UK deliveries: 5-7 days, all customs expenses (~£21) are charged in advance (no extra payment upon receival)

Customers' reviews

"Paleta" Joselito Gran Reserva (Shoulder Jamon)

"Paleta" Joselito Gran Reserva (Shoulder Jamon)

"Paleta" Joselito Gran Reserva (Shoulder Jamon)

£219.264.75 to 5.5 kg paletillas
Average rating:
215 reviews
Massimo Massa
Cagliari, Italia

Naturalmente dipende anche dai gusti. Molti intenditori, per esempio, amano il sapore più deciso dei prosciutti e paletillas dell'Estremadura, altri amano la classicità dei prosciutti di Jabugo. Anche a noi piace variare, del resto, e di volta in volta alterniamo appunto un prosciutto andaluso, uno dell'Estremadura e uno di Guijuelo. Ma rimane un punto fermo: con Joselito non si sbaglia mai. Il sapore, la complessità ma anche l'equilibrio delle sfumature, il grado di maturazione sempre perfetto, la selezione dei capi migliori e, non ultimo, il bonus di non avere altro conservante oltre il sale, lo rendono uno dei migliori prosciutti al mondo.
E' impossibile pentirsi d'averlo scelto.

Of course it also depends on taste. Many connoisseurs, for example, love the stronger flavour of the hams and paletillas from Extremadura, others love the classicism of the hams from Jabugo. We also like to vary, after all, and from time to time we alternate an Andalusian ham, one from Extremadura and one from Guijuelo. But one thing remains certain: you can never go wrong with Joselito. The flavour, the complexity but also the balance of the nuances, the always perfect degree of maturation, the selection of the best animals and, last but not least, the bonus of having no preservative other than salt, make it one of the best hams in the world. It is impossible to regret having chosen it.

October 7, 2024
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Dusko Marusic
Pula Hrvatska
Leccars Una follia per il palatoi le ditaLicking A madness for the palate and fingers

Per saperlo bisogna provarlo, il che significa che bisogna comprarlo. Nella mia zona dell'Istria abbiamo il miglior prosciutto della Croazia e la gente ne è molto orgogliosa. Lavoro divino. Se 'quello sopra' mi ha chiesto quale piatto volessi prima di andare in paradiso, sarebbe SPALLA JOSELITO GRAN RESERVA. Ancora una volta mi congratulo con gli spagnoli per una tale prelibatezza.

To know it you have to try it, which means you have to buy it. In my area of Istria we have the best ham in Croatia and people are very proud of it. Divine work. If 'the one above' asked me what dish I wanted before going to heaven, it would be SHOULDER JOSELITO GRAN RESERVA. Once again I congratulate the Spaniards on such a delicacy.

December 10, 2023
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Tutto perfettoAll perfect

La spalla Joselito Gran Reserva è perfetta (stagionatura ideale, profumi intensi, sapore squisito ) merita il massimo voto.
Altrettanto valide la presentazione dopo esser stata disossata e la spedizione in ITALIA velocissima.

The Joselito Gran Reserva shoulder is perfect (ideal maturation, intense aromas, exquisite flavor) deserves the highest rating. Equally valid is the presentation after having been deboned and the very fast shipping to ITALY.

April 11, 2023
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De sabor, buenísimo pero lleva una cantidad de tocino increíble (esperaba menos)The flavor is great but it has an incredible amount of fat (I expected less)

Compramos una paletilla Joselito y tiene un sabor espectacular, sin embargo, tiene muchísimo tocino.
Me hubiera gustado saber eso antes de comprarla (desconozco si todas las D.O. ibéricas tienen tanto).

We bought a Joselito shoulder ham and it tastes spectacular, however, it has a lot of fat. I would have liked to know that before buying it (I don't know if all the Iberian DOs have that much).

February 5, 2023
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Ferdinando Chef di Paella Domicilio
Ferdinando Chef di Paella Domicilio
Italia, Caserta, Cancello ed Arnone.

Ho comprato due spalle, hanno un sapore dolce e delicato (il sale non si sente per niente) ha abbondante grasso tra la cotenna e la carne anch'esso molto buono, il connubio raggiunge un sapore straordinario. Piccolo pensiero per Miguel, vale la pena avere a che fare con Miguel è un vero professionista competente e serio. voto 10

I bought two shoulders, they have a sweet and delicate flavor (the salt is not felt at all) it has plenty of fat between the rind and the meat which is also very good, the combination achieves an extraordinary flavour. Small thought for Miguel, worth dealing with Miguel is a true competent and serious professional. vote 10

December 28, 2022
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Epaule JoselitoShoulder Joselito

Nous commandons quelques épaules par an. La Jolselito est la meilleure. On regrette juste la quantite d emballage plastique qui part a la poubelle. Je recommande.

We order a few shoulders a year. The Jolselito is the best. We just regret the amount of plastic packaging that goes to the trash. I recommend.

December 3, 2022
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ibergur è consigliato anzi sempre raccomandato. Carina ma ormai ripetitiva la mail di osanna alla spedizione.

I HAVE BEEN PURCHASE OF THE JOSELITO SHOULDER FOR YEARS ALWAYS EXCELLENT DELIVERY AND TOP SERVICE AS ALWAYS ibergur is recommended indeed always recommended. The hosanna mail to the shipment was nice but now repetitive.

December 2, 2022
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Un grande prosciuttoA great ham

Senza se e senza ma. Ottimo il servizio, come al solito. Saporito, ben confezionato, ben disossato. Ci toccherà ordinarlo di nuovo a breve.

Without ifs and buts. Excellent service, as usual. Tasty, well packaged, well boned. We will have to order it again shortly.

January 17, 2022
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ulli becker
ulli becker
superb qualitysuperb quality

Hervorragender Schinken und schnelle, zuverlässige, termingerechte Lieferung. Wir haben wiederholt bestellt und bleiben treuer Kunde! Bringt in Zeiten von Corona ein Stück Spanien nach Hause...

Excellent ham and fast, reliable, on-time delivery. We have repeatedly ordered and remain loyal customers! Brings a piece of Spain home in times of Corona ...

January 2, 2022
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Cagliari, Italia
Qualità altissima, forse stagionatura un po' troppo avanzataavanzataVery high quality, perhaps a little too advanced seasoning

La qualità della paleta è straordinaria:sapore squisito e grasso che si scioglie appena lo si stringe nella mano, come dev'essere.
Forse, la stagionatura era sin troppo avanata, e alcune parti erano diventate ormai piuttosto secche. Per questo non metto 5 stelle, ma rimango soddisfattissimo dell'acquisto e credo che ne farò altri.

The quality of the paleta is extraordinary: exquisite and fatty flavor that melts as soon as you hold it in your hand, as it should be. Perhaps, the seasoning was too advanced, and some parts had become rather dry by now. For this I do not put 5 stars, but I am very satisfied with the purchase and I think I will do others.

December 26, 2021
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Perugia, Italia
Tutto perfetto ottimo prodottoAll perfect great product

Prosciutto sublime, spedizione rapidissima. Consiglio vivamente l’acquisto su Ibergour !!!!! Sicuramente tornerò a comprare, sono rimasto pienamente soddisfatto. Nessuna nota negativa da segnalare.

Sublime ham, very fast shipping. I highly recommend buying on Ibergour !!!!! I will definitely come back to buy, I was fully satisfied. No negative notes to report.

December 16, 2021
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Mino lattarulo
Mino lattarulo
Alberobello ,italia
Da sbavoFrom drool

Grazie di tutto il Prodotto era di ottima qualità e il servizio super efficiente arrivato con puntualità!! da riordinare sicuramente per la prossima occasione

Thanks for all the product was of excellent quality and the super efficient service arrived on time !! definitely to be reordered for the next occasion

December 16, 2021
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David Cash
David Cash
West Coast Scotland, UK
Rapid Delivery to Scotland

I'd been hoping that the Order placed on 22 November would arrive in time for Christmas. Even with the new "Non EU" administration and processes I'd received it within 6 working Days from Purchase. Well done Ibergour!!
Ill be Sharing my Paleta with friends over Christmas - even if restrictions mean I have to leave little packages on Door Steps - and will leave a further review - on the product itself - in the New Year. Thank You Ibergour!!

December 12, 2021

come sempre ottima la spalla perfetta la consegna voto 10.
buono sconto che scade prima del B.F è na fregatura.
ciao a presto

excellent as always the perfect shoulder the delivery vote 10. discount coupon that expires before the BF is na rip-off. bye, see you soon

November 27, 2021
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Todavía no la he empezado pero siempre que la he comprado no me ha defraudado.
La probare en unos días y espero que salga tan sabrosa como todas.

I haven't started it yet but every time I've bought it it hasn't disappointed me. I'll try it in a few days and I hope it comes out as tasty as all the others.

November 21, 2021
Review translated by Google - Browse the original text in spanish
Excellent service, excellente épauleGreat service, great shoulder

Excellent service, excellente épaule ( saveur, finesse, maturité, et juste assez gras ) En un mot: Merci...Le reste n’est que littérature

Excellent service, excellent shoulder (flavor, finesse, maturity, and just enough fat) In a nutshell: Thank you ... The rest is just literature

October 8, 2021
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Xavier T.
Busca compara y si encuentras un sabor mejor compraloSearch compare and if you find a better flavor buy it

He probado los mejores desde certificados de adn hasta ecologicos
Y demas , joselito es joselito y yo soy yo sin mas comentarios lo bueno
Se paga y lo unico y exclusivo se paga, salut i força al canut xavi ohmyrush

I have tried the best from dna certificates to organic And others, joselito is joselito and I am me without further comment the good It is paid and the only and exclusive is paid, salut i force the canut xavi ohmyrush

June 11, 2021
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M. Roman
M. Roman
SupersabrosoSuper tasty

Paletilla extraordinaria. Desgraciadamente tres días después de recibirla di positivo en covid. Yo estoy ingresado en el hospital y la paletilla sola en casa ... secándose.
En fin una lástima!!!

Extraordinary shoulder. Unfortunately three days after receiving it I tested positive for covid. I am admitted to the hospital and the shoulder alone at home ... drying. Anyway a pity !!!

April 24, 2021
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Fabulosa compraFabulous purchase

Compramos una paletilla en Navidad que salió riquísima y ahora con la oferta que tenia probamos otra vez con otra, que salió mucho mejor que la anterior.
Felicidades por los productos Joselito, para nosotros los mejores

We bought a shoulder at Christmas that was delicious and now with the offer we had we tried another one again, which came out much better than the previous one. Congratulations on Joselito products, for us the best

March 1, 2021
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Tim Fallowfield
Tim Fallowfield
London uk
The best yet

Prefer the paleta as it is smaller than the rear leg but this ham was the best yet . Deep rich nuttiness. 100% recommend

February 20, 2021
Sapore unicoUnique flavor

Veloci e simpatici.
Il prodotto è di altissima qualità, non so se è il migliore al mondo ma veramente TOP.
Sicuramente da provare .

Fast and nice. The product is of the highest quality, I don't know if it's the best in the world but really TOP. Definitely to try.

February 8, 2021
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Il faut tester une fois le meilleur jambon du monde !You have to try the best ham in the world once!

Après avoir gouter (cadeau de mes enfants un 5J) j'ai décidé de tester ce jambon désigné comme le meilleur du monde et choisi par de grands restaurateurs. Pour le service Ibergour, je dois dire qu'il est simplement parfait (dommage qu'il n'y a plus les autres spécialités comme le thon les anchois, le fromage ...). Bref, au sujet de cette épaule Joselito: C'est très très très bon, ce qui ne veut pas dire que l'irai tester d'autres jambons, mais franchement on se régale, par petites doses car avoir juste le plaisir de découper quelques tranches pour des amis qui n'y connaissent rien, je passe plus de temps à expliquer la finesse et le goût comme si je parlais de grands vins. Merci Ibergour, et je reste à l'affut des commentaires sur d'autres jambon donnés par vos clients. A très bientôt ... lorsque j'aurai fini de dévorer cette merveilleuse paleta!

After tasting (a 5J gift from my children) I decided to try this ham, designated as the best in the world and chosen by great restaurateurs. For the Ibergour service, I must say that it is simply perfect (too bad there are no other specialties such as tuna, anchovies, cheese ...). In short, about this Joselito shoulder: It is very very very good, which does not mean that I will go and test other hams, but frankly we enjoy it, in small doses because just having the pleasure of cutting a few slices for friends who don't know anything about it, I spend more time explaining the finesse and the taste as if I were talking about great wines. Thank you Ibergour, and I will be on the lookout for comments on other ham given by your customers. See you soon ... when I have finished devouring this wonderful paleta!

January 28, 2021
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Thommy Norman
Uppsala, Sweden
Very good ham!

