. Ya he repetido con el pedido y lo seguiré haciendo. Os tengo que felicitar porque siempre he quedado satisfecha con este maravilloso producto. Un saludo.

Never tried the ham because we are family but the quality of the shoulder is indisputable. I have repeated the request and continue to do. I have to congratulate you because I've always been satisfied with this wonderful product. A greeting.

December 27, 2010
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Aldo Piano
Aldo Piano
il prodotto è come lo aspettavothe product is as expected

Sono un estimatore del jabon iberico pata negra de bellota. Nelle mie ormai numerose escursioni in Spagna non perdo occasione per degustare questo prodciuto, che reputo trai i migliori del mondo. Affermo che il prodotto acquistato da voi è tra i migliori degustati sinora. Complimenti anche per la puntualità e la sollecitudine dell'invio. Anche il prezzo mi è sembrato conveniente.

I'm a fan of Jabon Iberico de Bellota Pata Negra. In my many trips to Spain now never misses a chance to taste this prodciuto, which I think is the best in the world Trai. I affirm that the product purchased from you is the best so far tasted. Congratulations also to the punctuality and promptness of transmission. The price seemed cheap.

December 26, 2010
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Gilles B.
Ganz gutVery good

Kann man nur weiter empfehlen,ist so wie ich mir es vorgestellt habe,transport und liefertermin ok sogar eher als angegeben war meine erste aber nicht die letze bestellung, und der schinken ist lekker lekker.......

Can only recommend it further, as I've imagined, transportation and delivery ok even more was given as my first but not the Last request, and the ham is lekker lekker .......

December 25, 2010
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ciudad real , españa
sabor inconfundibledistinctive flavor

la paletilla 5j cinco jotas es por merito propio una de las mas sabrosas que existen en el mercado ,por tanto si quereis probarla yo os la recomiendo , tiene un corte sencillo y facil , se caracteriza por su color y brillo y al paladar es inconfundible , yo pienso repetir ..

5j shoulder five jacks own merit is one of the most tasty in the market, so if you want to try it I will recommend it, has a simple and easy to cut, is characterized by its color and luster and taste is unmistakable, I think again ..

December 24, 2010
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ciudad real , españa
sabor exquisitoExquisite taste

una paletilla deliciosa para saborear entre amigos y con un buen vino , yo es la primera vez que la he probado y pienso repetir es de las mejores paletillas que existen , su sabor y su aspecto es inconfundible .

a shoulder to taste delicious with friends and a good wine, I is the first time I've tried and I repeat is the best there shoulders, their taste and appearance is unmistakable.

December 24, 2010
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Excelente productoExcellent product

Compre a traves de vds.una paleta,la calidad muy buena,sabrosa,en su punto de sal y conla grasa justa.El aroma y el regusto son una delicia para el cuerpo.
Hoy dia 21.12 he comprado por el mismo conducto otra paleta,pero esta vez de Pedroches,por consejo de un amigo.
Ya comentare el resultado cuando la empiece.
Recomiendo al personal estos productos y el servicio que ofreceis.
Un saludo.

Buy through vds.una palette, very good quality, tasty, where the salt and fat withthe justa.El aroma and taste are a delight for the body. 21.12 Today I bought for the same through another palette, but this time Pedroches, on the advice of a friend. And will comment the result when the start. I recommend these products and personal service that you offer. A greeting.

December 21, 2010
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Jabugo 5J

My experience with Ibergour was more than satisfactory, I would say excellent!!
Extremely professional and quick. I would certainly recommend it to everyone. I look forward to my next Jabugo.

December 20, 2010
Paris France
produit avec des arômes puissants et complexes.product with strong aromas and complex.

Ce n'est pas la première fois que j'achète du jambon chez vous ;j'ai déjà pris du Guijuelo et bien entendu du Jabugo (5 Jotas Bellota )) ce que j'apprécie c'est que le produit correspond à ce que l'on attend ;arômes doux et parfumés por le guijuelo presque délicat, et arômes plus complexes et puissants pour le jabugo . C'est à dire exactement ce qu'on peut attendre de ces produits. Un autre point important c'est le suivi de la qualité.
Enfin j' apprécie beaucoup que les délais de livraison soient tenus s'agissant d'un produit alimentaire qu'il faut respecter .En particulier pour la dernière livraison il était important pour moi , pour des questions de disponibilité de recevoir le colis le jour convenu pari qui a été tenu.

This is not the first time I buy ham at home, I already took the course and Guijuelo Jabugo (5 Jotas Bellota)) what I like is that the product is what expected, soft and fragrant aromas por guijuelo the most delicate and complex aromas and powerful for jabugo. That is exactly what we can expect from these products. Another important point is the quality monitoring. And I appreciate very much that delivery times are kept in relation to a food product that must be respected. In particular for the last delivery it was important to me , for questions of availability to receive the package on the day agreed bet that was held.

December 6, 2010
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mirco italia
cortona ar
una goduriaa pleasure

La spalla 5j e fantastica avevo gia provato altre spalle di diversi produttori ma quella che preferisco e questa.

The shoulder 5j fantastic and I had already tried other shoulders, but from different manufacturers and this one that I prefer.

December 4, 2010
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He comprado en otras ocasiones otras paletillas, y con diferencia, ésta es la mejor de todas ellas: jugosa, sabrosa... para mi perfecta. Y la relación calidad/precio me parece fenomenal, el mejor jamón por poco más de 100 euros, merece la pena.

I bought at other times other shoulders, and by far this is the best of them all: juicy, tasty ... perfect for me. And the price / quality ratio seems phenomenal, the best ham for just over $ 100 worth.

December 3, 2010
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superbe qualité de jambon , trés belle saveursuperb quality of ham, very good flavor

Livraison trés rapide , trés bon rapport qualité prix . on se régale......le probléme c'est tellement bon que l'on en mange tous les jours .....

Very fast delivery, very good value for money. we enjoy ...... the problem is so good that we eat every day .....

