UK deliveries: 5-7 days, all customs expenses (~£21) are charged in advance (no extra payment upon receival)

Customers' reviews

"Paleta" Altanza Bellota (Shoulder Jamon)

Pata negra
"Paleta" Altanza Bellota (Shoulder Jamon)

"Paleta" Altanza Bellota (Shoulder Jamon)

£216.425.25 to 5.5 kg paletillas
Average rating:
43 reviews
Lorient, FRANCE

Bon produit, prix raisonnable, service client IBERGOUR au TOP.
Bizarrement c'est compliqué d'écrire quelque chose quand il n'y a rien à dire...
Bravo à IBERGOUR et au producteur, j'ai déjà donné vos coordonnées à 3 amis.

Good product, reasonable price, TOP IBERGOUR customer service. Strangely, it's complicated to write something when there is nothing to say... Bravo to IBERGOUR and the producer, I have already given your contact details to 3 friends.

December 10, 2023
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Rodriguez Jean-Pierre
Grenoble, France
Superbe expérienceSuperb experience

C'est la deuxième fois que nous revenons chez Ibergour et nous sommes très satisfait.
Le produit est de très belle qualité et la livraison s'est très bien passée.
Je reviendrais sans hésitation.

This is the second time we have returned to Ibergour and we are very satisfied. The product is of very good quality and the delivery went very well. I would return without hesitation. THANKS

February 5, 2023
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Un peu déçuA little disappointed

Je voulais changer un peu de producteur, en oubliant pour une fois le 5J. L’épaule a un petit goût de noisette, pas mal. Mais j’ai trouvé la coupe (manuelle) assez médiocre, tranches trop épaisses. Déçu pour cette fois.

I wanted to change producer a bit, forgetting 5J for once. The shoulder has a bit of a nutty taste, not bad. But I found the (manual) cutting quite mediocre, slices too thick. Disappointed this time.

September 5, 2022
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Alfredo Pelosi
Alfredo Pelosi
Primo acquistoFirst purchase

Veramente ottimo, nulla da dire : squisito.
Spedizione rapida e prodotto lavorato come da indicazioni e ben confezionato.
Apprezzato molto dai miei ospiti: tutti mi hanno chiesto dove l'avevo preso.
Diventerò un' affezionato cliente.

Really great, nothing to say: exquisite. Fast shipping and product worked as indicated and well packaged. Much appreciated by my guests: everyone asked me where I got it. I will become a loyal customer.

July 1, 2022
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Wie immer ausgezeichnetExcellent as always

Auch dieser Schinken war im Geschmack ausgezeichnet. Schnelle Lieferung in sehr guter Verpackung.
Außerdem sehr netter, lustiger Kundenkontakt.
Wir bestellen gerne wieder

This ham was also excellent in taste. Fast delivery in very good packaging. Also very nice, funny customer contact. We would like to order again

January 18, 2022
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Alghero, Italia
Finito troppo in frettaGone too fast

Peccato sia finito così in fretta !!
Dovreste organizzarvi e fare in modo che la spalla da 5kg pesi almeno 8 kg

Too bad it ended so quickly !! You should organize yourself and make sure that the 5kg shoulder weighs at least 8kg

January 9, 2022
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Karlsruhe, Deutschland
Top pata negra!!!Top pata negra !!!

Jamon Altanza Paleta Iberica Pata Negra! Einfach wow!!
Preis / Leistung: Top!! Ein echter Pata Negra. Ich kann der Jamon nur weiterempfehlen! Wir hatten den Schinken zum Weihnachten! Alle Gästen waren begeistert!

Jamon Altanza Paleta Iberica Pata Negra! Just wow !! Price / performance: Top !! A real pata negra. I can only recommend the jamon! We had the ham for Christmas! All guests were thrilled!