Very pleased with the Joselito shoulder, great taste. One of the best iberico hams that I have tasted. Will definitely order again.

January 1, 2021
Mircea Costin
Cluj Napoca ,Romania
Joselito Gran Reserva

Simply the Best!!!!!Very very good !!!! I recomended ,my son he is only 11 years
he is simply exhausted!!!
Try it i higly recomended

December 28, 2020
mario pontecorvi
italia roma
vecchio clienteold customer

sempre perfettissimi su spedizione e qualità del prodotto
CONSIGLIATISSIMO. per gli acquisti on line.

always perfect on shipping and product quality HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. for online purchases.

December 5, 2020
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ottimo ed efficicenteexcellent and efficient

Ottimo servizio, eccellente qualità, prodotto come descritto. Consegna in tempi rapidissimi, imballo perfetto. simpatico il regalo. Sicuramente un'esperienza positiva e da rifare. Complimenti a tutti

Great service, excellent quality, product as described. Very fast delivery, perfect packaging. nice gift. Definitely a positive experience and to be redone. Congratulations to all

December 5, 2020
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Pierre courbon
Pierre courbon
Paris France
I love joselito

Great taste as always, never disappointed

December 3, 2020
La Vall de Alcalá, Alicante, España
El mejorThe best

Esta paletilla llegó muy bien envasada en porciones. De verdad es el mejor ibérico que he probado hasta ahora.

This shoulder came very well packaged in portions. It really is the best Iberian I've ever had.

November 30, 2020
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Rapallo Genova Italia
Il mio primo disossatoMy first boneless

Ho sempre preso 5J ma l’ultima volta era un po’ fresco per i miei gusti così ho preferito andare sul sicuro. In effetti la stagionatura è superiore, ma temo di aver sbagliato a cedere alla praticità del disossato, indubbiamente la qualità del prosciutto é innegabile ma credo che abbia perso molto. La prossima volta tornerò al pezzo intero anche se devo dire che il servizio è stato eccellente.

I've always taken 5J but last time it was a little cool for my taste so I preferred to play it safe. In fact, the seasoning is superior, but I'm afraid I was wrong to give in to the practicality of boneless, undoubtedly the quality of the ham is undeniable but I think it has lost a lot. Next time I will go back to the full piece although I have to say the service was excellent.

November 27, 2020
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London uk

Simple to buy and delivered as promised.
Superb taste. I have bought this before and the quality is still excellent. Strongly recommended.

November 19, 2020
Haarlem, NL
Best of the best

One of the best jamon/paleta you will find. It's a great treat and even best when shared with family/friends adding some 'pan con tomate' and red wine.

November 7, 2020

Che dire, il prosciutto è veramente eccezionale, fresco e con un sapore indescrivibile, il venditore molto puntuale e simpatico,(al momento della spedizione mi ha scritto una email che sembrava una poesia

What can I say, the ham is truly exceptional, fresh and with an indescribable flavor, the seller very punctual and nice, (at the time of shipment he wrote me an email that looked like a poem

September 25, 2020
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Philippe Bergé
Velizy, France
Ma plus mauvaise expérience chez IbergourMy worst experience at Ibergour

Une grande déception (peut-être ai je été trop gâté depuis que je suis client).Parties charnues sans gras.Bien peu de goût.Aucune excuse, en effet le desosseur aurait du s'apercevoir de cette médiocrité.A bientôt.....peut être

A big disappointment (maybe I have been too spoiled since I became a customer). Fleshy parts without fat. Very little taste. No excuse, indeed the boner should have noticed this mediocrity. See you soon ... ..may be

June 19, 2020
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Ms. Leung
Ms. Leung
Never disappoint!

It's my second time to purchase, the ham is delicious and service is so so good. Can't be happier and will definitely buy from ibergour again. Thank you!

June 18, 2020
Ottimo prodottoGreat product

Con Joselito non sbagli mai. La spalla è più conveniente anche perché è più piccola e si finisce prima, la consegna è stata rapida ed è arrivata in perfetto stato. Ibergour è il mio punto di riferimento per i prosciutti spagnoli. Lo consiglio, per prezzi e serietà. Gianni di Bologna

You never go wrong with Joselito. The shoulder is also cheaper because it is smaller and ends earlier, delivery was quick and arrived in perfect condition. Ibergour is my point of reference for Spanish hams. I recommend it, for prices and seriousness. Gianni of Bologna

June 6, 2020
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Cuneo, Italia
Poesia fatta prosciuttoPoem made ham

Comincia ad avvolgerti con il suo profumo, poi il piacere della consistenza al taglio, il colore, la morbidezza, le venature di grazzo, tanto che mentre lo tagli devi per forza assaggiarlo. E il sapore è sublime. Gustoso ma non salato, intenso e persistente, il profumo si scioglie con il gusto e sevi subito mangiarne un'altra fettina, e un'altra, e un'altra. Attenzione, dà dipendenza :-)

It begins to wrap you with its scent, then the pleasure of the consistency when cut, the color, the softness, the veins of fat, so much so that while cutting it you have to taste it. And the taste is sublime. Tasty but not salty, intense and persistent, the perfume melts with the taste and you immediately eat another slice, and another, and another. Attention, addictive :-)

May 24, 2020
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Hola,buenos días.
Nos ha encantado tanto el producto como la presentación del mismo.
Fácil que repitamos mas adelante.
Y el aceite también nos ha encantado.

Hello good day. We have loved both the product and its presentation. Easy to repeat later. And the oil has also enchanted us.

May 17, 2020
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London UK
Joselito jamon is essential in lockdown

Joselito jamon, service, free stand and knife all perfect and being devoured in London. Neighbors now ordering their own. My wife is spanish so jamon is her birth rite but now that i am carving my own it feels like mine too!

May 2, 2020
Max Guagliardo
Max Guagliardo
Splendido!!Beautiful !!

È di sicuro, insieme con altri 3-4, tra i migliori prosciutti del mondo!! Rara prelibatezza , questo prodotto iberico, che consiglio di assaporare con un fresco Manzanilla di jerez.
Ibergour impeccabile.

It is certainly, together with 3-4 others, among the best hams in the world !! A rare delicacy, this Iberian product, which I recommend to savor with a fresh Manzanilla di jerez. Flawless Ibergour.

May 1, 2020
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Casalnuovo di Napoli
Soddisfazione ai massimi livelliSatisfaction at the highest levels

Davvero soddisfatto dell'acquisto stante, la qualità eccelsa del prodotto abbinata ad efficienza e rapidità del servizio di spedizione.
Auspico vivamente di trovare presto degli sconti corposi ai prodotti in vetrina per incentivarne l'assaggio così non solo limitato ai prodotti di maggiore fama.

Really satisfied with the purchase, the excellent quality of the product combined with the efficiency and speed of the shipping service. I sincerely hope to find substantial discounts soon for the products on display to encourage them to taste so not only limited to the most famous products.

April 28, 2020
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Matteo Piasini
Matteo Piasini
Buonissimo ma troppo grassoYummy but too fat

Ottimo ma davvero troppo grasso.
C'è davvero tanto scarto.....alla fine usciranno meno di 2 kg di prosciutto su 5,5 kg !
Sapore comunque ottimo

Excellent but really too fat. There is really a lot of waste ..... in the end less than 2 kg of ham will come out of 5.5 kg! Still excellent taste

March 29, 2020
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Uma experiência única.A unique experience.

Com um preço mais baixo vale a pena o esforço financeiro para ter acesso ao topo do pata negra. Perfumado, suave, excelente. Uma experiência única!

With a lower price it is worth the financial effort to have access to the top of the pata negra. Scented, smooth, excellent. A unique experience!

March 5, 2020
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Prato, Italia

tutto ok, dall'acquisto alla spedizione al prodotto ricevuto. Consiglio il sito ed il prodotto. La spalla e' ottima chissà come sarebbe il prosciutto.

everything ok, from purchase to shipping to the product received. I recommend the site and the product. The shoulder is excellent who knows what ham would be like.

January 9, 2020
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Roma Fiumicino

Puntuali nella consegna di un prodotto assolutamente ottimo e anche ben confezionato. Consigliato per la dolcezza del grasso che si scioglie in bocca e la giusta sapidità della carne. Da ripetere l'acquisto!

Punctual in the delivery of an absolutely excellent product and also well packaged. Recommended for the sweetness of the fat that melts in the mouth and the right flavor of the meat. To repeat the purchase!

January 2, 2020
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Paletilla Joselito Gran reservaJoselito Gran Reserva Shoulder

No se aprecia el sabor a bellota característico al Jamón ibérico de bellota .
Nada contenta con esta compra .
Precio y calidad no corresponden .

The acorn flavor characteristic of acorn-fed Iberian ham is not appreciated. Nothing happy with this purchase. Price and quality do not correspond.

December 13, 2019
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Haarlem, NL
Great ham and even better purchase service

Great ham and even better purchase service. Super fast delivery and slow taste of the ham in the mouth. Highly recommendable!

December 8, 2019
Oliver Csernai
Oliver Csernai
Ausgezeichnete Qualität, fabelhafter GeschmackExcellent quality, fabulous taste

Ich habe nun mehrfach schon Pata Negra Schinken gekauft, 5J und Joselito Gran Reserva sind die besten. Da ich Wiederholungstäter bin, werde ich zukünftig wieder diese Qualität bestellen.

I've already bought Pata Negra ham several times, 5J and Joselito Gran Reserva are the best. Since I am a repeat offender, I will order this quality again in the future.

October 14, 2019
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Mejor que el jamón. Excelente muy buena sabor olor y textura.
Es un paletilla muy tierna y agradable de comer con pan con tomate o simplemente como tapa.

Better than ham. Excellent very good taste, smell and texture. It is a very tender and pleasant shoulder to eat with bread with tomato or simply as a lid.

September 23, 2019
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Peter Dohr
Vienna, Austria
Perfect as always

I have bought the Joselito ham from this website already a lot of times. First always as a whole, since last year I always get it without the bone. In both preparations it was always very good, but keep in mind that this is a very fat ham, so the ration of meat to fat is different. But I like the quality of the meat and the fat, so it is very tasty.
Personally, I would consider the Joselito as one of the best hams I know, hence somehow justifying the price. Delivery was always on time, and each ham was of perfect quality. Definitely a recommendation from me!

September 18, 2019
Nyköping, Sweden
High quality and superb service

Been a customer for several years. Tested different qualities and always pleased with what we received. Correct price/quality.
What is really superb is transport and customer services incl info.

August 1, 2019
Spalla o ProsciuttoShoulder or Ham

Questa è la domanda che mi sono posto, pensavo che, tutto sommato, fosse la stessa cosa. Invece no. Non bisogna avere dubbi sulla scelta Prosciutto magari spedendo anche qualcosa in più ma decisamente PROSCIUTTO.

This is the question I asked myself, I thought that, all in all, it was the same thing. But no. We must not have doubts about the choice of Prosciutto maybe even sending something more but definitely HAM.

June 27, 2019
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Esageratamente buonoExtremely good

Ne ho provati tanti ma questo devo dire che è il top del top di quelli che ho provato in questo sito

I have tried so many but this I must say that is the top of the top of those that I have tried in this site

June 24, 2019
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Roberto Marchi
Roberto Marchi
BuonissimoVery good

Ero un po scettico ad ordinare un prosciutto online ma sono trovato benissimo spedito in tempi brevi e prosciutto ottimo Grazie tanto per l'ottimo servizio

I was a bit skeptical about ordering a ham online but I found it very well sent quickly and great ham Thanks so much for the great service

June 1, 2019
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Fernando Vieira
Aveiro, Portugal
Cara para lo que es.Expensive for what it is.

Es la 2ª paleta de Joselito qué compro y la verdad es que es muy normal para el precio. Un poco seca y sin grasa infiltrada. A no repetir.
Envío perfecto.

It's Joselito's 2nd palette that I buy and the truth is that it's very normal for the price. A little dry and without infiltrated fat. Not to repeat. Perfect shipping

June 1, 2019
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Tutto perfetto!All perfect!

Estremamente soddisfatto sia per la eccezionale qualità del prosciutto (a differenza di quello di altre marche contiene solo sale) sia per l’eccellente esperienza di acquisto! Grazie ed alla prossima!

Extremely satisfied both for the exceptional quality of the ham (unlike that of other brands contains only salt) and for the excellent shopping experience! Thanks and see you soon!

March 8, 2019
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Milano, Italia

E' una spalla, e di questo occorre tenerne conto. Ma è la miglior spalla che io abbia mai mangiato.
La carne è completamente infiltrata di grasso, quindi alla vista potrebbe lasciar "perplessi" (soprattutto se poco si sa del "prosciutto" iberico), ma è sufficiente tagliarne qualche fetta per entrare in un mondo diverso.
La fetta praticamente si scioglie in bocca, liberando sapori "decisi", che appagano il palato. Per me, una delizia.
Ormai da circa un anno mangio solo prosciutti e spalle iberiche, e per quanto mi riguarda devo dire che una volta provati è "impossibile" tornare indietro.