November 27, 2010
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November 19, 2010
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prima voltafirst time

Prima volta che ordino su Ibergour e prima volta che gusto una spalla di Bellota.
Paragonata al prosciutto la qualità si può definire buona.
Le parti grasse della spalla sono addirittura divine.
Complimenti per la precisione dei tempi di consegna

First time I order Ibergour on first taste and a shoulder-Ham. Compared to the ham can be defined as good quality. The fatty parts of the shoulder are indeed divine. Congratulations on the accuracy of delivery

November 8, 2010
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bormes les mimosas France
Délicat , parfumé en un mot délicieuxDelicate, fragrant, in a word delicious

L'année dernière j'avais commandé un jambon Jabugo Cinco Jotas"Bellota" entier
il était très bon mais pas facile à découper...J'ai voulu essayer l''épaule désossée ,je ne le regrette pas. de plus les personnes qui répondent au télèphone sont d'une gentillesse rare .

Last year I ordered a ham Jabugo Cinco Jotas "Bellota" whole it was very good but not easy to cut ... I wanted to try the boneless'épaule, I do not regret it. more people who answer the phone are a rare kind.

October 29, 2010
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Umberto Gallo
Umberto Gallo
Milano, Italia
buono ma pocogood but little

Molto buono, ma un po' troppo grasso e poca carne. Consiglio lasciarlo aperto un paio di giorni prima di mangiarlo, il gusto migliora.

Very good but a bit 'too much fat and little meat. Council to leave it open a couple of days before eating, the taste improves.

October 25, 2010
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London, UK
Better than anything from the supermarkets in UK

Very good communication and fast shipping was a good precursor to actually tasting the ham. To get the best result, I recommend separating the slices onto a plate and giving them 10-15 minutes of time to "air". Taste-wise the ham is better than anything you can buy e.g. at Waitrose or Sainsbury's, it really is no comparison. One things slightly curious was that in the 2 packages I ordered, 1 seemed to have slightly thicker cut slices, not to any very large detriment, but resulting in a slice less than in the first pack. Will try the leg/ham next for comparison!

October 23, 2010



October 17, 2010
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Por fin di en el clavo¡Finally I gave in the nail

Estaba harto de comprar jabugos por correo, y me mandaban lo que querian o no respondia al concepto que tengo de un buen jamón. Lo he comprado por lotes de 500 gr. en las tocinerias, pero nada.
He querido probar con el 5J de Ibergour,(el 5j ya lo conocia).
Estoy satisfecho, jamón 5Js de primera, e iré pidiendo para mi consumo, además la logistica, embalaje y servicio "chapeau".

I was tired of buying jabugo by mail, and sent me what they wanted or did not respond to the concept that I have a good ham. I've bought lots of 500 gr. Pork butchers in, but nothing. I wanted to try the Ibergour 5J (the 5j already knew). I am satisfied, ham 5JS first, and go begging for my consumption, besides the logistics, packaging and service "chapeau".

October 11, 2010
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epaule gouteuseshoulder tasty

tres satisfait de vos services ( envois conforme);la paleta etait bonne :
finie en un seul repas de 9 personnes ;car une fois enlever tout le gras(c'est ca qui donne tout le gout ) et la patte il ne reste pas enormement de viande ,
mais ca vaut le coup

very pleased with your services (line items), the palette was good: over in a single meal of 9 people, for once remove the fat (that's what gives all the taste) and the tab there is not enormously meat, but it's worth it

October 10, 2010
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Trés bonVery good

j'ai reçu la paletilla en seulement 2 jours, et nous l'avons commencé de suite et nous ne sommes pas deçu de la qualité et du gout.

paletilla I received in just two days, and we have started now and we are not disappointed in the quality and taste.

October 9, 2010
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Jacopo Lustro
Jacopo Lustro
Roma, Italia
Ottima organizzazione, buonssima qualitàExcellent organization, quality buonssima

La spedizione, il sito, la società e l'organizzazione funzionano davvero benissimo. Un nome una garanzia.
Nel merito la mia paletilla 5 jotas è buonissima, con il giusto quanitativo di grasso, ma vorrei provare anche quella di Joselito perchè sono convinto si possa fare ancora meglio!

The dispatch, the website, the company and the organization they work really well. A name of security. Substance jotas my paletilla 5 is excellent, with the right quanitativo fat, but I would also try to Joselito because I am convinced we can do even better!

September 30, 2010
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Alles Bestens!Everything perfect!

Bestellabwicklung und Versand verliefen ohne Probleme.
Und wer sich einen 5J Jamon bzw. Paletilla bestellt, weiß natürlich auch wo drauf er sich einläßt.
Einfach der Beste Schinken!! Ich befürchte, wir werden wohl Stammkunden werden.

Order processing and delivery took place without problems. And if you or a 5J Jamon paletilla ordered white, of course, where he gets involved on it. Simply the best ham! I fear we are likely to be regular customers.

September 18, 2010
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parma, italia
molto soddisfattovery satisfied

è la prima volta che acquisto una paleta disossata e devo dire che sono molto soddisfatto, soprattutto per la divisione in due parti e per l inclusione delle ossa. Il vostro servizio clienti online è stato molto efficiente e professionale come sempre. complimenti

is the first time I buy a paleta de-boned and I am very satisfied, especially for division into two parts and the inclusion of the bones. Your online customer service was very efficient and professional as always. compliments

September 7, 2010
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parma, Italia
ancora una volta soddisfattoonce again met

è già il secondo ordine e mi ritrovo molto soddisfatto dal servizio e dalla qualità impeccabile. Questa volta ho ordinato una paleta per me e un altra come regalo. nessuna pecca, veramente eccellente ! continuerò ad acquistare su ibergour. grazie

is already the second order and find myself very satisfied with the service and impeccable quality. This time I ordered a paleta for me and another as a gift. no sin, really excellent! continue to buy on ibergour. thanks

September 7, 2010
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William Reid
William Reid
Watford, England
5J Cinco jotas "Bellota" shoulder

Unfortunately, the shoulder ham that i received was extremely dry, probably due to being old stock. I was unable to get more than 6 worth while portions from it which of course made it an expensive deal. I didn't bother to complain until now, although i wished i had because my complaint was met by a very polite and understanding gentleman who advised me that they would have replaced it free of charge providing less than 25% of it has been used.
This Christmas i will give it another go. Fingers crossed !!