January 5, 2022
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Vicente martinez
Vicente martinez
Buena experienciaGood experience

La Calidad de la paleta ibérica excelente
El embalaje perfecto y la entrega en el tiempo estipulado
Muy buena experiencia, repetiré

The quality of the excellent Iberian shoulder The perfect packaging and delivery in the stipulated time Very good experience, I will repeat

December 19, 2021
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Liverpool, UK
Incredible flavour, quality and service

I cannot recommend this company enough, this is probably our 4th time purchasing a Jamon Iberico Shoulder, all from different companies and this is 1000% the best we have ever had. I can just taste and smell the quality is better than previously. On top of this, the service has been top. We are from the UK and with the new customs rules and regulations they have been very accommodating and responsive with any issues when it came to delivery issues, responding within the same day and polite and happy to help. Thank you so much!

December 16, 2021

Un choix complet proposé
Un envoi dans les temps
Un produit conforme et excellent
Un message empreint d humour envoyé pour tenir informé du colis
Merci et continuez ainsi

A complete choice offered
A shipment on time
A compliant and excellent product
A humorous message sent to keep you informed of the package
Thank you and keep it up

August 20, 2021
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jan Bergendahl
jan Bergendahl
Åland Island, Finland
Excellent taste and sevice

I have nothing else than a positive experience shopping from Ibergour. Superb service and email replies regarding my freight to remote island. The Paleta it self is a clear 5 star product with wonderful acorn taste. Highly recommend company and this product.

May 2, 2021
Thomas Holzknecht
Thomas Holzknecht
WOW Top Schinken, Superschnelle Lieferung !!WOW top ham, super fast delivery !!

Echt super !!!
Der "Patra Negra" Schinken wurde am Samstag bestellt, am Montag in Spanien versendet und ist trotz "Corona" am Donnerstag Mittag bei uns in TIROl im Ötztal angekommen.
So eine 100 % perfekte Lieferung ist echt erwähnenswert.
Der Schinken war im Karton verpackt, foliert und zusätzlich in der Originalverpackung geschützt, echt super.
Ja und er sieht schön aus.... wie er schmeckt wissen wir in ein zwei Wochen :-)
Liebe Grüße
Thomas Holzknecht

Really great !!! The "Patra Negra" ham was ordered on Saturday, shipped to Spain on Monday and, despite "Corona", arrived in TIROl in the Ötztal on Thursday at noon. Such a 100% perfect delivery is really worth mentioning. The ham was packed in a box, wrapped in foil and additionally protected in the original packaging, really great. Yes and it looks nice .... we will know how it tastes in two weeks :-) Kind regards, Thomas Holzknecht

April 7, 2021
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No podium entre os melhores.In the podium among the best.

Os habituais elogios à velocidade de expedição mantém-se, são exemplares. Igualmente, no que diz respeito ao empacotamento e higiene da encomenda. Quanto à paleta é um puro 100% raça ibérica alimentado a bolota traduzindo-se, como seria de esperar, numa magnífica experiência sensorial. No podium entre os melhores.

The usual praise for expedition speed remains, they are exemplary. Also, with regard to packaging and hygiene of the order. As for the palette, it is a pure 100% Iberian breed fed on acorn, translating, as expected, into a magnificent sensory experience. In the podium among the best.

January 9, 2021
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Milano, Italia

Massimo dei voti per tutto: consegna perfetta e velocissima nonostante il Natale e il Covid, qualità altissima del prosciutto, saporito ma morbido e gustosissimo, ottimi supporto e coltello.
Super consigliato. Ibergour top!!!

Top marks for everything: perfect and very fast delivery despite Christmas and Covid, very high quality of the ham, tasty but soft and very tasty, excellent support and knife. Super recommended. Ibergour top !!!

December 26, 2020
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Tutto perfetto!!!All perfect!!!