It is a shoulder, and this must be taken into account. But it's the best shoulder I've ever eaten. The meat is completely infiltrated with fat, so the sight could leave "perplexed" (especially if little is known of the Iberian "ham"), but it is enough to cut a few slices to enter a different world. The slice practically melts in the mouth, releasing "strong" flavors that satisfy the palate. For me, a delight. I have been eating only Iberian hams and shoulders for about a year now, and as far as I am concerned, I have to say that once it is tried it is "impossible" to go back.

January 14, 2019
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Antonio Muratore
Antonio Muratore
Fantastica EsperienzaFantastic Experience

Arrivata anche prima del previsto finita molto prima del previsto

Arrived even earlier than expected, finished much earlier than expected

January 3, 2019
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Manuela Di Sano
Manuela Di Sano

Prosciutto dal gusto unico e ben stagionato . Prodotto eccellente . Ben confezionato e consegnato prima del previsto . Perfetti anche il portaprosciutto e il coltello ricevuti in regalo .

Ham with a unique taste and well seasoned. Excellent product. Well packaged and delivered sooner than expected. Perfect also the ham holder and the knife received as a gift.

December 30, 2018
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Paletilla Joselito Gran reservaShoulder Joselito Grand reserve

Uff maravilloso el corte de la paletilla y el sabor fantastico
Que más puedo decir pues que h a merecido la pena gastar más para poder comer algo tan estup e do
También les digo que el jamonero nos es completamente imposible montarlo ya que la parte de arriba donde se pone la pata no se puede juntar para poner el tornillo.

Uff wonderful the cut of the shoulder and the fantastic flavor What else can I say because it has been worth spending more to eat something so stupid? I also tell them that the ham holder is completely impossible to mount since the top part where puts the leg can not be put together to put the screw.

December 21, 2018
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Roma, Italia

Prodotto che definirei eccellente! Dolce, sudato, deciso ma allo stesso tempo delicato e fragrante al palato! In una parola ineguagliabile!

Product that I would call excellent! Sweet, sweaty, strong but at the same time delicate and fragrant on the palate! In an incomparable word!

December 17, 2018
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siamo alle solitehere we go again

anche questo acquisto è andato a buon fine... celere e preciso , sono ormai cliente abbituale. consigliatissimo il sito semplicemente divino il prodotto spalla joselito. 5 stelle meritate

also this purchase was successful ... fast and accurate, I am now a regular customer. highly recommended the site simply divine the joselito shoulder product. 5 deserved stars

December 15, 2018
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Un amateur éclairé
Un amateur éclairé
Une douceur au palaisA sweetness on the palate

Un vrai régal. Sélectionnée par vos soins, l'épaule Joselito est parfaite. Le petit goût de noisette caractéristique et le parfum suave me font choisir le plus souvent cette marque. J'ai déjà commandé plusieurs fois sur le site des épaules de producteurs différents mais Joselito reste mon préféré. Livraison rapide, emballage soigné, que du bonheur.

A real treat. Selected by you, the shoulder Joselito is perfect. The characteristic small hazelnut taste and sweet scent make me choose this brand more often. I have already ordered several times on the site from the shoulders of different producers but Joselito remains my favorite. Fast delivery, neat packaging, only happiness.

December 10, 2018
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ferruccio hrusvar
ferruccio hrusvar
gusto eccezionale di altri tempiexceptional taste of other times

Mi è sembrato di tornare bambino (ho 67 anni) quando i maiali di mio zio in Istria mangiavano ghiande e prodotti dell' orto. Il prosciutto e le spalle venivano ricoperte di sale e pepe messe a stagionare per almeno 12 mesi.

I thought I was a child (I'm 67) when my uncle's pigs in Istria ate acorns and vegetables from the garden. The ham and the shoulders were covered with salt and pepper seasoned for at least 12 months.

November 27, 2018
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Deliziosa paleta!Delicious paleta!

Arrivata puntuale, Deliziosa, struggente, buonissima! Ed era solo una paleta! Chissà come deve essere lo jamon! Ripeterò l’acquisto, che consiglio sinceramente a tutti.

Arrived on time, Delicious, poignant, very good! And it was just a paleta! I wonder how the jamon must be! I will repeat the purchase, which I sincerely recommend to everyone.

November 18, 2018
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Roma Italia
Una confermaA confirmation

E' la seconda volta che acquisto questo prodotto. E'assolutamente apprezzabile, giudizio confermato anche da amici con i quali ho condiviso questo prodotto.

It is the second time I purchase this product. It is absolutely appreciable, also confirmed by friends with whom I shared this product.

October 29, 2018
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Peter Dohr
Wolfsberg, Austria
Very good hamVery good ham

What to say about Joselito?
It is one of the best hams you can buy. The taste is unique, from the lean parts to the fat.
Of course it is also one of the most expensive, but for me it is a treat I buy for special occasions.
This time I had it prepared without bones and it was of very good quality. Nothing to complain about. But I have also had the whole ham, which was also perfect.

What to say about Joselito? It is one of the best hams you can buy. The taste is unique, from the lean parts to the fat. Of course it's one of the most expensive, but it's a treat I buy for special occasions. This time I had it prepared without bones and it was very good quality. Nothing to complain about. But I had the whole ham, which was perfect. Enjoy!

October 21, 2018
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Le Mans, France.

Produit d'exception, une expérience gustative unique. Seul défaut: un risque important d'addiction. Merci encore à Ibergour pour la qualité toujours renouvelée de leurs prestations.

Exceptional product, a unique taste experience. Only fault: a significant risk of addiction. Thanks again to Ibergour for the always renewed quality of their services.

October 21, 2018
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Nancy, France
Fondant et parfuméFondant and fragrant

Excellent Jambon, fondant et parfumé, avec un bon équilibre des saveurs. Les tranches sont fines et parfaitement conditionnées. À recommander les yeux fermés !!!! Toute la famille en redemande.

Excellent ham, melting and fragrant, with a good balance of flavors. Slices are thin and perfectly packaged. To recommend with eyes closed !!!! The whole family is asking for more.

September 27, 2018
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Une épaule ...A shoulder ...

Produit superbe! Comme d'habitude...
Viande très agréable, goûteuse, bref parfaite.
Nous français, qui n'avons pas les mêmes habitudes alimentaires que nos voisins espagnole, une épaule est juste ce qu'il nous faut.
Alors à la prochaine fois.
Encore Ingrandes merci de satisfaction.

Super product! As usual ... Meat very pleasant, tasty, perfect short. We French, who do not have the same eating habits as our Spanish neighbors, a shoulder is just what we need. So see you next time. Again Ingrandes thank you for your satisfaction.

September 27, 2018
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tutto OK perfettoeverything OK perfect

Ditta molto seria consegna puntuale e ottima qualità.
le confezioni sono ben fatte e curate sotto tunti i punti di vista

Very serious company, timely delivery and excellent quality. the packs are well made and taken care of under the points of view

September 24, 2018
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Tutto perfettoAll perfect

Tutto perfetto . Servizio celere e puntuale nella consegna , confezione buona. Complimenti ! Continuerò ad ordinare nuovamente prodotti . Saluti .

All perfect . Fast service and punctual delivery, good packaging. Compliments ! I will continue to order products again. Greetings .

June 10, 2018
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paris, france
Parfaite tout simplementSimply perfect

Palette parfaitement emballée et livrée dans les temps. Suivi du colis à toutes les étapes et produit absolument au niveau de qualité attendu.
Nous recommanderons sans aucun souci

Palette perfectly packaged and delivered on time. Parcel tracking at all stages and product absolutely at the expected level of quality. We will recommend without any worries

June 1, 2018
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comme d'habitude, parfaitas usual, perfect

Chaque fois c'est toujours un plaisirs que nous partageons avec nos amis.
À bientôt pour une nouvelle commande qui nous donnera encore plus de plaisirs.
Encore merci pour la qualité suivi de vos produits

Each time it is always a pleasure that we share with our friends. See you soon for a new order that will give us even more pleasure. Thank you again for the quality of your products

May 14, 2018
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grande prodottogreat product

prodotto arrivato nei tempi stabiliti.Ha tutti i requisiti sia gustativi che olfattivi di un grande joselito:non salato si scioglie in bocca con aroma persistente,consigliatissimo

product arrived on time.It has all the taste and olfactory requirements of a large joselito:unsalted melts in the mouth with persistent aroma,highly recommended

February 11, 2018
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Alexander Waidmann
Alexander Waidmann
Wien, Österreich
Gran Reserva??Gran Reserva ??

Ich habe einen reifen, dunkelroten bis braunen Bellota erwartet aber stattdessen einen mittelroten, offensichtlich nicht sehr lange gereiften erhalten.

I have a ripe, dark red to brown Bellota but expect a medium red, obviously not very long matured received. Too bad.

February 2, 2018
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Gerhard Lang
Gerhard Lang
zu hoher Fettanteiltoo high fat content

Geschmacklich hervorragend, aber leider viel zu hoher Fettanteil. Das ist nun das zweite Mal in Folge, dass die von ibergour gelieferte Ware einen ungewoehnlich hohen Fettanteil aufwies. Zuvor war es ein Schinken von 5J, der mich bis dahin nie enttaeuscht hatte. Aufgrund des geringen Anteils geniessbaren Fleisches, bestellte ich den Voderschinken von Joselito. Leider ist auch hier die Ausbeute nicht zufriedenstellend.

Excellent in taste, but unfortunately too high in fat. This is the second time in a row that the goods delivered by ibergour had an unusually high fat content. Previously it was a 5J ham that had never disappointed me until then. Due to the small amount of edible meat, I ordered the prosciutto from Joselito. Unfortunately, the yield is not satisfactory here either.

January 10, 2018
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Oleg Brzynski
Oleg Brzynski
Weltbester SchinkenWorld's best ham

Der Joselito ist mit Sicherheit einer der weltbesten Schinken auf dieser Welt. Er hat unseren Gästen zu Weihnachten viel sinnliche Gaumenfreude gebracht. Jeder war begeistert !
Vielen Dank

The Joselito is certainly one of the world's best hams in the world. He has brought our guests a lot of sensual delights for Christmas. Everyone was excited! Many Thanks

January 2, 2018
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Per quanto ho pagato pensavo di avere un prodotto miglioreAs far as I paid, I thought I had a better product

Per quanto ho pagato pensavo veramente di avere un prodotto di qualità superiore invece il gusto era buono ma il prodotto era salatissimo.
Non ho fatto una bella figura con i miei parenti !

As much as I paid I really thought I had a superior quality product but the taste was good but the product was very salty. I did not look good with my relatives!

December 31, 2017
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Sevilla , España
Siempre aciertasYou always guess

Es una apuesta segura ... un capricho de vez en cuando..
Y el envío , el envasado, y el transporte perfecto...como siempre.
Repetiremos ,sin duda.

It's a safe bet ... a fad from time to time .. And the shipping, packaging, and perfect transportation ... as always. We will repeat, without a doubt.

December 28, 2017
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Jeremy Aitchison
Jeremy Aitchison
Don't buy shoulder

I have always bought Ham in the past and decided on the shoulder this year as we never finish it. However although the meat is good it is very difficult to carve. There is a lot of fat. Next year I will buy a ham again.

December 26, 2017
Dr. Franz Rückert
Dr. Franz Rückert
Stuttgart, Deutschland

Bestellvorgang, Lieferung, Verpackung,...alles schnell, gut und komplikationslos!
Zum Schinken:
Der Schinken hat einen hervorragenden feinen Geschmack! Er ist sehr zart, saftig und voller Aroma. Es ist der beste Pata Negra, den ich bisher hatte! Bestens zu empfehlen!! Sehr gut zu verschenken, noch besser selber essen und genießen.

Ordering process, delivery, packaging, ... everything fast, good and without complications! To ham: The ham has an excellent fine taste! He is very tender, juicy and full of flavor. It's the best Pata Negra I've ever had! Best to recommend !! Very good to give away, even better to eat and enjoy yourself.