August 31, 2010
Calella ,Barcelona
Estaba estupendaIt was great

Compre esta `paletilla el dia 5 de agosto ,el 6 le di la vuelta y hoy 23 se acabo ,la mejor que he probado lo dicen el monton de amigos que me han salido estos dias,gracias por esta maravilla

Buy this' shoulder on the 5th of August, I turned six and now 23 is just the best I've tried it say the lot of friends who have left these days, thank you for this wonderful

August 23, 2010
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Thomas Deevy
Dublin, Ireland
Good quality at an affordable price

With so much choice Its hard to decide which jamon to choose, obviously you don't want to comprise on quality but the prices vary so much from brand to brand. You also need to consider would you be able to consume a whole jamon or should you pick a paleta instead?
There is an answer to your questions; 5J cinco jotas paleta delivers good quality at an affordable price every time, i have purchased it a number of times in Spain and once from Ibergour and i can assure you this product will deliver delicious full flavored jamon every time. Its just the right size that you can consume it over a 2/3 months period and still maintain its quality and taste with out turning bad. If you are a jamon novice and new to the world of jamon or you just want to impress your friends, there is no better buy than 5J cinco jotas. It's exquisite.
I have used other suppliers of Spanish products on-line and been disappointed with the end product i received. I placed my faith in Ibergour when i made my order, they promised the best in service and end product and they delivered in both. I received my order on time and in perfect condition, i can honestly say to any consumers seeking to purchase fine quality Spanish products look no further, your search is over, Ibergour meets all your requirements for quality products.
I have used Ibergour in the past and will be using them again in the future i can recommend both their products and service, when your parcel arrives to your house it will be like a little bit of Spanish sun shine delivered to your front door.

August 3, 2010
A. Zandi
A. Zandi
Eccellente servizio e prodottoExcellent service and product

Servizio di consegna rapido ed efficiente. La qualità è ottima e le dimensioni della paleta sono perfette per una piccola famiglia. Tagliare le fette è ogni volta un piacere e sulla tavola non manca mai un piatto di paleta iberica appena affettata. L'includione del jamonero con coltello è stata molto apprezzata. Sono molto soddisfatto, è stato il primo e sicuramente non ultimo acquisto su IberGour.

Delivery service quickly and efficiently. The quality is excellent and the size of paleta are perfect for a small family. Cut the slices every time is a pleasure and not on the table is always just a plate of sliced Iberian paleta. The includione jamonero with the knife was much appreciated. I am very satisfied, was the first and certainly not least on IberGour purchase.

July 12, 2010
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No muy buena en mi opiniónNot very good in my opinion

Tiene poca grasa infiltrada y la carne tiene un color un poco raro, pero el sabor está bien. Además tiene mucha grasa y poca carne.

It has little marbling fat and meat has a color a little weird, but the taste is OK. It also has a lot of fat and little meat.

July 9, 2010
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Ricardo C.
Ricardo C.
Salado, seco y poca grasa infiltradaSalted, dried, low-fat infiltrated

Ante todo decir que el servicio de Ibergour ha sido impecable, pero el producto que me han enviado ha dejado mucho pero que mucho que desear. Nada más empezarlo por la maza ya me mosqueó por su dureza. Después lo probé y se confirmaron todas las sospechas (muy salado y sin a penas grasa infiltrada), pero era una de las teóricas estrellas de la fiesta y no era plan de devolverlo y quedarnos con cara de tontos. En fín, nos lo comimos pero ha sido una gran decepción el famoso 5J. Creo que no volveré a comprar otro...

First of all say that Ibergour service has been impeccable, but the product you have sent me a lot but has left much to be desired. Just starting with the club and I mosque for its hardness. Then I tried it and confirmed all suspected (very salty and barely any fat marbling), but was one of the theoretical star of the party and did not plan to return and stay with the face of fools. Anyway, we ate but it was a great disappointment the famous 5J. I think I will not buy another ...

July 8, 2010
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Marmirolo -Mantova- Italia
Eccellenza del prosciutto iberico bellotaExcellence of Iberian ham ham

Prodotto eccellente, gustoso, di ottimo taglio.
Unico inconveniente (comunque noto) è che la confezione sottovuoto appiccica un po le fette l'una all'altra.
Sarebbe auspicabile un tipo di confezionamento in vaschetta, come alcuni prodotti affettati italiani.

Excellent product, tasty, very good cut. The only drawback (but known) is that the vacuum pack sticks a bit slices to each other. It would be a type of packaging container, as some sliced Italian.

July 1, 2010
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Helsingborg, Sweden
Shoulder as good as the ham!

I'm very happy with the quality of the shoulder! This is the first time I have purchased a shoulder, and in my mind the taste is as good as ham. The fat is rich and full of flavour, the meat is tender with super aroma - everything to be eaten! No trace of connective tissue so far.
I bought the boneless version and it came delivered in two pieces just as described, that is perfect. I have opened one of them and keep the other fresh in vacuum pack until the first is consumed.
Delivery took a week, not the fastest but within the estimate.