è la prima volta che acquisto da questo sito e posso dire che è stata un'esperienza davvero impeccabile da ogni punto di vista (sito, tracking spedizione, attenzione in ogni comunicazione....)
per non parlare del prodotto che ovviamente è un'esperienza nell'esperienza...

this is the first time I buy from this site and I can say that it was a truly impeccable experience from every point of view (site, shipping tracking, attention in every communication ....) not to mention the product which obviously is a experience in experience ...

December 18, 2020
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Napoli Italia
Spalla di jamon iberico di bellota di Huelva, prosciutto spagnolo pata negraShoulder of Iberian bellota jamon from Huelva, Spanish pata negra ham

ottimo prosciutto , sapore deciso ed odore gradevolissimo che invade tutta la cucina, è il secondo che prendo da Iber Gour ,vasta scelta e velocissimi nella consegna

excellent ham, strong flavor and very pleasant smell that invades the whole kitchen, is the second I get from Iber Gour, wide choice and very fast delivery

December 13, 2020
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Altanza sehr gutAltanza very good

Geschmacklich sehr gut, die Fettschicht ist schon gut dick, aber das trägt vielleicht auch zum Geschmack bei! Gerne ein anderes Mal wieder!

Very good taste, the layer of fat is already thick, but that may also add to the taste! Gladly again another time!

December 4, 2020
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Paul Lynch
Paul Lynch
Easy carving

This time I had my ham boned and it makes such a difference when carving.
It was excellent.
I’ll definitely be getting another for Christmas.

July 31, 2020
Klein aber feinSmall but nice

Der Schinken war außergewöhnlich lecker. Nachdem das ganze Fett weggeschnitten wurde, blieb allerdings nicht mehr so viel übrig. War zwar noch ausreichend, jedoch auch weniger als ich gedacht hatte. Geschmacklich jedoch 1a

The ham was exceptionally tasty. After all the fat was cut away, there wasn't much left. Was still sufficient, but also less than I thought. In terms of taste, however, 1a

June 7, 2020
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N'hésitez pas !Do not hesitate !

D'abord que dire d'Ibergour, à part bravo. J'ai passé ma commande avec Chronopost et les délais de livraisons ont été respecté bien que la période COVID-19 ne facilitait pourtant pas l'acheminement des colis.
Un service client très fiable et réactif, qui répond rapidement aux clients et se soucie de la qualité de service. Ils écrivent même des e-mails éloquents qui respirent la passion. Un super exemple que d'autres e-commerces devraient suivre..
Le colis : Le trésor est bien arrivé dans un carton rectangulaire en bon état. Cependant je note que le colis a été ouvert sur le côté entre-temps, mais tout était bien là et en bon état.
La pièce est d'abord enrobée d'un papier adapté. Celle-ci est contenu dans un second emballage transparent, une grande pochette plastique épaisse rectangulaire sous vide. Le tout se trouve dans un grand sac tissu noir Ibergour avec un cordage rouge pour l'accrochage si l'on veut le pendre.
J'ai reçu aussi dans le carton le support à Jambon Ibergour, très pratique
et le couteau (attention il coupe très bien..j'ai failli me faire très mal avec !)
La dégustation : Jambon d'excellente qualité et suffisant pour un amateur comme moi. Attention ça part très vite...
Conclusion : Je recommande vivement, un des meilleurs services clients dans mon expérience web, qui plus est livre en france depuis l'espagne sans pépin et avec "amour" ;)

First what about Ibergour, apart from bravo. I placed my order with Chronopost and the delivery times were respected although the COVID-19 period did not facilitate the delivery of packages. A very reliable and responsive customer service, which responds quickly to customers and cares about the quality of service. They even write eloquent emails that exude passion. A great example that other e-commerce should follow. The package: The treasure has arrived in a rectangular box in good condition. However, I note that the package has been opened on the side in the meantime, but everything was there and in good condition. The piece is first coated with suitable paper. This is contained in a second transparent packaging, a large thick rectangular plastic bag under vacuum. Everything is in a large black Ibergour fabric bag with a red cord for hanging if you want to hang it. I also received in the carton the ham holder Ibergour, very practical and the knife (beware it cuts very well ... I almost hurt myself very much with it!) The tasting: Ham of excellent quality and sufficient for a amateur like me. Attention it goes very quickly ... Conclusion: I highly recommend, one of the best customer services in my web experience, which is also delivered in France from Spain without glitch and with "love";)

May 28, 2020
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Keith Norman
Keith Norman
Made our Xmas

I was very impressed by the speed of turnaround from ordering to the Ham arriving
Including the knife and stand was also really helpful.