December 12, 2017
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Ferrara Italia
Joselito spallaJoselito shoulder

Joselito una garanzia....ottima spalla....servizio veloce e puntuale.
Sapore inconfondibile...profumo di ghiande....terra...erba...aroma persistente
Confezione perfetta
Consigliato a tutti quelli che amano il prosciutto spagnolo....indimenticabile

Joselito a guarantee .... excellent shoulder .... fast and punctual service. Unmistakable flavor ... scent of acorns .... earth ... grass ... persistent aroma Perfect package Recommended for all those who love Spanish ham .... unforgettable

December 11, 2017
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Vicenza Italua
Prosciutto eccellenteExcellent ham

Tutto molto bene - sito molto semplice da usare - consegna puntuale e veloce - prodotto conforme alle aspettative - serietà assoluta del venditore che è molto affidabile

All very well - very simple site to use - punctual and fast delivery - product in line with expectations - absolute reliability of the seller that is very reliable

December 6, 2017
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Versanddauer top, verpackung top, der beste schinken den ich je gegessen habe!! Aber ich habe noch nicht viele schinken dieser sorte gegessen. Vergleichen zu einem anderen kann ich ihn nicht, aber ich wollte mir und meinen liebsten was gönnen. Ob viel dran ist kann ich nicht sagen, genug jedenfalls von super geschmack. Also absolut empfehlenswert, der preis naja..... für was gutes bezahlt man (und sollte man auch) immer mehr. Ich finde den preis ok für den schinken.

Shipping top, top packaging, the best ham I've ever tasted !! But I have not eaten many ham of this variety. I can not compare him to another, but I wanted to treat myself and my dearest. Whether it is a lot of it, I can not say, enough of super taste. So absolutely recommendable, the price well ..... for what good you pay (and you should also) more and more. I find the price ok for the ham.

October 9, 2017
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Simion Rosen
Simion Rosen
Good flavour poor texture

The flavour was a fine, long lasting deep and rich. The texture however was not good. Machine cutting is a very poor substitute for slicing by hand. The slices were thick and to much was left over and cut in to chunks. Was left mildly disappointed.

July 3, 2017
La Rochelle Normande
Paleta JoselitoPaleta Joselito

La qualité du produit est irréprochable.
Les conditions de livraison sont parfaites notamment en terme de respect des délais.
La méthode de découpe proposée dans le document accompagnant l'envoi de cette paleta n'est pas d'une clarté limpide, notamment quant aux premiers gestes à opérer à hauteur de l'extrêmité de la patte. Il est vrai que découper un jamon est tout un art, s'appuyant plus sur la pratique répétée que sur le suivi d'instructions écrites.

The quality of the product is impeccable. The delivery conditions are perfect, especially in terms of meeting deadlines. The method of cutting proposed in the document accompanying the sending of this paleta is not of clear clarity, in particular as regards the first gestures to be carried out at the height of the end of the paw. It is true that cutting a jamon is an art, relying more on repeated practice than on follow-up written instructions.

June 11, 2017
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París, Francia

La paleta está exquisita y el trato al cliente perfecto.
Además la paletilla llegó con 2 días de adelanto .

The shoulder is exquisite and the customer service perfect. Also the shoulder arrived 2 days in advance.

May 7, 2017
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Luca Dalla Riva
Luca Dalla Riva
Milano, Italia
Prodotto squisitoexquisite product

La spalla acquistata ha reso giustizia al buon nome del prosciutto patanegra, ce la siamo goduta in famiglia e tra amici, tutti ne sono rimasti piacevolmente impressionati dal sapore particolare.

The purchased shoulder has done justice to the good name of patanegra ham, we still enjoyed with family and friends, everyone is very pleasantly impressed by the special flavor. excellent

December 29, 2016
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Toppo seccotoo dry

La spalla appare troppo stagionata e la carne secca e dura. La confezione del prodotto è invece buona e la spedizione ha rispettato i tempi previsti

The shoulder is too seasoned and dried meat and hard. The product packaging is rather good and the shipment has respected the schedule

December 26, 2016
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roberto ferrari
rovigo, italia
buono e dolcegood and sweet

ho trovato joselito gran riserva di mio gradimento.
il precedente prosciutto ,di altro produttore era troppo salato.
questo invece salato al punto giusto.

I found joselito great reserve my liking. the previous ham, other manufacturer was too salty. This rather salty at the right point.

December 16, 2016
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Sevilla, España
Difícil de superarHard to get over

Había escuchado hablar de su calidad, de su sabor, de la diferencia con otras marcas.... y realmente supera con creces mis expectativas.

He had heard of its quality, its flavor, the difference with other brands .... and really far exceeds my expectations.

December 15, 2016
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une qualité exceptionnelleoutstanding quality

Un gout unique!!!
Un service de livraison au top!!
Tout est c’était gratuit ce serait le paradis!!!
Continuez comme cela.

A unique taste !!! A delivery service on top !! Everything is perfect .... if it was free it would be heaven !!! Keep doing this.

December 13, 2016
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Fama merecidadeserved fame

No existen malas sorpresas con una paletilla Joselito. Asi que la degusto sin esperar que se seque la carne y utilizo la grasa para cocinar.
Bueno, se paga la marca, pero tambien la calidad, volveré a comprar.

There are no bad surprises with a shoulder Joselito. So the Degusto without waiting for the meat to dry and use the fat for cooking. Well, the brand is paid, but also the quality, will buy.

October 3, 2016
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Se trata de una pieza extremadamente exquisita.Tiene un sabor profundo y delicioso nada comparable con otras piezas y con una relación calidad/precio incomparable.
Ibergour funcionó a la perfeccion en trato en eleccion de la pieza y en rapidez en el envio.
Muy satisfecho.
Absolutamente recomendable

This is an extremely exquisite piece. It has a deep and delicious taste nothing comparable with other pieces and with a quality / unbeatable price. IberGour worked perfectly in treatment choice of the piece and sending speed. Very satisfied. absolutely recommended

May 20, 2016
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Santiago Franco
Inmejorable elección para disfrutar una paletaExcellent choice for enjoying a shoulder

La paleta Joselito nunca defrauda.
Es la tercera vez que la compro en ibergour y siempre ha salido fantástica tanto en curación como en sabor.
Ideal para ser comida ente uno y dos meses.

The palette Joselito never disappoints. It is the third time the buy in IberGour and has always come out fantastic both healing and taste. Ideal for food being one and two months.

March 12, 2016
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Joao Azeitao
Excelente, como sempreExcellent as always

Excelente, como sempre.
Como não consumo muito, prefiro a paleta. Quando comprava presunto ele acabava por ficar muito seco no final.

Excellent as always. How not use much prefer the palette. When buying ham he would eventually get too dry at the end.

March 6, 2016
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sehr gut super gesmecktvery good tasted great

Alle die leute die ich eingeladen habe waren zufrieden... bin kein expert aber ich glaube das es ist ein sehr gutes jamon.

All the people that I invited were satisfied ... I'm not an expert but I believe that it is very good jamon.

February 14, 2016
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Eva Ramos
Eva Ramos
Terrible ham

I am deeply disappointed with the ham we received. We are accustomed to eating excellent quality jamon and the joselito ham was horrible. 3/4 of the ham was just rancid fat which is a waste and the left over Ham is mediocre in taste . We feel we have ripped off& will not recommend this product to anyone as its well overpriced and and very poor in taste and overall quality

December 13, 2015
Excelente paletillaExcellent shoulder

Joselito nunca defrauda.
El producto es excelente y se servicio de ibergour impecable.
Llevo tiempo comprando en ibergour (Joselito, 5 Jotas, ...) y nunca han fallado.

Joselito never disappoints. The product is excellent and impeccable service IberGour. I took time shopping at IberGour (Joselito, 5 Jotas, ...) and have never failed.

December 4, 2015
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Manuel M.
Manuel M.
Aspañalmeria, E
Un poco secaA little dry

La paletilla de sabor estaba perfecta pero la textura era un poco seca.
Hoy e vuelto a realizar otro pedido espero que tengan en cuenta esta opinion ya que en el momento de realizalo no tenemos ninguna opcion a especificar nuestros gustos.

The shoulder was perfect flavor but the texture was a little dry. Today and I returned to place another order I hope you take into account this opinion because at the time so do it we have no option to specify our tastes.

November 18, 2015
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Dr. Elias Scherer Quesada
Dr. Elias Scherer Quesada
München, Deutschland
Super Service! Super Qualität!Super Service! Super Quality!

Servicio extraordinario! La paletilla llegó en perfecto estado. Calidad suprema y entrega super rápida (menos de una semana). No será el último encargo.
Un saludo muy cordial

Superb service! The shoulder arrived in perfect condition. Supreme quality and super fast delivery (within a week). It will not be the last request. A very warm greeting

November 13, 2015
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Delikater Schinken aber unglaublich viel FettDelicate ham but incredibly much fat

Wenn man denn mal den Schinken nach Entfernung von ca 2,2 Kg Fett erreicht hat erwartet einen eine absolut Super Qualität. Ein wundervolles Aroma, würziger Geschmack und sehr angenehme Konsistenz. Das große Manko sind die Fettmengen. Unsere Reklamation diesbezüglich wurde von Ibergour nach dem Kulanzprinzip anerkannt und der Kaufpreis vollständig erstattet . Schade um den ansonsten wunderbaren Schinken

If you have time for reaching the ham after removal of about 2.2 Kg fat expects an absolutely super quality. A wonderful aroma, spicy flavor and very pleasant consistency. The major shortcoming are the amounts of fat. Our complaint in this respect has been recognized by Ibergour after goodwill principle and the purchase price refunded in full. Pity about the otherwise wonderful ham

October 30, 2015
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Troppo salatoToo salty

Troppo grasso, poco prosciutto da mangiare. Troppo duro, difficile da tagliare, molto salato rispetto ad altri prosciutti spagnoli. Mangiati di molto migliori

Too fat, little ham to eat. Too hard, hard to cut, very salty than other Spanish hams. Eaten very best

October 10, 2015
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buen productogood product

el producto Paletilla Joselito gran reserva esta tremenda y el servicio rápido y en los plazos mencionados. Por todo ello repetiré en navidad.

Products Shoulder Joselito Gran Reserva is tremendous and fast service and the times aforesaid. Therefore I will repeat at Christmas.

September 23, 2015
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Trevi italia

Che dire semplicemente ottimo. Complimenti anche per la velocità di consegna. È il terzo prodotto che acquisto sicuramente il migliore.
Al prossimo ordine

What about simply great. Congratulations also to the speed of delivery. It is the third product I buy certainly the best. The next order

August 29, 2015
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Sempre eccellenteAlways excellent

Non delude mai, il sapore, il grasso e al contempo la magrezza di questa spalla sono sempre superbi.
Ci vogliono 20 parole per una recensione ma a questa spalla in realtà ne basta una sola: super.

Never disappoints, the flavor, the fat and at the same time the thinness of this shoulder are always superb. It takes 20 words to a review but this shoulder in reality just one: super.

August 21, 2015
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Bernard Mc Cormick
Bernard Mc Cormick
Dublin, Ireland
Flavour of the top ranks.

Very easy to summerise this product
-The Taste of this product is super
- Great Value and beyond compare for family get togethers.
- Ibergour Deliver a Superbe Service & Selection
- Joselito produce a remarkable product. Once you start, its hard to stop, even the Kids love it.
- If you are Catering for big groups +20 you may need a larger size then the 5kg as a single shoulder is Quality not Quantity.
- Dont scrimp, Make sure you have the Correct Knife.
- Also the storage conditions must be adheired to strictly as drying out will happen within 5 days.
But most of all -----"Enjoy"

July 31, 2015
josé alberto
josé alberto
good joselitojoselito good

Muy rica y en su punto...repetiré
Rapidez de entrega y seriedad me gusta...un saludo a todos y buen dia con joselito

Rich and point ... I will repeat Speed ​​of delivery and seriousness I like ... greetings to all and good day with joselito

July 3, 2015
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Très décusVery disappointed

Nous avons été très décus par votre envoi. Nous avions déjà commandé ce produit auprès d'un autre fournisseur et après comparaison, nous reviendrons vers lui et non vers votre société.
Produit reçu de votre part : plus de graisse que de jambon.

We were very disappointed with your shipment. We had already ordered the product from another supplier and after comparison, we will return to him and not to your company. Proceeds received from you: more fat than ham.

December 11, 2014
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untuoso e grassosounctuous and grassoso

Molto grassosa, forse necessitava ancora di ulteriore stagionatura.
Tra i miei commensali vi era anche un amico spagnolo di Granada che lo ha giudicato disgustoso e immangiabile.

Very Fatty, perhaps still needed additional seasoning. Among my diners there was also a Spanish friend of Granada who judged him disgusting and inedible.

December 1, 2014
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Lucca, Italia

Non è la prima volta che compero e sempre trovo: ottimo prodotto, ottimo servizio, ottimi prezzi. Bravi tornerò a comperara di sicuro.

It is not the first time that I buy and I always find it: great product, great service, great prices. Good to be back comperara for sure.

September 15, 2014
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Paletilla demasiado grasaShoulder too fat

Ha salido con mucha grasa, las paletillas siempre son mas grasas que el jamon, pero lo de esta paletilla esta fuera de lo normal.
Otras veces he comprado paletillas ibericas, incluidas Joselito y nada parecido a esto.

