"Paleta" Montefrío D.O. Jabugo Summum (Shoulder Jamon)
Una de las mas gustosas hasta el dia,pero nunca he comprado un jamon o una pateta de Ibergour sin chupar los dedos
One of the tastiest to date, but I have never bought a ham or an Ibergour ham without sucking my fingers
We ordered the front leg and didn’t wait long to receive it with great pleasure. So we were very happy with the service provided.
We enjoyed it very much. It had a lot of fat but we knew it beforehand. The paleta was so tasty as compared to the pre-packed jamon serrano that eating it has been a true pleasure!
Encantados con la compra. Hemos disfrutado esta maravilla culinaria. ¡Repetiremos!
Very good shoulder, I was surprised of the balancing of the taste.I am absolutely happy with Organic Montefrío D.O. Huelva Summum Bellota.
Epaule reçue 48h après l'envoi.
Produit de très bonne qualité, goût équilibré, le gras fond en bouche. La saveur légèrement sucrée est agréable, les arômes intenses.
Bio, sans conservateurs et sans poisons.
Un produit d'exception donc, que nous rachèterons sûrement.
Shoulder received 48 hours after sending. Product of very good quality, balanced flavor, the fat melts in your mouth. The slightly sweet taste is pleasant, intense flavors. Bio, no preservatives and no poisons. An exceptional product therefore, we surely redeem.
Un rêve, un régal. Une longueur en bouche inouïe. Gras fondant. inoubliable. Merci de nous en faire profiter!
A dream, a treat. A length unheard mouth. Based Gras. unforgettable. Thank you for making us enjoy!
Ottima spalla, senza conservanti (a parte ovviamente il sale). Ho acquistato la disossata, arrivata in 2 confezioni sotto vuoto più una confezione con le ossa ottime per un brodo. Pochissimo scarto. Gusto pieno, deciso. Consigliato
Excellent shoulder, no preservatives (except of course the salt). I bought boneless, arrived in 2 vacuum packs more of a package with good bones for broth. Very little waste. Full flavored, decided. Advised
Cela fait deux fois que nous commandons ce produit nous en sommes très satisfait sans doute un des meilleurs que nous avons goutté la prochaine fois ce sera le jambon!s'il vous plait maison ibergour suivez ce produit!
This is the second time we order this product, we are very satisfied. Probably one of the best we've tasted. The next time it will be ham! Please follow home ibergour this product!
Ho già fatto acquisti di altri prodotti e questa spalla è davvero ottima, dal gusto delicato con una giusta percentuale di grasso ben distribuito. Molto comodo il formato disossato per chi ha un affettatrice;
si taglia comunque comodamente col coltello adatto. Sottolineo che è l'unico prodotto in vendita sul sito a non contenere conservanti.
I have already made purchases of other products and this shoulder is really good, delicate flavor with a fair percentage of fat evenly distributed. Very convenient format boned if you have a slicer, anyway you cut it with a knife comfortably fit. I emphasize that it is the only product on sale on the site do not contain preservatives.
Ein sehr großer Teil besteht aus Fett. Man müsste im Verkaufsangebot auf diesen Umstand hinweisen. Der Schinken ist nach meiner Meinung auch etwas zu salzig.
A very large part consists of fat. One would have to point in the sale offer on this circumstance. The ham is in my opinion a bit too salty.
terrible on y reviendra que voulez vous ajouter de plus ! c'est un des meilleur produit que vous détenez suivez le svp!
Terrible that we will return you want to add more! This is one of the best product that you hold please follow it!
C'est du top produit, ça vaut du Jambon , quelle goût , quelle finesse, ça fond dans la bouche.
Un vrai régale !!
This is the top product, it is ham, what taste, what finesse, it melts in the mouth. A real treat!