December 29, 2019
Gwil Davies
Stratford upon Avon
Jamon Iberico Altanza Bellota Pata Negra "Paleta" Shoulder Ham

never fails to satisfy, a really great lower cost alternative to the ham. The bones make a fantastic stock and the chunkier offcuts cooked with lentils are perfect

December 12, 2019
Novellara, Reggio Emilia, Italia
rapporto qualità prezzovalue for money

buon rapporto qualità prezzo anche se leggermente inferiore al 5J, comunque ottima alternativa, gestione degli ordini e spedizione sempre impeccabile

good value for money even if slightly lower than 5J, however excellent alternative, order management and always impeccable shipping

November 11, 2019
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samuele mariotti
Cesena, Italia
Vale la penaIs worth

Dopo 3 acquisti di 5J ero un pò titubante ma volevo cambiare.
Be ne è valsa la pena.
Veramente buono.
Rapporto qp strepitoso.

After 3 purchases of 5J I was a little hesitant but wanted to change. Well it was worth it. Really good. Amazing qp ratio.

October 27, 2019
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Très bienVery good

Epaule de très bonne qualité tout juste entamée.
Il reste encore par endroit quelques poils de la bête.

Shoulder of very good quality just started. In some places there are still some hairs of the beast.

August 30, 2018
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Fécamp france

Ayant gouté des jambons en espagne c'est un plaisir de déguster en France un des meilleurs existants.Le travail du produit est parfait et c'est un aimant a convives.Bravo.

Having tasted hams in Spain it is a pleasure to taste in France one of the best existing. The work of the product is perfect and it is a magnet to guests. Bravo.

April 10, 2018
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Jürgen Hain
Jürgen Hain
Preis/Leistung passen nichtPrice / performance does not fit

Geschmacklich ist, wie immer, nichts an diesem Produkt auszusetzen.
Leider passen das Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis nicht mehr zusammen. Der Preis steigt zunehmend, während die Qualität (mehr Fett, als Schinken) immer mehr abnimmt.

The taste is, as always, nothing to complain about this product. Unfortunately, the price / performance ratio does not match. The price increases, while the quality (more fat, than ham) decreases more and more.

January 28, 2018
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Prato, Italia
Piacevole scopertaPleasant discovery

Devo dire che sono rimasto piacevolmente sorpreso da questa spallina. E' molto buona, saporita al punto giusto ed anche di ottima la stagionatura. Non ha niente da invidiare ai marchi più blasonati (l'ultima da me acquistata è un 5J) e costa pure meno. Quindi giudizio più che positivo per Altanza ed acquisto da ripetere.

I must say that I was pleasantly surprised by this strap. It is very good, tasty at the right point and also excellent seasoning. It has nothing to envy to the most famous brands (the last one I bought is a 5J) and costs less. So more than positive judgment for Altanza and purchase to be repeated.

December 5, 2017
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Paletilla 7 kgsPaletilla 7 kgs

7 kgs ist vielleicht zu viel für ein paleta und man staunt über soviel fett!!! Aber der Geschmack ist außergewöhnlich. Nächstes mal ein iberico mit Duroc oder Serrano aus Juviles Gran Réserva oder pata negra aus Salamanca .

7 kgs perhaps too much for a paleta and you are amazed at so much fat !!! But the taste is exceptional. Next time a iberico with Duroc or Serrano from Juviles Gran Réserva or pata negra from Salamanca.