It has come out with a lot of fat, the shoulders are always more fat than ham, but this shoulder is unusual. Other times I bought ibericas shoulders, including Joselito and nothing like this.

September 14, 2014
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Sapore eccellenteExcellent flavor

Anche se più complicata da tagliare rispetto ad un prosciutto (fette più piccole e ossicini da raggirare) e con tanto grasso che va buttato via (un pò più del prosciutto) il costo nettamente inferiore rispetto al prosciutto bilancia ampiamente questi contro. Sapore eccellente, realmente squisito. Joselito è sempre una garanzia. Ripeterò volentieri l'acquisto.

Although more difficult to cut than a ham (smaller slices and bones to trick) and with so much fat that should be thrown away (a bit more ham) the fraction of the cost compared to widely ham balance these against. Excellent flavor, really delicious. Joselito is always a guarantee. Willingly repeat purchase.

February 17, 2014
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Trieste, Italia

Ho acquistato già su questo sito sia prosciutti bellota che spallette ma questa devo dire che è il massimo! Il prezzo non è basso ma la qualità è eccelsa e lo scarto accettabile. OTTTIMO!!!

I have already purchased on this site is bellota hams that shoulders but I must say that this is the best! The price is not low but the quality is excellent and the standard deviation acceptable. OTTTIMO!

January 19, 2014
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P. Franzoni
P. Franzoni
Pienamente soddisfatta!Fully satisfied!

Premetto che è la prima volta che acquisto su ho trovato il servizio ottimo, veloce, molto comodo il contatto telefonico con il corriere al momento della consegna. Perfetto l'imballaggio.
La spalla si scioglie in bocca, buonissima, un profumo meraviglioso. Molto apprezzati anche il supporto e il coltello in omaggio.

I state that it is the first time that the purchase of I found the service excellent, fast, very convenient telephone contact with the courier at the time of delivery. Perfect packaging. The shoulder melts in your mouth, delicious, a wonderful aroma. Much appreciated the support and the knife free.

January 2, 2014
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Buono il prosciutto ma molto grassoGood but very fat ham

Spalla arrivata. Una volta iniziato ad affettare ho realizzato, però, di aver acquistato 2,5 Kg di grasso e 1 Kg di magro, questo è il rapporto, un po' troppo a favore del grasso direi, anche per una spalla (pagata 130 euro)...
come prima volta non sono per niente soddisfatto,un vero peccato perchè il prosciutto è veramente buono!!

Shoulder arrived. Once I started to slice I realized, however, that he had bought 2.5 kg of fat and 1 kg of fat, this is the ratio, a bit 'too much in favor of the fat to say, even for a shoulder (paid 130 euro). .. As first time are not at all satisfied, a real shame because the ham is really good!

March 11, 2013
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Buen servicio y proximidad al clienteGood service and customer proximity

Hubo un problema con la entrega de una caja y la respuesta fue excelente, casi tan bueno como el jamón

There was a problem with the delivery of a box and the response was excellent, almost as good as the ham

December 22, 2012
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goduria organo-elettronicaGoduria organo-electronic

prodotto da intenditori ,una goduria per il palato e l'olfatto,messo in una stanza ti da' limpressione di essere in una di quelle botteghe di paese di una volta, un vero profumo emozionante.Sito eccellente in quanto e impaginazione e scorrevolezza.precisi chiari e rapidissimi,da sponsorizzare

produced by connoisseurs, a pleasure for the palate and the nose, put in a room gives you the impression of being in one of the village shops than once, a real exciting scent. Site layout and excellent in flowability. clear and precise rapid, to sponsor

October 27, 2012
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Vorrei iniziare dalla consegna, prodotto ordinato lunedì, in tavola giovedì sera: efficenti.
La spalla si presenta molto bene, sapore molto dolce e grasso che si scioglie in bocca, anche se forse è un pò troppo, forse un pò più stagionato sarebbe stato eccellellente rispetto all'ottimo giudizio che sto dando.Consigliato.

Let me start from the delivery, product ordered on Monday, on the table Thursday evening efficient. The shoulder is very good, very sweet and fat that melts in your mouth, although maybe a little too much, maybe a little more mature than optimal judgment was eccellellente I'm dando.Consigliato.

October 12, 2012
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Excellent !Excellent!

Je suis très satisfaite de l'épaule désossée, sans conservateurs.
Sa présentation permet une taille très aisée.
Si je devais émettre un regret, ce serait le fait qu'elle a été un peu trop dégraissée à mon goût.
J'adore le gras du jambon bellota.

I am very satisfied with the boneless shoulder, without preservatives. Presentation allows a size very easy. If I had to make one regret, it would be the fact that it was a little too degreased my taste. I love fat bellota ham.

September 6, 2012
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sirolo italia
spalla joselitoshoulder joselito

Ottimo prosciutto un po grasso , ma si scioglie in bocca .da provare . Funzionale anche il porta prosciutto e il coltello.direi ottimo acquisto .

Great ham a little fat, but melts in your mouth. to try. Functional also leads the ham and the knife. I would say good buy.

August 31, 2012
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Tenno, Italia
Come una droga!!!Like a drug!

Per quanto ci riguarda è così buono che è quasi come una droga! Quasi non si riesce a smettere di mangiarlo!

As for us is so good that it's almost like a drug! Almost you can not stop eating!

August 21, 2012
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Ballivor, (Irlanda)

lo unico que tendria que decir en contra es que nos ha sabido a poco, pedimos una paletilla porque donde vivimos no sabiamos si se nos iba a conservar en perfectas condiciones por el clima tan humedo que tenemos pero definitivamente el proximo sera el jamon no le dimos tiempo a estropearse, sencillamente exquisito

the only thing that would have to say against it is that we want to learn more, ask one shoulder because where we live did not know if we would keep in perfect condition as wet weather but we definitely will next we did not give the ham time to break down, simply exquisite

August 6, 2012
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prodotto d'eccellenzaexcellent product

Qui siamo davanti ad un prodotto che non ha concorrenti!!!Bello magro,rifinito da quel grasso che si scioglie tra le dita.....sublime!!

Here we are faced with a product that has no competition! Beautiful slender, refined by the fat that melts in his fingers ..... sublime!

June 29, 2012
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Druzeta Roberto
Aurisina, Italia
e un buon prodottois a good product

E un buon prodotto anche tagliato in modo da poterlo affettare senza dificolta nel taglio giusto
forse un po ecessivo il pšrezzo pero essendo un Hoselito si puo anche capire

It also produced a good cut so that it can be sliced ​​without difficulty setting in the right cut, perhaps a bit too heavy load on pšrezzo but being a Hoselito you can also understand

May 21, 2012
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Tampoco es para tantoNor is for both

Pues la verdad es que hace tiempo me recomendaron comprar esta paletilla Joselito pero debe ser que no hemos tenido suerte porque no es para tanto. Sinceramente he probado paletillas de la mitad de precio de igual Calidad. No tiene apenas beta y poco aprovechable ya que estaba bastante curada. No era para devolver porque se dejaba comer y tenía buen sabor, no procede decir que está malo. Relación Calidad/precio de pongo una nota de 4 sobre 10 luego es motivo para NO repetir.

The truth is that long ago I recommended buying this Joselito shoulder but should be that we have not had any luck because it is not bad. Honestly I tried shoulders of the half price of equal quality. It has just beta and little usable as it was quite healed. He was not allowed to return because they eat and tasted good, no need to say it's bad. Quality / price I put a 4-over 10 after NO reason to repeat.

March 2, 2012
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Fettiger SchinkenGreasy ham

Leider war der Schinken echt fettig und nicht sehr lecker. Wir haben sehr kleine Streifen geschnitten. Die triften vor Fett und der Schinken war echt nicht wirklich gut. Vielleicht muss man einfach mehr ausgeben um den nussigen Geschmack zu bekommen, der dann auch echt schon trocken und lecker ist.
5 Sterne für den Service. Da Ibergour nimmt 100% kümmern dort Kundenzufriedenheit.
Der Schinken bekam ich das erste Mal war nicht sehr gut, aber nach meiner Reklamation Thery habe in sehr engen Kontakt mit mir und nahm den Schinken und Ihnen ein neues und das ist (war) fantastisch.
1. Adresse für perfekten Service ein optimal Schinken ist nun für mich Ibergour.
Dies ist der Weg zu businiss mit der Chance auf eine langfristige Beziehung zu den Kunden haben. ; o)

Unfortunately, the ham was really greasy and not very tasty. We have a very small strip cut. The triften with grease and the bacon was not really really good. Maybe you should spend more just to get to the nutty taste that is already dry and then also really tasty.
5 stars for the service. Since Ibergour takes care of there customers 100% satisfaction. The ham I got the first time was not very good, but after my complaint Thery have very close contact with me and took the ham and you a new one and that is (was) fantastic. First Address for service is a perfect ham is best for me now Ibergour. This is the way to businiss have the chance of a long-term relationship with customers. : O)

December 30, 2011
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Trop gras & fibreuxToo fat & fibrous

Le service est parfait, mais le produit vraiment trop gras & fibreux par rapport a un jambon.
Je retenterais avec un jambon.

The service is perfect, but the product really too fat & fiber in relation to a ham. I rang out with a ham.

December 21, 2011
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the hague, holland
unexpected dry

purchase and delivery are excelent. All in time and in perfect condition. The Jamon however did not meet my expectations. Too dry and in comparison to the greasy skin.... a little disappointed. next time I'll take one from my local butcher in casares andalucia and take extra airfreight cost. sorry.

December 11, 2011
mario pontecorvi
roma italia
acquisto a 5 stellepurchase 5 stars

ottima la spalla eccellente il servizio sempre tracciabile, consegna in anticipo rispetto allo siabilito. consigliero il sito Joselito è il top dei produttori spagnoli

optimal shoulder excellent service always traceable, delivery earlier than agreed to. Joselito counselor on site is the top producer of Spanish

December 10, 2011
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frank giner
frank giner
el Vendrell, Tarragona
buen productoGood product.

Una paletilla en su punto de secado y grasa. Calidad precio un poco cara, pero lo bueno hay que pagarlo. Desde el pedido, pasando por el servicio del producto hasta la mesa un servicio inmejorable. Os felicito ibergour.

A shoulder at the point of drying and fat. Money a bit expensive, but the good must be paid. From ordering, through product service to the table an outstanding service. I congratulate you ibergour.

December 5, 2011
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Ottima spalla, carne molto saporita e stagionatura perfetta. Servizio impeccabile, serio e puntuale come sempre. Sicuramente un acquisto da ripetere.

Excellent shoulder, very tasty meat and seasoning perfect. Impeccable service, serious and punctual as always. Surely a repeat purchase.

November 28, 2011
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London, UK
Fantastic Jabugo!!!!

I ordered a Joselito 'Gran Reserva' and I couldn't be more satisfied. Last year I bought the 5Js and I have to say, Joselito is equaly good or even better. Definitely worth paying that little extra. Just Excellent!!!!

November 24, 2011
Brussels Belgium
Buy a bigger one next time

I enjoyed each slice, the fat is clean and white and the flavour of the Jamon is wonderful. Wish I bought a larger piece :-)

November 21, 2011
insuperabili..!!.. unbeatable!

da 10 e lode il servizio e la spedizione veramente insuperabili, rapidi e precisi..!!
la spalla è eccezionale, la giusta quantità di grasso ora proverò sicuramente la coscia. complimenti.

10 and honors the service and shipping really unbeatable, quick and precise ..! The shoulder is great, the right amount of fat surely now I'll try the thigh. compliments.

November 14, 2011
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Hola, me daba bastante miedo comprar la paletilla por internet sin poder tocarla antes pero estoy muy contento con la compra.

Hello, I was pretty scared to buy online without shoulder to touch it before but I'm very happy with the purchase.

October 27, 2011
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Philippe Bergé
Paris, France
Le paisir vraiThe true pleasure

Comme les fois précédentes, un grand plaisir gustatif qui ravit aussi tous mes amis.
La commande est arrivée en bon état et dans le délai prévu
C'est pour cela que je suis fidèle à Ibergour

As before, a great gustatory pleasure that delights as all my friends. The order arrived in good condition and within the time prescribed is why I am faithful to Ibergour

September 23, 2011
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September 19, 2011
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Buono il prosciutto ma quanto grasso...Good ham, but how much fat ...

Spalla arrivata in tempi record ed assistenza al cliente da manuale. Una volta comiciato ad affettare ho realizzato, però, di aver acquistato 4 Kg di grasso e 1 Kg di magro, questo è il rapporto, un po' troppo a favore del grasso direi, anche per una spalla (pagata 170 euro)...

