Iberico de Cebo
Hams and shoulders are not packed in individual cartons. We place all the items you purchase in the smallest possible number of cartons to save on shipping costs. If you prefer having them packed in a different way, email us at info@ibergour.com indicating how many hams/shoulders you want, where you want them shipped and how you want them packed. We will calculate the additional cost of shipping according to your indications.
We ship the whole shoulder wrapped in grease-free paper and an outside cloth wrapper, all encased in a plastic bag for maximum hygiene. When you receive it, take it out of the bag and remove all the wrapping. You can keep it hung by the string at room temperature for up to 6 months before starting it. Once cutting has started, consume it in 1-2 months.
We remove the rind and the bone, cutting it into as many parts as you wish, and vacuum wrap each piece separately. We leave only the edible fat (ready to slice and serve).
We slice your entire shoulder and wrap the slices in 100-gram vacuum packs, separating them with plastic strips for easier serving.
We can slice the shoulder by machine (+£20.45) or with a knife (+£43.81).
I recommend this one for the people who are new with jamon-culture. Its good to start with a basic iberico like this. For my taste this one lacked a bit the caracteristic iberian taste. Well, I still have another one waiting. As we all know, these little beauties sometimes tend to variate a bit between each other, so maybe I will be totally amazed by the second one... =)
Bonjour, voilà plusieurs commandes que je fais chez vous vous je suis très satisfait de vos produits d'ailleurs s'il vous arrive d'avoir des promos sur ce genre de produits envoyez les moi, c'est un vrai régal et c'est facile à couper un véritable délice pour le palais.
Hello, this is several orders I'm home I am very satisfied with your products if you happen to also have specials on these products please send them to me, is a real treat and it is easy to cut a delight for the palate. CORDIALEMENT JM Boutin
Ho acquistato la spalla disossata qualità CEBO dopo aver provato varie spalle, anche intere di qualità Bellota e devo dire che l'acquisto è stato azzeccato.
Tagliato al coltello possiede la giusta quantità di grasso a fronte di una stagionatura impeccabile con un perfetto equilibrio di punto di sale.
Acquisto sicuramente da ripetere.
Il costo è veramente favorevole in rapporto alla qualità.
Grazie Ibergour per il servizio veramente rapido e puntuale.
I bought the shoulder bone quality CEBO after trying various shoulders, even entire quality Bellota and I must say that the purchase was a success. Cut with a knife has the right amount of fat in the face of an aging flawless with a perfect balance of point of sale. Purchase surely be repeated. The cost is very favorable in relation to quality. IberGour Thanks for the service really quick and accurate.
ahhhh... . enjoing the shoulder right now, this is awsome stuff, will buy again for sure. the only minus is alot of trimming and fat.
The slicing of a ham with a knife is part of the genuine, quality Iberico ham tasting experience. It is a simple process too, with the right equipment. Nevertheless, certain safety measures should be observed.
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