May 29, 2010

sono sempre un po' diffidente sugli acquisti via internet ma mi sono subito ricreduto
il prodotto e' buonissimo il servizio sia di consegna che packaging ottimo
voto 10

are always a bit 'suspicious purchases over the internet but I soon changed my mind the product and' very good delivery service is excellent packaging vote 10

May 26, 2010
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un vrai pata negrapata negra a real

Nous avons été agréablement surpris par le 5J et n'avons pas mis longtemps à le finir; petit bémol: l'épaule est un peu sec.
Beaucoup de gens trouve qu'il y a trop de gras autour mais je pense que c'est normal. C'est ce qui fait la saveur de la pata negra.
J e pense que pour la prochaine commande on achètera le jambon il serait mieux pour une famille de quatre, l'épaule est trop juste et un peu sec.
N'hésitez pas c'est la bellota est un produit exceptionnel!!!

We were pleasantly surprised and the 5J did not take long to finish it; small downside: the shoulder is a little dry. Many people find that there is too much fat around but I think it's normal . That is what makes the flavor of pata negra. J e believe that for the next request we will buy the hams would be best for a family of four, the shoulder is too tight and a bit dry. Please c is the acorn is an exceptional product!

May 18, 2010
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A Coruña
El sabor de un "famoso"The flavor of a "famous"

Al recibirlo hemos hecho en casa una "cata" de este, el noblanza y el guijuelo. Sorprendentemente el veredicto fue unánime a favor del Guijuelo.
El 5J me parece algo más fuerte y bastante salado, aunque soy consciente que no se puede juzgar solo por una unidad.

At home we did receive a "taste" of this, the Noblanza and Guijuelo. Surprisingly, the verdict was unanimous in favor of Guijuelo. The 5J I think something stronger and quite tasty, although I know that can not be judged only by one unit.

May 18, 2010
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Sueño de maravillaSounds great

Paletillas o jamones Carvajál 5J he comprado varias veces por los años antes de decubrír Joselito. Son buenissimos pero no iguales a las de Joselito. Sin duda tal vez de nuevo las compraré. Otras paletillas tambien son de gran valór. Me corre la boca en recuerdo de una paletilla "El Corchuelo" de Riotinto por ejemplo. Mi mejor memoria de jamones o paletillas de Carvajál actualmente es un jamon 4J comprado en Sevilla en 1.985. Estupendo de verdad. Y seguramente las paletillas y jamones 5J en mi opinión todos merecen cinco estrellas, solo con su calidad provocan siempre tantas memorias

Carvajal 5J shoulders or hams I bought several times by Joselito years before recoating. They buenissimos but not equal to those of Joselito. No doubt maybe buy again. Other blades are also of great value. I remember running your mouth on a shoulder "The Corchuelo" Rio Tinto for example. My best memory of hams or shoulders Carvajal 4J is now a ham purchased in Seville in 1985. Wonderful really. And surely the shoulders and hams 5J I think we all deserve five stars, just as with so many memories always lead

May 1, 2010
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Helena S.
Helena S.
Sant Joan de les Abadesses, Girona
El resultat no pot ser millorThe pot will not be millor resultat

És la tercera vegada que comprem a IberGour i el resultat no pot ser millor. En qualitat, en preu, en servei i en tracte. Tot positiu.

Which is the third vegada IberGour i comprem to the pot will not be millor resultat. In qualitat in Preu, in servei i in tract. Positiu Tot.

April 28, 2010
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Jonatan Guillen
Barcelona, España
Vaya paletilla!!!Go chuck!

Esta fue mi primera compra en Ibergour, y algunos días antes estuve hablando por chat con ellos para que me aconsejaran sobre un buen jamón. Solo puedo decir que me ayudaron mucho y en ningún momento me incitaron a comprar algo que no necesitara. Es más, yo tenia en mente comprar un jamón, y por la cantidad de gente en mi familia y las veces que comíamos me aconsejaron que seria mejor una paletilla. Si tenéis alguna duda poneos en contacto con ellos, es lo mejor.
En cuanto al jamón solo puedo decir que es excelente. Como he dicho era mi primer bellota, y no pudo sorprenderme más. Al principio me asuste como todo novato al ver la capa de grasa del principio (que se puede aprovechar para un estofado), pero después llego lo bueno. El jamón es muy gustoso, de los que he ido probando el que más.
Para mi el corte perfecto siempre es la mezcla de carne con la grasilla y creo que gracias a eso puedes ver la gran diferencia entre un jamón serrano y uno de bellota, la grasilla le da un gusto sensacional.
Yo lo intento cortar fino en un plato y lo acompaño con pan con aceite y tomate. Lo que algunos pueden ver como una tapa se puede convertir en una cena de gourmet con algún acompañamiento más.

This was my first purchase from Ibergour, and some days before I was talking on chat with them to advise me on a good ham. I can only say that I helped a lot and never prompted me to buy something not needed. In fact, I had in mind to buy a ham, and the number of people in my family and the times we ate I was advised it would be better one shoulder. If you have any questions get in touch with them is best. As for the ham I can only say it is excellent. As I said it was my first acorn, and could not even surprise. At first I was scared as any rookie to see the fat layer of the principle (which can be used for a stew), but then came good. The ham is very tasty, of which I have been testing the most. For me the perfect cut is always the meat mixture with the grasilla and I think because of that you can see the big difference between a ham and an acorn- grasilla gives the taste sensational. I'm trying to cut thin on a plate and accompany with bread with olive oil and tomatoes. What some may see as a cover can become a gourmet dinner with some accompaniment.

April 25, 2010
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daniel ornia
daniel ornia
Bruxelles, Belgique
La Rolls du JambonThe Rolls Royce of Ham

Magnifique jambon que celui de 5 jotas. Pour les amateurs de produit gourmet à recommander.
L'épaule convient parfaitement aux petites familles qui savent se faire plaisir.

Wonderful ham than 5 jotas. For lovers of gourmet product to recommend. The shoulder is ideal for small families who can have fun.

April 21, 2010
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Pelayo F.
Pelayo F.
La Haya, Holanda
Muy buena calidadVery good quality

El producto en sí, o sea el jamón, es de muy buena calidad y lo que más nos ha gustado, por la comodidad que nos proporciona al vivir en el extranjero, es el servicio de portes y su ajustado precio. En general estamos muy contentos de haber encontrado la empresa y seguramente haremos más encargos en el futuro.