December 27, 2016
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le Délice ...Delight ...

Envoie hyper rapide.
Emballage impeccable L'épaule est parfaitement emballée COMME décrit sur le site internet IBERGOUR
Qualité du jambon irréprochable, Excellent ! Vraiment ! ... Le parfum qui se développe dans la cuisine est unique à la dégustation.
Jambon très savoureux,excellente texture,séchage impeccable.
Support pour découper est bien adapté.
Merci également pour les délais et les tarifs de livraison qui défient toute concurrence.
Au plaisir d'acheter à nouveau chez vous ! Encore merci à toute l" équipe IBERGOUR

Send super fast. The shoulder is impeccable packaging perfectly packaged AS described on the website IberGour Quality impeccable ham, Excellent! Really ! ... The fragrance that develops in the kitchen is unique tasting. Ham very tasty, excellent texture, perfect drying. Support is well suited for cutting. also thank you for the time and delivery rates are unbeatable. Hope to buy again from you! Again thank you to all the team IberGour cb

November 28, 2016
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Tony Diaz
Tony Diaz
Newcastle Upon Tyne Uk
Good value for moneyGood value for money

Un poco de grasa de mas que quitar al empezar
Pero despues un sabor muy bueno no me arrepiento de comprarlo y si el resto de la paletilla esta igual.
Repetire compra.

A little more fat to remove the start but after a very good taste. I do not regret buying it and if the rest of the shoulder is the same. Repetire purchase.

October 30, 2016
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Brindisi, Italia

il prodotto è risultato di ottima qualità morbido, profumato, dolce e molto gustoso. Molto ben confezionato e puntuale nella consegna. Sicuramente comprerò ancora

the product was of high quality soft, fragrant, sweet and very tasty. Very well packaged and on time delivery. Definitely I buy again

January 24, 2016
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Torino, Italia
Ottimo ProsciuttoGreat Ham

Il prosciutto acquistato e' di ottima qualità', molto gustoso e molto morbido. complimenti anche per la celerità' della spedizione: il pacco e' arrivato in anticipo rispetto a quando indicato.

Ham bought and 'excellent quality', very tasty and very soft. Congratulations also for the speed 'of shipment: The package and' arrived in advance of when indicated.

January 4, 2016
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Es la primera vez q compraba una paletilla y estaba expectante por verlo y probarlo
Buen producto
Muy bien ibergrup

It is the first time q buy a shoulder and was waiting to see him and try Ibergrup Okay Good product Repetire

December 28, 2015
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summum j'adoreI love pinnacle

épaule AOC Huelva bellota de très grande qualité un régale ,bien emballer dans sa chaussette ,livraison sans problème bon suivie de commande en 5 jours

AOC Huelva Bellota shoulder high quality a treat, well pack it in his sock, delivery without good problem followed five days of your purchase

November 14, 2015
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Es la tercera vez que compro lo mismo.
Ya lo tengo claro: non tendrè mas que llenar el maletero del coche cada vez que vuelva de mis vacaciones.
El producto es perfecto, tarda 2 o 3 dias en llegar y no me sale mas caro de lo que me costaria comprandolo alli.
Lástima que han dejado de vender otros productos:lomo, sobresada,cecina...

It is the third time I buy the same. I have it clear: non'll have more to fill the car boot every time I return from my vacation. The product is perfect, it takes 2 or 3 days to get there and I do not get more expensive than buying it would cost me there. Too bad they have stopped selling other products: loin, sobresada, jerky ...

July 6, 2015
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excellent, à recommanderexcellent, recommend

tout à fait conforme à la description et aux méthodes
d'élevage, produit savoureux à souhait... Merci Ibergour!
support de découpe offert, que du bonheur!!

entirely consistent with the description and husbandry, tasty product IberGour wish ... Thanks! cutting support offered, but happiness !!

