Iberico de Bellota
Hams and shoulders are not packed in individual cartons. We place all the items you purchase in the smallest possible number of cartons to save on shipping costs. If you prefer having them packed in a different way, email us at info@ibergour.com indicating how many hams/shoulders you want, where you want them shipped and how you want them packed. We will calculate the additional cost of shipping according to your indications.
We ship the whole shoulder wrapped in grease-free paper and an outside cloth wrapper, all encased in a plastic bag for maximum hygiene. When you receive it, take it out of the bag and remove all the wrapping. You can keep it hung by the string at room temperature for up to 6 months before starting it. Once cutting has started, consume it in 1-2 months.
We remove the rind and the bone, cutting it into as many parts as you wish, and vacuum wrap each piece separately. We leave only the edible fat (ready to slice and serve).
We slice your entire shoulder and wrap the slices in 100-gram vacuum packs, separating them with plastic strips for easier serving.
We can slice the shoulder by machine (+£20.27) or with a knife (+£43.42).
Es la primera vez que pruebo la paletilla de bellota, por lo tanto no puedo juzgar la calidad del producto desde la experiencia.
No obstante, este es sinceramente de lo mejor que he probado en mi vida. Ahora bien, dado que soy nacido y criado en Buenos Aires, mi opinion deberá ser tomada "con pinzas" pues estoy muy lejos de ser experto.
Puedo, sin embargo, juzgar objetivamente el servicio de ibergour, y este fue sin dudas 5 estrellas. Hice el pedido un miércoles por la tarde, y el siguiente lunes estaba disfrutando de la paletilla en casa. El empaque, perfecto. El cuchillo + soporte, perfectamente funcionales.
Sin dudas, cuando acabe con ella iré a por otra, y sin dudas de ibergour.
It's the first time I try the shoulder of Acorn, so I can not judge the quality of the product from the experience. However, this is honestly the best I've tasted. Now, since I am born and raised in Buenos Aires, my opinion should be taken "with tweezers" for I am far from expert. I can, however, judge objectively IberGour service, and this was without a doubt 5 stars. I placed the order on a Wednesday afternoon, and the following Monday was enjoying the shoulder at home. The packaging, perfect. The knife holder, perfectly functional. Undoubtedly, when I'm done with it go to the other, without doubt IberGour.
Cette année, nous optâmes pour cette petite épaule de 4 kg qui tint toutes ses promesses.
Ni trop gras ni pas assez. Facile à découper.
Juste assez cependant pour une semaine de vacances...
This year we optâmes for this small shoulder 4kg which held all its promises. Neither too fat nor too little. Easy to cut. Just enough however for a week's vacation ...
Tres satisfait. Je recommande ce site à tous les amateurs de bons jambons. Livraison rapide et pas cher directement chez moi.
Very satisfied. I recommend this site to all lovers of good hams. Cheap and fast delivery straight home.
La primera estaba un poco pasada (sebo amarillo) pero la segunda vez fue realmente excelente, de las mejores que he comido. Además el peso era superior a todas las demás. Realmente buena.
The first was a little old (yellow grease) but the second was really excellent, the best I've eaten. Weight was also superior to all others. Really good.
The slicing of a ham with a knife is part of the genuine, quality Iberico ham tasting experience. It is a simple process too, with the right equipment. Nevertheless, certain safety measures should be observed.
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