The product itself, or ham, is of very good quality and what we liked more, the comfort that gives us the living abroad, is the delivery service and set price. Overall we are very happy to have found the company and we will probably have more orders in the future.

March 29, 2010
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Óscar V.
Óscar V.
Santa Coloma de Cervelló, España
Un vez visto el producto...A once seen the product ...

Un vez visto el producto y probado no dudaremos en repetir, aunque quizas probemos algo inferior al 5J ya que seguramente hayan paletillas tambien muy sabrosas y que cuesten un poco menos. No digo que sea cara pero hay que mirar por la economia un poco y mas con un bebe en casa. Yo era de los que no se fiaba de entregas por internet y me arriesgué, y al ver la seriedad del servicio de mensajeria y que en todo momento se me informaba del envio me tranquilizo.

A once seen and tested the product will not hesitate to repeat, but maybe let's try something less than 5J since surely have shoulders also very tasty and cost a little less. Do not say it is expensive but you have to look at the economy a little more with a baby at home. I was among those who did not trust online delivery and I took a chance, and seeing the seriousness of the messenger service at all times and informing me of shipping reassure me.

March 26, 2010
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Laurent H.
Gemenos, France
Extremement déçu de la qualité de vos produitsExtremely disappointed with the quality of your products

Il y avait tellement de gras et d'os que nous n'avons pu manger en famille que 700 à 900 grammes de votre produit.

There were so fat and bone that we could eat in family 700-900 grams of your product.

March 5, 2010
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Felipe C.
Felipe C.
Gurieza, España
La última no ha sido de mi agradoThe latter has not been to my liking

Soy cliente habitual de Ibergour y nunca he tenido ningún problema con sus productos. Sin embargo me gustaría comentarles que la última paleta 5jotas con nº de codigo de barras 6176567 no ha sido de mi agrado debido a que la mayor parte de ella era tocino con poco magro. Sirva este comentario a titulo informativo y en aras de mantener la calidad de sus productos.

Ibergour'm a regular customer and have never had any problems with their products. However I would mention that the last pallet 5jotas with No 6176567 Barcode was not to my liking because most of it was fat with little lean. Serve this review only an indication and in order to maintain the quality of their products.

March 3, 2010
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Marco B.
London, England
Very good flavour, too much fat

Very good flavour but a little bit too much fat on the outside which had to be cut out. Overall it was good, but the yield of meat was less than expected.

March 2, 2010
Julio M.
Julio M.
Alcalá de Henares, Madrid
Genial, la belleza maxima aplicada al paladarGenial, beauty applied to the palate maxima

Genial, la belleza maxima aplicada al paladar. Algo parecido a una simbiosis con el paraiso... volvere a pasarmelo bien muy pronto.

Genial, beauty maxima applied to the palate. Something like a symbiosis with the paradise ... volvere to enjoy myself very soon.

January 15, 2010
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Raúl L.
Raúl L.
Granada, España
Lamentable. NOTA: 0Lamentable. NOTE: 0

El estado en que se encontraba la paletilla era lamentable y tuvo que ir (prácticamente media) a la basura. NOTA 0. No seré yo quien recomiende su sitio web para adquirir sus productos ya que estoy convencido que en su empresa conocían el estado de ese producto, y aún así, lo enviaron.

The condition was the shoulder was unfortunate and had to go (almost half) away. NOTE 0. Not for me to recommend your site to buy their products because I am convinced that your company knew the state of that product, and yet they sent it.

January 4, 2010
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Emilia G.
Madrid, España
Personalmente prefiero ir cortándolo yo mismoPersonally I prefer to go cutting myself

Personalmente prefiero ir cortándolo yo mismo, aunque para casa es lo más cómodo. Se echan de menos los recortes que sobran para hacer tortillas.

Personally I prefer to go cutting myself, but for home is more comfortable. It cuts miss left over to make tortillas.

December 30, 2009
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Alfredo A.
Miranda de Ebro, España
Resulta al final un poco pequeñaIt is a bit small end



December 24, 2009
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Olivier B.
Olivier B.
Brugge, Bélgica
El mejor jamon que he comidoThe best I have eaten ham

Despues de probar jamones de muchas partes de españa y muchas veces estar desepcionado y a veces con alegria, puedo decir que 5j's de vuestra empresa ha sido el mejor jamon que he comido en mi vida. He enviado tambien uno a mis padres en belgica para navidades y no quieren ni hablar de otra marca a partir de ahora.

Hams after testing many parts of Spain and many times to be desepcionado and sometimes with joy, I can say that your company's 5j was the best ham I've had in my life. He also sent one to my father in Belgium for Christmas and do not want to talk about another brand from now.

December 24, 2009
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David M.
London, England
After a bit of practice, cutting ham is not a problem

No question this is the best Jamon Jabugo I have ever bought. My only regret is that we did not have enough people visiting to warrant buying a leg instead of a shoulder. This will definitely be a regular Christmas present from me to me, and any other time of the year I can think of an excuse. My children and grandchildren visit in August so I think I see another reason for a purchase. Incidentally, the knife and stand were first class as well and, after a bit of practice, cutting ham is not a problem. We also got some excellent frying fat by reducing the skin and off-cuts of fat to render dripping. And we used the bones to flavour a stew!

December 21, 2009
Yves P.
Yves P.
Portel des Corbieres, France
Très bonne qualitéVery good

Produit de très bonne qualité, parfaitement emballé, livré dans des délais brefs, à un prix raisonnable par rapport à la concurrence web.

Produces very good quality, well packaged, delivered at short notice, at a reasonable price compared to the competition website.