Shoulder arrived in record time and customer service to manual. Once I realized comedy slicing, however, have purchased 4 pounds of fat and 1 kg of fat, this is the report, a little 'too much in favor of the fat I would say, even for a shoulder (paid 170 euros) ...

September 8, 2011
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Pura deliciaPure delight

Me gusta el jamóon y aunque le suelo quitar la grasa (no debo comerla) es delicioso. Es un regalo apreciadísimo cuando vienen los amigos o voy a su casa.

I like the jamóon and although I usually remove the fat (I do not eat it) is delicious. It is a prized gift when friends come or go home.

July 10, 2011
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sara verona pampuri
sara verona pampuri
bravi e rapidigood and fast

rapidi e affidabili. la spalla che abbiamo acquistato è buonissima. riacquisteremo sicuramente. Servizio Ibergour perfetto. ho fatto una domanda per iscritto domenica mattina e mi hanno risposto poche ore dopo con gentilezza e competenza. ottima esperienza

fast and reliable. the shoulder that we bought is very good. buy back for sure. Service Ibergour perfect. I made a request in writing on Sunday morning and they said a few hours later with kindness and competence. good experience

March 20, 2011
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St BRICE 95350
Pas terribleNot terrible

le jambon est bon, mais peu de viande et beaucoup trop de gras.
les tranches sont luisantes de matière grasse(?). Elles soivent être épongées et séchées avant consommation !!!
En principe, je ne recommanderai plus.

the ham is good, but little meat and too much fat. the slices are fat shiny (?). They soivent be sponged and dried before consumption! Too bad! In principle, I would not recommend more.

March 4, 2011
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Son aromas y tactos gustativos que en este caso cumplen todos los parámetros para obtener una plena satisfacción. Calidad insuperable.

Aromas and taste are touches in this case met all the parameters to obtain full satisfaction. Unsurpassed quality.

February 13, 2011
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Prima esperienza su ibergour, servizio impeccabile con spedizione sempre monitorata via internet.
Prodotto eccelso, davvero di ottima qualità.
Consiglio vivamente sia joselito che ibergour

Before ibergour experience, impeccable service with shipping always monitored via the Internet. Product sublime, really excellent. I strongly recommend that both Joselito ibergour

January 29, 2011
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un 10October 1

La paletilla excelente pero lo que es el trasporte por parte de ENVIALIA nose como decirlo, no tienen ganas de trabajar y no tienen organizacion, tendrias de cambiar de transportista.

The shoulder is great but what transportation by Envialia nose as it were, have no desire to work and have no organization, you would have to switch carrier.

January 2, 2011
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A nicer Xmas meal with Joselito

Our familly and guests at Xmas loved the Joselito Bellota ham shoulder,it's like eating Caviar,it melts in the mouth.
We first had it when we visited my brother in Spain and we decided that this is the one we will always buy.
Highly recommended.

January 2, 2011
Filippo e Patrizia
Bologna, Italia
L'ottava meraviglia del mondoThe eighth wonder of the world

Sfido chiunque a trovare un cibo più buono di questo...
Abbiamo comprato la spalla disossata per comodità ed in effetti è stata un' ottima scelta.
E' un prodotto che soddisfa tutti i sensi, appena scartato siamo stati inondati dal profumo intenso, dal colore e dallo sbrilluccichio del grasso ed il gusto è unico...
Assolutamente da ripetere e da consigliare. il servizio di Ibergour è veramente come lo descrivono.

I challenge anyone to find a food better than this ... We bought the boneless shoulder for comfort and in fact was a 'good choice. It 's a product that satisfies all the senses, we were inundated unwrapped intense aroma, color and sbrilluccichio by fat and the taste is unique ... Definitely to be repeated and recommended. Ibergour service is just as we describe.

December 31, 2010
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Molto buono con troppo scarto e grasso un po giallo sicuramente dovuto ad una lunga stagionatura che premia il buon livello di essiccazione. Comunque lo comprerò di nuovo

Very good to waste too much fat and definitely a bit yellow due to a long maturation period that rewards the good level of drying. Anyway buy it again

December 26, 2010
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parfaitement conforme aux attentesperfectly in line with expectations

excellent produit parfaitement emballé, livraison dans les délais prévus, saveur excellente, présentation parfaite . tout était décrit sur le site internet ibergour

excellent product well packaged, timely delivery, excellent flavor, perfect presentation. everything was described on the website ibergour

December 26, 2010
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Massimo Deamici
Massimo Deamici
Buccinasco Milano
Ottimo prodotto, il mio amico Cristiano Nassetti non sbaglia maiExcellent product, my friend Chris Nassetti never wrong

Ho comprato questo prodotto su consiglio del mio amico Cristiano Nassetti, e come al solito ha sempre ragione é ottimo.

I bought this product on the advice of my friend Chris Nassetti, and as usual, is always right and good.

December 10, 2010
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lyon (France)

Très bon goût caractéristique du Pata Negra, mais nous avons été surpris (nous avons déjà goûté plusieurs épaules de Pata Negra) par la masse de gras qui laissait peu de place forcément à la masse maigre. Bien sûr, c'est un gras délicieux et digeste mais tout de même un peu trop important.
Sinon, très satisfaits du service commercial, transport et suivi de commande !

Preppy characteristic of Pata Negra, but we were surprised (we have already tasted many shoulders of Pata Negra) by the mass of fat which left little room necessarily lean body mass. Of course, this is a delicious and digestible fat but still a bit too much. Otherwise, very satisfied with the service trade, transportation and order tracking!

November 19, 2010
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Giovanna A.
semplicemente stupendosimply amazing

Gusto delicato, dolce, grasso trasparente: notevole è dire poco.
Ottimo come sempre l'organizzazione Ibergour.
Sarà un prodotto che comprerò ancora.

Delicate, sweet, fat transparent remarkable is an understatement. Ibergour Excellent as always the organization. It will be a product that will buy still.

November 7, 2010
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Alvaro B.
Alvaro B.
Me ha tocado la paleta mala, supongo.Touched my palette bad, I guess.

No lo he pesado, pero lo que he podido aprovechar de la paletilla ha sido poco, muy poco. Me puse a limpiar y lo unico que pudimos comer es la parte mas pegada al hueso. No mas de 300grs. de una paletilla de 4,5-5 kgs; por lo tanto, la proporcion es algo cara. Era todo grasa pura sin una sola beta. No habia visto nunca nada igual, practicamente sin musculo. La parte de la maza muy seca, y la contramaza lo comentado anteriormente. Una pena. Probare suerte de nuevo cuando se me olvide este desencanto.

I have not weighed, but I could take advantage of the shoulder has been very, very little. I began to clean and the only thing we eat is the most attached to the bone. No more than 300grs. a shoulder of 4.5 to 5 kgs, therefore, the proportion is somewhat expensive. It was all pure fat without a beta. Had never seen anything like it, practically no muscle. The part of the club very dry, and contramaza the comments above. A pity. Proves lucky again when I forget this disappointment.

November 1, 2010
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schöner schinken prompte Lieferungnice ham prompt delivery

super schinken lecker wenn er alle ist gerne wieder
saftig eigentlich wie erhofft wa rsein geld absolut wert
auch das fett einfacher super lecker

super delicious ham when he is all happy again really juicy as wa expected rsein money absolutely well worth the fat easier super delicious

October 30, 2010
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como siempre insuperable¡¡¡as always insuperable

Gracias a IBERGRUP comemos la mejor paleta del mundo, el aceite que le acompañaba de regalo tambien excelente...repetiremos como siempre

Thanks to IBERGRUP eat the best palette of world oil gift accompanying him also excellent as always ... repeat

October 24, 2010
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mai nulla è sparito più velocementenothing has ever gone faster

Dovreste venderlo scrivnedoci sopra che crea ASSUEFAZIONE !!!! Ottimo è sparito in un attimo e c'era la fila per averne ancora, la cosa mi porterà alla rovina!

You should sell that on scrivnedoci addictive!! Excellent disappeared in a flash and was in line to have again, it will bring me to ruin!

October 15, 2010
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Doug Stuart
Doug Stuart
Lincoln, UK
Excellent ham, fast delivery

This is a lovely shoulder - the best I have ever tasted. It is also great knowing there have been no preservatives or other junk added. Joselito is expensive but worth it.

October 3, 2010
Miguel V
Getafe, España
Un producto excelenteAn excellent product

La presentación del producto ya indica bastante de la calidad que atesora.
El precio, para lo que suele costar en otros establecimientos, es bastante ajustado.
Por tanto, es un producto altamente recomendable como pequeño capricho y para ocasiones especiales.

The product presentation and quality indicates very treasured. The price, which costs in other establishments, is pretty tight. It is therefore a highly recommended as a little whim and special occasions.

September 27, 2010
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de sabor no está mal pero tiene mucho mucho desperdicionot bad taste but has a lot a lot of waste

Compré una paletilla de Joselito pensando que era lo mejor que existía en el mundo porque así me lo dijeron algunos charcuteros y sin embargo, aunque de sabor no está mal, pero no excelente como pensaba, tiene mucho desperdicio, no hay casi carne. ¿Habré tenido yo mala suerte?

I bought a shoulder of Joselito thinking it was the best thing in the world because that is what I said some butchers and yet, although taste is not bad, but not great as I thought, has a lot of waste, there is almost no meat. I Have I had bad luck?

September 12, 2010
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Attilio Bernuzzi
Polesine Parmense (Italia)
Acquisto JoselitoPurchase Joselito

questa è stata la mia prima esperienza di acquisto su Ibergour, e devo dire,che la puntualità delle informazioni relative al prodotto e alla spedizione sono veramente efficaci e ottimali.
Il prodotto è di ottima qualità;
sicuramente farò altri acquisti.

Dear, this was my first experience buying on Ibergour, and I must say that on-time product information and shipping are very effective and optimal. The product is of excellent quality will surely other purchases. Thanks

August 22, 2010
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Shoulder by a unique taste, Season to perfection, tasty and very tasty, only sin, BONES TOO!, With the knife you make small cuts, WITH EXCELLENT WITH TAGLIOLINI Piadine Romagnoli and crude oil in the pan and Ham!

August 19, 2010
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Sencillamente inmejorableSimply unbeatable

Tanto el producto como el servicio de Ibergour son inmejorables. En 48 horas la paletilla estaba en el domicilio lista para ser catada. Dicen que los "Joselito" son los mejores jamones del mundo... No nos queda duda!

The product and service are unbeatable Ibergour. In 48 hours the shoulder was at home ready for catada. They say that "Joselito" are the best hams in the world ... We have no doubt!

August 15, 2010
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Si pero con un pero como le comente al comercial.Yes, but with one but as you tell your business.

Es mi segunda paletilla, compre la de 6kg, cuando la vi tenía muy buen aspecto, de fuera tenía muy buena presencia.Cuando la empece le encontre un defecto para mi, que fue que estaba seca para mi gusto, he seguido con ella, aunque es verdad que me dijeron que me la cambiaban, pero me quede con ella porque parecía que luego igual no estaba tan seca.Para mi, de la manera que me gustan, esta demasiado seca, eso si tiene muy buen gusto solo que mi punto es mas tierna.
Es el unico pero que le encuentro si no fuera por eso estaría muy buena, asi que sitiendo mucho la dejo como que no esta mal.
Un saludo.

It's my second blade, buy the 6kg, when I saw had a good look from outside was very good presencia.Cuando the defect found it started for me, it was that was dry for my taste, I followed it, though is true that they told me the change, but I stick with it because it seemed like it was then so seca.Para me as I like this too dry, so if you have great taste my point is only that more tender. It is the only but I find it not for that would be very good, so leave as much sitiendo not bad. A greeting.

August 2, 2010
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JOSELITO SHOULDER IS MY FIRST, AND IT IS MY PLEASURE, is what I expected. HEALING FROM BEGINNING TO THE BONE IS OMOGENEA, EL SALADO just and savory, like most of the pallets are high in fat, I UNDERSTAND HOW SOMETHING IS NORMAL I want this SAPS AND SDC. THINK OF THAT FAT BAD, THE YELLOW ON THE OUTSIDE IS SMALL. Hopes to buy some more and that I go out that good. THANKS TO BUSINESS TELEPHONE who examined me and advised me. A GREETING

August 2, 2010
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July 10, 2010
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Producto perfectamente presentado y con el delicioso sabor que caracteriza a Joselito. La presentación en lonchas finas y bien cortadas es muy práctica por lo cómodo de tener jamón a punto en cualquier momento.

Product perfectly presented and delicious flavor that characterizes Joselito. The presentation and well-cut slices is very practical for the convenience of having ham at any time point.