February 27, 2015
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Salo, Finland
Herkullinen kinkkuDelicious Paletilla

Kokeilin ensimmäistä kertaa säästöbudjetilla ja otin edullisimman bellota-laatuisen kinkun mitä löytyi mutta ei tarvinnut pettyä. Sanoisin että hinta ja laatusuhde on erittäin hyvä. Söimme kinkun vaimoni (yleensä kasvissyöjä) kanssa vähän yli viikossa :)

Very good paletilla with competitive price. At first I was skeptical about the quality because this was the first time I bought the cheapest Bellota ham, but when I tasted I realized that my doubts were unfounded. We ate ham with my wife (who is usually vegetarian) a little more than a week :)

January 3, 2015
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Paris, France
Muy buen jamónVery good ham

Estoy muy satisfecho con esta paletilla. Perfecto balance tocino/magro. Rendimiento óptimo. Sabor ligero y aromático. A mí esta paletilla me parece mejor incluso que otras alternativas más caras como la 5J. A mi novia Italiana también le parece una paletilla estupenda.

I am very satisfied with this shoulder blade. Perfect balance bacon / lean. Optimum performance. Light and aromatic flavor. I find this shoulder even better than other more expensive alternatives like the 5J. My Italian girlfriend also thinks it's a great shoulder.

December 14, 2014
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Auros, France
en dessou de mes expectativesof below my expectations

Très bonne épaule ibérique de bellota, mais en dessous de mes expectatives, je préfère pour l'instant celle de 5 jotas. il y avait un tendon place au mauvais endroit et il était un peu trop sec en dessous de l’épaule. Mais plus que correcte a niveau de gout.

Very good Iberian Bellota shoulder, but below my expectations, I prefer for the moment the 5 Js. there was a tendon place at the wrong place and it was a little too dry below the shoulder. But more than a correct level of taste.

September 26, 2014
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parfait pour les non connaisseursPerfect for non-experts

bonjour, acheté pour une animation pour mon mariage , la patte a eu un succes phenomenale..
La plupart des convives ne connaissant pas trop la pata negra ils etaient content.
Pour ma part apres plusieurs commandes chez vous , je suis un peu deçu au niveau du gout.
Je suis plus satisfait du cerdos extremenos bellota.
Pour en revenir a votre site il serait bien de mettre des coupons reduc ou fidelités.

Hello, bought for an animation for my wedding, the tab was a phenomenal success. Most of the guests do not know too much pata negra they were happy. For my part, after several orders at you, I'm a little disappointed in the taste. I am more satisfied with the cerdos EXTREMENOS bellota. To return to your site it would be nice to put coupon or coupons loyalties. Cordially.

May 27, 2013
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Excellent jambon et rapidité de livraison : super!Excellent ham and quickly delivered great!

Excellent jambon et service professionnel et rapide. Peut être un peu trop de gras .... Mais c'est ci qui conserve ce produit aussi longtemps. Je recommande ce produit et ce fournisseur!
Par contre, je préfèrerais des points fidélités plutôt que le support a jambon et me couteAu offerts ...

Excellent ham and prompt and professional service. Maybe a little too much fat .... But what is it that keeps this product as long. I recommend this product and this vendor! For cons, I'd rather reward points rather than the carrier has offered ham knife and me ...

August 12, 2012
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Sehr leckerer SchinkenVery tasty ham

Ich bin gerade aus Spanien zurück und da musste natürlich Iberico ins Haus - der Schinken ist so gut angekommen, dass ein Gast sogar direkt reingebissen hat :)
Ohne Spezialist zu sein gehe ich davon aus, dass der Schinken sehr hochwertig ist - ich würde ihn in jedem Fall weiterempfehlen!

I'm just back from Spain and of course had to go home Iberico - the ham was such a success that a guest has even a bite right :) Without his expert, I assume that the ham is very high - I would take him in always a friend!

June 17, 2012
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