December 19, 2009
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Sapna K.
Torremolinos, España
Quizás que el brillo y sabor no era todo lo esperadoPerhaps the brightness and flavor was not as expected

Como paletilla de 5J que era, el único pero (un "pero" pequeñito) que le puedo decir es quizás que el brillo y sabor no era todo lo esperado. La cantidad de grasa y hueso era la normal para ser paletilla. En cualquier caso dimos muy buena cuenta de su indudable calidad acompañándolo siempre de buenos vinos y quesos.

As 5J shoulder of that era, but only (a "but" tiny) I can say is perhaps that the brightness and flavor was not as expected. The amount of fat and bone was normal for the shoulder. In any case we were very good account of his undoubted quality, always accompanied by fine wines and cheeses.

December 17, 2009
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Luciano C.
Luciano C.
Nova Milanese, Italia
Positivamente siorpreso dalla qualitàSiorpreso positively on the quality

È stata la prima volta che ho comperato un prodotto del genere via web e sono rimasto positivamente siorpreso dalla qualità del prodotto ed dal servizio di Ibegur, che sono stati eccellenti.

It was the first time I bought such a product via the web and I was positively siorpreso product quality and service of Ibegur, which were excellent.

December 17, 2009
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Rosie H.
Rosie H.
Anershan, England
The flavour was rich and distinguished

I bought this wonderful ham as a Christmas present for my husband. It was to remind him of many great meals in Spain. However we both loved it so much that we had eaten it long before Christmas arrived! The flavour was rich and distinguished. Certainly 5*

December 17, 2009
Jaime R.
Jaime R.
Barcelona, España
Como cortar mantequillaLike cutting butter

Mi nota, para la paletilla que compre es de un 5, y por que no hay mas, vereis yo ya soy un poco mayor, y por lo tanto he comido mucho jamon, sobre todo de pata negra, he probado de muchos sitios, y os aseguro que esa paletilla que os compre, a sido de lo mejor que he probado, salio excelente, con la grasa justa para darle el toque, y el corte se hacia solo, era como cortar mantequilla, y de un sabor exquisito, se desacia en la boca, bueno, bueno, bueno.

My note to the shoulder that you buy is 5, and that no more, you will see I am already a little older, and therefore I have eaten too much ham, especially black leg, I've tried many places, and I assure you that shoulder that I buy, has been the best I've ever tasted, came out excellent, with the fat just to give you the touch, and the court by himself, was like cutting butter, and taste great, are desacia in the mouth, well, well, well.

December 16, 2009
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Jesús G.
Alcalá de Henares, Madrid
Deliciosa, algo seca en el bordeDelicious, somewhat dry on the edge

Deliciosa ,algo seca en el borde ,de todas formas nos supo a poco,en la próxima sera todo mejor.

Delicious, somewhat dry on the edge, anyway it tasted a little, the next will be all better.

December 16, 2009
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Juan M.
Barcelona, España
Regalo a empleadosEmployee Gift

Estas paletillas las compro para regalarlas a mis empleados por Navidad. Las referencias que me han dado son excelentes aunque siendo el dueño de la empresa, qué me iban a decir...

These blades I bought them for a gift to my employees for Christmas. The references I have given are great but being the owner of the company, what I would say ...

December 16, 2009
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Eduard W.
Eduard W.
Baden, Deutschland
Wir haben jetzt das Problem...We now have the problem ...

Wir haben jetzt das Problem, nach so einer gut Paletilla keinen einfacheren Serrano-Schinke mehr essen zu könne, da er einfach nicht mehr schmeckt. Die Steigerung wird dann noch der Jamón serrano sein (Hinterschinken) der keinen so überdimensionierten Fettanteil hat und von dem zu erwarten ist, dass er noch feiner schmeckt!

We now have the problem after such a good Paletilla no easier Serrano ham could eat more, because he simply no longer tastes good. The increase is still the jamón serrano be (ham), the fat does not make as oversized and in anticipation of the is that it still tastes fine!

December 15, 2009
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David & Marlene L.
David & Marlene L.
Just one slice with ice cold Tio Pepe is a feast

There is enormous pleasure in treating yourself to something which is widely regarded as "the best in the world" and 5J is "the best of the best". The smaller shoulder joint is a lot more affordable but the flavour is fantastic. It arrived in perfect condition and with the special carving knife and ham holder we were quickly able to produce wafer thin slices like real "jamoneros". It stood in perfect condition for more than two months in our cool attic but we also froze some for solo treats. Just one slice with ice cold Tio Pepe is a feast, two slices is an orgy.

December 11, 2009
Mariana M.
Mariana M.
Logroño, España
Era tooodo grasaIt was fat tooodo

El sabor muy bueno pero muchísima grasa. Abrí la paletilla por donde recomiendan en la web y tenía bastante grasa pero pense que era lo normal. Al darle la vuelta era tooodo grasa. Como había tirado la grasa de la primera parte y consumido la carne no pude devolverla porque superaba el porcentaje con lo que realmente pudimos aprovechar muy poco. No recomiendo la compra si no se garantiza un mínimo para consumir o si no modifican las condiciones de devolución.

The taste very good but a lot of fat. I opened the shoulder where recommended on the web and was quite fat, but I thought it was normal. The flip was tooodo fat. As he had thrown the fat consumed the first half and could not return the meat because it exceeded the proportion with what actually could take very little. I do not recommend the purchase if there is no guarantee a minimum to eat or do not modify the conditions of return.

December 11, 2009
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Jean Pierre R.
Jean Pierre R.
Aix Les Bains, France
Emballage parfaitPerfect Packaging

Excellente qualité du produit . Rapidité d'envoi . Avec un emballage parfait pour l' épaule en tranches Jabugo 5J Cinco Jotas "Bellota " .

Excellent quality. Timeliness. With a perfect package for the shoulder in slices Jabugo 5J Cinco Jotas "Bellota.

December 11, 2009
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Antolín D.D.
Antolín D.D.
San Sebastian de los Reyes, España
Quedas bien siempreWell as long stay

No hay nada mejor, en su punto de curacion y sal. Este año repito seguro, la verdad es que merece mucho la pena. Quedas bien siempre.