July 4, 2010
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Silvia Glez
Silvia Glez
Antequera, Andalucia

Llevo comprando paletilla de Joselito diez años y nunca he tenido ningun problema. Lo raro de mi caso es que a mi no me gusta ni el jamon, ni la paletilla de ninguna marca(si he probado 5J , q por cierto m decepciono bastante). A los q critican la grasa, decirles q es el encanto de la paletlilla, esa grasa q se desahece en la boca. Si no lo sabes apreciar, pasate al jamon. Por cierto, yo q soy mas de salchichon, chorizo y esas cosas, he de decir q exceptuando los de mi pueblo, Joselito se lleva la palma, quedas bien siempre.

I've been buying Joselito shoulder of ten years and never had any problems. The strange thing is that my case I do not like either the ham or shoulder of any brand (if I tried 5J, q m pretty disappointed by the way). For the critical q fat, say q is the charm of the paletlilla, q is desahece that fat in the mouth. If you do not know how to appreciate, pasate the ham. Incidentally, I am more than q sausage, chorizo and stuff, I must say q except my people, Joselito takes the cake, you are good forever.

July 1, 2010
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Gute Qualität aber sehr viel Speck dran !Good quality but very much bacon turn!

Ich habe mehrmals gekauft weil die Abwicklung seriös und die Qualität gut ist. Das letzte Produkte war Paletilla ibérica de bellota Joselito Gran Reserva - DESHUESADA de 2,0 Kg. Ich hatte dieses Mal großes Pech. Der Speck und Fett Anteil war mindestens 50 %.. Die Qualität ist gut aber der Preis ist dafür sehr hoch.

I have bought several times since the settlement seriously and the quality is good. The final product was Paletilla ibérica de bellota Joselito Gran Reserva - DESHUESADA de 2.0 Kg this time I had very bad luck. The fat and fat percentage was at least 50% .. The quality is good but the price for it is very high.

June 21, 2010
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La verdad me arrepiento de no haber comprado mas sobres de 100 gramos para la ocasión “nos quedamos con las ganas”, pero esto tiene solución. Bueno vamos al tema: El envío fue rápido (2 días), el embalaje muy correcto, el jamón magnifico; muy buen sabor en boca, buen olor, excelente textura, buen corte (fino) aunque no cabe ninguna duda que un corte a mano es lo suyo. El único inconveniente encontrado, la difícil tarea de sacar las lonchas del embalaje de una sola pieza (deberían de poner separadores entre alturas de lonchas).

I really regret not buying more packets of 100 grams for the occasion "we are left with the desire," but this has a solution. Well get to it: The shipment was fast (2 days), the packing is very correct, the wonderful ham, very good taste in mouth, good smell, good texture, good cut (fine) but there is no doubt that a cut hand your thing. The only drawback found, the difficult task of packing the slices out in one piece (they should have to put spacers between heights of slices).

June 11, 2010
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Estocholmo, Suecia
Mi quarta paletilla JoselitoMy fourth shoulder Joselito

Abrimos anoche mi quarta paletilla Joselito Gran Reserva 2007 con la parte de la contramasa. Que estupendo sabor quedando en boca y aun los dedos por horas atras una cena completa. Y que color mas rica de granate semitransparente y translucente de vidrios en catedrales goticos con flechas de alabastro de grasas infiltradas. Que otra cosa para comer existe tan rica que el mejor carne de cerdo iberico de bellota curado como esta paletilla? Una cosa muy simpatico en mi opinión es la la sencilla receta tradicionál: nada mas que la materia prima y sal. nada de conservantes, ni de azucares o de additivas conservantes aprobadas

We opened last night my fourth shoulder Joselito Gran Reserva 2007 to the part of the contramasa. What great taste in the mouth and even running his fingers for hours behind a complete dinner. And most rich garnet color and translucent semi-transparent glass in Gothic cathedrals with arrows alabaster infiltrated fat. What else to eat there so rich that the best pork cured Iberian acorn as this shoulder? A very nice thing in my opinion is the traditional recipe simple: nothing but the raw materials and salt. no preservatives, no sugars or preservatives additive approved

May 29, 2010
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Estupenda paletillaFantastic shoulder

merece la pena ,esta buenisima ,gracias por este manjar recomiendo comprar aqui pues son muy eficaces ,yo la pedi por la mañana y al dia siguiente ya estaba

worthwhile, is hot, thanks for this dish I recommend buying here because they are very effective, I pedi in the morning and the next day and was

May 23, 2010
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Dublin, Ireland
Good for those who enjoy strong flavours

The paletilla shoulder is much stronger in its taste than the regular ham. I have tried and enjoyed both, especially with Manchego cheese, which in the case of the paletilla ham mixes perfectly the flavours.
Those who find it too strong, try serving it with quality olive oil,or with a few slices of goat cheese with a little honey. You will be surprised.

May 21, 2010
Nacho Gutiérrez
Nacho Gutiérrez
Para repetirTo repeat

EL producto es ya de sobra conocido, con todas las garantías de calidad propias de la marca. Pero era la primera vez que pedía a IberGour y desde luego, es para repetir, un trato excepcional en todos los sentidos. Rapidez en la respuesta a las cuestiones planteadas, en la tramitación y envío del pedido.
Sin duda, repetiremos.

The product is already well known, with all the guarantees of quality own brand. But it was the first time asked IberGour and of course, is to repeat, an exceptional treatment in all respects. Fast response to issues raised, in processing and shipping the order. Without doubt, repeat.

May 18, 2010
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montauban france

Ce jambon est superbe, avec beaucoup de goût.
Juste assez de gras qui de toute façon est polyinsaturé a 80%
Tres different de l'epaule de Maldonado que j'avais acheté ici au debut de l'année
Gout tres prononcé
Je prepare une fete pour acheter une epaule joselito à faire gouter aux amis

This ham is superb, with great taste. Just enough fat, which already has a 80% polyunsaturated Very different from the shoulder of Maldonado that I bought here at the beginning of the year very strong flavor I prepare a feast to buy a shoulder joselito friends to taste

May 18, 2010
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Vorderschinken Paletilla Joselito 'Gran Reserva' "Bellota" - 100 gramm AufschnittJoselito ham Paletilla 'Gran Reserva' "Bellota" - 100 grams sliced

Verliert leider durch den Versand etwas an der grandiosen Konsistenz ... ansonsten einer der besten Schinken! Feinste Marmorierung, grossartiger Geschmack - Joselito at it's best!

Unfortunately lost by sending something to the grandiose consistency ... otherwise one of the best ham! Fine marbling, taste great - Joselito at it's best!

May 18, 2010
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Jaime S.
Madrid, España
Una opcion seguraA safe option

Siempre es una opcion segura, pero es mejor el jamon, mucho nombre que suele ester a la altura, pero elevado precio, la diferencia excesiva no se justifica.

It is always a safe option, but better the ham, making a name for the ester usually high, but high price, the excess is not justified.

May 11, 2010
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david ruiz
El mejorBest

Compre una paletilla Joselito y el resultado es que es el mejor jamón que he comido en toda mi vida, todo el mundo debería de poder probar este jamón, ya que es un producto que tiene un sabor inclreible, en definitiva esta muy bueno

Buy a shoulder Joselito and the result is that it is the best ham I've ever eaten in my life, everyone should be able to try this jam, since it is a product that tastes inclreible ultimately is very good

May 4, 2010
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No tengo palabrasI have no words

Paletillas Joselito que he comprado tres vezes sin duda merece las 5 estrellas. La primera de un lote piezas exeptionales de 36 meses con textura, apariencia, olor y sabor insuperable y en perfecto equilibrio aun mas. Solo puedo comparar esta pieza con una paletilla de fabricación y curación familiar que compró en una aldea Andaluza de Huelva hace mas de 30 años

I bought Joselito Shoulders thrice certainly deserves 5 stars. The first batch of 36 months exeptional pieces with texture, appearance, smell and taste second to none and in perfect balance even more. I can only compare this piece with a blade manufacturing and healing family bought an Andalusian town of Huelva for more than 30 years

April 30, 2010
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Esposito Enrico
Parigi, Francia
il migliorebest

Appassionato della Spagna e delle sue prelibatezze tra le quali il prosciutto Pata Negra Bellota.
Joselito a mio avviso é uno tra i migliori che ho provato fino ad ora.

A lover of Spain and its specialties including ham Pata Negra ham. Joselito in my opinion is one of the best I've tried so far.

April 28, 2010
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Dirk Fiebelkorn
Dirk Fiebelkorn
Engelskirchen, Deutschland
Der Perfekte Schinken!The Perfect ham!

Der Joselito 'Gran Reserva' "Bellota" ist meiner Meinung nach der beste Schinken der Welt!
Der einzigartige Geschmack und die immer gleichbleibende Qualität überzeugen mich jedes Jahr wieder.
Ibergour hat ein tolles Preis Leistungsverhältnis und einen super Kundenservice!
Bei Händlern aus Deutschland würde man ein Vielfaches mehr für so ein Spitzenprodukt bezahlen!
Ich freue mich schon auf die folgenden Bestellungen bei Ibergour

The Joselito "Gran Reserva '" Bellota "is opinion, the best ham in the world! The unique taste and consistent quality always convince me of my back every year. Ibergour has great value for money and a great customer service! Dealers from Germany If you would many times more for a top product pay so I'm looking forward to the following orders with Ibergour

April 28, 2010
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Buono anche se un po' troppo grassoGood although a bit 'too fat

Buon prodotto peccato sia risultato un po' troppo grasso.
Penso che nella lista di prodotti manchi Pata Negra a pezzi circa (2-3kg) disossato che diverrebbe prodotto più accessibile come prezzo.

Good product is the result sin a bit 'too fat. I think the list of products missing pieces about Pata Negra (2-3kg) boneless product that would become more affordable as the price. Greetings

April 28, 2010
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Qualcosa di celestialeSomething heavenly

Appassionato di prodotti di qualità ho provato ad ordinare una spalla Joselito gran riserva. Appena ricevuta è stata una sorpresa. Una qualità eccelsa, un sapore unico. Anche il servizio di Ibergour è stato inappuntabile.
Sicuramente seguiranno molti altri acquisti. Joselito e Ibergour si sono guadagnati la mia fiducia

Passionate about quality products I tried to order a shoulder Joselito Gran Reserva. Receipt was a surprise. An excellent quality, unique flavor. Even the service was impeccable Ibergour. Surely followed by many other purchases. Joselito Ibergour and have earned my trust

April 28, 2010
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Albert S.
Albert S.
Barcelona, España
Lástima del exceso de grasaPity of excess fat

Joselito es garantía anticipada de una buena compra, aciertas seguro en sabor, punto del jamón... en este caso lástima que la paletilla tiene exceso de grasa.

Joselito is a guarantee in advance a good buy, you hit certain flavor, ham item ... in this case pity that the shoulder has excess fat.

April 23, 2010
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Roberto M.
Roberto M.
Madrid, España
Siempre te sorprendeYou always wonder

La paletilla es excelente. Sabía que acertaba con la compra, pero siempre te sorprende un producto de esta calidad. Sobresaliente la paletilla y el servicio de ibergour. Enhorabuena.

The shoulder is excellent. I knew was right with the purchase, but it always surprises you a product of this quality. Excellent neck and shoulder ibergour service. Congratulations.

April 22, 2010
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Barcelona, España
jamón aromáticoaromatic ham

Es un jamón muy bueno aromático de fina textura con un punto ráncio en algunas partes que no desmerece en absoluto. La única pega que le puedo encontrar es que bajo mi punto de vista podría ser un pelín menos salado.
La presentación en loncheado muy buena. Sus lonchas son finas y enteras.

It is a very good ham aroma of fine texture with a stale point in some parts that does not detract at all. The only downside that I can find is that from my point of view might be a tad less salty. The slicing very good presentation. His slices are thin and entire.

April 20, 2010
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Juanjo A.
Villanañe, Alava
Descartando la última experiencia...Dismissing the ultimate experience ...

Descartando la última experiencia que hemos tenido (en lo profundo de la paletilla no estaba bien curada; se veía como la carne estaba cruda), debo decirles, y asi lo atestiguan los últimos pedidos, que siempre hemos comprado paletillas Joselito porque realmente está muy bueno el jamón. No es de estrañar la reputación que tiene. Si hemos de ponerle algún pero es que en alguna ocasión hemos topado con alguna paletilla que tenía mucho tocino; pero bueno, compensaba el gusto y la calidad del jamón.

Discarding the last experience we had (in the depth of the shoulder was not well seasoned, it looked like the meat was raw), I should say, and so attested by the recent orders we've always bought Joselito shoulders because it really is very good ham. It is not strange reputation it has. If we put some but is that on occasion we have encountered some who had much pork shoulder, but hey, up for the taste and quality of the ham.