There is nothing better, in point of healing and salt. This year I repeat certain, the truth is well worth. Stay well forever.

December 10, 2009
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José J.
Tomar, Portugal
El Jenson Button de las paletillasJenson Button on the shoulders

Es El Jenson Button de las paletillas. Ni siempre gana, pêro esta siempre en lugares pontuables. En lo final podrá ser lo campion.

It's Jenson Button of the shoulders. Not always wins, but is always in places pontuables. In the end it may be the campion.

December 8, 2009
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Ricardo L.
Ricardo L.
Linda a Velha, Portugal
Se quiero comprar Jamón solo hago 5JotasHam is one I want to buy 5Jotas

Yo soy de Lisboa/Portugal e se quiero comprar Jamón solo hago 5Jotas, és la segunda vez que lo hago atraves de Ibergour e estou muy contento, lá rapidez e calidade son muy buenas. Otros amigos mios ya han comprado por Ibergour e se quedaran clientes. Gracias e Un Saludo desde Lisboa- Portugal.

I'm from Lisbon / Portugal and is one I want to buy 5Jotas Ham is the second time I do e estou Ibergour THROUGH of very happy, the speed and qualities are very good. Other friends of mine have already been purchased and will stay Ibergour customers. Thanks and Best Regards from Lisbon, Portugal.

December 3, 2009
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Ugo B.
Ugo B.
Pesaro, Italia
Finita in un attimoFinished in a flash

La spalla di Jabugo era ottima purtroppo... è finita in un attimo. Al prossimo ordine, che sicuramente sarà il prosciutto e non la spalla (piccola). Complimenti per il servizio e la velocità con cui abbiamo ricevuto la merce ordinata.

The shoulder Jabugo was excellent, unfortunately ... ended in an instant. At the next order, which will surely be the ham and shoulder (small). Congratulations for the service and the speed with which we have received your order.

November 26, 2009
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Ricardo R.
Cuevas del Almanzora, España
Justo de sal y sabrosísimoSalt and absolutely delicious Fair

Poco que decir del mejor de los jamones, exquisito, buenisima vista al corte, justo de sal y sabrosísimo.

Little to say about the best ham, exquisite, cutting buenisima view, just salt and savory.

November 25, 2009
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José Ángel S.
Alicante, España
En su punto de curación y de salIn point of healing and salt

Excelente paletilla. Ya la conocía y la vuestra me pareció de las mejores que he probado. Muy bien conservada y en su punto de curación.

Excellent shoulder. Already knew and I found yours the best I've tried. Very well preserved and its point of healing.

November 24, 2009
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Pedro Z.
Pedro Z.
Getxo, Vizcaya
Nuestra mas sincera felicitacionOur most sincere congratulations

Con estas palabras quiero dar, mi opinion personal,la de mi esposa y tambien la de mi nieto que forma parte de nuestra unidad familiar como excelente y me atreveria incluso,a calificarlo como uno de los mejores jamones que hemos tenido el placer de degustar en los ultimos años. Nuestra mas sincera felicitacion y nuestro saludo.

With these words I give my personal opinion, that of my wife and also that of my grandson who is part of our family unit as excellent, and I dare even to qualify as one of the best hams who have had the pleasure of tasting in recent years. Our most sincere congratulations and our health.

November 24, 2009
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Hans-Dieter H.
Hofgeismar, Deutschland
Der Schinken war vom Geschmack her ausgezeichnetThe ham was excellent in taste

Der Schinken war vom Geschmack her ausgezeichnet. Der Preis war angemessen und entsprach dem Preis, der in Spanien für diese Marke zu zahlen ist. Allerdings war die äußere Fettschicht extrem dick.

The ham was excellent in taste. The price was reasonable and reflected the price that is paid in Spain for this brand. However, the external fat layer was extremely thick.

November 13, 2009
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Aurora B.
Aurora B.
Moulton, Inglaterra
Distingido y unico saborIdentify and unique flavor

Recomendo el 5j cinco jotas jabugo [Bellota] por su distingido y unico sabor. para mi y mi familia no hay otro igual.

I recommend the five jacks jabugo 5j [Acorn] for its distinction and unique flavor. for me and my family has no equal.

November 13, 2009
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Maurizio V.
Roma, Italia
Ottimo di sapore, ma...Excellent flavor, but ...

ottimo di sapore, ma purtroppo la spalla a differenza del prosciutto ha troppa poca carne da mangiare a disposizione. consiglio quindi di non prendere spalle ma prosciutti, anche per il rapporto qualità/quantità/prezzo.

great flavor, but unfortunately the shoulder unlike the ham has too little to eat meat available. therefore advisable not to take back but hams, including the quality / quantity / price.

November 12, 2009
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Silvino M.
Siero, España
Muy buena calidadVery good quality

Producto de muy buena calidad. Tiene excelente sabor y, al ser deshuesada, presenta la comodidad de poderse cortar a máquina, lo que resulta muy útil si se dispone de ésta, ya que se pueden cortar lonchas muy finas, maximizando el rendimiento de la paletilla

Product of very good quality. You have excellent taste and, being boneless, has the convenience of being able to cut machine, which is very useful if you have it, and that can be cut very thin slices, maximizing the performance of the shoulder

November 9, 2009
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Norman F.
London, England
First class product

Aroma and Taste were amazing, the texture was moist and succulent, with the fat oozing from all surfaces of the slices. First class product.

November 9, 2009
Olivier B.
Paris, France
Un peu secSlightly dry

Trés bon, mais un peu sec ou dur.

Very good but a bit dry or hard.

September 15, 2009
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Gianluca M.
Potenza, Italia
Paleta molto buonaPaleta very good

Paleta molto buona, ottima stagionatura , ottimo prodotto nel suo complesso

Paleta very good, excellent seasoning, excellent product as a whole

September 9, 2009
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Francisco M.
Barcelona, España
Por debajo de los últimos adquiridosBelow the last acquired

Lo cierto es que salió quizás un poco por debajo de los últimos que habíamos adquirido, lo encontramos un poco salado y no llegaba a su peso "en teoria en 250 grs." por lo que podríamos haber comprado otro por menos precio.