April 9, 2010
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Elisabetta C.
Elisabetta C.
Parrano, Italia
Veramente eccezionaleTruly exceptional

E' la prima volta che compro i vostri prodotti e sono molto soddisfatta. La spalla Joselito è veramente eccezionale. Tornerò sicuramente a fare acquisti da voi.

It 's the first time I buy your products and I am very satisfied. Joselito shoulder is really terrific. Will surely return to make purchases from you.

April 9, 2010
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Lleida, España
Ha superado en gusto a todos los anterioresHas exceeded all previous taste

He comprado otras paletillas y otros jamones ibéricos de bellota. Esta paletilla ha superado en gusto a todos los anteriores comentados, ha salido muy gustosa y el punto de sal esta perfecto. Muy buen esta paletilla, muy gustosa, estoy muy contento con mi compra. Primero estaba receloso, ya que he tenido algunos problemas con una marca conocida que tuve que cambiar 3 jamones, pero esta ha salido muy buena.

I bought other shoulders and Iberian ham. This shoulder has exceeded all previous taste commented, came out very tasty and the salt is perfect. Very good this shoulder, very tasty, I really happy with my purchase. At first I was apprehensive because I had some problems with a known brand that I had to change three hams, but this has turned out very good.

April 9, 2010
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Lorenzo F.
Lorenzo F.
Millesimo, Italia
Un vero punto di riferimentoA true landmark

La spalla joselito non ha tradito le mie aspettative:dolcissima molto delicata con una persistenza in bocca unica.un vero punto di riferimento per chi vuole avvicinarsi al prodotto.

The shoulder Joselito did not disappoint my expectations: very delicate with a sweet after taste unica.un true point of reference for anyone who wants to get the product.

March 29, 2010
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José Ángel S.
Alicante, España
Extraordinaria curación y grasa infiltradaExtraordinary healing and intramuscular fat

Excelente paletilla. Es la primera vez que compro Joselito y estoy muy satisfecho. Destacaría la extraordinaria curación ( mejor que la de 5J ) y su grasa infiltrada. Tengo que decir que me parece que sabe menos a bellota que 5J pero sólo un poco menos.

Excellent shoulder. It is the first time buyer and am very pleased Joselito. Highlight the extraordinary healing (better than 5J) and intramuscular fat. I have to say that I seem to know less 5J acorn but only a little less.

March 29, 2010
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Marc G.
Marc G.
Barcelona, España
Jamón excelenteExcellent Ham

Es un jamón excelente con mucha calidad y mucho prestigio! Un acierto en la elección y servicio del producto!

Ham is a very excellent quality and high prestige! A wise choice of product and service!

March 4, 2010
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Jerónima V.
Jerónima V.
La Fresneda, España

La paletilla Joselito estupenda, el servicio bueno y profesional, la entrega rápida y en perfecto estado, una compra que desde luego repetiría.

Joselito shoulder great, good and professional service, fast delivery and in perfect condition, a course repeat purchase.

February 24, 2010
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Poole, England
An ideal way to try different hams

I have only ever eaten Pata Negra in Spain before sending for a sliced pack of Gran Reserva Bellota ham from you. It is an ideal way to try different hams for someone who either cannot keep a whole leg or shoulder or who wants to try them without going to the expense of a larger amount. The sliced 100g packs I received were delicious, perhaps not quite as moist as cut fresh from a leg, but superb flavour. I have re-ordered some different packs this time and I look forward to trying them. The service and information you provide is excellent and I learned a lot about the various pigs and qualities. I rate IberGour five stars. Thank you.

February 1, 2010
Corinne B.
Corinne B.
Labrede, France
Un très bon bellota …A very good acorn ...

un très bon bellota, très bonne texture en bouche toutefois un peu trop salé ce qui supérait le goût de noisette du gras ! Merci toutefois de votre enquète.

a good acorn, very good mouthfeel but a bit too salty what supérait nutty taste of fat! But thank you for your inquiry.

January 25, 2010
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Xavier T.
Castellbisbal, Barcelona
Pequeño homenajeSmall tribute

Quiero dedicarles este pequeño homenaje al buen hacer y mejor comer. Si este Jamón se perdiere, cosa que puede acontecer, ruego a quien lo herede sepa suceder. No es de Conde, ni Condesa. Tampoco de Marqués. Es a Joselito, al que hay que agradecer.

I dedicate this small tribute to the good work and better eating. If the ham is lost, something that can happen, I pray to know who inherits it happen. Not Count or Countess. Neither of Marquis. It is Joselito, who is to be appreciated.

December 30, 2009
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Norbert Meyer
München, Deutschland
Der beste Schinken (verpackt)The best ham (packaged)

Der beste Schinken (verpackt) den ich bis jetzt gegessen habe.

The best ham (packaged) I have eaten so far.

December 14, 2009
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Carlos G.
Carlos G.
Puertollano, España
Habré tenido mala suerteHave I been unlucky

La maza la valoro con un 4 estrellas y la contra maza con 3. Sinceramente, esperaba más de una paleta de Joselito "gran Reserva Bellota". He tenido oportunidad de probar jamones ibéricos de distintas procedencias y precios, pero era el primer Joselito que compraba (ciertamente, sólo una paletilla, pero para mi mujer y yo era más que suficiente) y esperaba más. Habré tenido mala suerte.

The club's value with a 4-star and three against mace. Honestly I expected more from a palette of Joselito Gran Reserva Ham. " I have had opportunity to test Iberian hams from different sources and prices, but it was the first Joselito who bought (of course only one shoulder, but my wife and I was more than enough) and expected more. Have I been unlucky.

December 10, 2009
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Salvador Z.
Salvador Z.
Malgrat de Mar, España
Era practicamente como un jamónIt was almost like a ham

La verdad es que la paletilla estaba a la altura de su precio. Con este tipo de producto normalmente acabas "cansandote" del mismo sabor pero este no fué el caso. Excepcional, sobretodo por su peso, era practicamente como un jamón y de gusto el mejor que he comido.

The truth is that the shoulder was at the height of the price. With this type of product generally just "cansandote" of the same flavor but this was not the case. Outstanding, especially for its weight, it was almost like a ham and taste the best I've eaten.

December 4, 2009
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Alessandro B.
Alessandro B.
Firenze, Italia
Rapporto prezzo qualità eccellenteExcellent value for money

grazie a voi ho risolto un problema , "Quello di mangiare del buon prosciutto Iberico in Italia". La qualità è ottima con una grande scelta e una rapporto prezzo qualità eccellente ! Velocissima la spedizione molto bella la confezione anche il " Jamonero" e di buona qualità.

thanks to you I solved a problem, "What to eat good Iberian ham in Italy." The quality is excellent with great choice and excellent value for money! Very fast shipment packing also very beautiful "Jamonero and of good quality.

November 30, 2009
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Gerard T.
Gerard T.
Taradell, Barcelona
Me salió mala, muy saladaI went bad, very salty

El servicio fue excelente. La paletilla me salió mala, muy salada. Lo comuniqué a ibergour y al dia siguiente me vinieron a buscar la paletilla y me la cambiaron sin ningun coste adicional. Muy buen trabajo.

The service was excellent. The shoulder came out bad, very salty. I communicated to ibergour and the next day I came for the shoulder and I changed it without any additional cost. Very good job.

November 30, 2009
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Jesús S.
Jesús S.
Ponferrada, León
Dejaba mucho que desearLeft much to be desired

Nos encanta el jamon pero esta paleta dejaba mucho que desear, tanto en sabor como en curacion.

We love this palette ham but left much to be desired, both in flavor and healing.

November 18, 2009
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Norman F.
London, England
Slices looked very aged

The flavour and aroma of this was very good but let down by the very dry nature of the slices (very chewy) looked very aged.

November 9, 2009
Jesús M.
Jesús M.
Zamudio, España
Punto óptimo de secado en bodegaOptimum drying in warehouse

Me parece uno de los mejores jamones que he comido, siempre tiene un punto óptimo de secado en bodega y me gustó el detalle del cubrejamones.

I think one of the best I have eaten ham, always has an optimal point drying in warehouse and I liked the detail of cubrejamones.

October 26, 2009
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Ernst S.
Lesmo, Italia
Speravo in un prodotto di qualità miglioreI was hoping for a better quality product

Ad essere sincero speravo in un prodotto di qualità migliore li ho trovati con un retrogusto acido cosa che Non devono avere.

To be honest I was hoping for a better quality product I found an acid taste which should not have.

October 22, 2009
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Raimon R.
Raimon R.
Barcelona, España
Resultado excelenteExcellent result

La paletilla Joselito que adquirimos el pasado octubre fue de un resultado excelente, además de un muy buen servicio de envío y rápida recepción. Si tengo ocasión repetiré el pedido.

Joselito shoulder we acquired last October was an excellent result, and a very good service and fast shipping receipt. If I have occasion to repeat the request.

October 21, 2009
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Daniele Z.
Leivi, Italia
Molto stagionata ed estremamente saporitaVery seasoned and very tasty

È molto stagionata ed estremamente saporita, ottima da gustar da sola accompagnata da un buon vino rosso corposo tipo Chianti.

It is very seasoned and very tasty, very good to enjoy alone, accompanied by a full bodied red wine like Chianti.

October 12, 2009
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Jesús A.
Jesús A.
Logroño, España
Saladisimos, incomibleSaladisimos, inedible

Saladisimos, incomible, les avise del problema pero me dijeron que tenia que haberlo comunicado antes, cosa difícil porque no lo abrimos de inmediato.No lo pude utilizar ni para cocinar, fue a la basura. Francamente esperaba otra respuesta-

Saladisimos, inedible, warn them of the problem but they told me I had to have reported earlier, the difficult thing because we are open inmediato.No I could use either for cooking, was in the trash. Frankly expecting another answer

September 29, 2009
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Marta M.
Marta M.
Barcelona, España

La paletilla Joselito "Gran Reserv Bellota" estaba riquísima. De todas maneras, es un producto que ya conocemos y siempre que podemos compramos jamón Joselito.

The shoulder Joselito "Gran Reserva Ham" was delicious. In any case, is a product that they know and where we can buy Joselito ham.

August 31, 2009
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Llorenç D.
Llorenç D.
Barcelona, España
Mi último pedido de jamónMy last order of ham

El último pedido que les hice no fue del todo satisfactorio: 1) Las lonchas eran muy gruesas, 2) El jamón era muy tierno, 3) Por el precio que pagué, se puede encontrar en el mismo Corte Ingles, jamón mejor curado y de corte más fino.

The last order I made was not entirely satisfactory: 1) The slices were very thick, 2) The ham was very tender, 3) For the price I paid, can be found in the same English Court, ham curing and better finer cut.

December 5, 2008
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José María L.
José María L.
Alicante, España
Lonchas un poco pequeñasSliced a bit small

La marca Joselito, en dos palabras, "Im-presionante". Lo único negativo, las lonchas de paleta salían muy pequeñas (quiero pensar que fue por estar deshuesada).

Joselito The mark, in two words, "Im-pressive. The only negative, leaving the slices of very small palette (I think it was because they are boneless.)

December 2, 2008
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Javier S.
Loiu, Bizkaia
Alguna queja por el aspectoAny complaints by the appearance

Ocurre lo mismo que con el jamón, al hacer lonchas en una paletilla entera, aparecen en algunos sobres, los comienzos y los finales de la misma y al que le toca, protesta.

The same thing happens with the ham, the blade sliced into a whole, appear on some envelopes, the beginning and the end of it and it touches protest.

December 2, 2008
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José Antonio L.
Braga, Portugal
De excelente qualidadeExcellent qualidade

De excelente qualidade, como é timbre deste tipo de produtos de espanha, só comparável aos melhores vinhos da mesma origem!

Excellent qualidade as "trance timbre é de produtos de Espanha, só aos melhores comparável MESMA Vinho da origem!

November 27, 2008
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Emilia G.
Madrid, España
El que más me ha gustadoThe one I liked

De todos (5 jotas, extremadura, pedroches), es el que más nos ha gustado. Lástima que no viniese con Jamonera.

In all (5 jacks, extremadura, Pedroche) is the one we liked. Too bad it did not come with ham.

November 26, 2008
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Joan R.
Reus, Tarragona
Sabor mas fuerte de lo esperadoSabor stronger than expected

A mi gusto encontré un sabor mas fuerte y menos graso del que esperaba, de todas maneras es un producto de gran calidad.

For my taste I found a stronger flavor and less fat than I expected, anyway, is a high quality product.

December 4, 2007
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José P.
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, España
Del 1 al 5, un 10From 1 to 5, 10

El porque es simple: es uno de los mejores jamones del mundo y de cuando en cuando tengo la suerte de poder comprar uno de estos.

The why is simple: it is one of the best hams in the world and from time to time I have the good fortune to buy one of these.

March 8, 2007
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