The truth is that left perhaps a little below the last that we acquired, we find it a bit salty and did not reach their weight "in theory at 250 grams." so we could have bought another for less money.

September 2, 2009
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Massimiliano M.
Massimiliano M.
Punta Marina Terme, Italia
Prodotti eccellentiExcellent products

Prodotti eccellenti, prezzo ragionevole, spedizione veloce, servizio e comunicazione eccellenti.

Excellent products, reasonable price, fast shipment, excellent service and communication.

June 12, 2009
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Karl-Wilhelm H.
Karben-Petterweil, Alemania
Sabor preciosoBeautiful flavor

Superior calidad. Sabor precioso. Soy muy contento con el jamón. Puedo recommender a todo el mundo a comprar este producto.

Superior quality. Sabor precious. I am very happy with the ham. I can Recommender everyone to buy this product.

April 30, 2009
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Enrico B.
Verona, Italia
Gusto un po' forteTaste a bit 'strong

buono, ma dal gusto un po' forte. Mi restava in bocca ed in gola una sensazione di bruciore. Forse aveva preso caldo nel trasporto.

good, but taste a bit 'strong. I remained in the mouth and throat a burning sensation. Perhaps he got hot in the carriage.

March 17, 2009
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Juan R.
Juan R.
Burgos, España
Esta última, estupendaThis last, great

Tengo que decirle que esta ultima paletilla nos ha salido estupenda, la verdad que de las que hemos comprado quitando una que no fue tan buena el resto se podia clasificar con un 5.

I have to say that the latter has left us wonderful shoulder, the truth of removing one we bought was not so good the rest could be classified with a 5.

February 11, 2009
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Alfredo G.
Navia, España
Dos bien, una malTwo well, one bad

2 de ellas 5 estrellas, pero una de las ultimas un 3 porqeu aunque su sabor es unico tengo qeu decir qeu era muy estrecha y alargada y tenia demasiado tocino ( se que es raro pero asi fue).

Two of them five stars, but one of the last March 1 porqeu although its flavor is unique to say I have qeu qeu was very narrow and long and had too much fat (which is rare but it was so.)

January 21, 2009
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Carlo B.
Carlo B.
Borgo, Corse
Très bonne qualitéVery good

Ayant découvert vos produits chez un restaurateur, j'ai trouvé celui qui m'a été envoyé de très bonne qualité, même si le goût était un peu différent.

Having discovered your product in a restaurant, I found the one who sent me very good, although the taste was a little different.

December 29, 2008
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Barcelona, España
Excelente paletillaExcellent shoulder

Excelente paletilla con relación calidad precio perfecta, buena curación y con poca grasa. Sin duda repetiría la elección.

Excellent value for money shoulder with perfect, good healing and low fat. No doubt repeat the election.

December 24, 2008
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Jean-Pierre R.
Mulhouse, France
Absolument délicieuxAbsolutely delicious

A tomber. Quantité plus 'raisonnable' qu'un jambon. Absolument délicieux.

A fall. Quantity more 'reasonable' a ham. Absolutely delicious.

December 17, 2008
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Dino S.
Dino S.
Gioia del Colle, Italia
Qualità SUPERIORESuperior Quality

Un poco costoso ma di qualità SUPERIORE. Certamente acquisterò altre volte ancora.

An inexpensive but high quality. Certainly be purchasing more times yet.

December 11, 2008
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Manel O.
Manel O.
Lleida, España
El resultado fue increibleThe result was amazing

Habia oido hablar mucho de productos carvajal, en concreto 5J, pero no habia provado ninguno. Cuando vi la oportunidad que me ofrecia Ibergour, tanto en precio como en facilidades de envio no me lo pense y adquiri una paletilla. El resultado fue increible..... exquisito jamon!!!!!!!

I had heard a lot of products carvajal, particularly 5J, but had not provided any. When I saw the opportunity offered me Ibergour, both in price and shipping facilities and I thought it purchased one shoulder. The result was amazing ..... delicious ham !!!!!!!

December 11, 2008
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Joan R.
Reus, Tarragona
Mejor que JoselitoBetter than Joselito

Mejor sabor y textura que la paletilla Joselito. Excelente calidad.

Better taste and texture that Joselito shoulder. Excellent quality.

December 2, 2008
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José Antonio L.
Braga, Portugal
De grande qualidadeIn large qualidade

De grande qualidade, como é timbre deste tipo de produtos de espanha, só comparável aos melhores vinhos da mesma origem!

In large qualidade, é timbre as "trance de produtos de Espanha, só aos melhores comparável MESMA Vinho da origem!

November 27, 2008
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Marcelle S.
Vilassar de Mar, España
Muy seco, sabor correctoVery dry, right flavor

No estuve muy satisfecha de esta compra on line, era la primera. Mi jamon era muy seco... muy plano... dificil en cortar.. Por el sabor correcto .

I was not very pleased with this purchase on line, was the first. My ham was very dry ... very flat ... difficult to cut .. For the right flavor.

November 25, 2008
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Eleazar M.
Eleazar M.
La Gineta, España
Calidad excepcionalOutstanding quality

El servicio que estamos recibiendo en el Reino Unido es francamente bueno, los productos llegan en un plazo de 4 dias y con una calidad excepcional.

The service we are receiving in the UK is fairly good, the products arrive within 4 days and with exceptional quality.

January 4, 2008
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Juanjo A.
Villanañe, Alava
Calidad precio muy bienGood money

Desde desde luego que nos gustó (calidad precio muy bien) ; pero no repetimos porque queríamos ir degustando poco a poco sus productos.

Since of course we liked (good money), but do not repeat because we wanted to go slowly sipping their products.

April 18, 2007
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